SARS CoV-2 coronavirus / Covid-19 (No tin foil hat silliness please)

So how is everyone responding to the virus threat?
Living life as normal or avoiding public transport and avoiding going to the pub / cinema / restaurants, concerts etc?
Nothing different, I’ve had Labyrinth Syndrome for about 3 weeks so working from home half the time anyway and doing as little as possible the rest of it. The timings weirdly convenient
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We currently work from home twice a week - am expecting that to become daily when it gets a lot worse out there.
Theyre trying to time it so that it has as little economic disruption as possible, but they can't come out and directly say that.
Because that worked out well for everyone else?

How about use your eyes and see the measures taken by some of the Asian countries in controlling this effectively.

Hancock is every bit a fool as Boris.

Tbf I'm assuming each country has its own particular profile in terms of interconnectivity with other countries, pre-existing support structures and potential scope for societal restrictions, all of which mean slightly different responses are required in each case. Deciding to vary from what other countries have done won't always neccessarily be the wrong thing, especially if you're comparing countries that are structurally very different.

And I can also see the logic in wanting the height of restrictions to coincide with the peak of the illness. If we accept that severe restrictions can only be held in place for a limited amount of time, one can see why it would be a big problem to exit that period of severe restrictions in a state of lower resource only to be then hit by the consequences of the epidemic reaching its peak in the rest of Europe.

As Kentonio said on the last page though, that doesn't extend to strictly testing people at the borders, which one would have thought would be a relatively easy measure to impose.
That interview with the Culture of Sec just shows how unprepared and complict this government are.
No checks on multiple flights from the quarrantine zone in Italy on arrival in the UK and expecting the cabin crew to diagnose corono

Not sure if anyone heard this conspiracy theory before but with POTUS literally making it obvious he promotes Insider training with his unusually timed statements via Twitter and otherwise (don't forget the rise in stock of defense contractors after Trump announced the Iran attack to investors before the attack itself)... This would not surprise me (and not saying this is Trump this time around obviously) -

The arguably excessive response to the Corona virus was orchestrated by the money folks to cover for the fact the economy was clearly on a path to trend downward. By hyping up the virus through media worldwide it allowed speculators and others to both get out while the market is hot - while covering for what was a crash waiting to happen - the virus is just a convenient excuse to obscure the true reasons for why it would collapse otherwise.

Crazy? Maybe. But again - it's always important to ask who benefits from what, why and when?
3rd case in Bosnia registered today.

Also, the guy from Croatia who got diagnosed with the virus 13 days ago is still positive, even though he doesn't have the symptoms anymore.
Italy having 1800 cases today, the exponential trend continues.

Bad thing is that the other countries are not actually doing better, they just are a couple of weeks behind, and we will get the same scenario in them soon.

China and South Korea, on the other hand, are doing a fantastic job and China, in particular, seems to have managed to do the unthinkable, and essentially containing the disease. It sickens me the fact that they gave a working blueprint, but the Western countries ignored it., instead of implementing it at all costs. The biggest irony is that 'the Chinese coronavirus' might actually cause havoc on the West, but actually not affect China that much.
Hmm, let's take a look at the death rates..

80+ years old
70-79 years old
60-69 years old

Now let's take a look at the UK population in those age ranges..

80+ years old
70-79 years old
60-69 years old

So that would suggest a rough death rate of..

80+ years old
70-79 years old
60-69 years old

Now I think letting 918,062 UK citizens die might be pushing it a bit even for a Tory..

I would imagine that a pretty high proportion of that lot are Tory voters, too. It would certainly be a "brave" (foolhardy) strategy.
Italy having 1800 cases today, the exponential trend continues.

Bad thing is that the other countries are not actually doing better, they just are a couple of weeks behind, and we will get the same scenario in them soon.

China and South Korea, on the other hand, are doing a fantastic job and China, in particular, seems to have managed to do the unthinkable, and essentially containing the disease. It sickens me the fact that they gave a working blueprint, but the Western countries ignored it., instead of implementing it at all costs. The biggest irony is that 'the Chinese coronavirus' might actually cause havoc on the West, but actually not affect China that much.

I agree we need to be doing a lot more, I say this as a believer in capitalism - I'd rather see our economy sink if it meant we contained Covid-19, but it seems that mitigating economic damage appears to be a western priority right now, which is rather grim. Also, some of the measures taken by China wouldn't wash very well with Western morals, I can't see many people just standing by whilst being welded into their apartment blocks!
I agree we need to be doing a lot more, I say this as a believer in capitalism - I'd rather see our economy sink if it meant we contained Covid-19, but it seems that mitigating economic damage appears to be a western priority right now, which is rather grim. Also, some of the measures taken by China wouldn't wash very well with Western morals, I can't see many people just standing by whilst being welded into their apartment blocks!
That's the thing, it won't. We can pretend that everything is alright, this is just another flu, but in May/June when millions of people are gonna be sick in every country, the economy will crash harder than if right now everyone took a month off and went home.

The politicians are idiots. They have put all eggs in the basket that the summer is gonna kill the virus, despite we don't have any idea if that will be the case or not.
Not sure if anyone heard this conspiracy theory before but with POTUS literally making it obvious he promotes Insider training with his unusually timed statements via Twitter and otherwise (don't forget the rise in stock of defense contractors after Trump announced the Iran attack to investors before the attack itself)... This would not surprise me (and not saying this is Trump this time around obviously) -

The arguably excessive response to the Corona virus was orchestrated by the money folks to cover for the fact the economy was clearly on a path to trend downward. By hyping up the virus through media worldwide it allowed speculators and others to both get out while the market is hot - while covering for what was a crash waiting to happen - the virus is just a convenient excuse to obscure the true reasons for why it would collapse otherwise.

Crazy? Maybe. But again - it's always important to ask who benefits from what, why and when?
Honestly? I think you need to lay off the sauce.
So how is everyone responding to the virus threat?
Living life as normal or avoiding public transport and avoiding going to the pub / cinema / restaurants, concerts etc?

Business as usual here. Just using the same common sense as in every flu season.
Id wager that the only thing Trump cares about right now is getting re-elected and this virus is very bad for business in that regard. It’s why he tried to claim it as a hoax initially.
Honestly? I think you need to lay off the sauce.

Not suggesting anyone created the virus for that purpose but its hard to argue its not somewhat convenient. Trump admin won't talk about it but there have been several announcements of companies filing for bankruptcy and laying off thousands over the past few months. Some before the virus even came around and even those announced recently won't be just because of the virus. In other words - the signs of a weakening economy were already there.
Not sure if anyone heard this conspiracy theory before but with POTUS literally making it obvious he promotes Insider training with his unusually timed statements via Twitter and otherwise (don't forget the rise in stock of defense contractors after Trump announced the Iran attack to investors before the attack itself)... This would not surprise me (and not saying this is Trump this time around obviously) -

The arguably excessive response to the Corona virus was orchestrated by the money folks to cover for the fact the economy was clearly on a path to trend downward. By hyping up the virus through media worldwide it allowed speculators and others to both get out while the market is hot - while covering for what was a crash waiting to happen - the virus is just a convenient excuse to obscure the true reasons for why it would collapse otherwise.

Crazy? Maybe. But again - it's always important to ask who benefits from what, why and when?
If you believe this bollocks you should have the courage to say so and not hide behind stuff like your last sentence.

Not suggesting anyone created the virus for that purpose but its hard to argue its not somewhat convenient. Trump admin won't talk about it but there have been several announcements of companies filing for bankruptcy and laying off thousands over the past few months. Some before the virus even came around and even those announced recently won't be just because of the virus. In other words - the signs of a weakening economy were already there.

I think the wider point was;

“Has anyone heard this conspiracy theory [insert insanity here]... It’s always important to ask X”

It was all a little bit daft fella.
If you believe this bollocks you should have the courage to say so and not hide behind stuff like your last sentence.
I think the wider point was;

“Has anyone heard this conspiracy theory [insert insanity here]... It’s always important to ask X”

It was all a little bit daft fella.
Fine I'll say I could believe there is a degree of truth to it. The media is clearly way over hyping this - to think otherwise is daft to me.

Of all the things killing people - including the flu - and much more obscure things - this is a blip on the radar.

Not suggesting anyone created the virus for that purpose but its hard to argue its not somewhat convenient. Trump admin won't talk about it but there have been several announcements of companies filing for bankruptcy and laying off thousands over the past few months. Some before the virus even came around and even those announced recently won't be just because of the virus. In other words - the signs of a weakening economy were already there.

That's the way it has always been.

The market usually runs overvalued, and at the end of the economic cycles, it correct itself and goes back to the real value. Then, the cycle starts again. (that's when big money makes even more big money)

People in charge of the market, will always blame the crash in some external factor, that's standard. But the crash was happening with or without Coronavirus. It was coming way before we even heard that name.

Obviously a pandemic will affect the market, but it's not even close to be the only reason for what we are seeing now.

Not suggesting anyone created the virus for that purpose but its hard to argue its not somewhat convenient. Trump admin won't talk about it but there have been several announcements of companies filing for bankruptcy and laying off thousands over the past few months. Some before the virus even came around and even those announced recently won't be just because of the virus. In other words - the signs of a weakening economy were already there.
The thing is the economy could literally turn into a beast of organic matter, grow two arms, rip babies apart and take a shit on everyone's doorstep and all Trump would have to do is shout "fake news" and, because everyone is so incompetent, nothing bad would come of it.
That's the way it has always been.

The market usually runs overvalued, and at the end of the economic cycles, it correct itself and goes back to the real value. Then, the cycle starts again. (that's when big money makes even more big money)

People in charge of the market, will always blame the crash in some external factor, that's standard. But the crash was happening with or without Coronavirus. It was coming way before we even heard that name.

Obviously a pandemic will affect the market, but it's not even close to be the only reason for what we are seeing now.
Thank you. That's basically the point I was trying to make.
Fine I'll say I could believe there is a degree of truth to it. The media is clearly way over hyping this - to think otherwise is daft to me.

Of all the things killing people - including the flu - and much more obscure things - this is a blip on the radar.

It’s a highly communicative virus that has a worryingly high death rate especially for old people. We live in countries with lots and lots of old people. In what way is this being overhyped?
Fine I'll say I could believe there is a degree of truth to it. The media is clearly way over hyping this - to think otherwise is daft to me.

Of all the things killing people - including the flu - and much more obscure things - this is a blip on the radar.
You're still hiding. There's no 'degree of truth' with your capitalist-led over hyping theory, it's either right or wrong. Sadly the bodies mounting up will prove you more wrong as each day passes. The problem isn't being over hyped.
It’s a highly communicative virus that has a worryingly high death rate especially for old people. We live in countries with lots and lots of old people. In what way is this being overhyped?

A lot of it is based on very limited date globally. While the death rate appears to be high it's too early to say how it compares to the regular flu which kills many many more each year. There is no shot for the virus but even with the flu it's a complete crap shoot given the many mutations out there. The issue is with the lack of testing and proper care - so far I am not seeing anything to indicate it's simply because this is a virus that's so much more dangerous than any other for your average semi healthy human being.

Also :

A lot of it is based on very limited date globally. While the death rate appears to be high it's too early to say how it compares to the regular flu which kills many many more each year. There is no shot for the virus but even with the flu it's a complete crap shoot given the many mutations out there. The issue is with the lack of testing and proper care - so far I am not seeing anything to indicate it's simply because this is a virus that's so much more dangerous than any other for your average semi healthy human being.

So we shouldn’t lose any sleep over the millions of not ‘average semi healthy’ human beings? So far the death rate has been particularly nasty amongst the elderly who often have existing health conditions.
Fine I'll say I could believe there is a degree of truth to it. The media is clearly way over hyping this - to think otherwise is daft to me.

Of all the things killing people - including the flu - and much more obscure things - this is a blip on the radar.
This is a classic example of someone who thinks they are smart not being smart at all.
You have convinced yourself there is no issues with this. Despite this being an illness that is growing at roughly 25% daily with a mortality rate of 3.5% you decided early on that people were “just over reacting”.
You probably shared a Facebook quote that said something like “just wash your hands”. Cuz as you pointed out, more people die of flu. Therefore the flu is worse. You didn’t stop to think of the fatalities or the cost to society if it spreads. The death rate is currently low so therefore the risk is low. You are smart, people overreacting are dumb.

but hang on... if this is no big deal like you have figured out... why are Italy stopping all sports? Why are the USA in meltdown? Why did China grind their economy to a halt? Could you in fact.. be wrong?

no. You being wrong is impossible. You’resmarter than those people who panicked!It is just a flu! Therefore what must have happened is a massive conspiracy involving Trump somehow killing millions and costing billions to the economy being good for Trump.... there you are.
That's the thing, it won't. We can pretend that everything is alright, this is just another flu, but in May/June when millions of people are gonna be sick in every country, the economy will crash harder than if right now everyone took a month off and went home.

The politicians are idiots. They have put all eggs in the basket that the summer is gonna kill the virus, despite we don't have any idea if that will be the case or not.
The considered response by our government is both sensible and rational. There is no useful purpose served by panic-driven, over the top, measures.

I doubt that anyone seriously expects this virus to be killed: we are just going to have to get used to living with it. There is certainly a benefit to managing the peak so that it occurs during the warmer months, and is more spread out, and that is what the current strategies are designed to achieve.

There will be more time lost to sick days as a result of this virus, but hopefully the absences will be spread out over an extended period and not completely cripple businesses (unlike enforced shutdowns of workplaces and schools introduced as a panic measure).
This is a classic example of someone who thinks they are smart not being smart at all.
You have convinced yourself there is no issues with this. Despite this being an illness that is growing at roughly 25% daily with a mortality rate of 3.5% you decided early on that people were “just over reacting”.
You probably shared a Facebook quote that said something like “just wash your hands”. Cuz as you pointed out, more people die of flu. Therefore the flu is worse. You didn’t stop to think of the fatalities or the cost to society if it spreads. The death rate is currently low so therefore the risk is low. You are smart, people overreacting are dumb.

but hang on... if this is no big deal like you have figured out... why are Italy stopping all sports? Why are the USA in meltdown? Why did China grind their economy to a halt? Could you in fact.. be wrong?

no. You being wrong is impossible. You’resmarter than those people who panicked!It is just a flu! Therefore what must have happened is a massive conspiracy involving Trump somehow killing millions and costing billions to the economy being good for Trump.... there you are.
Very mature response that.
Clearly you didn't actually read. Different opinion than me - bad man!
Fine I'll say I could believe there is a degree of truth to it. The media is clearly way over hyping this - to think otherwise is daft to me.

Of all the things killing people - including the flu - and much more obscure things - this is a blip on the radar.

I find it scarcely believable that you could look at what’s happening in Italy right now and conclude it’s hype. Let alone the other worst affected countries.
More people die from the flu every year than being poisoned from eating raw badger arsehole, but I'm certainly going to avoid tucking into a big chunk of Bodger's buddy if I can get away with it.

Sure, more people might die from the flu but that doesn't mean DEATHBUG300-SARS-Covid-19 is any less of a danger, nor does it mean that its overhyped. If anything it shows that we don't take the common flu serious enough.
Very mature response that.
Clearly you didn't actually read. Different opinion than me - bad man!
You have just posted that you think the Corona could be “overhyped” by a hidden cabal of money men to hide the fact the stock market was overvalued.
“Very mature response that”