SARS CoV-2 coronavirus / Covid-19 (No tin foil hat silliness please)

Even still - if 100 people wore the mask / glasses and 100 didn't, the infection rate would undoubtedly be far lower in those that wore them.

They wouldn't be able to touch their nose / mouth / eyes.

They would obviously have more droplet / spray protection than those not wearing masks - even if not all of them were 'wearing them correctly'.

It's pretty obvious that it'd help to slow the spread and thus alleviate pressure on struggling healthcare systems.

Plenty of research suggests otherwise. The masks make little to no difference in what you might breathe in and the increased urge to touch your face to adjust them means you are more likely to transfer germs to your face.
Plenty of research suggests otherwise. The masks make little to no difference in what you might breathe in and the increased urge to touch your face to adjust them means you are more likely to transfer germs to your face.

Best is to improve health and just improve general hygiene.
It appears that the latest move by Governments is to stop stating specifically where the virus has occurred...

Not sure how this helps anyone but them, and surely the lesson from this awful outbreak should be that transparency in dealing with it is paramount.

Can't pull moves like this and then blame people for not 'trusting the Government'.

In order of expanding geographic area: Bury, London, West Yorkshire, Hertfordshire, Gloucestershire, Essex.

The one in Essex has no relevant travel.
Seems to be getting out of control here in Italy.

1694 cases today, an increase of over 500 from yesterday. Part of the problem must be that a lot of Italians aren't really taking the precautions that seriously.
Seems to be getting out of control here in Italy.

1694 cases today, an increase of over 500 from yesterday. Part of the problem must be that a lot of Italians aren't really taking the precautions that seriously.

Wish there was a way to separate spread vs increased testing.

Number of cases detected is starting to look like an exponential curve which would be disastrous, but hopefully increased testing plays a big role in the gradient.

EDIT: Of course there is a way to separate spread vs testing but that's not data we have access to.
I dont think it matters too much

Testing will be a result of people showing symptoms or being connected to an existing diagnosis.
I dont think it matters too much

Testing will be a result of people showing symptoms or being connected to an existing diagnosis.

It definitely plays a role. The number of test kits available for testing is increasing at a different pace.

Edit: Name of the school was already circulating online and has now been confirmed by journalists. Stupid to think it wouldn't immediately get out, stupid to even try and conceal it.
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Still no confirmed cases in Portugal, but it should be a matter of hours now.

Luís Sepulveda, a famous Chilean writer, has it and spent the entire last week in Portugal, in public events all week. Hotels, restaurants, hundreds of autographs... Likely caught it in Italy.

Edit: Name of the school was already circulating online and has now been confirmed by journalists. Stupid to think it wouldn't immediately get out, stupid to even try and conceal it.

Completely agree with this - "Ridiculously paternalistic approach. Restricting information leads to rumour, paranoia etc."

Really don't think this is a wise approach from the Government.

After shamefully neglecting our brilliant, beautiful NHS for multiple terms now, they wanna be very, very careful how they handle this situation...

Handle this well and they could restore some much needed public faith in them, but handle it badly - essentially leading to more innocent lives lost than necessary - coupled with a very likely recession and they will very likely, and rightly, have the finger of the Nation pointing firmly at them.
Seems to be getting out of control here in Italy.

1694 cases today, an increase of over 500 from yesterday. Part of the problem must be that a lot of Italians aren't really taking the precautions that seriously.

It's more or less the 42% everyday of increase

In 1 month it will be 3 million of infected and 75k deads in Italy
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It's more or less the 42% everyday of increase

In 1 month it will be 3 million of infected and 75k deads in Italy

It won't reach that point. We wont see the effects of the controls for another week or so, but i do think Italy needs to expand the restrictions to more areas now.
Ironically, I think along with third world countries US is one of the worst positioned countries to deal with something of this nature if it spreads widely down there.
It's more or less the 42% everyday of increase

In 1 month it will be 3 million of infected and 75k deads in Italy
Unlikely. The pattern seems to be a cycle of increased transmission - more Draconian measures (as many as necessary to slow it down) - stabilization. Huge consequences, but hopefully not that many dead.

Also fingers crossed that spring will help.
Still no confirmed cases in Portugal, but it should be a matter of hours now.

Luís Sepulveda, a famous Chilean writer, has it and spent the entire last week in Portugal, in public events all week. Hotels, restaurants, hundreds of autographs... Likely caught it in Italy.
Still no confirmed casses here in Slovenia also.

But in my opinion that is just false informations given by the government which will step down this week. Friend of mine told me about 2 confirmed cases in our central hospital a week ago and given that Italy is our neighbour country and a lot of people went on skiing holiday there 1-2 weeks ago i wouldn't be surprised we have a lot of infected people in our country. It just show how untrustworthy politics are.
I know the situation is grim and people have been affected in worse ways but this stupid virus has just cost me a scientific publication and a specialization in orthopedic surgery, and to top it off I'll have to self quarantine myself for the next few days because I was exposed to a patient last week.
I know the situation is grim and people have been affected in worse ways but this stupid virus has just cost me a scientific publication and a specialization in orthopedic surgery, and to top it off I'll have to self quarantine myself for the next few days because I was exposed to a patient last week.
I'm so sorry, I hope you can get another chance to do what you want.
I know the situation is grim and people have been affected in worse ways but this stupid virus has just cost me a scientific publication and a specialization in orthopedic surgery, and to top it off I'll have to self quarantine myself for the next few days because I was exposed to a patient last week.

Shit man. Sorry to hear that and I hope you make a swift recovery if you have indeed contracted it.
I know the situation is grim and people have been affected in worse ways but this stupid virus has just cost me a scientific publication and a specialization in orthopedic surgery, and to top it off I'll have to self quarantine myself for the next few days because I was exposed to a patient last week.

Damn, that really sucks.
There are so many negative things that come with this (not yet official) pandemic. It's really all very overwhelming. Crazy situation all around.
I wish you the best of luck that it will all work out eventually in the near future.
It won't reach that point. We wont see the effects of the controls for another week or so, but i do think Italy needs to expand the restrictions to more areas now.

At the moment there are no sign of arrest
Unlikely. The pattern seems to be a cycle of increased transmission - more Draconian measures (as many as necessary to slow it down) - stabilization. Huge consequences, but hopefully not that many dead.

Also fingers crossed that spring will help.

At the moment no signs of a decrease of infected, still a growth day by day of 42% of infected and deads
Is there a way to know how many of the deaths happened specifically in Wuhan (the city)? I find this information important but don't know if it exists. Searches pointed me to some articlesnbut they were all in chinese.

Wuhan city has 10 million people or thereabouts. It's an easy number to compare with many large cities and small countries.

So I can tell the ignorants who say "but 3000 die of flu die every year in Portugal" that that doesn't mean it's little, it's actually a lot. On top of that.
Still no confirmed cases in Portugal, but it should be a matter of hours now.

Luís Sepulveda, a famous Chilean writer, has it and spent the entire last week in Portugal, in public events all week. Hotels, restaurants, hundreds of autographs... Likely caught it in Italy.

Gettiing more cases in Toronto now that it's spread to Iran.

We have a large Italian community in the greater Toronto area, too. :nervous:
Gettiing more cases in Toronto now that it's spread to Iran.

We have a large Italian community in the greater Toronto area, too. :nervous:
Isn’t it more spread out in Ontario? Did you hear about that lady who flew from Iran to Toronto (via Copenhagen I think) and took the Go Bus to somewhere like Richmond Hill, all whilst being infected with the virus? It’d be a miracle if she didn’t infect anyone else.