Southport knife attack - 3 children dead, 8 children and 2 adults injured

what kind of world do we live in?
This is horror beyond belief, but I was not shocked when I read the news.
Similar thing happened in Dublin last year and only for a man that had a motorcycle helmet as a weapon was able to disarm and stop the mad man it could have been much worse.

How do families even attempt to come to terms with this. :(
Reading the reviews it looks like it's attracted all the right wing boomer types who want to blame young people and the 'libs' for all of societies ills.

I'm not saying you fit this type of profile, so it would be good to get your views on the gist of the book?

Looking at the author he's one of these people who seems to think free speech is under attack. So if he's one of those right wing wackos I wouldn't give him a penny. Your thoughts would be appreciated.
Created a thread over in the General bit of the forum with thoughts
Thoughts with the victims of this truly horrific crime.
I dont have the answer. I think whoever stabbed children must have been mentally ill. Maybe better care for the mentally ill, especially those who are dangerous would help prevent such things.

I'm getting old and i've never been stopped and searched in my life. If i was to get stopped and search even twice a year, whats the chances they'd find something on me?
Must be mentally ill.
what kind of world do we live in?
This is horror beyond belief, but I was not shocked when I read the news.
Similar thing happened in Dublin last year and only for a man that had a motorcycle helmet as a weapon was able to disarm and stop the mad man it could have been much worse.

How do families even attempt to come to terms with this. :(
What erupted after that with tensions so high when as if they needed a reason a certain section ran amok in the city centre near Christmas I think.
what kind of world do we live in?
This is horror beyond belief, but I was not shocked when I read the news.
Similar thing happened in Dublin last year and only for a man that had a motorcycle helmet as a weapon was able to disarm and stop the mad man it could have been much worse.

How do families even attempt to come to terms with this. :(
It can be really hard when dealing with stories like this but I always try and take a leaf from Mr Rogers - look for the helpers!

We are hearing the stories now from the people that tried to defend the kids. The media should focus their attention on them and the victims and stop "wondering" about the motives of the attacker. Giving attackers any sort of "publication" is what their crazed / damaged brains wants. It also encourages others going through a psychotic crisis that they will at "least be remembered" for their potential actions.

Attackers names should barely be mentioned and all the "inside the mind of the attacker" stories pedalled by journalists needs to be stopped. It's counter-productive and encourages other future attackers that they will at least go out in a blaze of tabloid content. Experts have been saying this for years but unfortunately the media wants to pander to OUR need to know more. We need to be protected from our own sense of curiosity by more responsible reporting of these type of events.
All the comments that typically accompany an event like this, rooting for the perpetrator to be/not be a member of whatever demographic or hoping it's somebody who's on the other team politically somehow are really strange, on both sides.

I agree but I can understand though, if you're a Muslim and you're seeing all the stuff being said/speculated/misinformation purposely being spread that one would hope for this evil perpetrator to not be from their community. It's possible to both be heartbroken about what happened to those little kids and at the same time feel a bit on edge because within minutes of it happening, without any facts at hand, so many people were already assuming it's a Muslim migrant. I don't think those hoping it's a Muslim and those hoping that it's not are equal in terms of 'strange'.

Twitter is a horrific cesspool at the best of times, but at times like this, I'm better off deleting the entire app than subject my brain to the endless barrage of horrible, deranged views that is being shoved in my face.
It can be really hard when dealing with stories like this but I always try and take a leaf from Mr Rogers - look for the helpers!

We are hearing the stories now from the people that tried to defend the kids. The media should focus their attention on them and the victims and stop "wondering" about the motives of the attacker. Giving attackers any sort of "publication" is what their crazed / damaged brains wants. It also encourages others going through a psychotic crisis that they will at "least be remembered" for their potential actions.

Attackers names should barely be mentioned and all the "inside the mind of the attacker" stories pedalled by journalists needs to be stopped. It's counter-productive and encourages other future attackers that they will at least go out in a blaze of tabloid content. Experts have been saying this for years but unfortunately the media wants to pander to OUR need to know more. We need to be protected from our own sense of curiosity by more responsible reporting of these type of events.

wise words. Very profound.
Has it come out how he was failed by mental health services yet? Because you can bet it's coming.
I agree but I can understand though, if you're a Muslim and you're seeing all the stuff being said/speculated/misinformation purposely being spread that one would hope for this evil perpetrator to not be from their community. It's possible to both be heartbroken about what happened to those little kids and at the same time feel a bit on edge because within minutes of it happening, without any facts at hand, so many people were already assuming it's a Muslim migrant. I don't think those hoping it's a Muslim and those hoping that it's not are equal in terms of 'strange'.

Twitter is a horrific cesspool at the best of times, but at times like this, I'm better off deleting the entire app than subject my brain to the endless barrage of horrible, deranged views that is being shoved in my face.

Yup. A few times after this stuff has happened my wife has received abuse because of her background/race. Both on and offline. It's grim and why people like GB News should be reprimanded heavily for sharing that initial name and rumour which was fake.
Not sure if it's already been posted, but a third girl has now died. She was 9. The other two girls were 6 and 7.

Shocking and horrible.
Haven’t seen that yet but you can bet it will be followed by the authorities saying that lessons will be learned.
In these sorts of cases I do sympathise with authorities esp in a time where funding has been stripped back bare. I know it brings little comfort to the victims families but what else do you expect them to say?
Its just Horrible isn't it. My little girl is 7 years old. He deserves to die the same way those poor kids did. feck his metal health and his human rights.

I work in a school with children of these ages and the thought of any of them being involved in an incident like this sickens me. Can't imagine what those children (and any adults attacked) must have been thinking or feeling during those moments.
I mean it could get worse with another 5 kids still in critical condition and 2 adults in a bad way too.

My daughter is 6 so it is proper heartbreaking the fear all of these children must've been going through.

And that's another thing - for the other kids in that class, this will likely give them nightmares for years :(
Don’t know what goes through peoples minds! This is getting a joke! You literally can’t take your kids out anywhere anymore!
I mean it could get worse with another 5 kids still in critical condition and 2 adults in a bad way too.

My daughter is 6 so it is proper heartbreaking the fear all of these children must've been going through.

And that's another thing - for the other kids in that class, this will likely give them nightmares for years :(
My daughter’s also turning 6 next week so this hit me quite hard. You’re not safe anywhere anymore.
Do we know anything about the killer? By targeting kids that young it seems like he wanted to make the act as disturbing as possible. Absolute sicko.
Wish I could erase this from my conscious. I'm never letting my kids out of the house again.
Do we know anything about the killer? By targeting kids that young it seems like he wanted to make the act as disturbing as possible. Absolute sicko.
We'll probably find out more this evening as they'll need to charge him as he'll have been in custody for 24hrs, but considering this is a murder charge they can apply to hold him for longer (up to 96hrs) however given the nature of this case I doubt they need that long to charge him.
My daughter’s also turning 6 next week so this hit me quite hard. You’re not safe anywhere anymore.
You both are and never were?

The odds of this happening (and yes including the Dublin one) are pretty much the same as they always have been.
You both are and never were?

The odds of this happening (and yes including the Dublin one) are pretty much the same as they always have been.

probably less because violent crime has been on the decrease for 30 years
I find it so hard to comprehend when there's little children involved. I can't fathom sending your little girl to something as safe, joyful and fun like a dance class and some evil monster walking in a murdering her. I'm finding it very tough to keep reading about this case.
I find it so hard to comprehend when there's little children involved. I can't fathom sending your little girl to something as safe, joyful and fun like a dance class and some evil monster walking in a murdering her. I'm finding it very tough to keep reading about this case.
Yeah it's horrific. I wish I could just wipe the knowledge of this from my brain.
I find it so hard to comprehend when there's little children involved. I can't fathom sending your little girl to something as safe, joyful and fun like a dance class and some evil monster walking in a murdering her. I'm finding it very tough to keep reading about this case.

I think when the story comes out, we'll find this person was clincally insane and should have been locked in an asylum somewhere - not free to wonder the streets and cause this sort of harm.
Jesus, even on 'Following' I am getting tweets with what appear to be photos of the crime scene taken from inside the nearest building, those images will be tough to forget.
Jesus, even on 'Following' I am getting tweets with what appear to be photos of the crime scene taken from inside the nearest building, those images will be tough to forget.
I'd really recommend not looking at crime scene photos of something like this.

Repeated viewing and asking yourself "what could have been done to prevent this?" Is like a high speed route to PTSD.

It's why fire investigation teams have worse rates of PTSD than active firecrew.

I know it’s usual to feel these emotions but it really doesnt help. It's just like many people wishing harm on the attacker/ wishing he had been shot onseen.

Whilst that satisfies our lust for resolution it doesn't help current families.

Indeed if the police can get this guy talking we MIGHT find out something useful like websites/ forums/ conspiracy stuff that he was trawling. If that has some new info that helps police target future [ insert motive / explanation here] attackers then that would be useful.

I'm not thinking this guy is likely to get meaningful rehabilitation in prison/ secure facilities, but he can at least be studied.

It's not much, but it's better than wasting further lives.