Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

The west trained a nazi batallion ?

It has been alleged. Lord knows if it's true since the sources are not particularly trustworthy, the US apparently voted a bill to not support them in 2015 while canadians officials were allegedly caught with Azov.
So I’m slightly confused

The 2 break away regions…..what are they classed as? Are they Ukrainian territory still? Or Russian?

If those regions are recognised as independent….in what sense?
Monuments? I'm not on about monuments, the only thing of relevance other than Russian hostility is Western involvement in solidifying Ukraine as anti-Russian proxy (the troops, guns, warships, naval bases, and so on). I still think a Russian invasion of Ukraine is both wrong and ill-advised on Russia's behalf, which is where I lose support for Russia if it happens, but other than that there are very legitimate security concerns regardless of Putin.

Putin had tears remembering the destruction of monuments by Ukrainians. He even asked if it was acceptable. :lol:
Just stop draping your arm across the fence and just say what you really keep hinting at. You at worst don’t think seem to think Ukraine should be an independent country or that the Ukrainian nation is a political construct; at best you don’t believe the Ukrainian people should have any right to self-determination and that they shouldn’t be able to choose to be modern, liberal European country, and that they should be a vassal to Russia whether they like it or not.
I don't take sides because team-taking is incredibly stupid. I'm just stating historical and current facts which irritates people because you aren't hearing about Western support (including naval bases, warships, and rockets) in Ukraine, you are only hearing about "Putin nasty, Russia bad". It's on you to filter it.

I do think they should be independent by the way, which is unfortunate because they are not independent either in the west or in the east (but we are presented with a view that the west is democratic, which is a farce).
So, in a nutshell , Ukraine sends people to train, Canada trains them and later some individuals turn out to be Nazi sympathisers. Can't see how this leads to the claim that Canada trains a whole nazi batallion.
To give @Mciahel Goodman the benefit of the doubt - he did say previously that he concedes Russia is an autocracy.

Nuanced views and objectivity on this matter appear to be sorely lacking on both sides. Putin is a prick and a warmonger, but NATO and the west don't always smell of roses either and the Azov business is at the very least, a bit shady.
We could discuss that in Iraq's thread, for example.

In Ukraine's thread, there is one side exclusively to be blamed. And sure as hell, it is not NATO.
Listening to Putin tonight, it seems for him this goes far beyond questions of Russian security and stability, and is fundamentally about correcting what he sees as major, trans-historical wrongs.

It’s been a clarifying moment for me anyway. Presented with the spectre of an old imperial power attempting to bully a formerly subjugated territory, I know what side I’m on.

It always has. Reestablish a new version of the Soviet empire then press against eastern Europe and beyond. Unless of course he's stopped here, which would be a massive blow to his ambitions.

See that guy at the end.

Dmitry Utkin, founder of Russian paramilitary Wagner Group. And Nazi.

To give @Mciahel Goodman the benefit of the doubt - he did say previously that he concedes Russia is an autocracy.

Nuanced views and objectivity on this matter appear to be sorely lacking on both sides. Putin is a prick and a warmonger, but NATO and the west don't always smell of roses either and the Azov business is at the very least, a bit shady.

I believe that I tried to be objective but I was viciously attacked. I may go live and do a Putin, you are all on notice.
To give @Mciahel Goodman the benefit of the doubt - he did say previously that he concedes Russia is an autocracy.

Nuanced views and objectivity on this matter appear to be sorely lacking on both sides. Putin is a prick and a warmonger, but NATO and the west don't always smell of roses either and the Azov business is at the very least, a bit shady.
It's an absolute autocracy with a horrendous human rights record internally. I don't mention that because I presume it is common knowledge (Putin has been in charge for a lifetime).

My view isn't even that nuanced. I'm not arguing in favour of a Russian invasion of Ukraine, only trying to demonstrate why something short of that (recognition of the separatist states) is not as insane as people think. If he fully invades Ukraine, he will have put Russia in a position impossible to defend.

See that guy at the end.

Dmitry Utkin, founder of Russian paramilitary Wagner Group. And Nazi.

Yes, the great irony is that there are nazis on both sides. The problem is we are directly funding one of those sides whilst pretending the other is morally bankrupt.
The west trained a nazi batallion ?

But there are undoubtably battalions in Ukraine that use Nazi-inspired insignia because whilst the Allies defeated Nazi Germany and we can all move on from the Second World War in the West, Ukraine is still fighting for self-determination from Mother Russia. The Nazi German forces and Ukrainian resistance fighters were two belligerents who fought against the Soviets on the same fronts. Ukraine has still not really gone through a period of denazification like Germany did.

That said, the vast majority of Western-facing Ukrainians want nothing to do with Nazis, but of course there is always a minority (think Tommy Robinson et al). It’s difficult to celebrate the Ukrainian resistance against the Soviets, but not confront the role of Ukrainians in the holocaust and perpetrating Nazi crimes whilst they co-operated with them.
So I’m slightly confused

The 2 break away regions…..what are they classed as? Are they Ukrainian territory still? Or Russian?

If those regions are recognised as independent….in what sense?
In a few days, weeks or months, they will ask for joining Russia. Russia will accept. And they will be oart of Russia.
Same as Crimea. On world maps they will still be part of Ukraine but in reality....Russia
Monuments? I'm not on about monuments, the only thing of relevance other than Russian hostility is Western involvement in solidifying Ukraine as anti-Russian proxy (the troops, guns, warships, naval bases, and so on). I still think a Russian invasion of Ukraine is both wrong and ill-advised on Russia's behalf, which is where I lose support for Russia if it happens, but other than that there are very legitimate security concerns regardless of Putin.

No one in the West is a particular fan of Belarus at the moment. No one is advocating the annexation of their territory. Give your head a wobble.
Just feck off Putin. Just as I thought I'd finally get some peace and normality after 2 years of COVID, I now stare in the face of a European war and maybe some nukes flying around if things get really out of hand
Just feck off Putin. Just as I thought I'd finally get some peace and normality after 2 years of COVID, I now stare in the face of a European war and maybe some nukes flying around if things get really out of hand
No nukes will fly around.
Just feck off Putin. Just as I thought I'd finally get some peace and normality after 2 years of COVID, I now stare in the face of a European war and maybe some nukes flying around if things get really out of hand
Nukes will not fly. Nato and Russia will never go to war. Because......of nukes
How’s this troll still a staff member? @Damien
What is he saying that’s not to your liking? That the West trained Ukrainian nationalists whom hold fascists ideology? Or are you sympathetic with their rhetoric since you, yourself, told me to go back living in Russia, without knowing nothing about me?

I find it quite amusing that you’d say that to an ex-British service man, whom went out to serve Great Britain in a perhaps naive show of appreciation for the home that they given me. You told me to go back living in Russia just because I’m sympathetic with people whom were abused/killed by Ukrainian nationalists — it’s a bit fecking stupid and now you’re looking for the head of another forum member for having a different view to you.

Wise the feck up.
So, in a nutshell , Ukraine sends people to train, Canada trains them and later some individuals turn out to be Nazi sympathisers. Can't see how this leads to the claim that Canada trains a whole nazi batallion.

Their battalion insignia with the Wolfsangel was public knowledge while the trainings happened. They didn't later turn out to be anything.

Some people really think the side they happened to be born in is all dancing angels and the other is all snarling devils.
This would appear to jive with Zhirinovsky's earlier comment about 4am on the 22nd.
I've been wondering about this.

I think you were saying Zhirinovsky knows nothing and its just a WWII reference @harms?

Would that not be a bit of a mad coincidence?
Their battalion insignia with the Wolfsangel was public knowledge while the trainings happened. They didn't later turn out to be anything.

Some people really think the side they happened to be born in is all dancing angels and the other is all snarling devils.
So you are claiming the Canadians trained nazis while fully aware of them being nazis. Yeah, can't believe it at this point. And don't give me the angels bullshit.
Just feck off Putin. Just as I thought I'd finally get some peace and normality after 2 years of COVID, I now stare in the face of a European war and maybe some nukes flying around if things get really out of hand
There has been a European war ongoing for nearly a decade. It always happens like this. Geographical terrain people never heard about and a people most never cared about becomes front and center and then disappears from the news cycle. How is this going to affect most of your lives except give you a new face to yell at on a screen? Some might have direct relationships in the Ukraine, and they're the ones you should extend your sympathies for. The rest (including me) are just speculating on other people's misery. Where was all this four months ago?
Their battalion insignia with the Wolfsangel was public knowledge while the trainings happened. They didn't later turn out to be anything.

Some people really think the side they happened to be born in is all dancing angels and the other is all snarling devils.
Pretty much. People take "sides" in international conflicts for the most impossible to grasp reasons and then you see so much jingoism that it's hard to see around it, especially when it comes from the same people who criticise the right wing. Half the people in this thread genuinely want a war imo, going by the fetishization of military equipment and nuclear capacity. It's sick.