Film Star Wars: Pogue One

I think that'll change for different people, I prefer the main story and Jedi wankery personally but I can imagine plenty of people liking this more as a tighter plotted, more straight action based one-off. Was going to say "self-contained" but it's actually almost completely reliant on knowing the other films and caring about them to be invested in it.

Cool thanks. I'll check it out on Monday after the weekend rush.
I'm a bit baffled how everyone on Twitter is raving about this. Suppose I'll have to check it out myself.

One question though - is this better than the Force Awakens (which i thought was a bet meh) ?
Force Awakens was a safe route, almost a cop out in terms of story telling. This one jumps right into classic trilogy lore and adds historical events to the first Death Star campaign. Re-watching A New Hope feels a bit more complete experience knowing a dark and brutal build up leading to Leia lying her ass off to Vader and Tarkin about a diplomatic mission on Alderaan.

In few words, it's a little Star Wars movie about spies, rougues, traitors and scientists. Interesting stuff if you're into details but also provides decent portions of action.
Impossible to achieve in a movie that from the start wasn't meant to focus on Skywalker family.
Yeah I get that they didn't want to make it too grand an entrance and with any other character it's fine to just drop them in (R2, Leia etc) but Vader is essentially the face of star wars for a lot of people and they did give him one of the most striking scenes. I just thought him walking out of the fog and going straight into dialogue was a bit jarring.
Just saw it.

It's truly fecking magnificent. Just incredible.

EDIT: So I've calmed down a bit now. But, yes, the hype is all correct. This was brilliant. It's the best Star Wars movie, bar TESB, and in my opinion vastly superior to TFA. I loved all of it. So many great moments, and all the characters were really good.

But what got me the most, is that it felt like a more grown up version of Star Wars. It's violent, and not really a 'feel good' experience.

Very, very excited. Will watch again.
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Yeah I can see that happening since we've already got a Han Solo as a youngster movie coming up...which seems pointless. This at least gave us some new characters etc even if it wasn't wholly original.

If Disney paid 4 billion for the franchise rights, they'll want their money's worth. The Star Wars Universe could become Disney's version of MCU.
Yeah I get that they didn't want to make it too grand an entrance and with any other character it's fine to just drop them in (R2, Leia etc) but Vader is essentially the face of star wars for a lot of people and they did give him one of the most striking scenes. I just thought him walking out of the fog and going straight into dialogue was a bit jarring.
I hear ya on this one. Vader was always maverick, a rock star way bigger than the Death Star itself... but he was also Emperor's messenger at the time. He was sent there to make pressure on the project without voicing his own opinion on the matter as he clearly wasn't the biggest fan of any technological terrors from the beginning. That could explain his cynical approach in dialogues he had to have with all these career officers who were ready to throw everyone under the bus for personal glory.

For me the perfect introduction was when they showed him swiming in his bacta tank or what was left of him after events in Revenge Of The Sith. It was nothing big but it had that unsettling creepiness needed attached to the scene.

Wouldn't be surprised if Disney make a strictly Darth Vader movie in the future. There's a lot of stories to tell on this matter.
Brilliant, much better than the last one, really enjoyed it.
I quite liked CGI Tarkin, don't know what the rest of you are moaning about.
I loved it. It did everything the prequels failed at and I absolutely loved it.

The Vader scene at the end went a fair way to erasing the memory of the utter douche nozzle Anakin was in the prequels and making him the scary fearsome force he used to be.
I really enjoyed the parts of the movie I saw, the rest was lost during the 10 piss breaks I had to take my kids for...I reckon I missed at least half an hour of the film in 10x3 minute blocks...
If Disney paid 4 billion for the franchise rights, they'll want their money's worth. The Star Wars Universe could become Disney's version of MCU.

No doubt. I suspect they'll do a full Vader movie at some point, and due to his sorta fan favourite status I suspect Boba Fett's a candidate for one too. I'm not big on individual character spin-offs but self-contained movies like this which add to the world are more than alright.
Also a :drool: at the moment the Death Star appears in the sky with the music reaching a crescendo
Also a :drool: at the moment the Death Star appears in the sky with the music reaching a crescendo

The gradual reveal of it, making the base/ship in front of it look tiny by comparison was a superb shot. Film had some very nice visual moments in general.
I hear ya on this one. Vader was always maverick, a rock star way bigger than the Death Star itself... but he was also Emperor's messenger at the time. He was sent there to make pressure on the project without voicing his own opinion on the matter as he clearly wasn't the biggest fan of any technological terrors from the beginning. That could explain his cynical approach in dialogues he had to have with all these career officers who were ready to throw everyone under the bus for personal glory.

For me the perfect introduction was when they showed him swiming in his bacta tank or what was left of him after events in Revenge Of The Sith. It was nothing big but it had that unsettling creepiness needed attached to the scene.

Wouldn't be surprised if Disney make a strictly Darth Vader movie in the future. There's a lot of stories to tell on this matter.
The TV shows are canon so really don't see that happening.
Thought it was feckin great movie

I enjoyed TFA too, but the two couldn't be more different
The TV shows are canon so really don't see that happening.
No stress, Dark Forces was also a canon, especially characters like Kyle Katarn & Jan Ors which they're now called Cassian and Jyn Erso.

You just know they'll milk that cow to the last drop.
No stress, Dark Forces was also a canon, especially characters like Kyle Katarn & Jan Ors which they're now called Cassian and Jyn Erso.

You just know they'll milk that cow to the last drop.
In theory they could do whatever they want but regarding the matter they said:
"Lucas always made it clear that he was not beholden to the EU. He set the films he created as the canon. This includes the six Star Wars episodes, and the many hours of content he developed and produced in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. These stories are the immovable objects of Star Wars history, the characters and events to which all other tales must align."
They literally put the TV show on the same canon level as the movies. And I think they produced rebels themselves so replacing that would be just weird.
Wow I really enjoyed this. Better than TFA in my opinion. Although CGI Tarkin gave me the creeps.
In theory they could do whatever they want but regarding the matter they said:
"Lucas always made it clear that he was not beholden to the EU. He set the films he created as the canon. This includes the six Star Wars episodes, and the many hours of content he developed and produced in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. These stories are the immovable objects of Star Wars history, the characters and events to which all other tales must align."
They literally put the TV show on the same canon level as the movies. And I think they produced rebels themselves so replacing that would be just weird.
Darth Vader is seen in two episodes in Rebels. There are a shitload of stories that can be told about him, without the need of decanonizing Rebels.

The story is sort of bland, there's no really tension or wonder what will happen as it's quite clear from the get go.

Still, we get some cool moments with Vader and the death star laser.
Looking at the first trailer again, think the reshoots may have been to trim the final act a lot (as well as give Whitaker some hair).

Looking at the first trailer again, think the reshoots may have been to trim the final act a lot (as well as give Whitaker some hair).

Yeah, there's definitely a fair bit in the trailer that was either cut or changed around from the movie.

Also, in regards to the trailer vs movie...

Interestingly, I felt like the trailers really framed Jyn's character in a different way to what she was (perhaps intentionally). It seemed like in the trailer she was already a rebel (but perhaps one who went against orders), and that she was leading the band to find the plans/find her father, with Cassian as her main sidekick. Obviously in the movie she doesn't really give a shit about the rebellion until her father dies, and Cassian is more the one telling her what to do. I kind of liked that change although I wonder if the way they made the plot seem in the trailer was intentional or not.
I quite liked CGI Tarkin, don't know what the rest of you are moaning about.

Agreed. First minute of it I was a bit 'meh' but quickly forgot and thought it was really well done.

I loved it. It did everything the prequels failed at and I absolutely loved it.

The Vader scene at the end went a fair way to erasing the memory of the utter douche nozzle Anakin was in the prequels and making him the scary fearsome force he used to be.

Agreed. And yes + :lol: to the spoiler.
Just saw it. Feels a lot more cohesive than any other of the films and singlehandedly makes IV, V and VI bigger somehow.

The story is sort of bland, there's no really tension or wonder what will happen as it's quite clear from the get go.

Still, we get some cool moments with Vader and the death star laser.

Really? Did you see every one of the leads and supporting members dying at the outset? For a Disney movie, the subject matter and conclusion was incredibly dark and definitive, I thought.

On another note, the showing I went to was full of kids, and as the film progressed, I did wonder what was in it for them or from a child's perspective or in terms of merchandise - a Disney movie not taking the opportunity to milk parents dry is a huge step away from their M.O. I wonder how much discussion there was about this at boardroom level.

I'm not sure what I make of the film. Not to say I disliked it or that it was bad, far from it, just that it's odd to see a big screen Star Wars film with no Jedi and such a grown-up plot/execution/conclusion, if you will.

For those of you who took your kids or watched it with kids in tow, what was their take on it? Has the film left any kind of impression on them at all?
Really? Did you see every one of the leads and supporting members dying at the outset? For a Disney movie, the subject matter and conclusion was incredibly dark and definitive, I thought.

On another note, the showing I went to was full of kids, and as the film progressed, I did wonder what was in it for them or from a child's perspective or in terms of merchandise - a Disney movie not taking the opportunity to milk parents dry is a huge step away from their M.O. I wonder how much discussion there was about this at boardroom level.

I'm not sure what I make of the film. Not to say I disliked it or that it was bad, far from it, just that it's odd to see a big screen Star Wars film with no Jedi and such a grown-up plot/execution/conclusion, if you will.

For those of you who took your kids or watched it with kids in tow, what was their take on it? Has the film left any kind of impression on them at all?
Not me you asked, but yes, pretty much. It was quite obvious who would die as soon as they went to get the plans for the death star.
That, and it seems a ton of people are forgetting about the "it's time you contact that jedi friend of yours" comment from the rebel leader. Whena plot-hole fixing movie just forgets stuff, that feeling.

Also, for a disney movie?
Frollo from the hunchback of notre dame wanted to burn the whole city to the ground because a gypsy didn't want to be his mistress.

Simba had to watch his own father get murdered, knew it was by his uncle who then went on to feck his family, oh, and blame him for the murder.

There is just so much shit in disney movies in general, if kids could handle those stuff back then, they should be fine with some bad guy being bad here. Though it not may not be easy to understand anything for them...
For Star Wars, it was a 10/10 for me. Along with Empire. Shits all over TFA.

I'm not comparing it to Citizen Kane etc.
So you hate Star Wars?
The animation/CGI some place at the beginning was poor.
The characters were bland and not fleshed out at all, it was obvious where it was going with them, especially when it was clear that they were going to go and get the plans for the death star.
Them having give R-2 and C-3PO a cameo was also dumb as fuk.
Storm trooper doll, really? In a family that despises the empire?
Where was the jedi the rebel leader mentioned to Senator Organa that he should contact?
"Tentacle-mindfeckporn" in a star wars movie. Then they even managed to make that shitty by going from mindfeck to mindfix with mentioning a fecking name.
It's a bland action movie that fixes a plot hole, nothing more or less, apart from the scenes with Vader.
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So you hate Star Wars?
The animation/CGI some place at the beginning was poor.
The characters were bland and not fleshed out at all, it was obvious where it was going with them, especially at a certain point mentioned in one of the spoiler above along with another annoying thing.
Them having give R-2 and C-3PO a cameo was also dumb as fuk.

It's a bland action movie that fixes a plot hole, nothing more or less, apart from the scenes with Vader.

:lol: Didn't expect you to throw a wobbly.

No, I don't hate Star Wars, I fecking love it. And this movie was the best of the lot, bar TESB. - In my opinion - You don't agree, and I don't care. Horses for courses. Sorry you didn't get the unbelievable enjoyment out of it that I did. Your loss.