Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

Someone should do the right thing and help the world get rid of Putin.
Feel like this is objectively a very smartly played speech; he’s addressing Ukrainian people here — those whom are unsure about Russian occupation etc.
How is it smart to tell them their country was created by communist Russia, and in fact not a real country.
Oh now he is talking about Ukrainian corruption and how they lost everything they got from Soviet Union, and had to leave their country searching for jobs. He also is talking about Catheirine the great, gas, and operations that have risk, covid, and western democratic choice.

I guess mother Russia is coming to save them.
I don't understand logic in this latest Putin's move (about separatist regions). Sanctions will crush Russian economy.

I wonder will Donetsk and Luhansk now become part of Russian federation like Crimea did?
This sound like its going in the direction of justifying a full-scale invasion more than anything else?

Is anyone else getting that impression?
Yeah feels like it. Not sure telling Ukranians about how they are backward from a office that looks like it's 1995 will work though. Probably trying to convince his own people as much as the Ukranians.
Have to say, I was very open to the argument that this is all about NATO, “realism”, geopolitics, etc. However reading and listening to Putin, I’m finding it hard to escape the conclusion that this is fundamentally about an old colonial power attempting to re-assert authority over a former colony. And I’m saying that as someone with scant knowledge of Russia-Ukrainian history and relations. But he’s convincing me.
Cutting him off is counter productive. Let the mad man talk. It sounded like a speech he began writing in the 1990s.
I don't understand logic in this latest Putin's move (about separatist regions). Sanctions will crush Russian economy.

I wonder will Donetsk and Luhansk now become part of Russian federation like Crimea did?
From the speech, that is not the case. Looks like he is planning a full invasion of Ukraine.
How is it smart to tell them their country was created by communist Russia, and in fact not a real country.
Well I’d hazard a guess this would have been in the history curriculum in Soviet/post soviet Ukraine. Again, he’s addressing Russians and those 25 percent of Ukrainians whom have Russian relatives — not the West.
I am loving this now: he is now criticizing Ukraine for suppressing the freedom of speech, issuing sanctions against mass media, and for the government killing the opponents.

He is taking the piss, isn't he?
I still think he won't try and take Kiev ("just" the regions which is still outrageous) but his rhetoric feels very war like in terms of saying Ukraine are shit and they better bow down or else. So he is definitely prepped to fight more if he needs to
I still think he won't try and take Kiev ("just" the regions) but his rhetoric feels very war like in terms of saying Ukraine are shit and they better bow down or else
Yeah there does seem an element with all those tanks in Belarus that if Ukraine move to resist the inevitable flow of Russian tanks into the Donbas that they will respond with a Kiev attack
Even less popular? So you would say that he is highly unpopular almost everywhere?
His approval rating was 32% in November 2021. That’s country-wise, it’s gets progressively lower the younger the responders are & it’s lower in big cities. The last time it was +- this low was before Crimea, its almost bloodless annexation lead to a huge boost in his popularity… since then it’s been declining. Sanctions, COVID, Navalny, repressions etc. obviously don’t help. This potential war is unlikely to gain him any sympathy from the general public since it won’t be as swift and clean as Crimea, plus people understand much better long-term consequences of such actions now.
I am loving this now: he is now criticizing Ukraine for suppressing the freedom of speech, issuing sanctions against mass media, and for the government killing the opponents.

He is taking the piss, isn't he?
with nato help of course
Yeah Putin is definitely going all on Ukraine — he’s mentioning Suvorov now. It’s like a hook like and sinker for a Russian heartstring.
Have to say, I was very open to the argument that this is all about NATO, “realism”, geopolitics, etc. However reading and listening to Putin, I’m finding it hard to escape the conclusion that this is fundamentally about an old colonial power attempting to re-assert authority over a former colony. And I’m saying that as someone with scant knowledge of Russia-Ukrainian history and relations. But he’s convincing me.

I was going to disagree and then the lunatic complains about Russian Empire monuments being destroyed. :lol:
Everyone is desperate to see this as a Cold War scenario but Ukraine is a border security issue, not the beginning of some Soviet takeover. If it wasn't Putin, some other head of state would be doing more or less the exact same thing right now. Ukraine is a historical issue for Russians. A killing field. I don't see any Russian president allowing the US/UK/NATO to gain a foothold in separatist regions and using that foothold to undermine Russia. Nor do I think Russia want to invade, exactly because they know it'll be a clusterfeck. The West will see an invasion as a win of sorts.
Wtf are you even on about? Have you not seen what has happened in Georgia, Crimea? Have you not seen how Lukashenko retained his power? It is Russia taking over territories of other countries, being the aggressor, not vice versa. Are you listening to what he is saying?
I don't understand logic in this latest Putin's move (about separatist regions). Sanctions will crush Russian economy.

I wonder will Donetsk and Luhansk now become part of Russian federation like Crimea did?
Of course they will. The only question is whether Putin wants to occupy only those 2 areas or the whole country.
I was going to disagree and then the lunatic complains about Russian Empire monuments being destroyed. :lol:
He’s talking to a nation whom are very emotive in regards to wars and their hero’s so yeah it’ll work.
From the speech, that is not the case. Looks like he is planning a full invasion of Ukraine.
Imo, he will annex those two regions and send army there. I still don't see what he gets from full invasion. And what he would get from total occupation?
I wouldn't jump to conclusions that Putin is objectively wrong about the USSR "creating modern Ukraine."

Of course Ukraine existed as a country before the USSR, but its boundaries did change on lots of occasions - and in the 20s, Lenin did add eastern regions to the country. So he's not entirely wrong.

Lenin didn't invent Ukraine of course :lol: but he did have a hand in shaping its current geographical boundaries - and it's also worth noting that Crimea only became Ukrainian in the 1950s. I'm not saying this gives them any less of a claim to it. Ukraine in its current format is very much influenced by Soviet 'designs'

He’s talking to a nation whom are very emotive in regards to wars and their hero’s so yeah it’ll work.

I know what he is doing but the part that I was listening was kind of reasonable and then he lost his marbles.
Imo, he will annex those two regions and send army there. I still don't see what he gets from full invasion. And what he would get from total occupation?

Their concern seems to be: Ukraine gets NATO membership, Ukraine then decides to invade Crimea, suddenly Russia is at war with NATO. At least that's how he put it in an interview last week.
Their concern seems to be: Ukraine gets NATO membership, Ukraine then decides to invade Crimea, suddenly Russia is at war with NATO. At least that's how he put it in an interview last week.
Don't discount Turkey here. From getting involved with the Azeris in Karabkh to selling drones to Ukraine, Russia hates Turkey's involvement with what they consider their backyard.
I’m genuinely having a panic attack here. I feel absolutely terrified of what could transpire here. As someone with Ukrainian heritage (great grandmother was a full blooded Ukrainian) and obviously being born in Russia — this is horrific to see. Genuinely chilling.
I wouldn't jump to conclusions that Putin is objectively wrong about the USSR "creating modern Ukraine."

Of course Ukraine existed as a country before the USSR, but its boundaries did change on lots of occasions - and in the 20s, Lenin did add eastern regions to the country. So he's not entirely wrong.

Lenin didn't invent Ukraine of course :lol: but he did have a hand in shaping its current geographical boundaries - and it's also worth noting that Crimea only became Ukrainian in the 1950s. I'm not saying this gives them any less of a claim to it. Ukraine in its current format is very much influenced by Soviet 'designs'

Some should tell the UK and France to get back to Africa and divvy those countries up again with that mindset. Of course colonial powers shaped modern borders. It doesn’t mean that they get to dictate the modern nations and peoples that live there now.

Also interesting how both you and Putin only went back as far as the Soviet Union, or even this far, but not as far back as Kievan Rus’.
Some should tell the UK and France to get back to Africa and divvy those countries up again with that mindset. Of course colonial powers shaped modern borders.

It doesn’t mean that they get to dictate the modern nations and peoples that live there now.

Oh I agree with you. I was just pointing out to all of the people laughing at Putin for "creating alternative history" that he wasn't entirely wrong in what he said.

That doesn't mean they should have the right to influence a sovereign nation that has independent from them for more than 30 years.