SARS CoV-2 coronavirus / Covid-19 (No tin foil hat silliness please)

We closed schools ahead of them, that's it. This mythh about us being proactive is just that, a myth.
What are you talking about?

There was more than schools closed. We were in the containment phase from March 12th.

I was working from home on govt advice and we'd already cancelled Paddy's Day while the UK allowed Cheltenham to go ahead.
That’s just not true. We took multiple proactive steps before them. I remember because we were getting more stringent advice than the mother-in-law in England at the time, and it was driving us bonkers that she was still going into London etc because they hadn’t been told otherwise

ROI also took a much more proactive approach to testing & tracing, which is rather crucial.
The easing of the lockdown and in particular any relaxation on social spacing is going to take various 'unlock' stages spread out over different time periods and it appears each sector will have to make plans to suit its own needs.
The hospitality industry will probably face the worst of this and be hit the hardest. Government backed assistance plans might include the usual rent holidays, rates rebates, etc. but also where an outlet can show its business plan operated in profit over the previous year and show how this will need to be amended over the next year and can still demonstrate a return to profitability with reasonable business assumptions and risks; then government backed funding/interest free loans of some kind, not just furlough, but investment in the business, new lighting, seating, upgrading of toilets, kitchens ,even some basic property upgrades that normally would require closure to complete, could all be considered. Also short-term changes to the business model, deliveries, change of product/service range, etc. could all be planned and taken into consideration. Those businesses that can shown to be already ahead with business planning, should be at the front of the queue.

In an industry like hospitality the fact that all your competitors are likely to be in the same place as you should spur owners/managers to get up early and get ahead start, definitely in any recovery those who 'snooze will loose'.
Sweden claim to have a R number of 0.85 since 25th April.
Was over 3 in late Feb - early March, 1.4 at start of April and below 1 since 21st April.

Full story:

I saw this. Sweden has only tested 117k acc. to worldometer, so maybe a pinch of salt on that info. But.. IF it is correct, that would mean people are doing what they are asked to do and the model works except for the nursing home situation. I hope that is correct as it would give hope to many nations where one can do the same "middleway" approach until a vaccine.

Sidenote : Yesterday, Norway had its first day without any corona deaths since the first death in march. We are down to very small numbers now, typical 30-50 new infections per day, and only 28 on Respirator and 85 in total in hospital. I expect those numbers to rise again though as we are reopening more and more.
Boris was advising away until his heart was content, he was telling the public not go to to clubs etc for a while before they closed it down. The advice was there, its the actions that count.
I just have an overall problem with how this was handled from the start. There were calls for special protection of care homes that were ignored, there had to be a public outcry to cancel Paddys Day and the pubs themselves etc etc. Leo was even out in America in anticipation of it. We thundered ahead with closures and speeches while in discussion with NI, not informing them about our actions and pissing them off to the point an all island plan was abandoned and proclaiming our pokiticians to be grandstanding
We arent even performing that well per capita, we just spent the first few months condescendingly laughing at Boris and Trump while doing little ourselves to the point we were blaming nurses for not washing their hands for the entire spread and the UK even went into lockdown before us. Our early assessment has as many goof soundbites as the other countries that are so called struggling.
Our governent, by and large, doesnt act until theres a demand for it. Face masks is the next demand that theyll give in to.
I just think its all a bit of a myth and im rambling a bit but the difference between us and UK is their government were voted into power and ours want to work their way back in. Thats why they give into public outcries which seems proactive on the surface but thats all it is.
I know that you have an issue with who is still in power but on the face off it, they have done a decent job to keep the numbers down. Could have been so much worse. Imho of course.
Yesterday had a first meal and a pint outside of my own place, surreal feeling. In the city centre all of the outside terraces were packed yesterday due to great weather but minding all the social distancing required between the tables, 3 people max per table, everyone with masks, disinfectant fluid on every table. Apparently, the city council allocated a certain amount of sq. meters for every restaurant to be able to put up their own outside terrace all over the city. All in all a positive experience.
Haven't they admitted that they are including test that have been sent out in the post as well, but not yet done? They are definitely manipulating the figures to make themselves look good.

Don't doubt that for a second. My wife has symptoms and because we are over 65, I requested home test kits.

The first thing you have to do is to register them and I am pretty sure that this counts as a test even though the samples will not be collected until tomorrow, Sunday and the results will then take at least a further few days.
Yesterday had a first meal and a pint outside of my own place, surreal feeling. In the city centre all of the outside terraces were packed yesterday due to great weather but minding all the social distancing required between the tables, 3 people max per table, everyone with masks, disinfectant fluid on every table. Apparently, the city council allocated a certain amount of sq. meters for every restaurant to be able to put up their own outside terrace all over the city. All in all a positive experience.
+ Very hopeful gov allows us playing football outside again in two weeks time as well. It will be interesting how we will handle opening up our borders though.
+ Very hopeful gov allows us playing football outside again in two weeks time as well. It will be interesting how we will handle opening up our borders though.

Where are you?
Haven't been following the sweden arguments in here to much, but arent they doing considerably worse than there neighbouring countries?

We went through this yesterday @arnie_ni, the Swedish cities (Gothenburg and Malmö) that had an early half term (week 7-8) are doing very well. The massive county of Skåne which includes Malmö has just 70 deaths and 22 people currently in ICU.

Stockholm had week 9 and is doing way worse.
We simply have no idea how much virus was in each country in mid-March so comparing at this point is daft. Compare at the end of Summer at the earliest I’d say. Even within Sweden the difference is enormous between cities.

Just because a country is a neighbour doesn’t mean they all got the same dose in late Feb/early March, New York State and it’s neighbours show us this.

That said, the curve is flat, which was the plan all along and even in hardest hit Stockholm, the ICU number today is just 188 people*, down from a peak of 232 on 23rd April.
They believe the R-number is below one now based on hospital admission stats.


Deaths per day is also past peak:

Now if, and it’s a big if, antibody tests prove the health ministry correct about 26% infected in Stockholm region as of yesterday, they are some promising signs.
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I saw this. Sweden has only tested 117k acc. to worldometer, so maybe a pinch of salt on that info. But.. IF it is correct, that would mean people are doing what they are asked to do and the model works except for the nursing home situation. I hope that is correct as it would give hope to many nations where one can do the same "middleway" approach until a vaccine.

Sidenote : Yesterday, Norway had its first day without any corona deaths since the first death in march. We are down to very small numbers now, typical 30-50 new infections per day, and only 28 on Respirator and 85 in total in hospital. I expect those numbers to rise again though as we are reopening more and more.

I think hospitalised patients alone tells them alot about the R-number. I don’t think they need to be testing a hundred thousand a week to know that.
Amazing news with Norway, it’ll creep up now but I’m hopeful they will do a better job in care homes, especially as antibody tests become more and more accurate.
Boris was advising away until his heart was content, he was telling the public not go to to clubs etc for a while before they closed it down. The advice was there, its the actions that count.
I just have an overall problem with how this was handled from the start. There were calls for special protection of care homes that were ignored, there had to be a public outcry to cancel Paddys Day and the pubs themselves etc etc. Leo was even out in America in anticipation of it. We thundered ahead with closures and speeches while in discussion with NI, not informing them about our actions and pissing them off to the point an all island plan was abandoned and proclaiming our pokiticians to be grandstanding
We arent even performing that well per capita, we just spent the first few months condescendingly laughing at Boris and Trump while doing little ourselves to the point we were blaming nurses for not washing their hands for the entire spread and the UK even went into lockdown before us. Our early assessment has as many goof soundbites as the other countries that are so called struggling.
Our governent, by and large, doesnt act until theres a demand for it. Face masks is the next demand that theyll give in to.
I just think its all a bit of a myth and im rambling a bit but the difference between us and UK is their government were voted into power and ours want to work their way back in. Thats why they give into public outcries which seems proactive on the surface but thats all it is.

It seemed like you had an axe to grind alright.

I think they've done quite well overall and I wouldn't have been a huge fan of FG but they've handled it better than I expected them to.

You seem to be giving out that we didn't take action sooner but also complaining that we went ahead with our plans regardless of what the they were doing in NI so you're not making a huge amount of sense to me.

On the per capita figures I don't believe they are a good judge anyway as they tend to make countries with larger populations look worse.

The UK are looking like finishing with the highest number of deaths in Europe so the situations really don't compare at all.
How long do people think this will last?

Idealistically i think till next April. Realistically i am thinking late 2021.
Don't doubt that for a second. My wife has symptoms and because we are over 65, I requested home test kits.

The first thing you have to do is to register them and I am pretty sure that this counts as a test even though the samples will not be collected until tomorrow, Sunday and the results will then take at least a further few days.
Hope you and your wife are fine.
Hope you and your wife are fine.

That is very much appreciated my friend. Thank you.
My wife has had a cough for over 4 weeks and has lost her sense of taste and smell. Her breathing is often tight. So on that basis, we request the kits.

I have to say that, primarily because Amazon delivered the kits exactly when they were scheduled, and the testing kits are easy to perform, with a video instructions, the process is pretty simple.

Hopefully we will be negative.

Thank you.
It seemed like you had an axe to grind alright.

I think they've done quite well overall and I wouldn't have been a huge fan of FG but they've handled it better than I expected them to.

You seem to be giving out that we didn't take action sooner but also complaining that we went ahead with our plans regardless of what the they were doing in NI so you're not making a huge amount of sense to me.

On the per capita figures I don't believe they are a good judge anyway as they tend to make countries with larger populations look worse.

The UK are looking like finishing with the highest number of deaths in Europe so the situations really don't compare at all.

I listened to Dr Liam Fox yesterday saying that the UK figures, as a rate per population, put the UK in the middle of the European deaths rate.

However, using the available numbers and dividing by the country's populations, we are still very close to the top.
Moreover, he actually said that we were about the same deaths rate as Germany. Which is complete rubbish.
And he must know that he is telling lies, but said it as if it was a fact.

We are not even close to Germany as a rate.

So. Trust me I am a Doctor???
Well my pulse ox meter arrived, and it helped allay some fears. Sats all at a good level and have established a good set of baseline readings now.

The irish government strategy plan is detailed, well thought out and depressing all at the same time. Looks like my planned holiday is a no go and no chance of delaying it until later in the summer.

Given their numbers have been lower than UK I can see that the government willhold back on giving such detail. It's a hammer blow to hospitality, tourism and travel sector.

They will be forced to either nationalise or prop up several huge businesses that will be going to the wall if the UK copies the Irish government's homework. (Boris has form for doing this with Europe).
Well my pulse ox meter arrived, and it helped allay some fears. Sats all at a good level and have established a good set of baseline readings now.

The irish government strategy plan is detailed, well thought out and depressing all at the same time. Looks like my planned holiday is a no go and no chance of delaying it until later in the summer.

Given their numbers have been lower than UK I can see that the government willhold back on giving such detail. It's a hammer blow to hospitality, tourism and travel sector.

They will be forced to either nationalise or prop up several huge businesses that will be going to the wall if the UK copies the Irish government's homework. (Boris has form for doing this with Europe).

I would not dream of getting on an aeroplane for about another year and a half.
They will have to do something, our whole culture as a country is built around pubs. No Government wants to be the one that let that die.

Wouldn't be the government killing the pubs would it ? They aren't in control of covid-19
Open them but make it clear that social distancing still applies. Limit numbers in there, limit number of drinks, no bar - drinks ordered at table, have to book a table and, at the end of the day, personal responsibility

They would lose more money doing this and would be better off staying closed as many pub landlords have come out and said already.

You need to wake up to the reality that things are going to change big time over all of this, many pubs and restaurants won't survive.
I don't know why the government even bothers to lie - they've got the media in their corner (any other Party's government would've been pressurised into falling long before now) and we're years away from an election; so why bother? Even prominent columnists (Crace, Hyde etc) have wilfully fallen into the American trap: instead of anger, they express wry sarcasm in lieu of humour, which isn't good enough or apt - news has been reduced to Fallon-esque "Let's laugh at what our wacky President's been up to today" weakness when there should be pressure and fury.
Wouldn't be the government killing the pubs would it ? They aren't in control of covid-19

They would lose more money doing this and would be better off staying closed as many pub landlords have come out and said already.

You need to wake up to the reality that things are going to change big time over all of this, many pubs and restaurants won't survive.

I think a lot of businesses are in trouble. Consumer confidence is so low and then people are avoiding going into places because of the fear of contracting the virus.

Gyms, restuarants, pubs, hair salons etc. They could all be in trouble.

This is much worse than the recession of 2008/2009.

Edit: dentists in Ireland are in severe trouble. They might pull through though because dental problems would push people to overcome their fear of catching the virus.
The british doctors aren't happy with chinese ventilators:
British doctors warn some Chinese ventilators could kill if used in hospitals

Only 20 out of 65.000 Lupus patients got the Cornavirus. Since hydroxychloroquine is a common treatment among them it seems to be confirming that it at least has some benefits.
In Italy, only 20 out of 65,000 chronic Lupus patients got COVID-19.
Original Source in italian, if someone fluent in italian wants to double-check:

Sweden still with increasing cases - especially compared to Norway and Finland. They are also testing less by quite the margin. We will see how it is going to develop, but as of now it seems like the gamble didn't pay off in absolute numbers - but depending on the growth of the virus it may pay off economically.
I don't think you should thread ban someone just because you don't agree with their opinion
Get with the times, you are not allowed to express anything that goes against the official spread of information. You might have to fight for your life in Gulag otherwise.

By the way, masks are no longer mandatory in my country and they lifted the heavy ban on visiting parks or similar public places. Hopefully we get back to some sort of normality soon, or we might have to relive similar events as the darkest times of the communist era.

This is a really good deep dive into vaccine/antiviral development for sarscov2 over the next few years.

Was forwarded it by actuary friend but the overview is as good as any I’ve seen from medics. One interesting - and obvious - point he brought up that hadn’t even occurred to me is that vaccine trials require the virus to be in circulation to reach their endpoints.

The lower r0 is the longer it takes to develop a vaccine. How’s that for a catch 22!
I think a lot of businesses are in trouble. Consumer confidence is so low and then people are avoiding going into places because of the fear of contracting the virus.

Gyms, restuarants, pubs, hair salons etc. They could all be in trouble.

This is much worse than the recession of 2008/2009.

Edit: dentists in Ireland are in severe trouble. They might pull through though because dental problems would push people to overcome their fear of catching the virus.
Without a doubt, I really do feel sorry for them all.
I imagine dentists will survive though like you say.
My mum is 71 and has had a cough for well over a month so she registered online for a test and is going to a nearby centre at 6pm this evening.

It’s the only symptom she’s had so no idea what to expect but I guess at least she’ll know.

My old man hasn’t had any symptoms at all so he didn’t register, apparently they’re only asking for people with symptoms at the moment.
My mum is 71 and has had a cough for well over a month so she registered online for a test and is going to a nearby centre at 6pm this evening.

It’s the only symptom she’s had so no idea what to expect but I guess at least she’ll know.

My old man hasn’t had any symptoms at all so he didn’t register, apparently they’re only asking for people with symptoms at the moment.
Hope it's nothing more than a cough mate.
Wouldn't be the government killing the pubs would it ? They aren't in control of covid-19

They would lose more money doing this and would be better off staying closed as many pub landlords have come out and said already.

You need to wake up to the reality that things are going to change big time over all of this, many pubs and restaurants won't survive.

I fear for sparkys sanity if pubs don’t reopen soon. He mentions pubs in almost every 2nd post so he must be bored shitless.

Like you, I can’t see how pubs come out of this. They won’t get licensed if they can’t come up with a physical distancing plan. That’s before you think of the additional costs of plastic glasses, increased cleaning costs and perhaps having to totally redo toilets.
Then throw in money losses from having to limit patrons.

I think a lot of pubs are fcuked
My mum is 71 and has had a cough for well over a month so she registered online for a test and is going to a nearby centre at 6pm this evening.

It’s the only symptom she’s had so no idea what to expect but I guess at least she’ll know.

My old man hasn’t had any symptoms at all so he didn’t register, apparently they’re only asking for people with symptoms at the moment.
Best wishes to you and yours, mate.
I fear for sparkys sanity if pubs don’t reopen soon. He mentions pubs in almost every 2nd post so he must be bored shitless.

Like you, I can’t see how pubs come out of this. They won’t get licensed if they can’t come up with a physical distancing plan. That’s before you think of the additional costs of plastic glasses, increased cleaning costs and perhaps having to totally redo toilets.
Then throw in money losses from having to limit patrons.

I think a lot of pubs are fcuked
I'm glad I am not the only one who has noticed this, I thought I was going mad for a while. :lol: