Pogue Mahone
I don’t think we need a “behaviour expert” to draw that conclusion! Of course it’s what we’re all thinking. There is no concrete evidence of it, but it’s the common sense assessment.
So they have an expert saying what most people are thinking, but in the interest of appearing balanced, they bring in another expert that says it might be that, but it also could be this, and then another expert that says it’s too early to say anything, but it is something to keep an eye on. If you assign equal weight to all experts there then you come out knowing less than what you came in with!
That amalgamated view of expertise is such a caricature of what actual expert analysis is that when people roll their eyes at experts, really they’re rolling their eyes at that caricature. I don’t agree with a lot of criticisms of mainstream media but that’s among their biggest failings!
Ah. Ok. Sure. I still prefer that sort of attempt at balance than the fringe media’s preference for trumpeting the most hysterical, click-generating single opinion possible.