I don't think you should thread ban someone just because you don't agree with their opinion
I didn't.
I don't think you should thread ban someone just because you don't agree with their opinion
To be fair hardly any of the press are discussing the government's huge amount of feck ups during this so their comms team must be doing something right are keeping it all quiet.“our comms have been the best in Europe”
I have friends working in ITU departments in the Uk. They absolutely feel overwhelmed. They’ve never seen anything like it. They’ll probably be traumatised for life. You might be better able to bury your dead than Italy but the impact to your health service (and health workers) has been similar. Look at the number of dead. You’re very close to the Italian toll and several weeks behind them. You will 100% end up with a much worse first wave, unless they have some sort of massive outbreak in the next few weeks.
I think it might be down to the Italian outbreak being restricted to one region for so long. Which meant they had a small number of hospitals pushed a long way past breaking point? Which made good tv for the 24 hour news vultures.
Still, though, the tone of coverage in the Uk is strangely bloodless in comparison to how they covered Italy when you consider they’re reporting on an outbreak that is already on the brink of passing out the Italian experience. Which is presumably how you can make a comment like the one above, telling someone from Italy how you’ve “had it easy” compared to them. When that’s not true at all.
Aren‘t the Nightingale hospitals set up for a very specific kind of treatment? Can they even be effectively used as he wants?
Is that even true though? Those excess death figures in the FT show that Italy’s excess deaths are the highest in Europe by a distance don‘t they? Excess deaths in Lombardy are at 3 times the level of deaths attributed to Covid there officially according to the article. This would explain why we haven’t scene the kind of devastation that came out from there, in part at least.
There wasn’t even that much coverage of Italy here either. People applauded Sky News when they did cover some of the more shocking stuff some people felt the press were not taking it seriously.
No one is saying that they NHS haven’t been overwhelmed and suffered. It’s literally in the press everyday. Where do you think the massive outpouring of gratitude and support for the NHS comes from? Every third house on every street has tributes in their windows the NHS.
To be fair, a @Massive Spanner does go hand in hand with a @Classical MechanicThat was me getting you and @Classical Mechanic mixed up. Again.
To be fair, a @Massive Spanner does go hand in hand with a @Classical Mechanic
Is that even true though? Those excess death figures in the FT show that Italy’s excess deaths are the highest in Europe by a distance don‘t they? Excess deaths in Lombardy are at 3 times the level of deaths attributed to Covid there officially according to the article. This would explain why we haven’t scene the kind of devastation that came out from there, in part at least.
According to figures that the Italian media use 28,710 people have died in Italy
According to the UK government's figures 28,131 people have died in the UK.
I'm not sure if the Italian source is an official number but there's only a difference of 579 deaths between the two.
I’m not all that immersed in the Uk press, so might have got that wrong. Was just a bit stunned when you said you’ve had it easy compared to Italy. You’re usually pretty sensible so that seemed an odd thing to say. I then jumped to the conclusion this influenced by the fact that what little Uk media I have watched has been relatively laid back. So it’s possible I’m adding two plus two to get 5.
Re your first para, excess deaths in Italy and England/Wales very similar. Slightly higher in Italy but that’s to be expected as they’re a few weeks ahead of the Uk.
I didn’t say they’ve had it easy in fairness, just that we’ve not had the level of overwhelming that they had in Italy and same type of really shocking stories. Only some alt-right nutters think that the NHS are tossing it off. The numbers have been terrible for sure and we’ll be one of the worst affected in the world but the services that have copped for it in the end for it have managed it well.
According to figures that the Italian media use 28,710 people have died in Italy
According to the UK government's figures 28,131 people have died in the UK.
I'm not sure if the Italian source is an official number but there's only a difference of 579 deaths between the two.
Are the nightingale hospitals even staffed? You can build hospitals, but if it means you're going to have to split your nursing/doctor resource between them they'll be quite hesitant to use them even if the other hospitals are running overcapacity.
I am sleeping partner in a couple of restaurants: generally speaking, we need 50% table occupancy over a week @ a certain bill size to cover all costs (rent, interest on capital loans, ingredients, salaries) and break even. Generally speaking we'd get between 60-75% table occupancy. Pre virus, we recorded our record ever profits with 83% table occupancy.Even if things eventually go back to normal, pubs won't have the custom they once did, people will realise they didn't need the pubs and probably frequent less.
I personally love the pub though, the locals, the bar staff, I know a lot of people from the local. Alot of people who live alone or retired just go in for something to do and to socialise. Hope my local pulls through. Should do hopefully though.
Yeah. That has been a bit weird. The UK has a thing about dramatising overseas poverty and crises, and completely downplaying domestic equivalents. You see it all through our fundraising and charity appeals. Reporting on terrorism is another example of where we have very short memories of the UK being an epicentre at one point.You haven’t suffered the same sort of strict lockdown as Italy but you have suffered a very similar death toll.
That’s something I’ve noticed about the UK media. They immersed us with footage of crying Italian doctors and reports of a completely overwhelmed health service in Italy, when their crisis was at its peak. But now an epidemic of almost exactly the same scale is happening in the UK it’s getting reported on in a far less emotive manner.
Not a dumb question at all. Asymptomatic transmission is the elephant in the room when it comes to this idea that really aggressive testing and tracing can stop transmission after lockdown. You can’t test and trace people who have no idea they’re infected.
I have my personal hunches on some of the Nightingale stuff, having had colleagues and staff directly involved in the Manchester one. I think they were done with best, sincere intentions by most working on them, but too often the headline grabbing initiatives of NHS organisations end up designed to hit a target but missing the point. Both the tracing app and the 100k testing programme are two other examples.Are the nightingale hospitals even staffed? You can build hospitals, but if it means you're going to have to split your nursing/doctor resource between them they'll be quite hesitant to use them even if the other hospitals are running overcapacity.
Looking at different polls today, will vaccine actually allow us to get back to the normal that we are used to? Here almost half people say they will never get vaccine. If rest of world is similar then the issue will still remain despite vaccine.
How likely is it that Dybala is still infectious after 6 weeks? Isn’t it probable that anyone who tests positive that many times, that long after their first symptoms, is similar to the South Korean cases we read about earlier? And that it would be highly unlikely he’s still contagious, or suffering from symptoms, and ultimately testing positive that long after you first got the virus really doesn’t mean much at all other than simply the fact that he had it in the recent past?
For what it’s worth, I’m not sure what your view on this is but the official NHS advice on their website if I recall correctly is that you aren’t contagious as long as you’ve gone 3 days without a fever, even if you still have a cough.
I think the issue in the media with Dybala is less about him being asymptomatic (he might not have been at the beginning) and more about why he’s testing positive weeks after. This obviously would cause people to panic without them understanding the details.
Of course, in a country with the testing strategy the UK has adopted, asymptomatic carriers are a massive issue and makes tracing basically impossible as long as you don’t test everyone you can.
The Argentine striker was one of the first Juventus players to contract Covid-19, along with Italian defender Daniele Rugani and French midfielder Blaise Matuidi, but has made a recovery.
"He is doing well now, he has no symptoms and is even training. Now he is waiting for the results of the latest two swabs," the source said.Dybala has to respect the healthcare system and the time it takes. He is a soccer player and doesn't get preferential treatment."
Dybala has had four tests overall. The first two tests came back positive but is now currently awaiting the results of the third and fourth tests.
It is unclear when each of Dybala's tests took place.
Had to google the Dybala thing. Was news to me.
My money’s on those third and fourth tests being negative and this being a fuss about nothing.
My head hurts
Does anyone have a good guess why Western European countries have been doing so much worse than Eastern European countries? Especially considering that they have a significantly better medical system.
Also, it is surprising to see the massive difference between Latvia and Lithuania/Estonia, as is that between Slovenia and Czech Republic.
Probably has to do with the amount of international travel. The only reason the virus got off to a start in Norway in the first place is that so many Norwegians went to Austria and Italy and brought it back.
Rigorous measures have been implemented in Eastern Europe. I have heard Hungary and Slovakia have closed schools until September rather early. In Serbia you are asked not to leave your house in the evening and on weekends. Some of the countries have closed their Airports completely. These are just some examples....![]()
Does anyone have a good guess why Western European countries have been doing so much worse than Eastern European countries? Especially considering that they have a significantly better medical system.
Also, it is surprising to see the massive difference between Latvia and Lithuania/Estonia, as is that between Slovenia and Czech Republic.
Yep, I guess so. Originally, I come from Kosovo, and the measures (who started before the first identified case) have been extreme. When a case was identified in a municipality, the entire municipality was put under quarantine. And when the number started increasing, then any person was able to leave their house only for 1.5 hours per day (based on the last digit of their ID). More or less everything was shut down (schools were shut down a few days before the first case).Rigorous measures have been implemented in Eastern Europe. I have heard Hungary and Slovakia have closed schools until September rather early. In Serbia you are asked not to leave your house in the evening and on weekends. Some of the countries have closed their Airports completely. These are just some examples....