SARS CoV-2 coronavirus / Covid-19 (No tin foil hat silliness please)

So are the british public too dumb to understand the advice or contrary to the widely held belief do they just not care about the NHS?

I've had to get rid of scores of people on Facebook. People laughing at the hysteria and saying it's just "advice", people saying they're more likely to get it at work so what's the issue, people refusing to be a hermit before they have to be.

No 10 putting the spin out on blaming the public but this is the result of their mixed messaging from day 1. Brexiteers have spent years saying don't trust the experts, don't listen to our european neighbours because Britain is great above all so it's no surprise to see this.
So are the british public too dumb to understand the advice or contrary to the widely held belief do they just not care about the NHS?

I've had to get rid of scores of people on Facebook. People laughing at the hysteria and saying it's just "advice", people saying they're more likely to get it at work so what's the issue, people refusing to be a hermit before they have to be.

No 10 putting the spin out on blaming the public but this is the result of their mixed messaging from day 1. Brexiteers have spent years saying don't trust the experts, don't listen to our european neighbours because Britain is great above all so it's no surprise to see this.
I think some people are simply too fecking dumb to understand any better. It's about percentages, the more one stays at home, the less chances the virus has to spread. A lot of people see things with a binary view, either the method works 100% or they just don't give a feck. Subtlety is lost on a lot of morons. I read that in France there are more joggers in confinement periods than ever before, like wtf ?
Now some experts are blaming the government for the Liverpool Vs Athletico match at Anfield. Lots of Spanish from Madrid made the trip. Even then La Liga has been suspended and they are saying government should never have allowed the Spanish supporters to come or to even hold the match. For sure it will be dangerous now.
Always. Blame. The. Other.
So are the british public too dumb to understand the advice or contrary to the widely held belief do they just not care about the NHS?

I've had to get rid of scores of people on Facebook. People laughing at the hysteria and saying it's just "advice", people saying they're more likely to get it at work so what's the issue, people refusing to be a hermit before they have to be.

No 10 putting the spin out on blaming the public but this is the result of their mixed messaging from day 1. Brexiteers have spent years saying don't trust the experts, don't listen to our european neighbours because Britain is great above all so it's no surprise to see this.

I deleted FB a long time ago, I can only imagine its a cesspit with what is currently going on.

I think mixed messages from government is to blame and people generally being idiots and not taking any self responsibility. Only yesterday Boris was telling everyone that it is OK to go out and get fresh air because of the health benefits it provides. Whilst clearly he meant go to somewhere quiet, people are generally idiots so you have huge crowds congregating at beaches and the like.

I don't see how he doesn't initiate a full lockdown today after seeing the pictures and videos from yesterday. Too much time has already been wasted. Stay at home and maybe go for a brisk walk for half an hour round your street to stretch your legs and get fresh air. Doing so will save thousands and thousands of lives. It isn't fecking difficult.

Agree re Brexit.
The thick twat...


I posted this on facebook adding the caption "not all fake news should be fought"

That image has already been treated, the original had a clear watermark of th site breakyourownnews.
So are the british public too dumb to understand the advice or contrary to the widely held belief do they just not care about the NHS?

I've had to get rid of scores of people on Facebook. People laughing at the hysteria and saying it's just "advice", people saying they're more likely to get it at work so what's the issue, people refusing to be a hermit before they have to be.

No 10 putting the spin out on blaming the public but this is the result of their mixed messaging from day 1. Brexiteers have spent years saying don't trust the experts, don't listen to our european neighbours because Britain is great above all so it's no surprise to see this.
Someone called me the other day saying let's go out to clubs for one last night of freedom, all that nonsense. His dad is elderly, has diabetes, and even had limb amputation because of it. I'm pretty sure he went out and is still around his dad.
That's the upper estimate of the R0 though.

If the R0 is 2.2 then 10 generations of infection is 2700 people. Though obviously the overall point still stands.
I like to think I have a good feel for maths would never have appreciated the difference that R0 being just 0.1 higher could make.
Is there an updated version of the table showing Italy, UK and Spain deaths off set? I've not seen it the last couple of days (although I have been avoiding the thread a bit), I think the UK is falling behind Italy now, no?

We've only had one day since last time it was posted with 233 deaths but I updated it with 281 and added in more France data

UK DatesUK DeathsItaly DatesItaly DeathsSpain DatesSpain DeathsFrance DatesFrance Deaths
March 8th​
Feb 23rd​
March 5th​
March 2nd​
March 9th​
Feb 24th​
March 6th​
March 3rd​
March 10th​
Feb 25th​
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March 9th​
March 20th​
March 17th​
- -March 10th 631March 21st 1,378March 18th 244
March 11th 827March 22nd 1,772March 19th 372
March 12th 1,016March 20th 450
March 13th 1,266March 21st 562
March 22nd 674
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So are the british public too dumb to understand the advice or contrary to the widely held belief do they just not care about the NHS?

I've had to get rid of scores of people on Facebook. People laughing at the hysteria and saying it's just "advice", people saying they're more likely to get it at work so what's the issue, people refusing to be a hermit before they have to be.

No 10 putting the spin out on blaming the public but this is the result of their mixed messaging from day 1. Brexiteers have spent years saying don't trust the experts, don't listen to our european neighbours because Britain is great above all so it's no surprise to see this.

There is an incredible amount of dumb people out there in the world. I'm not saying one has to know all the scientific facts about this disease but at least educate one self a tiny bit. It's sheer ignorance. Those people in the pubs over the weekend are the fecking worst of the lot. People in Russia are laughing at others who put masks on to go out so it's not just British people. Your average joe is just dumb cnut really -- that's been my biggest revelation about life over past couple of years. I'd consider myself of having a very mediocre mind, so for me to be realising that the overwhelming majority are virtually brain dead is a bit scary. We're evolving into a dumber specie as we don't have to use our brain anymore to survive really imo.
Piers Morgan is having a 10/10 rant at those idiots who went out in their numbers at the weekend on Good Morning Britain at the moment. He's spot on on this. Some of those morons not taking the situation seriously will be watching this and will hopefully change their ways after hearing this.

Presumably Piers is reporting on this from the confines of his home?
We've only had one day since last time it was posted with 233 deaths but I updated it with 281 and added in more France data

UK DatesUK DeathsItaly DatesItaly DeathsSpain DatesSpain DeathsFrance DatesFrance Deaths
March 8th​
Feb 23rd​
March 5th​
March 2nd​
March 9th​
Feb 24th​
March 6th​
March 3rd​
March 10th​
Feb 25th​
March 7th​
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March 8th​
March 19th​
March 16th​
March 9th​
March 20th​
March 17th​
- -March 10th 631March 21st 1,378March 18th 244
March 11th 827March 22nd 1,772March 19th 372
March 12th 1,016March 20th 450
March 13th 1,266March 21st 562
March 22nd 674

Thanks for the that. Appreciate it
Piers Morgan is having a 10/10 rant at those idiots who went out in their numbers at the weekend on Good Morning Britain at the moment. He's spot on on this. Some of those morons not taking the situation seriously will be watching this and will hopefully change their ways after hearing this.
Good because I suspect many of those that went out are the type that listen to people like Piers Morgan.
Iran's Khamanei refuses US help to fight coronavirus, citing conspiracy theory

Iran's supreme leader refused US assistance on Sunday to fight the new coronavirus, citing an unfounded conspiracy theory that the virus could be man-made by America

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's comments come as Iran faces crushing US sanctions blocking the country from selling its crude oil and accessing international financial markets.

But while Iranian civilian officials in recent days have increasingly criticized those sanctions, 80-year-old Khamenei instead chose to traffic in the same conspiracy theory increasingly used by Chinese officials about the new virus to deflect blame for the pandemic.

“I do not know how real this accusation is but when it exists, who in their right mind would trust you to bring them medication?" Khamenei said. "Possibly your medicine is a way to spread the virus more.”

He also alleged without offering any evidence that the virus “is specifically built for Iran using the genetic data of Iranians which they have obtained through different means.”

“You might send people as doctors and therapists, maybe they would want to come here and see the effect of the poison they have produced in person," he said

These fecking idiots
A second wave is getting underway in Hong Kong and Singapore, and both are starting to close things down again.
From bbc:
Saturday was the "busiest ever visitor day in living memory" in Snowdonia, officials say

It's bizarre -- it's like supposedly responsible adults are doing this on purpose.
From bbc:

It's bizarre -- it's like supposedly responsible adults are doing this on purpose.

The general public are like lemmings. They need to be led and told literally what to do. It’s about time the governments realized this very simple fact and stopped with the ambiguous, wishy washy messaging. Lock it down. Give them access cards to go to the shop in turns. Anyone else on the street? Arrest them, shoot them I don’t care.
So I've been wondering about what happens after a lockdown. Let's say, in an ideal world, that a lockdown is implemented in a perfect way and the health services manage to get casualties under control. How exactly do you then go about restarting society and allowing people to get infected in a manageable way?

I assume there are plans for this. Anyone know what they are?
A second wave is getting underway in Hong Kong and Singapore, and both are starting to close things down again.

This will happen in Europe as well and is the "desired" outcome. Get the virus under control, start loosening the restrictions, when cases are confirmed through intensive testing and tighten it up to get control again. The goal is to have the maximum amount of freedom in life(economical impact) while simultaneously not hit the capacity of the number of ICU beds(and especially ECMOs) which is one of the main reasons of the high CFR in Italy.
There is an incredible amount of dumb people out there in the world. I'm not saying one has to know all the scientific facts about this disease but at least educate one self a tiny bit. It's sheer ignorance. Those people in the pubs over the weekend are the fecking worst of the lot. People in Russia are laughing at others who put masks on to go out so it's not just British people. Your average joe is just dumb cnut really -- that's been my biggest revelation about life over past couple of years. I'd consider myself of having a very mediocre mind, so for me to be realising that the overwhelming majority are virtually brain dead is a bit scary. We're evolving into a dumber specie as we don't have to use our brain anymore to survive really imo.

The general public are like lemmings. They need to be led and told literally what to do. It’s about time the governments realized this very simple fact and stopped with the ambiguous, wishy washy messaging. Lock it down. Give them access cards to go to the shop in turns. Anyone else on the street? Arrest them, shoot them I don’t care.

This is bang on.
This is bang on.

It's not though, previous generations were as dumb. The only difference is that now people have the technological tools to expose their stupidity.
The general public are like lemmings. They need to be led and told literally what to do. It’s about time the governments realized this very simple fact and stopped with the ambiguous, wishy washy messaging. Lock it down. Give them access cards to go to the shop in turns. Anyone else on the street? Arrest them, shoot them I don’t care.

That's very true. People talk about having freedoms taken away from them but I absolutely support in times like this. It's been proven time and again that people are irresponsible arsenals that can't be trusted with anything.
There is an incredible amount of dumb people out there in the world. I'm not saying one has to know all the scientific facts about this disease but at least educate one self a tiny bit. It's sheer ignorance. Those people in the pubs over the weekend are the fecking worst of the lot. People in Russia are laughing at others who put masks on to go out so it's not just British people. Your average joe is just dumb cnut really -- that's been my biggest revelation about life over past couple of years. I'd consider myself of having a very mediocre mind, so for me to be realising that the overwhelming majority are virtually brain dead is a bit scary. We're evolving into a dumber specie as we don't have to use our brain anymore to survive really imo.

There is an incredible amount of dumb people out there in the world. I'm not saying one has to know all the scientific facts about this disease but at least educate one self a tiny bit. It's sheer ignorance. Those people in the pubs over the weekend are the fecking worst of the lot. People in Russia are laughing at others who put masks on to go out so it's not just British people. Your average joe is just dumb cnut really -- that's been my biggest revelation about life over past couple of years. I'd consider myself of having a very mediocre mind, so for me to be realising that the overwhelming majority are virtually brain dead is a bit scary. We're evolving into a dumber specie as we don't have to use our brain anymore to survive really imo.

We're becoming pandas.
From bbc:

It's bizarre -- it's like supposedly responsible adults are doing this on purpose.

I think it was the perfect storm. We'd had probably the worst winter ever in terms of rain and storms, a lot of confined public spaces were closed, the first nice weather of the year appeared and people mistakenly estimated they'd be safe up a mountain in the fresh air.
There is an incredible amount of dumb people out there in the world. I'm not saying one has to know all the scientific facts about this disease but at least educate one self a tiny bit. It's sheer ignorance. Those people in the pubs over the weekend are the fecking worst of the lot. People in Russia are laughing at others who put masks on to go out so it's not just British people. Your average joe is just dumb cnut really -- that's been my biggest revelation about life over past couple of years. I'd consider myself of having a very mediocre mind, so for me to be realising that the overwhelming majority are virtually brain dead is a bit scary. We're evolving into a dumber specie as we don't have to use our brain anymore to survive really imo.

Have a think about how stupid the average person is. Then realise that 50% of people are more stupid than that.............
It's not though, previous generations were as dumb. The only difference is that now people have the technological tools to expose their stupidity.

The IQ of people across the globe is getting lower. It's a fact.
We've only had one day since last time it was posted with 233 deaths but I updated it with 281 and added in more France data

UK DatesUK DeathsItaly DatesItaly DeathsSpain DatesSpain DeathsFrance DatesFrance Deaths
March 8th​
Feb 23rd​
March 5th​
March 2nd​
March 9th​
Feb 24th​
March 6th​
March 3rd​
March 10th​
Feb 25th​
March 7th​
March 4th​
March 11th​
Feb 26th​
March 8th​
March 5th​
March 12th​
Feb 27th​
March 9th​
March 6th​
March 13th​
Feb 28th​
March 10th​
March 7th​
March 14th​
Feb 29th​
March 11th​
March 8th​
March 15th​
March 1st​
March 12th​
March 9th​
March 16th​
March 2nd​
March 13th​
March 10th​
March 17th​
March 3rd​
March 14th​
March 11th​
March 18th​
March 4th​
March 15th​
March 12th​
March 19th​
March 5th​
March 16th​
March 13th​
March 20th​
March 6th​
March 17th​
March 14th​
March 21st​
March 7th​
March 18th​
March 15th​
March 22nd​
March 8th​
March 19th​
March 16th​
March 9th​
March 20th​
March 17th​
- -March 10th 631March 21st 1,378March 18th 244
March 11th 827March 22nd 1,772March 19th 372
March 12th 1,016March 20th 450
March 13th 1,266March 21st 562
March 22nd 674

Also, hopefully this is a sign that we're falling behind Italy. Only one day of course, so the next couple will be vital. But it's a significant difference between us and them for yesterday.
Had to laugh doing my Asda shopping online, the only baked beans they have in stock are the Heinz 'no added sugar' variety. People don't seem to like the healthy option even in times of pandemic panic buying.
So I've been wondering about what happens after a lockdown. Let's say, in an ideal world, that a lockdown is implemented in a perfect way and the health services manage to get casualties under control. How exactly do you then go about restarting society and allowing people to get infected in a manageable way?

I assume there are plans for this. Anyone know what they are?

Until the vaccine is here I presume. Or we build herd immunity. If it's the latter, in all likelihood it'll be a shit show. Apparently Hong Kong are getting a spike in new cases after measures were relaxed. This thing isn't going away, unfortunately.
Had to laugh doing my Asda shopping online, the only baked beans they have in stock are the Heinz 'no added sugar' variety. People don't seem to like the healthy option even in times of pandemic panic buying.
Yeah,I've noticed this.
Stocked up on quiche's.
I think it was the perfect storm. We'd had probably the worst winter ever in terms of rain and storms, a lot of confined public spaces were closed, the first nice weather of the year appeared and people mistakenly estimated they'd be safe up a mountain in the fresh air.

Yeah those a good points. We can't help ourselves but to stick our fecking shorts on and hit the beach when it's sunny but still only 14 degrees outside.
Until the vaccine is here I presume. Or we build herd immunity. If it's the latter, in all likelihood it'll be a shit show. Apparently Hong Kong are getting a spike in new cases after measures were relaxed. This thing isn't going away, unfortunately.

Presumably there must be a release of people by age group perhaps? Location will come into it.

It just seems like a monstrously difficult situation to manage and implement.
We're evolving into a dumber specie as we don't have to use our brain anymore to survive really imo.

No longer survival of the fittest. Lazy dumb people like to reproduce and spawn children with similar values toward society and their futures.