Or dare I say it..next Wednesday.Imagine next Tuesday.
Or dare I say it..next Wednesday.Imagine next Tuesday.
Thursday and Friday seem to have been biggest reported numbers in last couple of weeks. (Obviously next Tuesday will have bigger real numbers than tomorrow.)Imagine next Tuesday.
Thursday and Friday seem to have been biggest reported numbers in last couple of weeks. (Obviously next Tuesday will have bigger real numbers than tomorrow.)
Maybe. Doesn't seem like that happened last year. Reported cases are rather meaningless anyway.Cases next week will surely nosedive. Sly feckers with milder symptoms won't want to cancel their Christmas plans.
Oh in case it wasn't clear I was only messing. I constantly bash the schools and the handling of them and it irks certain people. I don't get why they're not letting them off early either, seems like an easy win, surely. I feel bad for the teachers who are probably concerned about getting covid now in advance of Xmas.
Mmmmmm............... That sounds........... Interesting.... Thanks!Just roast it with a lot of garlic and you'll be fine. You can also put some grated cheese on top.
Good news from Gauteng.
Prefer the linear scale one its just visually easier to see the difference.
We are not far away from you in Norway now. We have the 9th most infections per population/infected ratio. Some restrictions have come and maybe more will follow as this variant is so extremely contagious. There is a story in the news today about the earlier company christmas party here that infected 74% of the 111 guests. 60% of them got omicron. 1 got Delta. Data shows that 98% of the infected were double vaccinated (Pfizer or Moderna). Among the 25 that did not get infected 7/25 were vaccinated with Pfizer og 12/25 with Moderna. 41/75 infected had the Pfizer vaccine and 17/75 had Moderna.
Case numbers are insane after a few days. Death numbers look optimistic, but considering Omicron has only been with us a few days pretty much they are irrelevent right?
Case numbers are insane after a few days. Death numbers look optimistic, but considering Omicron has only been with us a few days pretty much they are irrelevent right?
I think this wave of covid is very mild, the numbers are staggering compared to previous waves, but no panic on the streets or in the media. The government seams quite “Chilled”, on this outbreak.Case numbers are insane after a few days. Death numbers look optimistic, but considering Omicron has only been with us a few days pretty much they are irrelevent right?
I had a feeling!Oh in case it wasn't clear I was only messing. I constantly bash the schools and the handling of them and it irks certain people. I don't get why they're not letting them off early either, seems like an easy win, surely. I feel bad for the teachers who are probably concerned about getting covid now in advance of Xmas.
It's irritating, but I'm guessing it's due to twitter character limit and has broken free of the platform.Why has "+ve" been allowed to become a thing?
Those numbers dont make sense? 98% of the infected were vaccinated with Moderna or Pfizer, but 58/75 infected had one of them? That's 77%.
And it's saying that 6 of the 25 non infected were unvaccinated, whereas only 1 of 75 infected was unvaccinated ie there is less chance of catching it if unvaccinated.
Boris has no real choice but to lie now as he’s promised us Christmas. If he says now that he will shut down on Boxing Day every one will go out and go party like it’s 99.
The problem here however is by Christmas Eve cases maybe near or over 200,000 and it will take balls of steel not to do anything then. If any of us were prime minister we’d be sweating like pigs from today’s data, part of me just wants witty to tweet a lockdown and watch boris squirm.
If any of us were prime minister we'd just hand over decisions on public health to those qualified to make decisions on public health.
Yeah probably between Christmas and New Year, maybe just after. It’s normally about three weeks after a big increase in cases that you see the hospitalisations rise as well. Hopefully this will not be the case this time but to be honest I think that’s wishful thinkingThis has come at an absolutely horrible time. Even if it is mild, at the rate it’s doubling there will be some horrific headlines in the next few days and Christmas is a week tomorrow. That’s about when we will see the real death data start to come through, right? Or at least between Christmas and new year. If illness severity is worse than currently believed he’s toast.
Aye, the one who doesn’t think lockdowns in Europe especially, and now has a tonne of data to back that up, have tended make much difference with the long term death rate per capita, and thinks they have too often been used incorrectly (not as part of an elimination strategy like Aus/NZ) and long before they are a last resort is the weirdo.
I’m the weirdo for wanting the World to learn to deal with Covid without locking healthy people in their homes and to understand that they aren’t always necessary to keep hospitals from overflowing, especially now with the help of the vaccines.
I’m the weirdo for wanting my company to continue running for more than a few months and not constantly at risk of bankruptcy.
I’m the weirdo for wanting to be able to visit family and friends in other European countries more regularly than once every two years again.
I’m the weirdo for not wanting us to utterly cripple our economies further, something that people have completely ignored by asking for more lockdowns. We’ve only begun to scratch the surface on our long term cost for these lockdowns.
I’m the weirdo because I’m well aware if the side effects, now well documented, of lockdowns and want them avoided and used only as a last resort.
And for what it’s worth, it’s never been RAB from the cafs opinion, it’s been the opinion of the experts over here, that long term these lockdowns that aren’t used Aus-esque and not as a last resort, would ultimately make little difference and were simply kicking the can down the road. They’ve been bloody well proven correct.
Thought the vaccinations would kill it off, but didn’t foresee how the variants would drag it out. Now think a super all conquering vaccination is the only answer which could take years to develop and administer.Did anyone think this thread would be as long as this when Covid started? Almost two years in now.
Did anyone think this thread would be as long as this when Covid started? Almost two years in now.
Turns out we all built up some form of immunity according to Pogue. We call it H1N1 now. Just a normal seasonal flu.How long did the Spanish Flu pandemic last, and how did that end up getting resolved? You never hear of it these days and surely science has moved on since then.
Why has "+ve" been allowed to become a thing?
Omicron is almost a different disease that we're dealing with.So what's the out now? Vaccines last year were the answer. Now we have the vaccines nothing has changed
How does this actually end? If it is a case of just living with it/continuing as normal, then when does that actually start? Can't keep doing this every few months
It's a convention that's been used in Maths and Physics for decades. Probably centuries.When I worked in a hospital +ve / -ve were always accepted shorthand in medical notes. I just assume it's been used more generally now.