Film Star Wars: Pogue One

:lol: Homage. It's a fecking original story.

Getting a bit absurd now.

Must admit, I thought it was brutal and was totally expecting at least some of the characters to survive because... Star Wars.

The final third in particular was great although a bit disappointed in hindsight that they didn't make more of the actual space fight. still haven't seen a space fight top Return of the Jedi.
I don't get it, how was that a homage? it was nothing like any of the other films IMO. It had some repeat characters but that's fair enough given the films timeline.
:lol: Homage. It's a fecking original story.

I should have specified it was the look. The visual classic Star Wars-ness of it all almost got too much for me. I'm sick of Stormtroopers, desert planets, the Death Star, and I also wasn't a fan of the Darth Vader stuff, or CGI Tarkin (they really could have just left him out). I'm not saying the movie was bad, I'm saying that I hope Lucasfilm doesn't only rehash old plots and old characters. Instead of Death Star stuff, or Obi Wan and Han Solo solo films, why not something or someone new. A whole gigantic fictional galaxy and we're stuck in the same war revolving around the same family.
Must admit, I thought it was brutal and was totally expecting at least some of the characters to survive because... Star Wars.\

I was actually curious about that. None of these characters are seen in the rebellion in the episodes IV-VI, but I was wondering if they'd want to write around it. I'm glad they took the route they did.
I should have specified it was the look. The visual classic Star Wars-ness of it all almost got too much for me. I'm sick of Stormtroopers, desert planets, the Death Star, and I also wasn't a fan of the Darth Vader stuff, or CGI Tarkin (they really could have just left him out). I'm not saying the movie was bad, I'm saying that I hope Lucasfilm doesn't only rehash old plots and old characters. Instead of Death Star stuff, or Obi Wan and Han Solo solo films, why not something or someone new. A whole gigantic fictional galaxy and we're stuck in the same war revolving around the same family.

Unfortunately those characters are fan favourites and so guaranteed to get bums on seats.

Your first point is moot given they did give us new storm troopers and several new ship designs (as well as new weapons etc). But I do agree that they should push away from that timeline and go in a different direction.

It's a bit hard for them though I guess as they don't want to spoil the outcome of episode 8/9. So they add filler films instead. I do think they got it right with Vader though, he had just about the right amount of screen time for me. While Tarkin was needed I suppose given his characters importance. He was above Vader after all in terms of military importance.
I was actually curious about that. None of these characters are seen in the rebellion in the episodes IV-VI, but I was wondering if they'd want to write around it. I'm glad they took the route they did.
Yeah I thought the same. They could have said the group survived and continued to fight the rebellion but their paths with Luke and gang never crossed because this was a f**king intergalactic war. If it was Lucas he may have even just edited them into the original trilogy in the background.

Thankfully they didn't.
I was actually curious about that. None of these characters are seen in the rebellion in the episodes IV-VI, but I was wondering if they'd want to write around it. I'm glad they took the route they did.

Same, I thought they were paving it up so they could have future films with 'mission impossible' type storylines. Instead we got that ending.
I quite liked it, It was dark and a bit gritty. It started a bit slow and jumped around from planet to planet, but it became more enjoyable when it got into its stride. I liked the way it unfolded and I started to realise that everybody was basically fecked.
Space Zatoichi and his mate were good, although it did go a bit ultra-cheese with their little mantra towards the end.

Am I alone in thinking the film could have missed out the Forrest Whittaker character/group entirely and been a better/more streamlined film. Also, why was he breathing through a mask and half robotic? I assume he was supposed to resemble some Anti-Vader figure but they left it all on the cutting room floor, or just decided against it because it was crap?


Actually, why was Vader living in a lava lair? You'd think he'd avoid it after that crap flying lava river fight where he lost all his limbs.
I quite liked it, It was dark and a bit gritty. It started a bit slow and jumped around from planet to planet, but it became more enjoyable when it got into its stride. I liked the way it unfolded and I started to realise that everybody was basically fecked.
Space Zatoichi and his mate were good, although it did go a bit ultra-cheese with their little mantra towards the end.

Am I alone in thinking the film could have missed out the Forrest Whittaker character/group entirely and been a better/more streamlined film. Also, why was he breathing through a mask and half robotic? I assume he was supposed to resemble some Anti-Vader figure but they left it all on the cutting room floor, or just decided against it because it was crap?

I imagine they probably had the idea of his group helping out Rogue One then wrote it out when they realised it was a shit character?
Am I alone in thinking the film could have missed out the Forrest Whittaker character/group entirely and been a better/more streamlined film. Also, why was he breathing through a mask and half robotic? I assume he was supposed to resemble some Anti-Vader figure but they left it all on the cutting room floor, or just decided against it because it was crap?
Yeah that story line was pointless and the way they alluded to Vader was weird. Probably sounded better on paper.
His other palace is on a planet with acid rain all the time. I don't think daisies are his thing.

Acid fumes aren't going to help with his breathing problems. He needs to seriously reconsider his property investments.
2D as I try to avoid 3D where possible.
Thought so. I guess the problem is exclusive to 3D.

Actually, why was Vader living in a lava lair? You'd think he'd avoid it after that crap flying lava river fight where he lost all his limbs.
Dark side force users draw strength from pain/hate/etc so it would make sense for him to live on a planet where his best friend maimed him after he force choked his pregnant girlfriend.
Did you watch it in 3D or 2D? It seems most people who watched it in 2D like CGI-Tarkin and many who watched it in 3D like myself didn't like the CGI.

Tbh, that was something I immediatly though after I watched it in 3D. 3D still seems a bit...wonky at times anyway, so a figure like Tarkin really stood out. I think in 2D it is far less noticeably and one the small scree, you probably won't notice at all.
Between III & IV if so but I wouldn't call it a filler as it has some vital info and it's own characters to make it as a standalone plus it's gluing the two trilogies nicely even though it's more of a classic trilogy story.

The source material from the old canon for Rogue One which was at the beginning a Dark Forces franchise turned into something bigger and had many adaptations. There was enough material to make it a trilogy of movies about just one character - Kyle Katarn (Cassian) so to me personally it'll never be just a filler.

Ah cheers man. Might watch it this week. Only heard good things about this movie.
Wait, where was this lava lair?! I have no memory of this place.

Also I'm not sure you can call Jedi "legends of old" in the original, they were sticking their noses in everything 20 years prior!
Good watch. I think I liked it more than the previous one. But not by much.
Wait, where was this lava lair?! I have no memory of this place.

Also I'm not sure you can call Jedi "legends of old" in the original, they were sticking their noses in everything 20 years prior!
The jedi did nothing but sit on their arses. Some people know of them but regular schmucks might not even know they existed.
Wait, where was this lava lair?! I have no memory of this place.

Also I'm not sure you can call Jedi "legends of old" in the original, they were sticking their noses in everything 20 years prior!

Krennic flew there to talk to Vader. It was the first time you saw Vader in the entire film when Krennic flew to his lava lair and Vader was in his little tank.
His other palace is on a planet with acid rain all the time. I don't think daisies are his thing.

I don't know why he didn't make his base on that planet that was basically sandy white beaches and tropical waters...

He could just hang around beach huts and play volleyball and stuff...would give him something to focus his anger on, and the sun would be good for his skin...
Kind of disappointed we only got to see Vader chop down a few nameless generics. Was hoping he would be more involved in the defense and would have taken down a few of the team.
My favourite bit of Rogue One was the Rebel X Wing pilots, who (like in Episode 4) all looked like just your normal, run of the mill rugged, good looking chiselled types there...they all looked like History Teachers...
I don't know why he didn't make his base on that planet that was basically sandy white beaches and tropical waters...

He could just hang around beach huts and play volleyball and stuff...would give him something to focus his anger on, and the sun would be good for his skin...

He needs his anger, without it he'd be weak.
He needs his anger, without it he'd be weak.

Yeah, but on that planet, all he'd have to worry about was getting his all inclusive drinks, and secretly perving on the women behind his red tinted mask...
I don't know why he didn't make his base on that planet that was basically sandy white beaches and tropical waters...

He could just hang around beach huts and play volleyball and stuff...would give him something to focus his anger on, and the sun would be good for his skin...

He couldn't live on a beach, he doesn't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.
He couldn't live on a beach, he doesn't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.

He's mainly robot anyway...a bit of lubrication and a dust cover and he'd be sweet...he could have different coloured helmets for different occasions...

Multi coloured for Hula night, black for formal evenings, khaki for smart casual...

It would be like Haven Holidays, but with less scousers...
Unfortunately those characters are fan favourites and so guaranteed to get bums on seats.

Your first point is moot given they did give us new storm troopers and several new ship designs (as well as new weapons etc). But I do agree that they should push away from that timeline and go in a different direction.

It's a bit hard for them though I guess as they don't want to spoil the outcome of episode 8/9. So they add filler films instead. I do think they got it right with Vader though, he had just about the right amount of screen time for me. While Tarkin was needed I suppose given his characters importance. He was above Vader after all in terms of military importance.
He never was. Just that Vader respected him enough, and Tarkin was the commander of Death Star (being Grand Moff and all that shit). But the only person who was higher in hierarchy than Vader was Palpatine.

I would guess that the hierarchy was something like:
Emperor (Paplatine)
Heir/Prince (Vader)
Grand Vizier (Mass Ameda)
Important Duke (Tarkin)
Wait, where was this lava lair?! I have no memory of this place.

Also I'm not sure you can call Jedi "legends of old" in the original, they were sticking their noses in everything 20 years prior!
They were 10000 Jedi at any given time (including the younglings) and there were 10 million planets in the Republic (and the independent planets in the known regions like Tatooine). The vast majority of people haven't ever met a Jedi, or met someone who has met a Jedi. Especially considering that most of the time Jedi were just meditating.
He never was. Just that Vader respected him enough, and Tarkin was the commander of Death Star (being Grand Moff and all that shit). But the only person who was higher in hierarchy than Vader was Palpatine.

I would guess that the hierarchy was something like:
Emperor (Paplatine)
Heir/Prince (Vader)
Grand Vizier (Mass Ameda)
Important Duke (Tarkin)

You can't really compare him to Vader because Vader isn't in his chain of command. Tarkin reported directly to the Emperor and had no superior. As Grand Moff he was the highest rank in the Imperial hierarchy under the Emperor. They're probably equal in terms of rank, but they're not really comparable since Vader doesn't have a rank and they both report to the Emperor.
You can't really compare him to Vader because Vader isn't in his chain of command. Tarkin reported directly to the Emperor and had no superior. As Grand Moff he was the highest rank in the Imperial hierarchy under the Emperor. They're probably equal in terms of rank, but they're not really comparable since Vader doesn't have a rank and they both report to the Emperor.
That is fair enough, but I think that they both know that Vader can decide to overrule Tarkin in any moment he chose (or teach him a lesson). However, they had a good understanding with them working together in Clone Wars and after that (Tarkin canon novel), and Vader really respecting Tarkin for his military command, in addition to the scenes happening in Death Star which was under Tarkin command (even in real world, for strategic decisions the commander of the ship makes the decision even in cases when someone higher than him has just happened to be there).

I am not sure that Tarkin always reported directly to Palps. On Tarkin novel, he has first to meet Mass Ameda (the Grand Vizier) before he met Palps.

I think that the main difference is that Vader could overrule everyone bar Palps, but he was outside of chain of command, and was known only to some high officers, with Tarkin being known to everyone.
That is fair enough, but I think that they both know that Vader can decide to overrule Tarkin in any moment he chose (or teach him a lesson). However, they had a good understanding with them working together in Clone Wars and after that (Tarkin canon novel), and Vader really respecting Tarkin for his military command, in addition to the scenes happening in Death Star which was under Tarkin command (even in real world, for strategic decisions the commander of the ship makes the decision even in cases when someone higher than him has just happened to be there).

I am not sure that Tarkin always reported directly to Palps. On Tarkin novel, he has first to meet Mass Ameda (the Grand Vizier) before he met Palps.

I think that the main difference is that Vader could overrule everyone bar Palps, but he was outside of chain of command, and was known only to some high officers, with Tarkin being known to everyone.

Sure he can, but like you said they have a fondness for each other. That's why he released the guy from being force choked when Tarkin told him to and replied 'as you wish'. Even the tagline for the Tarkin book is 'He's the Emperor's right hand... and the Empire's iron fist.' They work together in that book and he isn't a Grand Moff at the start of it.
Sure he can, but like you said they have a fondness for each other. That's why he released the guy from being force choked when Tarkin told him to and replied 'as you wish'. Even the tagline for the Tarkin book is 'He's the Emperor's right hand... and the Empire's iron fist.' They work together in that book and he isn't a Grand Moff at the start of it.
You're right, he becomes Grand Moff later.

He says 'as you wish' (not 'as you command' like he says to Palps who is his superior), because releasing that guy made sense, and he was on Tarkin's ship. You don't do stupid things just because...even if you're high in command. With Vader being a Sith Lord, for him and Palps, he was clearly above any other military rank.

But yep, the most important thing is that him and Tarkin understood each other perfectly well, which made them not clash with each other.
They were 10000 Jedi at any given time (including the younglings) and there were 10 million planets in the Republic (and the independent planets in the known regions like Tatooine). The vast majority of people haven't ever met a Jedi, or met someone who has met a Jedi. Especially considering that most of the time Jedi were just meditating.
I've never seen or met an astronaut, I know they exist! They must have TV in this far away galaxy.
I've never seen or met an astronaut, I know they exist! They must have TV in this far away galaxy.
They might have been busy covering the local events, instead of some dumbass wizards in a planet far far away. You see Kenobi and Jin in Tatooine and no-one (bar Anakin) recognizes them as Jedi. Jin in particular was a very high ranking Jedi. I don't think that the Jedi were that famous outside of Corruscant and the Inner Planets, and after their destruction people forgot about them simply because they were never in most of people lives.
He recognises them because he sees the lightsaber. I can buy them not being individually famous, but they're gonna be extremely well known as a thing. Laser swords.