Agreed. Prof Pagel is a lot more measured and less hyperbolic.
I'm undecided on vaccinating kids, I think I see it more from the POV of the NEJM study saying that its safe, also licensed for teenagers. More from reducing community infections, breaking off chains etc.
Long covid is a huge, poorly understood spectrum of disease. I'm following up a number of patients with suspected long covid who've we've referred for CT scans, spirometry, chest physios and to long covid clinics for a case study type of thing because we had loads in inner city Leicester with additional surveys to identify how debilitating it is generally.
Generally its sort of like fibromyalgia but without the pain relief requirements, more intermittent breathlessness, muscle fatigue predominant in my experience. Actually was worse in first wave when we had really worrying-sounding chest pains in a significant number (with investigations all normal). Some good response to bronchodilator trials and dealing intercurrent deficiencies in vitamin D. But huge variation in clinical presentation and mostly its persistent post-viral like symptoms now. Many have been phased back into work gradually to even physically exerting role.
I don't really buy the stats on its prevalent and without wanting to downplay its debility or extent, I don't think thats the argument for postponing restriction-lifting vaccinating more, and vaccination the teens.
There's enough of a case from preventing community transmission towards elderly/immunocompromised and preventing variants.
But I agreed with what most of what she said in there. The bizarre lifting of mask mandate is worrying to me. And also points to governments actually wanting this thing to spread to some extent.