Thats the state of the roads in Spain for a weekend get always. For the rest of people sorry is in english. But basically. several kilometres of feckING TRAFFIC JAM
Spain is doomed. Has the worst projection curve in the world. in 4 days will reach close to 1000 deaths per day and our peak is foreseen for 15-21 april. But seeing all this morons, who know if there will be a controlled peak or just a full blown one. If it is controlled peak, we will reach it with 3000 deaths a day at least with more than +50.000 at the peak. going down the peak, another 50.000. And then more...
Looking pretty ugly. My dad is very healthy, no pathologist, but they are rejecting in some hospitals ALREADY the +65. He is 7e, so if he gets it he is dead most likely. He is responsible, stocked for 3 months food and being quite attentive in his disinfection, and cleaning recommendations, but its never 100% perfect. Today I just scared him a bit more, and i cried a little because there are morons that still going out even risking to being fined. As a country we have what we deserve, but as individuals, most likely the stupid ones will survive