It should be mandatory for the rest of the pandemic, regardless if you are sick or not. The problem is that we have such a big shortage of masks, that governments have to lie to tell us that masks do not help, or even are harmful, in order to avoid even more shortages of masks (cause then the doctors and nurses would be screwed). The solution needs to be to make more masks so that everyone can wear them.
Masks only help if you happen to be in the vicinity of someone who is coughing/sneezing directly near you or you find yourself in an environment where the droplets from the cough/sneeze of a person(s) can remain suspended in the air for a substantial period of time. Neither of these scenarios are likely to occur in public right now. The only people that really need masks are the doctors/nurses/carers - primarily because they are exposed to a large number of people who will be coughing/sneezing and therefore releasing many droplets continuously into the surrounding air.
If there has been advice that masks are harmful, what was probably meant is that some masks don't offer much protection from inhalation of the droplets, if any at all e.g. surgical masks and the "harm" arises from giving people a false sense of security.