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Just got told I'm expected at the office tomorrow. Great.
Depends if the work you do is classed as “essential”. If not, I wouldn’t go in. Your health comes first.
Just got told I'm expected at the office tomorrow. Great.
I get that, but I think Alan Johnson is long retired and just genuinely saying what he thinks is right, which is good.Even if Labour wanted to oppose, they know full well it would be political suicide to be trying to point score in the current situation. I’m pretty sure usual politics will resume once Corona is dealt with.
Meanwhile in Japan it's as if we are on a different planet. People out and about, no one avoiding crowds, nothing is closed. Been working from home for a month now but am being asked to go back to the office next week. Genuinely the only thing that has changed is more people than usual wearing masks and using hand sanitisers. Beggars belief really.
I get that, but I think Alan Johnson is long retired and just genuinely saying what he thinks is right, which is good.
Can the car body shop guarantee they can maintain a safe place of work (i.e. in line with public health social distancing measures?)... Or would they sign a document to admit they were asking people to work outside of the recommendations... Suspect that's why McDonald etc shut... The lawyers told them they would be raped in court if they didn't
If you deny people the chance to excercise and get some natural light than we will go straight from a coronovirus pandemic to a mental breakdown pandemic and lose a significantly amount more people to suicide than even the worst case scenario of the virus, not to mention the health problems lack of natural light/abscene from the sun will cause.
Thanks for the link’s kinda remarkable/weird that Japan has come through relatively unscathed so far. It has an ageing population too, close proximity to China. It’s strange.
Could you not just tell your boss that somebody you live with has a cough?Just got told I'm expected at the office tomorrow. Great.
A threadban might be useful?He's been doing it for years (I vaguely remember him being similar in the Newbies).
The reason I remember is because his 'Location' is so ironic given his obvious arrogance.
Even if Labour wanted to oppose, they know full well it would be political suicide to be trying to point score in the current situation. I’m pretty sure usual politics will resume once Corona is dealt with.
Is this taking things too far?
If the Taiwanese government can do this now, you can bet that they'll have had the capability before the outbreak.
Is this level of government oversight worth the benefits?
Thanks for the link
It made me think of this Jor El quote from years ago, quite inspiring!
They aren't testing people, or at least they aren't testing enough people. Politicians too worried about losing Olympics and the economy and all that. Mental’s kinda remarkable/weird that Japan has come through relatively unscathed so far. It has an ageing population too, close proximity to China. It’s strange.
The authorities have power to impose charges now but..I am still so confused as to why people are making such a big deal about Boris' speech? Has anything actually changed from the rules before?
If you can still go out but we're abusing that opportunity before, you will still do it as it can't be known if you've been out only once or if you are going shopping etc.
People can still go to other people's homes if both parties are in agreement.
It's all a self imposed set of rules we should follow but I don't see now why those that were ignoring it will all of a sudden change
Well if everything was to just go back to the exact same as before it would be shocking, very disappointing and a massive missed opportunity on all fronts. It would show that maybe we are destined to repeat mistakes and not learn, change for the better and develop globally as human beings.
I think I've gone full hippie..
Is this taking things too far?
If the Taiwanese government can do this now, you can bet that they'll have had the capability before the outbreak.
Is this level of government oversight worth the benefits?
Is this taking things too far?
If the Taiwanese government can do this now, you can bet that they'll have had the capability before the outbreak.
Is this level of government oversight worth the benefits?
The authorities have power to impose charges now but..
Hopefully we will get over this soon - you have think of some positiveness to counter balance all the terrible things happening around us, Wish everyone safe and healthy outcomes.
Are you against such a measure?Christ. Apparently our government asked o2 for data to get an idea of how the self-quarantine was going. I don't know if it's true and it's obviously not on that level. I'm amazed any gov has the resources and organisation to be able to pull it off to be honest, unless of course it was already in place like you infer.
i really hope there are some systemic changes that create some kind of positive legacy from this whole horrible situation. But I can’t help but be a bit pessimistic about it. People we’re idiots prior to this, during this and I’m sure they will still be after. If it brings the end of populism that would be a start.
I'm not against the data collection. That makes sense here.Are you against such a measure?
I see your point, am guessing it will keep more people at home but, with the fear of fines etc.But they can only really do it for groups of more than 2 unless they can prove they are 1 household.
- They won't know if I am out on my one and only bit of exercise. I could go multiple times and say it's my first (unless stopped by the same guy). I could equally go out the whole day (but still keep my distance from people by going hiking or something)
- People can still go to other people's homes if both agree. They can meet in supermarkets as well I'm sure for mini meet ups
- People can still hoard by going to multiple supermarkets/stores to buy essentials
I am not saying I do these things but if you were ignoring the old rules, then this does absolutely nothing unless you always went out with more than 2 people etc.
Windows don't cut it and I'm on a first floor boxed in flat, so no garden (or balcony).Do you live in a box with no windows, do you not have any exclusive outside spaces?
We can all come up with excuses to be outside, but making out like you’re on an inner cabin on a quarantined cruise liner is a bit bizarre.
Most kids will be bouncing off the walls if they don’t get exercise time.
Affluent, likeminded ones?fecking PE Teachers
But if dog walkers are allowed outside, then kids should be getting a run out for a time also.
Man that's crazy. Would be interested to know his results of the second test.They tested his blood and said he had a virus but it "wasn't too bad" so he should just go home. 3 weeks later they actually took it seriously when he still wasn't feeling too super (but no longer had breathing difficulties) and gave him the proper Covid-19 test for which he came up negative. They then contacted him again last week asking if they could test his blood for antibodies as they think he might have had it and then got a 2nd virus at which point he tested negative for it. Haven't heard the results yet but if he did have it I am probably a super spreader since I was with him in China and sit next to him in the office and I (until last week) took the train to work every day from London. So yeah, I might be living evidence of the government's abject failure at contact tracing.
I see your point, am guessing it will keep more people at home but, with the fear of fines etc.
More unessential shops being closed too the next phase will probably be total lockdown I feel, it’s the drip feeding measures they’re taking.