Film Star Wars: Pogue One

Force Awakens was a safe route, almost a cop out in terms of story telling. This one jumps right into classic trilogy lore and adds historical events to the first Death Star campaign. Re-watching A New Hope feels a bit more complete experience knowing a dark and brutal build up leading to Leia lying her ass off to Vader and Tarkin about a diplomatic mission on Alderaan.

In few words, it's a little Star Wars movie about spies, rougues, traitors and scientists. Interesting stuff if you're into details but also provides decent portions of action.

So is it basically the filler between episode IV & V? What occurred in between?
:lol: Didn't expect you to throw a wobbly.

No, I don't hate Star Wars, I fecking love it. And this movie was the best of the lot, bar TESB. - In my opinion - You don't agree, and I don't care. Horses for courses. Sorry you didn't get the unbelievable enjoyment out of it that I did. Your loss.
A wobbly?
You are the one who seem unable to accept that people don't love the movie. I'm voicing my opinion, just as you do.
I'm not telling you I hated it and regret going to watch it, I'm just saying it's nothing special at all, and for me, far from 10/10. If everyone goes around saying a meh movie is great, people are going to read that and go in with way too high expectations.
A wobbly?
You are the one who seem unable to accept that people don't love the movie. I'm voicing my opinion, just as you do.
I'm not telling you I hated it and regret going to watch it, I'm just saying it's nothing special at all, and for me, far from 10/10. If everyone goes around saying a meh movie is great, people are going to read that and go in with way too high expectations.

:lol: Christ.

When did I refuse to accept that? I just gave my score, and from there you went about correcting me, having a Kylo Ren hissy fit when I disagreed. I even made the point of saying these were just my opinion. Only Sith deal in absolutes my friend.

Move along, there's nothing to see here.
:lol: Christ.

When did I refuse to accept that? I just gave my score, and from there you went about correcting me, having a Kylo Ren hissy fit when I disagreed. I even made the point of saying these were just my opinion. Only Sith deal in absolutes my friend.

Move along, there's nothing to see here.
Really now?

6/10 movie.
10/10 Vader.

6/10 movie.
10/10 Vader.
10/10 movie
Infinity/10 Vader

It's not a 10/10 movie, not close.
For Star Wars, it was a 10/10 for me. Along with Empire. Shits all over TFA.

I'm not comparing it to Citizen Kane etc.

I gave my score, you felt the need to respond to my scoring, even though you had already shared your thoughts on the movie earlier in the thread.

Instead of calling you out for being a blind fanboy, I tell you why and what I had issues with in the movie, that underlines why for me, it's not a 10/10, then you put up a laughing smiley and say I'm going on a temper tantrum?
Think you need to take a second here.
@Mockney will probably love this film.

65% - Metacritic.
10/10, Best movie ever!! - Star Wars fans

Sounds about right for the most overrated thing of all time.

Though to be fair, if there was ever one I was going to love, it'd likely be one of the more auteur spin-offs, and I like Gareth Edwards.

But I agree with you & @Gambit about originality. We're living in an age of unparalleled arrested development and nostalgia worship, culturally, in everything from politics to entertainment, and only South Park seems to notice that it's destroying us.
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Really now?

I gave my score, you felt the need to respond to my scoring, even though you had already shared your thoughts on the movie earlier in the thread.

Instead of calling you out for being a blind fanboy, I tell you why and what I had issues with in the movie, that underlines why for me, it's not a 10/10, then you put up a laughing smiley and say I'm going on a temper tantrum?
Think you need to take a second here.

Calm down buttercup :lol:
Watched this last night and loved it.

It hit all the right notes and it was different enough to stand on its own (yes, I know you need to know about the timeline, but you know what I mean) but it felt like Star Wars.

For people comparing it to TFA, I'm not going down that route. They're very different films.
Loved it on the whole.

Vader was great, that scene at the end was really well done, loved it.
K2 was fantastic and had everyone laughing.

Forest Whitaker was completely pointless. He did nothing in the film, he just wheezed a few lines and then decided in the first act 'I've done nothing of note, but now I'm ready to die' also the voice he was putting on was incredibly annoying.

The CGI was very noticeable on Tarkin but to be honest there wasn't any other way they could have done it. The technology they used is new and will only improve.

So you hate Star Wars?
Where was the jedi the rebel leader mentioned to Senator Organa that he should contact?

The Jedi she was referring to was Obi Wan Kenobi, it's a set up for A New Hope. Bail replies that he's been in hiding since order 66 (on Tatooine) and then when Mon Mothma tells him he will need an ally and pick someone he trusts and he replies 'I will trust her with my life' he's referencing Leia who is his adopted daughter who then at the start of A New Hope is trying to contact Obi Wan.
Loved it on the whole.

Vader was great, that scene at the end was really well done, loved it.
K2 was fantastic and had everyone laughing.

Forest Whitaker was completely pointless. He did nothing in the film, he just wheezed a few lines and then decided in the first act 'I've done nothing of note, but now I'm ready to die' also the voice he was putting on was incredibly annoying.

The CGI was very noticeable on Tarkin but to be honest there wasn't any other way they could have done it. The technology they used is new and will only improve.
Oh I know they were talking about Obi-Wan, i just found it to be unimportant for the story we we're being served, and a line they could have left out to not confuse people into thinking that he would actually show up in the movie (it was mentioned around the same time that they mentioned that Vader was on his way to the "scene". Also similar to how I think the cameo of R-2 and C-3PO was unnecessary.
Leia at the end I was absolutely for.
Oh I know they were talking about Obi-Wan, i just found it to be unimportant for the story we we're being served, and a line they could have left out to not confuse people into thinking that he would actually show up in the movie (it was mentioned around the same time that they mentioned that Vader was on his way to the "scene". Also similar to how I think the cameo of R-2 and C-3PO was unnecessary.
Leia at the end I was absolutely for.

It was just foreshadowing of ANH that's all, I think it was good that it was included. Anyone who knows Star Wars would know he wasn't going to show up and should have expected a lot of ANH foreshadowing so that the films transition into each other since ANH begins pretty much as soon as Rogue One finishes. Even the R2 scene is useful because it places them there with Leia and ties in how the disc at the end could have been given to R2 in the first place.
It was just foreshadowing of ANH that's all, I think it was good that it was included. Anyone who knows Star Wars would know he wasn't going to show up and should have expected a lot of ANH foreshadowing so that the films transition into each other.
But they already did with the plot itself, and with Leia receiving it at the end?
No need to hinting at Obi-Wan or show R-2 and C-3PO?
Not that it's an issue i can't get over others liking, but for me it was a negative as i felt it was there purely to play on people getting that "i know who you are talking about" feeling/thought.
I see no problem in adding that in, as otherwise why is she for no reason whatsoever calling out for help to him? Bail is the one who connects them. So without him popping up and saying's still a maginal loose end people who of asked to have been addressed.

It was on the whole okay, I didn't find it any better or worse of an experience than TFA, I barely even noticed the CGI, but I don't pay too much attention to it, genuinely thought Tarkin was just a lookalike casting though rather than CGI until someone mentioned afterwards, not sure that's a good or bad thing. Vader was cool. Otherwise despite not watching a single trailer or teaser for it.....pretty straight forward film with very little in terms of surprise, basically just like TFA was.
Like many, I thought it was better than TFA. Also agree that the CGI faces weren't needed; uncanny valley galore.

The story is sort of bland, there's no really tension or wonder what will happen as it's quite clear from the get go.

Still, we get some cool moments with Vader and the death star laser.
Why do you think that? I thought they managed well to infuse the film (especially the third act) with a background level of dread/doom
Loved it on the whole.

Vader was great, that scene at the end was really well done, loved it.
K2 was fantastic and had everyone laughing.

Forest Whitaker was completely pointless. He did nothing in the film, he just wheezed a few lines and then decided in the first act 'I've done nothing of note, but now I'm ready to die' also the voice he was putting on was incredibly annoying.

The CGI was very noticeable on Tarkin but to be honest there wasn't any other way they could have done it. The technology they used is new and will only improve.

Yep. As much as I would have loved if he was referring to Ahsoka (as the Jedi he knows), considering that he had recruited Ahsoka as the head of Rebel Alliance a long time ago and she played a big part on creating the Rebel Alliance, she might have been well dead during these events, and she isn't known from most of the Star Wars fans.

I think it was clearly Kenobi and Leia. 'Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope' makes now sense more than ever.
Yep. As much as I would have loved if he was referring to Ahsoka (as the Jedi he knows), considering that he had recruited Ahsoka as the head of Rebel Alliance a long time ago and she played a big part on creating the Rebel Alliance, she might have been well dead during these events, and she isn't known from most of the Star Wars fans.

I think it was clearly Kenobi and Leia. 'Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope' makes now sense more than ever.

He knows both Ahsoka and Obi Wan though and Ahsoka would be random since she doesn't show up in the original trilogy it would literally be a pointless reference. At least if the films are watched in a chronological order we'd see them mention the jedi, followed by Leia then hunting fo Obi Wan.
He knows both Ahsoka and Obi Wan though and Ahsoka would be random since she doesn't show up in the original trilogy it would literally be a pointless reference. At least if the films are watched in a chronological order we'd see them mention the jedi, followed by Leia then hunting fo Obi Wan.
Yep, yep, I totally agree. Either way, by those events Ahsoka is already dead (even if she had survived the events of the finale of season 2 in Rebels), so it was clearly Obi-Wan. Just that for a moment I wanted to be her. I really would have loved if she appeared (and got killed) in this movie, but I guess that it will have to do with a death on Rebels or in a canon novel.
Not me you asked, but yes, pretty much. It was quite obvious who would die as soon as they went to get the plans for the death star.
That, and it seems a ton of people are forgetting about the "it's time you contact that jedi friend of yours" comment from the rebel leader. Whena plot-hole fixing movie just forgets stuff, that feeling.

Also, for a disney movie?
Frollo from the hunchback of notre dame wanted to burn the whole city to the ground because a gypsy didn't want to be his mistress.

Simba had to watch his own father get murdered, knew it was by his uncle who then went on to feck his family, oh, and blame him for the murder.

There is just so much shit in disney movies in general, if kids could handle those stuff back then, they should be fine with some bad guy being bad here. Though it not may not be easy to understand anything for them...
As soon as they got the plans for the death star is not from the get-go, though. The sense of foreboding became apparent as the film set the tone, so that's not the same as saying everything was obvious from the off. For a Star Wars film, it was extremely fatalistic - these guys are all dead, and that's that. I never thought a mainstream Disney movie would have such an outcome.

I think the sheer scale and catastrophe in this film has no comparison in the Disney universe and it won't do in the future, either. Also, the concept of genocide in a live action film, has that subject ever been broached in a Disney film?
People calling this a "Disney" film is weird, it's the same as calling Pulp Fiction or Trainspotting a Disney film.
Any point watching in IMAX/3D/IMAX 3D?
The 2nd part of the movie is quite a solid audio-visual show so as to make a subjective opinion I would consider watching it in high quality but still... Proceed at you own caution and expectations.

So is it basically the filler between episode IV & V? What occurred in between?
Between III & IV if so but I wouldn't call it a filler as it has some vital info and it's own characters to make it as a standalone plus it's gluing the two trilogies nicely even though it's more of a classic trilogy story.

The source material from the old canon for Rogue One which was at the beginning a Dark Forces franchise turned into something bigger and had many adaptations. There was enough material to make it a trilogy of movies about just one character - Kyle Katarn (Cassian) so to me personally it'll never be just a filler.
It's funded and produced by Disney

It is a Disney movie
Pulp Fiction was distributed by Miramax, who also did Trainspotting in the US.

Anyway, it doesn't have any repercussion on the feel of a film. The only reason they won't make Star Wars really "dark" is that it'll alienate a lot of potential consumers, not because Disney is all about jolly mice.
The world could do with a depressed Star Wars though. Bomb status high or not.
Yeah, I'd love a Wong Kar-Wai directed SW film; a subtle, moody 3 hour film about Yoda's exile on Daggobah.
The film was definitely very fan service-y, the most gratuitous bit being them running into the drunks from Mos Eisley.
It's always the eyes that don't look quite right with CGI.
Enjoyed it for what it was, a nice little filler. Meets expectations as a good movie overall, I suppose, hence the wild love for it, especially in a series that has its share of downers. Vader porn was fun.

I think the only way they can explain the slow mo Obi Vader fight is by somehow insinuating that both cancelled out each others powers to geriatric levels.
Enjoyed it for what it was, a nice little filler. Meets expectations as a good movie overall, I suppose, hence the wild love for it, especially in a series that has its share of downers. Vader porn was fun.

I think the only way they can explain the slow mo Obi Vader fight is by somehow insinuating that both cancelled out each others powers to geriatric levels.
They'll do a re-release and have a CGI Alec Guinness flipping about for that scene to make it more normal.

Vader in the original is actually pretty lame, comes across as subservient to Tarkin and screws up in his little ship.