Dr. Dwayne
Self proclaimed tagline king.
Well, it's all going to hell now.
Given the UK has had significantly higher fatalities and a much deeper economic slump off the back of lockdown, by what metric do you consider Italy having suffered 'more severe consequences'?Criticism of the UK government is warranted. They got a heads up from Italy and somehow still managed to find themselves in an equally bad situation quite soon after. I primarily blame Boris Johnson's buffoonery for that, but there were obvious systemic failures too. My point wasn't that the UK government responded well to the situation, rather that if they responded so poorly and the Italians responded so well, and yet we find ourselves in a situation where Italy could suffer more severe consequences, then wouldn't that point to the government's measures not being as influential as we thought / hoped? As I understand it, the only alternative explanation would be that there wasn't such a wide gap in the measures imposed and the adherence to them. That seems less likely to me but I don't know the respective situations inside-out.
Baffles me that people don’t get this.
Given the UK has had significantly higher fatalities and a much deeper economic slump off the back of lockdown, by what metric do you consider Italy having suffered 'more severe consequences'?
How are Boots able to offer a 12 minute test and the Gov aren't?
How are Boots able to offer a 12 minute test and the Gov aren't?
In Belgium they're working on a 5 min PCR test.
"imec in Belgium is developing a PCR test that can identify Covid-19 in breath in under five minutes.
The research lab in Leuven has been given a grant of €2 million by the Flemish government and is teaming up with UZ Leuven University Hospital for clinical validation of Covid-19 test. Imec intends to test a functional prototype at Brussels Airport in the summer of 2021.
The test uses the 'gold standard' polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to be accurate in determining if someone has the virus without having to use an uncomfortable nasal swab and laboratory processing time. Other tests can be easier to conduct but can be less accurate.
By testing exhaled air imec tests not only whether someone has the virus but also how likely they are to be contagious. Droplets from exhaled breath are thought to be the virus's main transmission method. Peter Peumans, CTO of Health Technologies at IMEC said the test is being designed to cope flexibly with other viruses that spread by the same method, such as influenza, respiratory synctycial virus (RSV) and tuberculosis.
"SARS-CoV-2 testing via breath sample coupled with an ultrafast molecular analysis would be game-changing since it would allow for the timely detection of individuals who are most likely to transmit the virus," said Peter Piot, of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
The system uses an aerosol sample collector and molecular analysis unit that can perform the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test. The microfluidic MEMS allows for thousands of cavities in which to capture viral particles and testing time has been reduced from 50 minutes to 5 minutes."
Now that could be a game changer.
Ah ok, I was entering the debate late tbf. Tbh, my brain is too frazzled after a stress-y day at work, so will leave this to our Italian posters. Would be interesting to see if there was any measure of comparison on adherence across countries, but guess it would be highly subjective.The post you've quoted says they "could suffer more severe consequences". On the virus transmission side, that's just based on the sharper increase in cases and the higher number of daily cases, especially after doing so well to keep cases so low, and the development of specific hotspots which posed the biggest problem there last time. Which I'm taking from local's comments in here plus the supporting data. On the economic side, that's largely a byproduct of it: a more strict response leading to more economic damage.
But that's not really the point I'm making, so if it's a point of contention, I'm happy to retract the statement. The broader point is that if the measures were much more appropriate, and much better adhered to, then you would have expected the UK to do significantly worse - especially at this stage. And there were a lot of people in here saying that is why the UK was going the way it was, while Italy was keeping things low. Is it an unreasonable point to question how influential those measures can be when the conditions worsen, or alternatively how well they were adhered to in their respective countries?
What if someone was to make a test that could do it in say 1 minute. Would that hypothetical test be good?
Just wondering why so called “scientists” are working on five minute testers when quicker ones would be better. This is why faith in the government is falling.Um... yes? Not sure where you’re going with this?
Just wondering why so called “scientists” are working on five minute testers when quicker ones would be better. This is why faith in the government is falling.
Well, it can't be wiped out. I'm a little surprised that masks aren't more universally used in Europe, it seems to be because the region had so much luck beating the virus down with lockdowns. Here in the US masks have been a big topic for months, since we never beat the virus back. Your need to act like New Zealand to get rid of it.I know we obviously have mass testing now across the continent and it is an incredibly interconnected continent.....but how on earth have we managed to get ourselves back in this situation? Pretty much all of us?
Did we relax too much after we'd controlled the first wave? Should all those holidays have been banned? Seems ridiculously silly now, especially considering I think most of East Asia/ SE Asia, which has far less movement between countries anyway, still seems relatively much more closed.
Vaccine or not, its pretty demoralising that we've ended up in a situation where many of us are going back into some kind of lockdown and the majority seem under at least some kind of measures.
I imagine it's a small scale operation that will be dealing with low numbers a day based off the machine that will be processing, as opposed to the hundreds of thousands that require processing and the most efficient way to do that is via a lab.
Just wondering why so called “scientists” are working on five minute testers when quicker ones would be better. This is why faith in the government is falling.
I'm so tired of reading Danish friends on Facebook complaining about masks and how they give cancer etc. etc.
One even suggested we should try and split the world in a normal one and one for all those hysterical about covid. What does she think will happen in the former? No one gets ill?
It’s similar in lunacy to those who are blaming the increasing rates of infection with increased testing. Increased testing just shows how much actual virus is out there, it doesn’t cause one more case than what was already out in the world. If anything, the testing might be lagging too much in the states.For some reason people seem to think that if you’re listening to the advice about mask wearing, it makes you scared (or hysterical as you put it).
I got accused of living in fear the other day (on social media obviously, because none of those weirdos would say it to someone’s face), and all I could think of replying was that it literally makes no difference to me to put a mask on for 2 seconds while I get some milk.
I genuinely struggle to understand people’s issue with others choosing to wear a mask. The whole lock down vs economy argument is at least something that has valid points on either side.
Kids. What a bunch of cnuts!Shopping centres rammed today with kids off. Social distancing non existent.
I went to a testing site with a drive thru and it was nothing like that at all. People in aprons and masks talking as you would from a suitable distance.Just been for my first Covid test at a drive-thru centre. It was eerie driving through at night under floodlights, with workers all hazmat-ed up and communicating with you via printed sheets, as you can't wind your window down until you reach the actual testing part.
The gamer/moviebuff in me has played/seen enough pre/post-apocalyptic games/movies to be 100% prepared for one of the workers to be suddenly set upon by a flesh-eating humanoid of some kind. Fortunately, it passed without incident. This time...
I should add that I live in Stoke; appearing apocalyptic is one of the few things the city still does well.I went to a testing site with a drive thru and it was nothing like that at all. People in aprons and masks talking as you would from a suitable distance.
I should add that I live in Stoke; appearing apocalyptic is one of the few things the city still does well.
Indeed, we've been living in relative harmony with the undead for some time!Covid is nothing compared to monkey dust![]()
Yeah all over the place here... funny they say we live in fear by following a very tiny set of simple rules while they come up with fear mongering stories about microchips, NWO and global depopulation plan.I'm so tired of reading Danish friends on Facebook complaining about masks and how they give cancer etc. etc.
One even suggested we should try and split the world in a normal one and one for all those hysterical about covid. What does she think will happen in the former? No one gets ill?
I’ll not believe any off it until the NWO led by hulk hogan, Scott Hall & co come out dressed in black carrying anal probes which disperse 5g micro controller chips in your assYeah all over the place here... funny they say we live in fear by following a very tiny set of simple rules while they come up with fear mongering stories about microchips, NWO and global depopulation plan.
Just wondering why so called “scientists” are working on five minute testers when quicker ones would be better. This is why faith in the government is falling.
My understanding is that we're all gonna get this eventually, so we want the person giving it to us to be wearing a mask and we want to be wearing one ourselves, so that the viral load is small and our immune systems can easily defeat it. And of course we don't want to overwhelm the healthcare system so we can't have too many sick at once. Waiting for a vaccine with lockdowns certainly isn't gonna work in a country with no financial assistance from the govt.
It was just interesting to see it quantified. Mainly respiratory deaths down although oddly dementia deaths were also down. And of course that doesn't account for any longer term health issues caused by the lockdown (early on in all states and now in Victoria) be it mental health or people not going to the doctor when they should. Luckily we haven't had to do much delaying of essential medical treatment due to keeping infection numbers down.
You're not far off summer now so that should help aswell?
I’ll not believe any off it until the NWO led by hulk hogan, Scott Hall & co come out dressed in black carrying anal probes which disperse 5g micro controller chips in your ass
Lockdowns will indirectly cause more deaths in the long run than Covid.Wow - this is a statistic that i have never seen and shows the lockdowns etc as being a necessity at minimum.
How do you know?Lockdowns will indirectly cause more deaths in the long run than Covid.