SARS CoV-2 coronavirus / Covid-19 (No tin foil hat silliness please)

Ah ok so it's deaths taking place in nursing homes they are not testing. Some are likely to be virus related but a lot won't be.

It does not surprise me if they are doing this though, and i bet other countries are or will be doing it too. All along the government has been getting annoyed that Italy is testing so many more people than anybody else in Europe and it's making the picture look worse.
Unfortunately the father of a friend of my wife died yesterday.

Had likely symptoms but also had underlying health issues. Friend been told they'll record death under that generic phrase they use for breathing (or lack of).

To be honest, if it was me/my parents, I probably wouldn't be arsed about a load of tests to give me a definitive reason. Wouldn't change anything?
Is there any food items that are fair game to stock pile? Couldn’t help but notice the ‘burgers in a tin’ were basically untouched in Farmfoods... not sure why, they seem suitable as they’ll last a while.
Chunks of steak in a tin can be used for stews and casseroles, mince in a tin can be used for cottage pies, corned beef can be used for all sorts. Tinned veg obviously, but frozen is better.
Tea is a drink, not a food.
Stupid Brits!
Is there any food items that are fair game to stock pile? Couldn’t help but notice the ‘burgers in a tin’ were basically untouched in Farmfoods... not sure why, they seem suitable as they’ll last a while.
Mmmmm, sound yummy.

im guessing people haven't exhausted other avenues and got down to burgers in a tin... yet.
Is there any food items that are fair game to stock pile? Couldn’t help but notice the ‘burgers in a tin’ were basically untouched in Farmfoods... not sure why, they seem suitable as they’ll last a while.

There's no reason to stockpile. Just buy what you need as usual.
There's no reason to stockpile. Just buy what you need as usual.
Was only joking, I’d never do that. I wouldn’t even make it past the queue to get in. I hate queue politics. I’d somehow get there first but literally let everyone go before me in fear of feeling like I’ve cut someone up.
i'm sorry but I have no suggestions for this. Why would you ask me that?

Because you travel all around the Europe a lot all the time, you should know a guy or two!
Pretty much what the general thought process was, question still is does milder/no symptoms make you less contagious or indeed not contagious at all?

I'm not sure where the confusion is coming in here.

Isn't it fairly well accepted that the asymptomatic are infectious and that those who've been infected can infect others before their symptoms show?

I know you've got this idea that it 'dies' in kids and they don't transmit it but I've not seen this anywhere else apart from your posts (granted I could be missing something)
There's no reason to stockpile. Just buy what you need as usual.

The problem is mate that in the UK at the moment you can’t buy what you need because inconsiderate cnuts are emptying all of the shelves.
I'm not sure where the confusion is coming in here.

Isn't it fairly well accepted that the asymptomatic are infectious and that those who've been infected can infect others before their symptoms show?

I know you've got this idea that it 'dies' in kids and they don't transmit it but I've not seen this anywhere else apart from your posts (granted I could be missing something)

The last paragraph, they are clearly asking that very question.

Asymptomatic infections were not uncommon. Determination of the transmission potential of these asymptomatic patients is important for guiding the development of measures to control the ongoing pandemic.

I have no idea but plenty of other people have asked the question, if you have kids you know how easily they catch and spread every infection under the sun, clearly they is something going on with COVID 19 and children.

As for the dying thing there have been children born with Covid 19 only to be clear of it hours later.
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The problem is mate that in the UK at the moment you can’t buy what you need because inconsiderate cnuts are emptying all of the shelves.

They did the same in Ireland last week, when school closures were announced. Turns out there’s only so much people can panic buy and the supplies keep on coming. You can expect shelves to look less and less bare as the days go by.
Is there any food items that are fair game to stock pile? Couldn’t help but notice the ‘burgers in a tin’ were basically untouched in Farmfoods... not sure why, they seem suitable as they’ll last a while.

I was just almost sick in my own mouth remembering the one time I tried burger in a can. Thanks for that..
Is anyone else still going in the office like I am? They have split us all up and allowed half to work from home but as I'm relatively newer member of the team where I work....I'm still coming in. I don't really mind either. I'd hate to be stuck inside at home.
Cases in Mauritius @Jippy
They've acted really quickly, sending an announcement round to everyone and going straight into lockdown with police on the street. My mother-in-law has more food in the house than anyone I know, so they could last years on those supplies.
They've acted really quickly, sending an announcement round to everyone and going straight into lockdown with police on the street. My mother-in-law has more food in the house than anyone I know, so they could last years on those supplies.

This may be simplistic but isn't it a case (for each country) to ensure a successful lockdown / social isolation period for a few months, and simultaneously ensure strict border control. There is apparently a testing device which can quickly (within 15 minutes) diagnose it, that could be used at airports/border crossings. Airline traffic is going to be massively impacted and slow anyways. In fact, I think to avoid the rest of the economy from being completely shut down, it could even be sacrificed entirely for a few months.
Is anyone else still going in the office like I am? They have split us all up and allowed half to work from home but as I'm relatively newer member of the team where I work....I'm still coming in. I don't really mind either. I'd hate to be stuck inside at home.

I'm still coming in will do so until I'm told not to, people with underlying health problems have been told to work from home. I'm just glad I'm a civil servant at times like these.
Unfortunately the father of a friend of my wife died yesterday.

Had likely symptoms but also had underlying health issues. Friend been told they'll record death under that generic phrase they use for breathing (or lack of).

To be honest, if it was me/my parents, I probably wouldn't be arsed about a load of tests to give me a definitive reason. Wouldn't change anything?

Sorry to hear about that.

I wouldn't be too bothered either but i understand the necessity to understand the true fatality rate of this virus. I think it is just getting beyond the capacity of health services to test everyone and everything.
I'm still coming in will do so until I'm told not to, people with underlying health problems have been told to work from home. I'm just glad I'm a civil servant at times like these.

Yeah same with us. Anyone with health issues or living with people at high risk were made priority. The rest seems to have been done on who has been here longest bar a few directors. They've stayed behind for obvious reasons. That system could possibly upset some but I'm grateful for getting out for now as I imagine lockdown is coming for us all so the time I can get out now is precious to me. Our office have been taking precautions obviously but nobody seems to be panicked or worried at all.
On a sombre note, here's a queue of lorries taking about 60 coffins from Bergamo to crematoria in Bologna and Modena, because the cemeteries are full in Bergamo.
What supermarkets should do is make up hampers of food & basics for different sizes of families and sell them instead of individual items for now. That will keep it fair
I would go so far as to get them to close doors completely and only do home deliveries. It would also generate more jobs for people if they got delivery drivers in who are likely currently out of work.
Basically in my place of work, if you've got someone at home who is high risk like I have, my choice is statutory sick leave, unpaid leave, annual leave or quit. I work in hospitals across Northern Ireland.

I would imagine most places would be the same.

I normally have 12 weeks full sick pay, but if I where to take off it wouldn't be because I'm sick
My wife is a civil servant in Dublin
Her choices are:
Special leave if you don’t have childcare
Use your annual leave
Unpaid leave

I’m at home in the at risk category- heart disease, high bp, diabetes, low immune

So unless they can come up with a new solution she will stay at home on unpaid leave. I don’t have a job as I got paid off in December so we will live off my €203 pw job seekers and the bit of redundancy I have left
Why this wasn’t done weeks ago...