Film Star Wars: Pogue One

Did anyone watch in 3D? Did it add anything?
The close shots on star destroyers getting damaged were pretty bad ass but I don't think they added whole new elements.
Yeah the only moment where it was particularly impressive in TFA was with a Star Destroyer as well, think I'll give it a miss.
Thought it was a great movie.
I predict that in our lifetime Vader will be brought forward to modern Star Wars via cloning or Force enabled time travel.
His character is just too good to sit on the shelf
The CGI was very noticeable on Tarkin but to be honest there wasn't any other way they could have done it. The technology they used is new and will only improve.
There was lots of ways they could have done it, some have been established for years and they even used some in the film on lesser characters. Gollum was done better in the original lord of the rings films and they were over 13 years ago. They could have used Ben Mendhelson and some makeup mixed with some digital effects and it would have been a hundred times more convincing.
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Main problem with bringing Vader back much more is that James Earl Jones is essential for it, and the guy's 85.
Wonder how many 5 year old boys will be demanding the original trilogy box set after seeing that scene.

Vader solo movie is a given surely now.

I saw it on Thursday and I also thought it was excellent. However, I did go into it expecting disappointment as I'm a cynical 40 year old.
Just got back, and all I have to say is WOW! Magnficient!

I'm not sure exactly how good of a movie it was, but it felt like a perfect homage to the original trilogy. It absolutely nailed the visual and ambient "feel" of the originals, and it felt like it could have might as well been made in the same era as they did. Absolutely awesome, and I believe it was pretty close to what it must have felt like watching the original trilogy at the theatre when the movies first came out.

Edit: Just like @bonusroller I went in expecting to be disappointed, which made it all the more enjoyable.
Wonder how many 5 year old boys will be demanding the original trilogy box set after seeing that scene.

Vader solo movie is a given surely now.

I saw it on Thursday and I also thought it was excellent. However, I did go into it expecting disappointment as I'm a cynical 40 year old.

I hear they're going to do some backstory on the Vader character, make a couple of movies showing how he ends up in the suit. Could be interesting.
So just to expand on my main criticism...

It definitely does a very good job of introducing its characters and making them likeable. You leave feeling disappointed you'll never get to see more of those characters together and so it must have been doing plenty right. But my big problem with the script is that no one makes any choices or changes, which is really the heart of any good story. I know you might say Jyn's story is that of an outcast that decides to die in service of the rebellion, but what she was doing before the events of the film is never made clear. We don't get to see her change. She's just dragged along by discovering and fulfilling her father's sabotage. This isn't a decision or a change of character. It's just finding out new information and acting upon it. Riz Ahmed's character is a defector, but here his change of heart occurs off screen. Chirrut and Baze are similarly thin and simply along for the ride. And finally Cassian. There's some interesting stuff with him, particularly his regret at the things he has had to do for the rebellion, but it's not well explored. He just ends up following Jyn, and her lack of any character growth is again the problem.

Compare 'The Force Awakens', which is by no means a perfect film: It opens with a character we don't even know deciding to right old wrongs by giving a map to Poe. The ensuing village massacre sets up Finn's key decision to defect. Then Rey decides to let BB8 come home with her. Finn decides to leave the First Order by rescuing Poe. Rey and Finn decide to return BB8 to the resistance, both for different motivations, etc, etc. Obviously if you are reading this, you'll know the plot of TFA, but the point is it is driven by character decisions, change and growth in a way that Rogue One is not. The key moments of TFA are character driven. Ren decides to kill his father. Rey decides to embrace her force sensitivity by grabbing the lightsaber. There's nothing like that in Rogue One, and the film suffers for it
Agreed. I enjoyed it a lot (it's fecking Star Wars), but much preferred TFA. The characters in this one fell very flat to me, with the exception of Jyn, the droid and Ben Mendhelson. There's only so many
heroic deaths of characters you have little reason to care about, that can make an impact before you lose patience. Vader having no interaction with the heroes of the film was a bit jarring too, though I loved the ending joining up to the start of ANH.
Also thought that the French actor was a total charisma vacuum. Of all the 'rogues' I found him the least interesting and believable, and couldn't care less about his fate.
Agreed. I enjoyed it a lot (it's fecking Star Wars), but much preferred TFA. The characters in this one fell very flat to me, with the exception of Jyn, the droid and Ben Mendhelson. There's only so many
heroic deaths of characters you have little reason to care about, that can make an impact before you lose patience. Vader having no interaction with the heroes of the film was a bit jarring too, though I loved the ending joining up to the start of ANH.

Yeah, as genuinely fantastic as it was to see him destroying numerous rebels and be a real villain in that sense, I kind of expected him to kill at least one or two of the heroes - doing so would've really put a very dark spin on his role in the movie. Still was great to have in in it though.
Also thought that the French actor was a total charisma vacuum. Of all the 'rogues' I found him the least interesting and believable, and couldn't care less about his fate.
Spanish you mean?

Agreed though,

when he fell down the thing I was like "result, lame death and doesn't get with Felicity Jones", but had a feeling the bellend would survive.

Krennic was one area that this was a lot better than TFA, he was a good villain.
Spanish you mean?

Krennic was one area that this was a lot better than TFA, he was a good villain.
Doh. Excuse my racism.

And I agree, but I enjoyed both Adam Driver and Domnall Gleeson in TFA, thought they played both parts well, even if they were bratty rather than scary. Mendelsohn is just excellent though.
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How would people rate the overall series in order then, now this is out? I'd probably go:


But then I'm probably overrating Rogue One a tad (considered putting it into third place) and may like it less it retrospect if I rewatch at some house party in mid-July and am not watching it fresh on the big screen.
VI (ignoring Ewoks)
Rogue One
VI (remembering Ewoks)
Watched it a couple of hours ago, thought it was good.

I felt this was the movie many wanted to see this time last year, a movie for the real fans. It included so many nods to deeper material, the books, tv series etc. It did a much better job of being a film for the 'fans' than The Force Awakens did, despite the fact that fan service was literally its main job. Here it was much more subtle.

Don't really get the complaints with CGI Tarkin and Leia. After reading this thread I was expecting something like the Han and Jabba hatchet job in the New Hope special edition. After he was introduced, it didn't take me out of the movie at all. I thought they did an excellent job and he was entirely believable.

Krennic was great, a cool villain with much more depth than any of those we saw in the prequels. Liked how he went out too. After his "Oh it's beautiful" line while watching the destruction of that city, for him to die at the hands of the laser in the same way was nice.

Also, I loved how the age-old joke about the 2 metre exhaust port was incorporated into the film and made into a deliberate design flaw. Plus, it was cool how the rebellion were a lot more fleshed out than we've seen before. It's always been very black and white, good and bad guys, but now we've got grey areas on both. From Cassian killing that other good guy at the start, to the defected imperial pilot to those at the base being a threat to the Gyn, I thought it was pretty well done.

Loved Vader too of course. Tied into ep IV beautifully, and I just found myself wanting to stick it on after leaving the cinema. Good film, much better than TFA for me.
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@2 Man Midfield agreed. I can't understand how anyone can like TFA more than this. I don't even like Star Wars and yet I liked Rogue One. Thought it was well-made.

Yeah a very well made movie i thought. I had a few gripes though, that scene where the tiny ship moved the huge star destroyer into the other one was a bit daft. :lol:
Yeah a very well made movie i thought. I had a few gripes though, that scene where the tiny ship moved the huge star destroyer into the other one was a bit daft. :lol:
Yep. Space ships parked that close to each other and one tiny ring guarding the force field for an entire planet. That was crap. Also didn't like that heroic scene with Andor at the end.
VI (ignoring Ewoks)
Rogue One
VI (remembering Ewoks)

Ewoks were a terrible addition to the movies. If only it had been Wookies instead. The Imperial stormtroopers getting out fought by Wookies would've been so much more believable than a bunch of midget monkeys running around with literal stick and stones.
Loved it on the whole.

Vader was great, that scene at the end was really well done, loved it.
K2 was fantastic and had everyone laughing.

Forest Whitaker was completely pointless. He did nothing in the film, he just wheezed a few lines and then decided in the first act 'I've done nothing of note, but now I'm ready to die' also the voice he was putting on was incredibly annoying.

The CGI was very noticeable on Tarkin but to be honest there wasn't any other way they could have done it. The technology they used is new and will only improve.
I think cgi was well done on tarkin and the only reason it felt a bit cgi was because i was actively looking for signs of cgi.
@2 Man Midfield agreed. I can't understand how anyone can like TFA more than this. I don't even like Star Wars and yet I liked Rogue One. Thought it was well-made.
Well there's your answer. You like it more because it's not as much a Star Wars film as TFA and more of a cool action flick.
Well there's your answer. You like it more because it's not as much a Star Wars film as TFA and more of a cool action flick.
Not entirely true. Thought this was a gritty film and had strong characters. TFA, well Kylo Ren is the worst villain I've seen in modern times and most of the nostalgia evoking scenes didn't work for me. Han Solo had a few great jokes but I didn't like any of the characters. Two random noobs managed to whup Ren's ass in a fight, what a joke.

Meanwhile in Rogue One, Vader was proper menacing and genuinely scary. None of the characters are totally dark or light. Jyn only gets into it for her father. Otherwise she doesn't care. It's hard to like rebels or the Empire. Overall much stronger characters, better story, and even better visuals than TFA.
Not entirely true. Thought this was a gritty film and had strong characters. TFA, well Kylo Ren is the worst villain I've seen in modern times and most of the nostalgia evoking scenes didn't work for me. Han Solo had a few great jokes but I didn't like any of the characters. Two random noobs managed to whup Ren's ass in a fight, what a joke.

Meanwhile in Rogue One, Vader was proper menacing and genuinely scary. None of the characters are totally dark or light. Jyn only gets into it for her father. Otherwise she doesn't care. It's hard to like rebels or the Empire. Overall much stronger characters, better story, and even better visuals than TFA.
I wish everyone stopped comparing Kylo Ren to Vader. The whole point of his character in TFA was that he wants to be Vader but is nowhere near close yet. TFA's biggest problem is the third Death Star and how General Hux is basically fantasy Hitler - if Episode VII had a cooler villain like Krennic instead of him, the film would be better.

On a somewhat related note, why is it so that "gritty" automatically equals "good" these days? Not everything has to be gritty and dark. Have some fecking sunshine in your lives, people.
I wish everyone stopped comparing Kylo Ren to Vader. The whole point of his character in TFA was that he wants to be Vader but is nowhere near close yet. TFA's biggest problem is the third Death Star and how General Hux is basically fantasy Hitler - if Episode VII had a cooler villain like Krennic instead of him, the film would be better.

On a somewhat related note, why is it so that "gritty" automatically equals "good" these days? Not everything has to be gritty and dark. Have some fecking sunshine in your lives, people.
Star Wars is driven by its villains, right? Luke's fight against the dark side is so awesome because two of them are superior than all the Jedi combined. Hux and Ren are like dumb and dumber. I didn't like that at all.

As for the gritty part, in this case the gritty film was better. :) I love feel good movies too. If they're well made.
How would people rate the overall series in order then, now this is out? I'd probably go:


But then I'm probably overrating Rogue One a tad (considered putting it into third place) and may like it less it retrospect if I rewatch at some house party in mid-July and am not watching it fresh on the big screen.
Ep 5
Ep 4
Ep 7
Ep 6
Ep 3
Ep 1
Ep 2

I enjoyed it but the second hour of the movie was far better than the first hour.

It does make watching a new hope a knew experience though
Empire Strikes Back
Return of the Jedi
Rogue One
Revenge of the Sith
A New Hope
The Force Awakens
Attack of the Clones
The Phantom Menace
Yep, yep, I totally agree. Either way, by those events Ahsoka is already dead (even if she had survived the events of the finale of season 2 in Rebels), so it was clearly Obi-Wan. Just that for a moment I wanted to be her. I really would have loved if she appeared (and got killed) in this movie, but I guess that it will have to do with a death on Rebels or in a canon novel.

Very few outside SW fans know she exists really, having a hype around this Jedi, who somehow survived Ep 3, and is known to the senator, and then dies, (and there will be tons of emotional music etc) would just be confusing for most viewers given they have no idea who she is.
Main problem with bringing Vader back much more is that James Earl Jones is essential for it, and the guy's 85.
Can't they just record him saying every word in the English language, with every possible inflection?

@Ubik agreed on one thing:
They had a golden fecking chance to kill off the male lead (when Krennic shot him), maybe let Jyn get the transmission through herself, and then got shot by a triumphant Krennic. And then Tarkin destroys the whole place anyway :drool:

More generally
Vader was brilliantly used. Krennic was good. I was hoping for him to use dad Erso to one-up Tarkin but Vader's warning made sure there would be none of that. Tarkin was a good villain too.
Too many rebel characters, they could have lost 1-2 of them so that the deaths became more meaningful.
Needn't have shown Leia, I thought her CG was jarring a bit. Plus too much obviousness, once they showed her ship and especially once they showed her from the back. Her dialogue (and that of a few others) was basically a way to make sure we know the 4th film as A New Hope.
Like with TFA, I thought the dialogue was a bit too much action-movie/cliches.
The first look at the Death Star was great.
New planets! Not deserts! Great!
I'm glad the flaw was not the small hole. That reactor does need ventilation, it was never a problem for me when watching the original.

A halfway competent Empire would have shot the antenna out of the sky first chance they got.
Can't they just record him saying every word in the English language, with every possible inflection?
This may have to be done.

@Ubik agreed on one thing:
They had a golden fecking chance to kill off the male lead (when Krennic shot him), maybe let Jyn get the transmission through herself, and then got shot by a triumphant Krennic. And then Tarkin destroys the whole place anyway :drool:
I did like the shot of the blast racing towards them in a nuke-ish manner, but he really didn't need to be there for that. The defining relationship was her and her father, so should've been her on her own holding the crystal necklace. Would've also made sense, being two things her father made from the crystals for very different purposes. Cassian the third fecking wheel.
VI (ignoring Ewoks)
Rogue One
VI (remembering Ewoks)

Even with the Ewoks, VI is completely redeemed by being a rare movie in which the hero triumphs through non-violence. 3rd best.

Main problem with bringing Vader back much more is that James Earl Jones is essential for it, and the guy's 85.

I wonder how far we are away from believable reconstructive speech synthesis.