Film Star Wars: Pogue One

He recognises them because he sees the lightsaber. I can buy them not being individually famous, but they're gonna be extremely well known as a thing. Laser swords.
Basically this.
The Jedi were major figures (not just as special units but as commanding officers) in the clone war AND they are the official reason for the existence of the empire.

I could see people doubting their abilities though. Like some might believe they were just a group of influential people instead of wizards with lightsabers.
Meh, I enjoyed TFA more.

This made me appreciate TFA so much more. Despite the weak story, the new characters were charming and I cared about them. The characters in Rogue One were all boring and grey with zero charisma and little meaningful back story.
Meh, was disappointed. The first 2/3's were a slog for me to watch. The last act was great though.

Didn't really care for any of the characters, and i'm not sure if it was the cinema i was in but the dialogue/voice recording was just so jarring at times it almost felt like it could of be dubbed.

Leave you wondering what the film would of been like after the extensive re-shoots. Looking at trailers/promo footage a lot has been changed.
Who posted that fecking video and why? I thought it was about an older movie till I saw the directors name in the end
Saw it again yesterday in non 3-D and loved it again..
It´s a great standalone film with many great scenes and looks very good.

8/10 or me..
I saw it earlier (IMax 3D) and like TFA I went in not seeing any trailers, posters, spoilers, or basically knowledge of anything. I liked it, 7 out of 10. I can basically recite any of the Star Wars films to you verbatim and know pretty much everything about the lore so I appreciated the fan service and having no idea what characters were going to be in this spent most of the film freaking out about Tarkin/Peter Cushing. There were lots of other little bits I liked such as Bail Organa and they handled Vader well (again had no idea he would be in it and loved hearing JEJ).

The main characters though I didn't really care about, they weren't a very interesting bunch and a lot of the film outside the fanservice stuff and final battle was a bit boring. The final battle was very cool though and it blew my mind seeing actors like the original Red Leader however they did that.
This made me appreciate TFA so much more. Despite the weak story, the new characters were charming and I cared about them. The characters in Rogue One were all boring and grey with zero charisma and little meaningful back story.

Different strokes. I felt the exact opposite about this one. Hated TFA, the actor who played Rey could have been out performed at any school play.

There was too much nodding and winking at the audience in TFA, it was just so self aware. They kept that to a minimum in this film, just enough to make it part of the continuity.
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This made me appreciate TFA so much more. Despite the weak story, the new characters were charming and I cared about them. The characters in Rogue One were all boring and grey with zero charisma and little meaningful back story.
I've never understood the need everyone seems to have for character arcs and back story. In many stories it is essential but I don't think it's always needed if the events are gripping enough (for instance, nearly all the few bits the LOTR trilogy screws up are due to a compulsive need to create character arcs). The emotional impact comes from the situation the characters are in and doesn't need me to identify with them greatly, I feel.

I liked TFA too, where the characters are more critical than the plot. I liked that RO was different.

Oh, and you must have a heart of stone, if the wee screaming lizard guy with the massive mouth dying didn't cut.
This made me appreciate TFA so much more. Despite the weak story, the new characters were charming and I cared about them. The characters in Rogue One were all boring and grey with zero charisma and little meaningful back story.

Aye. Both films had flaws but TFA did a better job of engendering enough goodwill for me to overlook them easier. With RO I couldn't shake the (perhaps unfair) sense that it was a filler fan service cash in.
Absolutely loved it. Much better film than TFA.

My only gripe is it's going to be years until we see Vader again.
Thought it was average. Tbf for me SW is about Jedi and they obviously couldn't put them in so I don't blame them on that plus I find long battles tedious so I should've been prepared to be disappointed.
I didn't bother about the CGI, to focus on that is a bit of nitpicking in my opinion, they did the best they could do. Story was okay I guess, straight forward and explained one of the biggest loopholes in star wars.
But the characters were soooo boring and had zero development, like someone said it really made me appreciate TFA more.
Vader was great tho.
I loved it. Thought it was much much much better than TFA. Action scenes were better than TFA. I thought it was emotional, especially the last half hour and the film did well to portray the hardship and sacrifice the rebels had to undergo to help defeat the Empire. Also, Felicity Jones is a much better actor than Daisy Ridley who was quite wooden as Rey. I thought Jyn Erso and Cassian were much more appealing characters than Rey and Finn. It was quite emotional to see them all die.

Also really liked some scenes. The scene where the shield over the planet is closed and some of the Rebel X-wings can't get through was good. That whole space battle was good. Also the rebel spaceship crashing into the Imperial Starship. Not sure whether a ship as small as that can push a huge Starship though. The ending scene of Vader mauling the Rebel soldiers and them getting the disc away to Leia was good. It was nice to see Bail Organa too. Mads Mikkelsen was good. Felicity Jones and Diego Luna were the standouts amongst the cast. The Tarkin CGI was good.
Who posted that fecking video and why? I thought it was about an older movie till I saw the directors name in the end
Why come into this thread before seeing the film? never understand why people do that, always stay clear of tv and film threads until I'm up to date
I should have specified it was the look. The visual classic Star Wars-ness of it all almost got too much for me. I'm sick of Stormtroopers, desert planets, the Death Star, and I also wasn't a fan of the Darth Vader stuff, or CGI Tarkin (they really could have just left him out). I'm not saying the movie was bad, I'm saying that I hope Lucasfilm doesn't only rehash old plots and old characters. Instead of Death Star stuff, or Obi Wan and Han Solo solo films, why not something or someone new. A whole gigantic fictional galaxy and we're stuck in the same war revolving around the same family.
Think you might need to stop watching star wars stuff if star wars stuff is starting to get too much.
Off to watch this again tonight, child free so I can properly enjoy it without piss breaks, "I'm bored" and "Can we get some more popcorn" interruptions...
Think you might need to stop watching star wars stuff if star wars stuff is starting to get too much.

If "star wars stuff" means getting the same things over and over, then I guess I will.
It was actually good. I expected it to be very bad. If you are into Star Wars saga it's worth watching
I loved it. Thought it was much much much better than TFA. Action scenes were better than TFA. I thought it was emotional, especially the last half hour and the film did well to portray the hardship and sacrifice the rebels had to undergo to help defeat the Empire. Also, Felicity Jones is a much better actor than Daisy Ridley who was quite wooden as Rey. I thought Jyn Erso and Cassian were much more appealing characters than Rey and Finn. It was quite emotional to see them all die.

Also really liked some scenes. The scene where the shield over the planet is closed and some of the Rebel X-wings can't get through was good. That whole space battle was good. Also the rebel spaceship crashing into the Imperial Starship. Not sure whether a ship as small as that can push a huge Starship though. The ending scene of Vader mauling the Rebel soldiers and them getting the disc away to Leia was good. It was nice to see Bail Organa too. Mads Mikkelsen was good. Felicity Jones and Diego Luna were the standouts amongst the cast. The Tarkin CGI was good.

It can when you apply Newton's laws of motion in the vacuum of space ;)
It was okay to good.

It reminded me of a Marvel movie in that the spectacle is expected to hold up most of the movie.

+ Good action sequences, particularly in the second half
+ Well shot
+ Excellent CGI

- Characters were largely flat with little time given to fleshing them out
- First half of the movie jumps around far too much between planets and as-of-yet unrelated characters
- The overall tone is pretty dour, which clashed with the franchise a bit
- The throwbacks and nods to the original Star Wars trilogy got more and more clunky as the movie went on, to the point that the last five minutes was purely dedicated to leaving things exactly as they were at the beginning of a New Hope with no room left for imagination
- Some things made very little sense and seemed to be there because 'because drama', such as Forest Whitaker staying behind or Jyn and Cassian's 'romance'
It was okay to good.

It reminded me of a Marvel movie in that the spectacle is expected to hold up most of the movie.

+ Good action sequences, particularly in the second half
+ Well shot
+ Excellent CGI

- Characters were largely flat with little time given to fleshing them out
- First half of the movie jumps around far too much between planets and as-of-yet unrelated characters
- The overall tone is pretty dour, which clashed with the franchise a bit
- The throwbacks and nods to the original Star Wars trilogy got more and more clunky as the movie went on, to the point that the last five minutes was purely dedicated to leaving things exactly as they were at the beginning of a New Hope with no room left for imagination
- Some things made very little sense and seemed to be there because 'because drama', such as Forest Whitaker staying behind or Jyn and Cassian's 'romance'
Agree with nearly all of that, though I'd rate it as a straight "good". Could've been great with a bit of a re-write.
Contains spoilers:

I didn't buy in to Jyn's speeches. I didn't see her as earning any respect to be able to deliver those speeches yet she seemed to get it straight off the bat. (That said, she is fit, and I see exactly the same happen in the Corporate world...)

The last scene where everyone just starts getting killed off didn't grab me at all. I didn't feel anything. The fact the master switch just happened to pop up in the middle of all hell breaking loose told me they were rapidly trying to wrap it up at that point.

The Vader footage was by far the best bit of the film and they could definitely have got more of him in if they wanted.
Just spilling my opinion before I read through the usual nitpicking nonsense...

Good God that was good. Star Wars porn from start to finish. Genuinely do not think they could have done a better job than that and I love how it tied into a new hope and improved that story in the process. Though I'm sure someone will be along to tell us the timing wasn't quite right or some such other bills hit I don't really care about.
Really enjoyed it, thought it deserved
rolling credits at the start though
and I cant believe people are making a big issue of
Peter Cushing being reanimated in the movie
I thought it was amazingly well done. Good flick and faithful to the Star Wars story, go see it.
Saw it last night, thought it was pretty good - probably my favourite after Empire Strikes Back (which isn't saying a lot given I don't really like most of the films of the franchise and think most of them are pretty poor). It's far from perfect, the first half of the film is rushed and Saw's character is poor (and rather useless), Jyn and Cassian aren't very well developped characters which means ultimately their payoff moments (Jyn's speaches, their deaths) don't really have the emotional impact they should. Still, the second half of the film is great fun, the whole film looks absolutely incredible and the dialogue isn't as bad as in most SW films. I really liked how they managed to really tie the end of the film right into the beginning of A New Hope, it all felt very... clean, I guess.

Oh, Mads Mikkelsen and Ben Mendelsohn were great, and the Darth Vader moments were pretty cool.

I don't think it was half as dark as it's being made out to be, I mean sure it is compared to the other films of the franchise, but ultimately it's popcorn fun. Still, for a SW/Disney film, it was cool to see they didn't compromise on the logical ending.
Is this a movie that someone who has never watched any star wars movie could follow and enjoy? OR is knowledge of the other films too important?
I think it can be enjoyed as a standalone film. There's a lot of nods to the other films and it ties very logically into episode IV, but it's an enjoyable action film.
Is this a movie that someone who has never watched any star wars movie could follow and enjoy? OR is knowledge of the other films too important?
You can enjoy it for the action and the general plot, you'll miss the (many) nods to other films in the series and you might be a bit nonplussed at the ending, but worth seeing if you like action films.
65% - Metacritic.
10/10, Best movie ever!! - Star Wars fans

Sounds about right for the most overrated thing of all time.

Though to be fair, if there was ever one I was going to love, it'd likely be one of the more auteur spin-offs, and I like Gareth Edwards.

But I agree with you & @Gambit about originality. We're living in an age of unparalleled arrested development and nostalgia worship, culturally, in everything from politics to entertainment, and only South Park seems to notice that it's destroying us.
Have you seen it yet Mockney? Curious to know what you thought of it.
I think it can be enjoyed as a standalone film. There's a lot of nods to the other films and it ties very logically into episode IV, but it's an enjoyable action film.

You can enjoy it for the action and the general plot, you'll miss the (many) nods to other films in the series and you might be a bit nonplussed at the ending, but worth seeing if you like action films.

Cheers guys
I've rewatched the first six (going to watch VII again after) after watching the midnight launch of Rogue One.

I feel like the first three are now like early Bond films. They are very much of their time and don't actually stand up that well anymore. The acting is appalling, the pacing is all over the place and the whole thing feels like it was conceived on drugs. I also never understood why Obi Wan disappears (after by far and away the worst lightsaber battle going) when Vader kills him (oooh, 40 year old spoilers) and yet every other lightsaber hit after that results in either wounding or bodies being sliced apart.

The first one especially is really something, C3PO is just too much and everything seems to just flash by without any explanation whatsoever. Luke randomly intercepts something, goes to some random old man who steals him from his auntie and uncle without any sort of interchange and then they appear in the iconic bar and all of a sudden they're in space and there's some beast in a black suit killing the old man who becomes a ghost.

The latter three (or former three in canon) are actually better than I remembered but that's because I remembered them being offensively terrible. The acting is still pretty awful and the whole sense of humour is a bit like the Brosnan Bond films (only worse). The only thing is it's very easy to see how Anakin became Vader. Although to counter that Palpatine becoming Sidious doesn't seem to account for the times when they seemingly appear in different places at the same time. I'm sure someone much more involved in the fandom can explain that to me.

Jar Jar is still one of the worst ideas conceived (same with the gungans, they're almost a parody of the whole weirdly off sense of humour in the entire series). Anakin as a child in Episode I is unbearable and the whole thing is a very thinly veiled chintzy feel good smush film. I really dislike how, much like in the first trilogy, the pacing is so bad that they skim over really important parts of the story like Anakin leaving his mother. It just sort of, happens. His mum just vaguely accepts it and just gives him to Liam Neeson (who doesn't really have a great history of protecting children) and Anakin meekly sort of just goes along with it. The fact that he stopped and turned around for one last hug with his mum before he left was like an afterthought of 'oh yeah, he's probably gonna be a bit gutted to leave his mum, throw some shit in there for that'.

The second and third are a lot better in terms of seeing how Anakin turned and was moulded by Palpatine/Sidious. But it's just an overblown love story.

I feel like if they'd all been done by the ones who've done Rogue One and The Force Awakens the whole series would be a whole lot better.

That said, I still can't help but be a fan of it all. I don't get how that works. Objectively they're ridiculous films in a ridiculous storyline with appalling acting and chintzy humour and yet I'm still a fan. I see lightsabers and hear the music and see massive spaceships firing lasers at each other and explosions and the whole thing just grabs you and you forget about the fact they're all terrible films.

The new ones work because they're a whole lot more serious and gritty. The Force Awakens made me feel all warm inside for all the nostalgic references too.
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