Film Star Wars: Pogue One

My biggest complaint is that Vader wasn't introduced well enough. I feel like there should have been more of a build up, perhaps a bit more ambiguity about who was being grovelled to (could have been the Emperor etc.) then you hear the breathing or something. It felt a bit like "oh hey Vader's here now". Not bad if that's my biggest complaint.
Impossible to achieve in a movie that from the start wasn't meant to focus on Skywalker family.
Just finished watching it. All the legends are is magnificent. Best Star Wars movie since 'The Empire'.
What's the more that's sound like accelerating but is pronounced differently. That's what the movie experience felt like. I was biting on a straw the whole 2nd half of the movie. Simply a great Star Wars movie.

Didn't know that it was partly filmed in Iceland. Took me out of the movie briefly because Star Wars was happening close to me. Tudyk also does a mean David Mitchell impression.
Fun Movie. Disjointed start, but it gets real good in the last hour.

Ticks all the boxes just as TFA had last year


Just back and I really enjoyed it. Won't elaborate much further since presumably few have seen it but yeah, was very good.


What's the more that's sound like accelerating but is pronounced differently. That's what the movie experience felt like. I was biting on a straw the whole 2nd half of the movie. Simply a great Star Wars movie.


Just finished watching it. All the legends are is magnificent. Best Star Wars movie since 'The Empire'.

Best film I have seen since I don't know when. Maybe most I've ever enjoyed a film. Admittedly I am a Star Wars fan. But hairs were on end, I was bouncing up and down, gnawing on fingers, laughing and wanting to cheer. Never been so involved in a film. Everythng just worked. I will have to go watch it again in 2d this time, 3d is a bit blurry for me.

Unbelievably stupendous.


I've just seen it. Enjoyable but didn't blow me away.


I didn't like it as much as TFA

So just to expand on my main criticism...

I think I basically concur with @Untied here.


Really disappointed. There was some good points but at times the acting fell apart. The film didn't need any cheesy speeches but we got a few and I felt it should have played more like a Guns of navvarone, dirty dozen type of film rather than them pretending it was and really when you get down to it, it was just another rehash of the New Hope, Force Awakens story template again.

and the CGI characters were fecking horrendous. I got the exact same feeling when The Scorpion King was finally awakened.

Saw it last night, really enjoyed it.

Pros - K2 was brilliant (the best lines delivered in a deadpan manner), action and visuals were amazing, tone was great (I didn't feel I was gate crashing a kids movie like i did for the prequels and parts of TFA), Vader going bad ass at the end (was something I had only really seen in battlefront before), the nods to the wider universe (a tad cheesy but come on, these people co-existed)
Cons - Forrest Whitaker (stupid voice, pointless role really), CGI Tarkin (We've come along way with CGI but he was just shy of believable)

I was surprised that the all the loose ends were tied up in the movie. I knew there would be a lot of deaths (it says so in A New Hope) but I thought that Jyn and Cassian woudl survive. I even thought they might end up being Rey's parents. Similarly thought K2 might show up later in the sequels having been decommissioned for some time. How wrong was I? Anyway, back to chopping these onions
The Vader scene on the rebel flagship... I could probably wank to that.

Good clean fun, they even made me care about the characters even though we learn next to nothing about them (which would be my biggest gripe with the film).
If you have no interest in Star Wars i don't know if this would convert you.

I like Star Wars, well I did in my childhood. The last one was clearly a rehash of ANH, I suspect this is one is filled with nostalgia too. Films ought to be about doing things that are new, fresh... heh, like Lucas's original trilogy, and not covering the same old ground decades later.
Funny thing is, despite the widespread criticism Lucas gets for the prequels, one thing they did was try to create something fresh and new, rather than tread nostalgia. It was ambitious, all the same.
Funny thing is, despite the widespread criticism Lucas gets for the prequels, one thing they did was try to create something fresh and new, rather than tread nostalgia. It was ambitious, all the same.

I agree. I'm no fan of the prequels but they're clearly far more ambitious and cinematic.
Funny thing is, despite the widespread criticism Lucas gets for the prequels, one thing they did was try to create something fresh and new, rather than tread nostalgia. It was ambitious, all the same.
A prequel is surely the exact opposite of creating something new? He created a trilogy of movies with an ending that was already well defined, populated by characters we knew would not survive to Episode 4 and bathed it in too much CGI.
Funny thing is, despite the widespread criticism Lucas gets for the prequels, one thing they did was try to create something fresh and new, rather than tread nostalgia. It was ambitious, all the same.

I quite liked the Phantom Menace.. Darth Maul was cool and I liked the dynamic between Obi Wan and Qui gon Jinn. Think that film got overly panned because it was obviously not in the same class as the original trilogy but as a standalone flick, it would have been okay.

Attack of the clones was shite though.
I quite liked the Phantom Menace.. Darth Maul was cool and I liked the dynamic between Obi Wan and Qui gon Jinn. Think that film got overly panned because it was obviously not in the same class as the original trilogy but as a standalone flick, it would have been okay.

Attack of the clones was shite though.
Phantom Menace also introduced the greatest Sith Lord in Darth Binks.
For someone who thought TFA was contrived, re-hashed, rather dull, fan service is there anything for me here or is it more of the same?

I like the Star Wars universe and desperately want to see new, interesting content, but will give it a miss if its anything like TFA.
For someone who thought TFA was contrived, re-hashed, rather dull, fan service is there anything for me here or is it more of the same?

I like the Star Wars universe and desperately want to see new, interesting content, but will give it a miss if its anything like TFA.
Probably not. Without giving anything away:
Contrived - any movie that attempts to place itself at the same time as a movie created 40 years ago would always be somewhat contrived.
Re-hashed - yes, we're going back to a story that has been effectively told and resolved with Episode 4
Dull - Definitely not dull, slow to start perhaps but the action is strong. more reminiscent of the original trilogy
Fan service - chock full

Its a really good movie but if these are your red flags then I think 3 out of 4 are definites.
Looks like I'm in minority look at reviews and comments but I thought Force Awakens was better.

Nahh. TFA was better reviewed (Metacritic) and is the better film, even though it heavily rehashes ANH
Funny thing is, despite the widespread criticism Lucas gets for the prequels, one thing they did was try to create something fresh and new, rather than tread nostalgia. It was ambitious, all the same.

I agree. I'm no fan of the prequels but they're clearly far more ambitious and cinematic.

It's mostly just Lucas throwing in lots of flashy colours all over the place instead of trying to create any genuinely coherent story, though. And the second ones borrows a shitload of imagery from the whole main city is basically a massive rip off of Blade Runner.
I like Star Wars, well I did in my childhood. The last one was clearly a rehash of ANH, I suspect this is one is filled with nostalgia too. Films ought to be about doing things that are new, fresh... heh, like Lucas's original trilogy, and not covering the same old ground decades later.
Oh god yeah. The member berries are strong in this one. Totally pointless as well.
Probably not. Without giving anything away:
Contrived - any movie that attempts to place itself at the same time as a movie created 40 years ago would always be somewhat contrived.
Re-hashed - yes, we're going back to a story that has been effectively told and resolved with Episode 4
Dull - Definitely not dull, slow to start perhaps but the action is strong. more reminiscent of the original trilogy
Fan service - chock full

Its a really good movie but if these are your red flags then I think 3 out of 4 are definites.

So cash grab on the Star Wars name and knowledge that a semi-solid story will get bums on seats or better than that?

Either way seems like I'll catch it when it ends up on Sky.
I quite liked the Phantom Menace.. Darth Maul was cool and I liked the dynamic between Obi Wan and Qui gon Jinn. Think that film got overly panned because it was obviously not in the same class as the original trilogy but as a standalone flick, it would have been okay.

Attack of the clones was shite though.

I get that, they're bad movies but do take risks. They have moments. But from first 40 minutes was all about trade federation even the opening crawl starts with it, then that god awful gungans/droid battle with the anti climatic killing of Maul. Add Jar Jar and the bad CGI. Long list. Also interesting most always include Neeson as a Qui gon as a highlight. He is but for me I'd lose his character all together, Obi Won should have found Anakin and made that bond so much more greater. You could look at all 3 of the prequels and find good moments.
I don't see how anyone that calls themselves a fan of the franchise can skip this one.

I knew Gears of War : Judgement wasn't going to be the best addition to the series after being taken over by a new Studio but I still got it and appreciated it's attempts all the same.
Oh god yeah. The member berries are strong in this one. Totally pointless as well.

As everyone knows it's a cash cow. Hmm how about someone else's vision of SW? Like Batman? Each director has his own adaptation, why is SW different? Why can't Darth Vader look as if he were created 30 years on? Actually let's be honest, that would never happen... But heh it's Star Wars!
I get that, they're bad movies but do take risks. They have moments. But from first 40 minutes was all about trade federation even the opening crawl starts with it, then that god awful gungans/droid battle with the anti climatic killing of Maul. Add Jar Jar and the bad CGI. Long list. Also interesting most always include Neeson as a Qui gon as a highlight. He is but for me I'd lose his character all together, Obi Won should have found Anakin and made that bond so much more greater. You could look at all 3 of the prequels and find good moments.

Pod race was epic. Sound was immense too.
As everyone knows it's a cash cow. Hmm how about someone else's vision of SW? Like Batman? Each director has his own adaptation, why is SW different? Why can't Darth Vader look as if he were created 30 years on? Actually let's be honest, that would never happen... But heh it's Star Wars!
My big fear with the cgi elements in this if it is indeed a try out for the lucas arts tech is that we will be getting constant adventures of the main characters again and again. The further adventures of Luke on Hoth. Han Solo's Fast and the furious. Pricess Leia goes to the mall and gets her favourite Disney items The Movie.
So cash grab on the Star Wars name and knowledge that a semi-solid story will get bums on seats or better than that?

Either way seems like I'll catch it when it ends up on Sky.
Personally it left me wanting to know what Gareth Edward's take on TFA would have been.

It has the same plot-holes and complaints that have always been leveled at Star Wars but I really enjoyed it (while forgiving the issues you might have)
They should have had a rejigged episode 2 as episode 1. Padawan Anakin and Obi-Wan fighting through the clone wars etc with a slow, believable build to him becoming Darth Vader over the three movies rather than the poorly written rushjob it was. They could have explored the relationship between the two of them a lot more and had it more impactful when they eventually fought.
My big fear with the cgi elements in this if it is indeed a try out for the lucas arts tech is that we will be getting constant adventures of the main characters again and again. The further adventures of Luke on Hoth. Han Solo's Fast and the furious. Pricess Leia goes to the mall and gets her favourite Disney items The Movie.

I'd like to think folk'd get bored but I suspect SW fans are different. Anyhow, if they can bring back Peter Cushing and make Robert Downey jnr 17 again, I suppose anything is possible in future.
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My big fear with the cgi elements in this if it is indeed a try out for the lucas arts tech is that we will be getting constant adventures of the main characters again and again. The further adventures of Luke on Hoth. Han Solo's Fast and the furious. Pricess Leia goes to the mall and gets her favourite Disney items The Movie.

Yeah I can see that happening since we've already got a Han Solo as a youngster movie coming up...which seems pointless. This at least gave us some new characters etc even if it wasn't wholly original.
One thing about K - it was really hard not to think of him as Sonny from I, Robot.
Yeah I can see that happening since we've already got a Han Solo as a youngster movie coming up...which seems pointless. This at least gave us some new characters etc even if it wasn't wholly original.

I fecking hope they don't CGI Alden Ehrenreich.
For someone who thought TFA was contrived, re-hashed, rather dull, fan service is there anything for me here or is it more of the same?

I like the Star Wars universe and desperately want to see new, interesting content, but will give it a miss if its anything like TFA.
This movie is different to The Force Awakens, in fact it is very different to any other Star Wars movie. It is darker, more violent, has more surprises and the emphasis isn't on Force sensitive characters. And of course, it is done very well.
I'm a bit baffled how everyone on Twitter is raving about this. Suppose I'll have to check it out myself.

One question though - is this better than the Force Awakens (which i thought was a bet meh) ?
I'm a bit baffled how everyone on Twitter is raving about this. Suppose I'll have to check it out myself.

One question though - is this better than the Force Awakens (which i thought was a bet meh) ?
I think that'll change for different people, I prefer the main story and Jedi wankery personally but I can imagine plenty of people liking this more as a tighter plotted, more straight action based one-off. Was going to say "self-contained" but it's actually almost completely reliant on knowing the other films and caring about them to be invested in it.