SARS CoV-2 coronavirus / Covid-19 (No tin foil hat silliness please)

Not hard to imagine. Age and preexisting conditions being the main factors I'd imagine?
It boils down to chance of survival, i.e., chance of benefitting from it (and age and preexisting conditions are a major factor in that, albeit not the only ones). In some ICUs mortality is 50%, they can probably lower it with more accurate choices.
What I found interesting in the Johnson update was the statement about thanking us for delaying the virus rather than stopping the virus. Suggests to me that he knows this is a long term thing and will be multiple waves. If predictions are correct the second wave will hit peak around Christmas which will make things interesting.
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A report the other day said that Covid19 could be found in faeces.

So stupid question time :). Could someone hypothetically get infected by breathing in someone’s fart gas?

Bit of a concern perhaps for some Americans
“Hospital beds and ICU beds have cropped up where the economics can support them,”
Hello neighbour!!!!
As I said usually I hate a trip to Tesco’s but the last couple have been great.
Still no flour, no eggs no rice (apart from a 10kg bag and I’m not that desperate for rice!) and no pasta but everything else was fine. I have little hope that people around here will pull together as the things I have seen in there (including some
Guy wandering around with an axe!!) beggar belief and really make you question humanity.
Half price joints of beef atm though so I bought 2.5 kg worth and I plan on inviting some like minded affluent friends round on Sunday for a good roast.
(Is that getting old yet?)

Like minded and affluent friends you say? I know just the fellow. Either that or a teddy bear supperclub for that size of beef.

An axe! What the feck? An hours exercise in the woods type of axe or to be menacing? Was he buying the axe from the upstairs bit?

I've got a ton of meat, cleaning supplies and tissue of varying descriptions and quality (I have a shed load of blue roll from decorating projects, but it hasn't got to that point yet.) PM me if you're running low on stuff and tesco gets taken over by axe bandits.

Also give me a shout if you find eggs please. I'm heading up to aldi in Coulsdon on Monday morning when it should be a touch quieter, to hunt for them.
Tbh as well as cultural difference around being ill, I thought a lot of the mask wearing acceptance in Asia was more down to the smog problems in some of the biggest cities.

These days, cities like Tokyo, Seoul, Bangkok or Kuala Lumpar don't have the pollution levels of China or India/Sub Continent.

In a sense, smog, SARS, covid19 etc are one of the same thing: external pollutants that make you ill. I guess mask wearing across Asia is something that hss happened for various reasons over a period of time.

But as pointed out by many, it's now become an educated and culturally acceptable solution. I've even saw fashionable hipster types wearing 'designer' masks, which complimented their clothing style on my most recent trip!
A hypothesis is over the next few years covid19 mutation the will lead it to become weaker, and so yes, it will remain, but not be as deadly.

There is zero chance of it totally disappearing, even with a vaccine. But it won't be an issue once a vaccine and curative medicine is produced. Am confident that's just a matter of time.

Despite what you say it's a major issue if this virus becomes endemic. Around 300,000 to 600,000 die a year from flu despite the fact there are regular vaccines and if we were to add a second endemic virus to that count with a similar or greater mortality rate the strain on the hospitals would be huge (never mind the extra deaths).

It will become weaker, partly because we will find it's true mortality rate through testing and partly through mutations but if this is a "stayer" we are looking at a high percentage increase in death every year from now on.
A report the other day said that Covid19 could be found in faeces.

So stupid question time :). Could someone hypothetically get infected by breathing in someone’s fart gas?

That's exactly what happened with SARS. Somebody shat in blocked toilet or something and then the whole block of apartments got infected.
Four doctors and three nurses in the UK have died so far. More than 50 in Italy. This is unacceptable. Scientists need to quickly figure out if it's a massive first dose which is dangerous, or if it is prolonged exposure to the virus which is the killer. If it's the latter, longer off-duty times between shifts need to be implemented.
So from the information and graphs we have available, does anybody have a projection as to when the UK will peak in terms of number of cases?


This is horrible to see. Need more awareness in India. I realise this barbaric behaviour is driven by fear but still..
What I found interesting in the Johnson update was the statement about thanking us for delaying the virus, not stopping the virus. Suggests to me that he knows this is a long term thing and will be multiple waves. If predictions are correct the second wave will hit peak around Christmas which will make things interesting.
A winter lockdown might be easier to implement as people go out less anyway however it would have a huge effect on non online retail and people would be heating their homes all day and using more electricity which will drive up bills. People will want to government to subsidise them.

What is more worrying is there's a hard Brexit at the end of the year and then another lockdown. Supplies will be low and there will be trouble getting more into the country.
So from the information and graphs we have available, does anybody have a projection as to when the UK will peak in terms of number of cases?


The government seems to think either next weekend or the weekend after.

But then their opinions change like the bloody wind so who knows:)
Again it's not what people are telling you, masks usefulness is limited because they depend entirely on how someone acts in general. No one tells you that they don't "work", they simply have a limited usefulness that is greatly reduced by the actions of the person using them.

As anyone suggested that using a mask increase the risks? I'm pretty sure that anyone with a bit of common sense simply said that the usefulness was limited for almost everyone. It's very useful if you have a cold or have Covid-19 though, in that case you should definitely wear one particularly inside.

No measures are one size fits all.

Wearing gloves AND washing hands frequently AND keeping 2 meters distance AND wearing a mask would provide a better protection than doing feckall or just a select measure.

Not according to many people on this thread, apparently wearing one incorrectly does more harm than good according to some.

I don't think I've been clear. It stops the spread via already infected people. If you are wearing a mask and are not infected the evidence is that it does little to protect you.

You can be infected and totally asymptomatic right now. Act as if you're infected. Your mask protects me. My mask protects you. Period.
Four doctors and three nurses in the UK have died so far. More than 50 in Italy. This is unacceptable. Scientists need to quickly figure out if it's a massive first dose which is dangerous, or if it is prolonged exposure to the virus which is the killer. If it's the latter, longer off-duty times between shifts need to be implemented.

Was googling for those stats just an hour ago. It's insanely heartbreaking that people, some with families and dependents, are being asked to go into work which could be more deadly than a war zone, with no PPE. Looked at r/nursing where one sub was about nurses resigning because of a lack of PPE and exhaustion, which is horrifying and understandable in equal measures
Four doctors and three nurses in the UK have died so far. More than 50 in Italy. This is unacceptable. Scientists need to quickly figure out if it's a massive first dose which is dangerous, or if it is prolonged exposure to the virus which is the killer. If it's the latter, longer off-duty times between shifts need to be implemented.

There are around 700,000 doctors or nurses in the UK so make up approximately 1% of the population. Considering they would be high risk in terms of contracting the virus the mortality rate (unfortunately) would appear to not suggest anything too untoward.
Sorry mate, it feels like every other post I make references my job or the area I live so I sometimes try and avoid it.

The lady in critical condition lives in Stockport, not sure what hospital she is in. The younger lad lives in Cheshire and is in Whiston Hospital.

The lady that was critical when I posted this died this evening. My sister has sent me a few of her Facebook status updates over a week ago when she was ill and couldn’t get through to anyone at 111 or her doctors. Really grim stuff. Feel bad for my nieces as it was there Nan and they’re only 4/5 themselves.

People I know from all over the Northwest seem to be springing up with this now.

This is horrible to see. Need more awareness in India. I realise this barbaric behaviour is driven by fear but still..

I would say more with anger and hatred than fear. Anger which is fed to them by their religious leaders. The society driven by religious fanatics, regardless of any religion is dangerous. I saw a video the other day two hindus Jumping on a wooden stick placed on the neck of a woman, absolutely horrible... The hatred and ignorance in certain parts of society goes deep to dangerous extents. In Pakistan today, a mob started attacking the police who tried to stop them from Friday prayers.

I really fear for the general public in case the outbreak gets out of hand. Death toll will be absolutely horrific. :(
How the feck did Charlie recover so quickly?
I'm reading "wearing a mask can be useful, but wearing it incorrectly is not useful' crap over and over in this thread. It's a mask, it shouldn't be that hard to wear correctly.

Yale is going as far as recommending making your own mask if you have to.

Principal recs:
1) everyone should immediately begin wearing cloth masks in public,
2) The govt. should immediately use all available means to increase the supply of medical masks

The basis for their recommendation is simple: anything that combats the spread of the virus is absurdly valuable due to the resulting reduction in mortality risk (not to mention accelerating resumption of normal economic activity).

Just fecking wear one.
I would say more with anger and hatred than fear. Anger which is fed to them by their religious leaders. The society driven by religious fanatics, regardless of any religion is dangerous. I saw a video the other day two hindus Jumping on a wooden stick placed on the neck of a woman, absolutely horrible... The hatred and ignorance in certain parts of society goes deep to dangerous extents. In Pakistan today, a mob started attacking the police who tried to stop them from Friday prayers.

I really fear for the general public in case the outbreak gets out of hand. Death toll will be absolutely horrific. :(

Didn't India have the most casualties during the spanish flu? I dread to think what could happen if this gets out of hand this time. It could be an absolute catastrophe. I know it already is in a sense but it could get so so much worse. Also I agree with the rest of your post, you seem to be more in the know in regards to india than me. I just seen the video on BBC and I was absolutely appalled. According to the bbc it was due to the stigma of potentially being infected so that's why I said fear but I'll take your word for it.

You can be infected and totally asymptomatic right now. Act as if you're infected. Your mask protects me. My mask protects you. Period.
That is absolute and utter tripe mate. I'm sorry but it is.

There are many types of masks on the market and most of them do feck all to protect you as they do not stop you inhaling droplets with the virus.

Are you a doctor? What is the scientific proof that masks protects you? Why the WHO doesn't recommend healthy persons to wear masks?

Masks with zero certifications, zero knowledge how they are made and if the person that made them is infected or not are sold on the market.

You have the Netherlands moving back millions of masks that were proven to do feck all and sent it back to China.

You might as well put your hand on your mouth when you cough and it will do the same job as 90% of the masks out there.

All people touch their face much more often with masks on, because they have to either correct it, take it off, take it on, change it (most of the masks only last for an hour or two) and that builds bacteria and viruses right on their faces.
Was googling for those stats just an hour ago. It's insanely heartbreaking that people, some with families and dependents, are being asked to go into work which could be more deadly than a war zone, with no PPE. Looked at r/nursing where one sub was about nurses resigning because of a lack of PPE and exhaustion, which is horrifying and understandable in equal measures

Yes, these aren't soldiers who signed up to become martyrs. They got their education in the hope of saving lives, but right now they're let down by the people in charge. No scuba diver is forced to go into an unsafe wreckage to save people, nor will ambulance workers enter a dangerous neighbourhood without police protection. This needs to be dealt with - now - before nurses around the work start smelling the coffee and walk out.
Why are "experts" humming and hawing about the effectiveness of face masks for the last month before deciding "Yeah, they're probably good."

It covers your nose and mouth. How can it not be good exactly?
Sorry mate, it feels like every other post I make references my job or the area I live so I sometimes try and avoid it.

The lady in critical condition lives in Stockport, not sure what hospital she is in. The younger lad lives in Cheshire and is in Whiston Hospital.

I'm sorry for your family's loss :(
Trump blames Obama for lack of pandemic prep
Pressed by a reporter over why the US was not more prepared for the pandemic, Mr Trump blamed the Obama administration, saying "the shelves were empty, we had no ammunition or medical supplies".
He also claimed he inherited "broken" tests, though it is unclear what he meant as the previous administration would not have developed such tests.
"I always knew that pandemics are one of the worst things that could happen," Mr Trump said.

This guy :lol:
That is absolute and utter tripe mate. I'm sorry but it is.

There are many types of masks on the market and most of them do feck all to protect you as they do not stop you inhaling droplets with the virus.

Are you a doctor? What is the scientific proof that masks protects you? Why the WHO doesn't recommend healthy persons to wear masks?

Masks with zero certifications, zero knowledge how they are made and if the person that made them is infected or not are sold on the market.

You have the Netherlands moving back millions of masks that were proven to do feck all and sent it back to China.

You might as well put your hand on your mouth when you cough and it will do the same job as 90% of the masks out there.

All people touch their face much more often with masks on, because they have to either correct it, take it off, take it on, change it (most of the masks only last for an hour or two) and that builds bacteria and viruses right on their faces.

I think you're being a bit harsh on him there.

Even a crappy mask will stop some droplets from flying out and potentially infecting those around you. And that's useful because there seem to be a lot of people who are unable to cover their mouths when they cough and sneeze, even in public.
There are around 700,000 doctors or nurses in the UK so make up approximately 1% of the population. Considering they would be high risk in terms of contracting the virus the mortality rate (unfortunately) would appear to not suggest anything too untoward.

The key here is the age of many of them. Alright, a 65-year-old doctor might have increased risk, but when people in their thirties - way outside the risk group - start dropping, something must be done.
Why are "experts" humming and hawing about the effectiveness of face masks for the last month before deciding "Yeah, they're probably good."

It covers your nose and mouth. How can it not be good exactly?

The main point being made has been that they likely make very little difference in protecting you from infection and there has been a worldwide shortage for medical staff so people hoarding them was doing more harm than good.
How the feck did Charlie recover so quickly?

A lifetime of the best food, living conditions and healthcare that money can buy will likely mean he's in a far better condition to fight off a virus than the average person his age. Up my way you'd be hard pressed to find a guy his age whose working life didn't involve a few lungfuls of coal dust or asbestos.
Why are "experts" humming and hawing about the effectiveness of face masks for the last month before deciding "Yeah, they're probably good."

It covers your nose and mouth. How can it not be good exactly?

If it's a bit of breathable cloth covering you mouth and nose, it'll not stop tiny particles.

If someone who is infected sneezes or coughs on you, you've got a moist bit of cloth with a billion germs on it strapped to your face.

Keeping your distance from others and not touching you face is far, far, far more effective. There's a danger that people will think a cheap surgical mask allows you to mingle and interact as they have been pre Covid.
I'm reading "wearing a mask can be useful, but wearing it incorrectly is not useful' crap over and over in this thread. It's a mask, it shouldn't be that hard to wear correctly.

Just fecking wear one.
Yes, we should be encouraged to wear them, but people in west aren't idiots if they don't know how. An instructive communications by Government endorsed messengers is required asap. Eg: exactly how they did with 'how to properly wash hands with soap' at beginning of this crisis.

Unless educated properly, its very easy to make mistakes, making wearing one futile, and at worst, spread disease further.

Eg: It's very easy to not know which way around it should be and wear back to front, making it totally ineffective.
Eg: You need to ensure there are zero gaps on edges.
Eg: Let's say you are asymptomatic. hence your mask is full of covid19 virus. You take off mask and place on a public surface, or even at home on dining table, thus exposing others to it.
Eg: Some are only one-time-wear and require safe disposal asap; some may be cleaned, but using specific cleaning process.
Eg: As @Dwazza Gunnar Solskjær pointed out, they are uncomfortable to wear, and require adjusting to and practiced tolerance.

Am sure there are also many others I've not yet come across.
I think you're being a bit harsh on him there.

Even a crappy mask will stop some droplets from flying out and potentially infecting those around you. And that's useful because there seem to be a lot of people who are unable to cover their mouths when they cough and sneeze, even in public.

Most of the masks out there - be it homemade or surgical - does not protect against “airborne” infectious agents so it will not prevent the wearer from being potentially contaminated by a virus such as the coronavirus.

This is actually scientifically proven and not even debatable. The size of the droplets that they actually stop make very little difference to you and also the person in front of you. When you sneeze 2 or 3 times into that mask and it builds moisture - the mask becomes unusable and even detrimental to your health. It builds up bacteria, dust and particles that penetrate on your face from the outside environment.

There is standards in those masks and even the FFP3 - which is the highest one - does not guarantee full protection to the person you sneeze at or the one that sneezes at you.

It creates a false sense of security that actually makes it even worse, along with other bacteria and viruses you might meet in the process.

Everything that impedes your breathing in hot summer and spring days will make it much more uncomfortable for you to do even basic stuff, let alone builds moustire a lot lot quicker making again those masks unusable.
I think the advice came from a good place, which was to discourage non frontline people from panic buying and hoarding.

I'm not having that. Official misinformation to the public is a great hazard.

You do NOT communicate in a disaster the following:

- Masks don't work
- Masks work, but only for HCW's