SARS CoV-2 coronavirus / Covid-19 (No tin foil hat silliness please)

Incredible that this wouldn't have gotten so worse if they simply isolated China from the world when the outbreak started. feck the WHO, and feck the Chinese goverment.
It was already too late before anyone knew.

No it wasn't. The Chinese government hid this for weeks before revealing the outbreak around the third week of January. And the WHO are just an incompetent group of idiots led by an absolute fecktard of a person who should be held partly responsible for the loss of so many innocent human beings.
No it wasn't. The Chinese government hid this for weeks before revealing the outbreak around the third week of January. And the WHO are just an incompetent group of idiots led by an absolute fecktard of a person who should be held partly responsible for the loss of so many innocent human beings.
If you mean the Wuhan local government then maybe you have a point.
Chinese levels of hygiene, are every bit as bad as I describe. It’s not a minority. It’s a majority.

I’m not saying they’re not clean. I’m not saying that they smell, which they certainly don’t. But they spit, have low sanitary standards, and that’s not up for debate.
This wasn't the bone of contention. This was:
For obvious reasons. They’re a nation with atrocious personal hygiene standards and their food handling standards are probably the worst in the world. That they decide to eat anything that moves makes it all the worse.
You only mention the Chinese nation in your post and go on to describe 'they' who eat anything that moves. There's a huge distinction in saying a nation as a whole, and by proxy most Chinese people do this as opposed to a minority of them. There is also a hint of blame attached to your statement by ending it with 'makes it all the worse' which you have clearly attached to Chinese people as a whole and is in response to someone saying 'Someone have a word with China'. Yet you describe me as a supremacist. Jog on.
There isn't one. Nature is always going to win out in situations like these.

China did as much as they possibly could. Hell, they were chaining up buildings and welding apartment block doors shut.

And it didn't work. So it simply wasnt enough.

This wasn't nature. This was seemingly stupidity on their part.
And it didn't work. So it simply wasnt enough.

This wasn't nature. This was seemingly stupidity on their part.
There wasn't a solution at all. You're blaming China for failing to do something impossible.

It's like if I blamed you for not curing cancer. To follow your logic, a solution to every problem exists and the fault lies with the people who fail to find the (non-existant) solution. Therefore if only you'd tried really hard to cure cancer, you'd have done it by now. And the deaths of millions of people are on your hands.

Found this factual and useful. Should be played everywhere as a PSA.

I'm a little confused, Wikipedia says, "An airborne disease is any disease that is caused by pathogens that can be transmitted through the air. The relevant pathogens may be viruses, bacteria, or fungi, and they may be spread through breathing, talking, coughing, sneezing, raising of dust, spraying of liquids, toilet flushing or any activities which generates aerosol particles or droplets."

It seems that's he's describing an airborne virus. He make a distinction about chicken pox that it can be transported "via air currents". Is he trying to say chicken pox is more airborne than the also airborne coronavirus?
There wasn't a solution at all. You're blaming China for failing to do something impossible.

It's like if I blamed you for not curing cancer. To follow your logic, a solution to every problem exists. The fault lies with the people who fail to find the non-existant solution. Therefore if only you'd tried really hard to cure cancer, you'd have done it by now.

We're not talking about a cure and its not comparable in any way. The world is going mad trying to contain the virus as it spreads like wildfire around the entire globe. Yet the one thing that could have slowed its transmission from the onset was never considered. We've seen very small isolations and lockdowns yet for some reason, you think a larger scale one is out of the question. Sorry, I don't agree.
We're not talking about a cure and its not comparable in any way. The world is going mad trying to contain the virus as it spreads like wildfire around the entire globe. Yet the one thing that could have slowed its transmission from the onset was never considered. We've seen very small isolations and lockdowns yet for some reason, you think a larger scale one is out of the question. Sorry, I don't agree.
How do you know you couldn't cure cancer if you don't try? What's your solution to curing it?

It's not workable. China built the Great Wall to keep out the Mongols and it didn't work. America tries to close its borders and it doesn't work. Europe tries to stop refugees from entering and it doesn't work.

People will travel. In a globalised world you can't stop it. China took the MOST draconian measures possible. If they'd tried to do any more, it would have caused a panic and spread the disease even faster.

Would you stop all international travel in the whole world right now?
Well it spread quite fast anyway @Dante

Add to the that the fact that the economy is at its worst since 2008. People are dying and more will die. The economy continues to decline. In a bid to save China, it seems we condemned the entire planet. Doesnt make sense to me.
I'm a little confused, Wikipedia says, "An airborne disease is any disease that is caused by pathogens that can be transmitted through the air. The relevant pathogens may be viruses, bacteria, or fungi, and they may be spread through breathing, talking, coughing, sneezing, raising of dust, spraying of liquids, toilet flushing or any activities which generates aerosol particles or droplets."

It seems that's he's describing an airborne virus. He make a distinction about chicken pox that it can be transported "via air currents". Is he trying to say chicken pox is more airborne than the also airborne coronavirus?

From what i've read (I'm not an expert) there's a distinction between a virus that's carried via droplets and one that's been aerosolised. If the virus is only contained within droplets then it is only airborne over short distances (a sneeze). If it vaporises then the air can carry it much further - eg through ventilation, wind etc.. I think it's only in the second sense that a virus becomes fully airborne.
Actually, it is workable. If China are to be believed, their lockdowns seemed to have halted transmission for now. Evidently, it worked. Just imagine we took more drastic measures over a month ago.
Well it spread quite fast anyway @Dante

Add to the that the fact that the economy is at its worst since 2008. People are dying and more will die. The economy continues to decline. In a bid to save China, it seems we condemned the entire planet. Doesnt make sense to me.

You're talking about the state of the world economy on one hand and then the possible isolation of China from the rest of the globe on the other. Those two things don't square with each other.

The reason the economy is tanking is because the virus is slowing down Chinese industry. If China had completely cut itself off (which is literally impossible physically, politically, socially and economically despite your protestations), the economy would have tanked even harder. A hell of a lot harder in fact. China is the world's factory.

China either cuts itself off completely and kills the world's economy (the first half of which is impossible to do anyway), or it takes draconian measures to lock up residents in their own homes and attempt to shutdown areas on a local level (which they did to a reasonable level of success).

I'm no fan of China, but they honestly couldn't have done any more than they did. In fact, if this disease had popped up anywhere else in the world (as MERS or Ebola have previously done), containment wouldn't have been anywhere near as successful. We're just lucky that MERS and Ebola weren't as contagious as covid-19.
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Actually, it is workable. If China are to be believed, their lockdowns seemed to have halted transmission for now. Evidently, it worked. Just imagine we took more drastic measures over a month ago.
If everybody on the planet was forced to stay in their homes for the next four weeks, the crisis would be over. Would you advocate for that?
From what i've read (I'm not an expert) there's a distinction between a virus that's carried via droplets and one that's been aerosolised. If the virus is only contained within droplets then it is only airborne over short distances (a sneeze). If it vaporises then the air can carry it much further - eg through ventilation, wind etc.. I think it's only in the second sense that a virus becomes fully airborne.

Okay, seems like they need a new word for things that are "fully airborne".
Okay, seems like they need a new word for things that are "fully airborne".

Yeah, I agree. I was a bit confused too because medical professionals in the UK have been instructed to treat Covid-19 as an airborne disease. I guess that's simply because of the proximity of their interactions with patients. I was listening to that lecturer who keeps getting posted in this thread (Dr John Campell I think). He basically said that it's wrong to think of "person to person" and "airborne" as distinct categories with no overlap. Rather they exist on a continuum. The finer the particles a virus can piggy-back on, the more airborne it becomes. Like a rock and a bird can both be airborne but only one can fly to France.
There wasn't a solution at all. You're blaming China for failing to do something impossible.

It's like if I blamed you for not curing cancer. To follow your logic, a solution to every problem exists and the fault lies with the people who fail to find the (non-existant) solution. Therefore if only you'd tried really hard to cure cancer, you'd have done it by now. And the deaths of millions of people are on your hands.

It's been a long time but I have found a Dante post that I fully agree with.... Cheers

COvid-19 cant really be compared to the common flu.

The mortality rates of the common flu are like 0.1%. In the U.S. alone, the common flu causes an estimated 26 million illnesses, 250,000 hospitalizations and 14,000 deaths this season, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The coronavirus is like 2% or in the case of poorer healthcare infrastructure it can go up at 10% as in Iran. For the COVID-19, its like 87,000 cases and almost 3,000 deaths as of today.
In northern Italy with more than 300 people infected and 12 deaths makes a 4% death rate, I’m surprised about Africa and south/central America no reported deaths.

Matter of time. It just takes one infected person entering their porous borders.
+42% everyday

In 1 month 29 million of infected (with that rate)

Its a bell curve but thats dependent the effectiveness of control and containment plans. In Singapore, they have started to get the police detectives involved to trace contacts quicker. This way they can map out what was once a tendril -- which is now multiple complex webs. They have also used anti-bodies serological tests to start linking up the webs.
I kinda agree - but more with coughing / sneezing etc. I fecking hate it - with a passion.

Most serious viruses don't spread through people touching their cock though...

Its more to do with the type of people that don't wash their hands after going to the toilet, if they don't wash than, then when will they...
Yeah, I agree. I was a bit confused too because medical professionals in the UK have been instructed to treat Covid-19 as an airborne disease. I guess that's simply because of the proximity of their interactions with patients. I was listening to that lecturer who keeps getting posted in this thread (Dr John Campell I think). He basically said that it's wrong to think of "person to person" and "airborne" as distinct categories with no overlap. Rather they exist on a continuum. The finer the particles a virus can piggy-back on, the more airborne it becomes. Like a rock and a bird can both be airborne but only one can fly to France.
So it's like an African swallow versus a European swallow in regards to the size needed to carry the coconut?
COvid-19 cant really be compared to the common flu.

The mortality rates of the common flu are like 0.1%. In the U.S. alone, the common flu causes an estimated 26 million illnesses, 250,000 hospitalizations and 14,000 deaths this season, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The coronavirus is like 2% or in the case of poorer healthcare infrastructure it can go up at 10% as in Iran. For the COVID-19, its like 87,000 cases and almost 3,000 deaths as of today.

Most likely the Iranian numbers are wrong with the majority of mild cases not being recorded.

It looks like the fatality rate is between 1 and 2 % partly dependent on the quality of medical care and the speed of intervention.

I'd guess this might drop as immunity gets built up in the world's population.
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