Southport knife attack - 3 children dead, 8 children and 2 adults injured

So at the London 'protests', they threw flares at a statue of Churchill. Great patriots.
They're mad because their racist party didn't win more seats at the election. Any opportunity they can find to waddle down the road shouting "Ingerlund" they'll take it, as long as someone gives them an excuse.

Even false information and outright lies that are also pushed by shitheads like GBNews are enough for them. And when it turns out the info was a lie they'll find other excuses. "Well, it could've been true."... "Well, it's happened before innit."... And if those don't work; just shout louder than the other person.

Three little girls are dead and these cnuts don't give a shit about them. They're just wandering around thinking they're God's Gift, the ultimate species, some holy right to do whatever they want. Bunch of fecking morons.
It's pretty absurd. They have been charged, they'll be sentenced by a judge, and then they'll serve whatever sentence they get.

You don't keep people in custody without a sentence if you don't have to, which is usually if it's necessary for the investigation, if the suspect is deemed a flight risk, if there's danger of evidence getting destroyed, or if they're an immediate danger to other people. There's no reason to think any of that's the case, so of course they're released like anyone would be. Yet, according to megabrain over there it's because immigrants.

I've read so many comments on redcafe lately that are pretty indistinguishable from right wing twitter stuff. On topics like this, or protestors, and others.
Yeah, I agree. Brainless, reactionary stuff with no thought to common process. It's always an accusation that following those normal processes is actually the police or judiciary pandering to minorities or political correctness. Basically the same insinuations that get Stephen Yaxley Lennon turning up at a courthouse and jeopardising the outcome of a case he's supposedly outraged by, before getting charged with perverting the course of justice.

It's still a hell of a lot better on here than any other site I have the misfortune to read about issues like this on though.
This sounds like actual pogroms are happening or about to. Very frightening.
The terrorists are the guys organising into groups to torch cars and assault police. It is clearly politically motivated and meets the definition for terrorism as far as I can see.
Hartlepool now.

That's just pure thuggery and should be treated as such. Arrests need to be made.

I'm taking issue with the fact that these are referred to as 'protests' - which I'm not convinced that they are at all.
That's just pure thuggery and should be treated as such. Arrests need to be made.

I'm taking issue with the fact that these are referred to as 'protests' - which I'm not convinced that they are at all.
They aren’t protests. People organising to destroy a mosque is a pogrom.
Another thing with the arrest of that guy: Even if we are to believe the assertation that he was a muslim who was near the vigil with a knife (rather than another would-be rioter looking to join up with the rest), his arrest was at 6:55pm. Many of the rioters had already arrived in Southport and had started downing cans of lager and cider in the town centre. Then they proceeded to attack the same police force that had just arrested this guy as well as the attacker. You've got to be thick as shite to think that story adds up.
You seem to have a problem with the arrest as you seem to keep questioning it?

The riots were never connected to this guy, they were messages on social media on Monday organising which is why I was so surprised by the police preparation in a lack of riot equipment for officers on the Tuesday evening.
Southport, Hartlepool, London - expect a lot more. The far right are organising a summer of chaos and terror. They plan to use the riots to push the political agenda further to the right after being descimated at the elections. All the signs are there - social media is full of racist content being pushed out - this is being done deliberately using bot farms in India and Russia.
Is it going to kick off in Manchester today?

Arrived into Manchester Victoria with lots of police presence (some normal, some armed) and then outside 4-5 police cars/vans.

I don’t use X but if it is does kick off somewhere could people please provide updates? Just incase I need to prompt people to go home early and such.

That's just pure thuggery and should be treated as such. Arrests need to be made.

I'm taking issue with the fact that these are referred to as 'protests' - which I'm not convinced that they are at all.
It's racially motivated assault. He should do time for that.
Two children now released from hospital and the other five in stable condition. Good news.
I don't know about that one. I knew they weren't in the Bulger case, but they were only 10.

It's possible if the judge approves it and there are exceptional circumstances -

Jenkinson, Brianna’s school friend, was identified only as girl X during their trial last December at Manchester Crown Court. Ratcliffe, from Leigh, had been identified only as boy Y.

Both have now been named ahead of their sentencing on Friday. Senior judge Mrs Justice Yip, had previously indicated she would lift a court order banning the press from identifying them. The move bucks the norm of children appearing in youth or crown courts in England and Wales - whether as a victim, witness or defendant - generally not being identified.

Mrs Justice Yip ruled that the media could name the killers when they are sentenced after representations on behalf of the news outlets made by the Press Association and ITN.

Lawyers for the defendants opposed the media application, arguing that it had possible ramifications for their welfare and consequences for their families, including death threats received by Jenkinson’s family.

But the judge said there was “a strong public interest in the full and unrestricted reporting of what is plainly an exceptional case”.

“The public will naturally wish to know the identities of the young people responsible as they seek to understand how children could do something so dreadful,” she added. “Continuing restrictions inhibits full and informed debate and restricts the full reporting of the case.”

Always thought how this forum represents most what people in England think. Or at least half.. but those comments on YT. Shit

If it is comforting, it is same in my country

Listening to that she reports that right wingers have met in their hundreds at the mosque shouting “England till I die” and “Tommy, Tommy Robinson”.

Didn’t they see the report the other day saying Tommy Robinson is Irish not English
In a wider context, politics needs to wise up rather than stirring the pot which the Tories did for years, spinning narratives about immigrants etc. deal with it without stirring people. All they’ve done is recognise what far right are spinning and add to it unintentionally or not. Move away from dirty politics, name calling etc that Trump is normalising (and being copied over here) or the country will test itself apart
You seem to have a problem with the arrest as you seem to keep questioning it?

The riots were never connected to this guy, they were messages on social media on Monday organising which is why I was so surprised by the police preparation in a lack of riot equipment for officers on the Tuesday evening.
No problem other than making sure I had my facts right on it because there's so much conflated and contradictionary info floating around. I want to make sure I'm in full possession of the facts as far as we can be certain about them, as I made the mistake of getting drawn into a conversation about it elsewhere.

Basically I don't want to find myself repeating baseless claims and potentially amplifying disinformation. Some people on other forums seem perfectly happy to stick with their initial comments in spite of evidence to the contrary, whereas I think it's important that facts and evidence form opinions and that those opinions can evolve and change as evidence emerges.
Sure the mis information spread online didn't help, but it did bear all the hallmarks of an islamic extremist style attack.

And with very little official information about the perpetrator released. People will inevitably jump to conclusions.

Tensions are already heightened because of the other events, and I'm not sure how they have been framed? Harehills where am immigrant community rioted and smashed the place up and the police left them to it. Manchester airport where two violent thugs were released from police custody under pressure and protest from an immigrant community.

The accusations of two tiered policing may actually have some legs you know, because the police have seemed more than happy to go in hard and engage with right wing thugs protesting. Who can blame them though they do the same to an immigrant community and the accusations of racism would be rife.

What are these hallmarks?

We're hearing from our colleagues inside the Liverpool Crown Court that a reporting restriction over the name of the suspect in Monday's stabbing in Southport has just been lifted.

We can now report that the 17-year-old charged with three counts of murder is Axel Muganwa Rudakubana, born 7 August 2006.
Sure the mis information spread online didn't help, but it did bear all the hallmarks of an islamic extremist style attack.

And with very little official information about the perpetrator released. People will inevitably jump to conclusions.

Tensions are already heightened because of the other events, and I'm not sure how they have been framed? Harehills where am immigrant community rioted and smashed the place up and the police left them to it. Manchester airport where two violent thugs were released from police custody under pressure and protest from an immigrant community.

The accusations of two tiered policing may actually have some legs you know, because the police have seemed more than happy to go in hard and engage with right wing thugs protesting. Who can blame them though they do the same to an immigrant community and the accusations of racism would be rife.

Who are you calling immigrants?
Listening to that she reports that right wingers have met in their hundreds at the mosque shouting “England till I die” and “Tommy, Tommy Robinson”.

Didn’t they see the report the other day saying Tommy Robinson is Irish not English
That doesn't matter to these lot, what matters is that he's white, that's the only thing they care about, all these excuses that they dislike terrorists, criminal immigrants, groomers etc are just a smokescreen for what they really want - a white only society. .
We're hearing from our colleagues inside the Liverpool Crown Court that a reporting restriction over the name of the suspect in Monday's stabbing in Southport has just been lifted.

We can now report that the 17-year-old charged with three counts of murder is Axel Muganwa Rudakubana, born 7 August 2006.

Think this was bound to happen as his name was all over online already, unfortunately so was his parents and brothers and way more of their info.
That doesn't matter to these lot, what matters is that he's white, that's the only thing they care about, all these excuses that they dislike terrorists, criminal immigrants, groomers etc are just a smokescreen for what they really want - a white only society. .
It just makes me laugh that the person the EDL and all the other nut jobs look up to is Irish. Especially when you think back to the 60s etc “no blacks, no Irish”
Does this mean he's sane if he's being sent to normal prison?

Why wouldn't he be sane?

Doing something unspeakably evil doesn't mean that the individual doing it doesn't comprehend what they're doing.
Has there ever been an Islamist attack in this country targeting children specifically like this?

Well you have.

The harehill situation: rioters from an immigrant population who smashed things up

The Manchester airport situation: Two violent thugs. Released because of protest from an 'immigrant' community, even though some of the people from this 'immigrant', community have potentially had family roots in this country for more than half a century now.

This situation: People will inevitably jump to conclusions, it's two tiered policing etc.

There are literally dozens of injured police officers, a smashed up place of worship and attacks on downing street and a Churchill statue. Wonder what the framing would be if one of the 'immigrant communities' had done this.

Ariana Grande concert immediately springs to mind. Where children were seemingly deliberately targeted.

It's interesting there was a mob of mostly Muslims protesting and throwing eggs outside Rochdale police station last week, the police barely batted an eyelid, they certainly didn't rock up in riot gear and attempt to disperse them.

The same with the harehills riot, but a soon as a white mob gathers and starts protest the riot police come flying in. Claiming them to be far-right thugs some of them undoubtedly are of course. But still I'm sure some harehills rioters or the Muslim protesters would hardly be all good boys or girls.

As an outsider looking in it certainly looks as though certain groups seemingly can get away with more.

Didn't one of the recent 'free palenstine' protest get a bit shirty recently around downing Street and the Churchill statue, I'm pretty sure the police didn't fly in with riot gear on though.

Maybe it's all bollocks but from the outside looking in, it does look like there is a bit of two-tier policing going on.
Why wouldn't he be sane?

Doing something unspeakably evil doesn't mean that the individual doing it doesn't comprehend what they're doing.
I think it's a fair thing to think there might be some serious mental illness at play when a 17 year old(or anyone really) does something like this.
I think it's a fair thing to think there might be some serious mental illness at play when a 17 year old(or anyone really) does something like this.

You could think this about anyone that commits any serious crime.
Why wouldn't he be sane?

Doing something unspeakably evil doesn't mean that the individual doing it doesn't comprehend what they're doing.
I think most people have a motiviation for doing something evil - anger, money, politics, whatever.

I can't imagine what motivation someone like this would have to do something like this - so i assume mental illness.

I've started reading about the motives of the shooter who did the dunblane masscre and other school shooters to understand why someone would do something like this. So far it seems these shooters all target places they feel wronged by. But a dance studio for kids so far away from his home - it just doesn't make sense.
Ariana Grande concert immediately springs to mind. Where children were seemingly deliberately targeted.

It's interesting there was a mob of mostly Muslims protesting and throwing eggs outside Rochdale police station last week, the police barely batted an eyelid, they certainly didn't rock up in riot gear and attempt to disperse them.

The same with the harehills riot, but a soon as a white mob gathers and starts protest the riot police come flying in. Claiming them to be far-right thugs some of them undoubtedly are of course. But still I'm sure some harehills rioters or the Muslim protesters would hardly be all good boys or girls.

As an outsider looking in it certainly looks as though certain groups seemingly can get away with more.

Didn't one of the recent 'free palenstine' protest get a bit shirty recently around downing Street and the Churchill statue, I'm pretty sure the police didn't fly in with riot gear on though.

Maybe it's all bollocks but from the outside looking in, it does look like there is a bit of two-tier policing going on.

As an outsider, you should stick to what you know - which isn't a great deal by the looks of it. Maybe go online and shop for a MAGA had and some tiki torches.

Nobody threw eggs at Rochdale police station, and if anyone did they should have been detained for vandalism.

The Harehill riots were spontaneous, not organised and pre-planned, hence why the police were not able to react as effectively. I bet you don't know the first thing about either of these two issues other than what you read on 4chan.
Ariana Grande concert immediately springs to mind. Where children were seemingly deliberately targeted.

It's interesting there was a mob of mostly Muslims protesting and throwing eggs outside Rochdale police station last week, the police barely batted an eyelid, they certainly didn't rock up in riot gear and attempt to disperse them.

The same with the harehills riot, but a soon as a white mob gathers and starts protest the riot police come flying in. Claiming them to be far-right thugs some of them undoubtedly are of course. But still I'm sure some harehills rioters or the Muslim protesters would hardly be all good boys or girls.

As an outsider looking in it certainly looks as though certain groups seemingly can get away with more.

Didn't one of the recent 'free palenstine' protest get a bit shirty recently around downing Street and the Churchill statue, I'm pretty sure the police didn't fly in with riot gear on though.

Maybe it's all bollocks but from the outside looking in, it does look like there is a bit of two-tier policing going on.
Either there's two-tier policing or, you know, throwing eggs doesn't require the same level of response as throwing bricks and lighting vehicles on fire.