Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

Definition of coward

a person who is contemptibly lacking in the courage to do or endure dangerous or unpleasant things.

It is most definitely cowardice.

They can die as long as we don’t, happens all over the world.

Using that definition we are all without exception cowards.
This is giving Russia far too much benefit of the doubt. They've bombed and shelled civilians indiscriminately in Chechnya and Syria. They're doing it again in Ukraine on purpose because they think it's beneficial to their mission and have no qualms about murdering tens or hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian civilians.

That's not really giving them benefits of the doubt. We can't at the same time witness and officially register the fact that they are using an outrageous amount of barely trained soldiers and expect them to be competent or suspect that their blunders or questionable actions come from competency. We can't have it both ways, especially when it is also registered that very competent military forces in the world have made multiple mistakes of similar nature in other places.
You wont see the SU-57 in combat because there is only a handful of them. They're not going to risk losing one of those planes and you'll probably not seem them in action for a long time either against Ukraine or Nato.

Russia may have held back its "most advanced weaponry" but im doubting it is holding back much. Saving your best gear when you intended to have this issue dealt with in 2 -3 days is mind mindbogglingly stupid because the overall cost long term would far exceed the loss of that equipment in the short term.

The US as an example, wouldnt send in F-16's and F-18's to each conflict to create air superiority. They would use drones to do recon and the F22's and F-15's would be the first planes in to create air superiority before F-35's and F-18's would commence bombing runs on strategic positions. In saying that, its not really fair because even the F-18's and F-16's are more than capable air superiority fighters if converted for that purpose.

You forgot standoff munitions from ground and naval assets but apart from that I agree. I'm just saying let make RU make the first mistake rather than initiate a plan that could have unintended consequences. We would also have to neutralize Kaliningrad fairly quickly to allow freedom of navigation in the Baltics and through the Suwalki gap.
Per wiki, there’s 14 Felons as of last year. They would get neutralized in the first day of a conflict with NATO.

Just to give everyone an idea, the US have 187 Raptor (F-22; Air Force) and 353 Lightning II (F-35B; Marines) deemed as combat ready. There have been several delays in production with the Felon, and thus there is no way we will see them in action here.
Just to give everyone an idea, the US have 187 Raptor (F-22; Air Force) and 353 Lightning II (F-35B; Marines) deemed as combat ready. There have been several delays in production with the Felon, and thus there is no way we will see them in action here.

Maybe not in UKR but against NATO? I'm sure they would at least put up whatever they have to save some of their airspace, even if it doesn't end up making much of an impact.
That's not really giving them benefits of the doubt. We can't at the same time witness and officially register the fact that they are using an outrageous amount of barely trained soldiers and expect them to be competent or suspect that their blunders or questionable actions come from competency. We can't have it both ways, especially when it is also registered that very competent military forces in the world have made multiple mistakes of similar nature in other places.

This behavior is consistent with everything the Russian military has done since Putin took power. There are elements within the Russian military who are grossly incompetent, particularly the conscripts and new contract soldiers, but the leveling of Ukrainian cities and targeting of hospitals, evacuation corridors, and other civilian centers is essentially Russian military doctrine. When they got information from the WHO/UN in Syria about where hospitals, schools, and other sensitive civilian areas were located, they intentionally bombed them. The fact that their preparation, logistics, and planning staff were incompetent doesn't mean that their whole military is incompetent.

Definition of coward

a person who is contemptibly lacking in the courage to do or endure dangerous or unpleasant things.

It is most definitely cowardice.

They can die as long as we don’t, happens all over the world.

A potential nuclear war that would probably wipe out millions of people in a few days would be a bit more serious than an "unpleasant thing."

It's absolutely heart-breaking what is happening, but other than getting directly involved in conflict with Russia, what else can we do?
Definition of coward

a person who is contemptibly lacking in the courage to do or endure dangerous or unpleasant things.

It is most definitely cowardice.

They can die as long as we don’t, happens all over the world.

The people making the decision aren't doing so out of any fear of personal safety. They are responsible for their citizens including their armed forces, they know intervention will lead to a much much higher death count overall. So no it isn't cowardice it's weighing the morals of risking many to save few, no one wants to stand by but it's the lesser evil here. If it was possible to take Putin out without risking world war level casualties we'd already be at war.
This behavior is consistent with everything the Russian military has done since Putin took power. There are elements within the Russian military who are grossly incompetent, particularly the conscripts and new contract soldiers, but the leveling of Ukrainian cities and targeting of hospitals, evacuation corridors, and other civilian centers is essentially Russian military doctrine. When they got information from the WHO/UN in Syria about where hospitals, schools, and other sensitive civilian areas were located, they intentionally bombed them. The fact that their preparation, logistics, and planning staff were incompetent doesn't mean that their whole military is incompetent.

The post was about how bad the Russian army could be if they struggle that much regarding communication. If you have a large contingent of conscripts and soldiers without basic training it is going to be bad, there is no way around it.
Every time Zelensky requests a no fly zone I just see an amateur playing war games. Nato was obviously never going to intervene in direct confrontation.
The people making the decision aren't doing so out of any fear of personal safety. They are responsible for their citizens including their armed forces, they know intervention will lead to a much much higher death count overall. So no it isn't cowardice it's weighing the morals of risking many to save few, no one wants to stand by but it's the lesser evil here. If it was possible to take Putin out without risking world war level casualties we'd already be at war.

Do you really think this will stop at Ukraine, the mad man will continue until he is dead.
If implementing a no fly zone over a country which is not theres starts a nuclear war then anything will.

At this point I think NATO will let Sweden, Norway and Finland go down. Ok then as long as you don’t take Germany, UK or France.
Do you really think this will stop at Ukraine, the mad man will continue until he is dead.
If implementing a no fly zone over a country which is not theres starts a nuclear war then anything will.

At this point I think NATO will let Sweden, Norway and Finland go down. Ok then as long as you don’t take Germany, UK or France.
Norway is part of NATO.
From the outset, I've been against a no-fly-zone or any kind of escalation that might cause direct confrontation with Russia - especially with the possibility of a nuclear exchange looming in the background.

...but the more I see of these war crimes piling up, the shelling of refugees, the shooting of civilian cars and journalists and now a maternity hospital being destroyed, I'm starting to wonder if it's time we should act. I mean, pragmatically speaking, what is the worst Putin going to do if we intervene in Ukraine? He couldn't invade anywhere else in Europe because he's already heavily committed in Ukraine and it would take too long to open up other fronts, that in addition to the fact that Russia would have no chance in a conventional war in Europe. He's had a taste of how good NATO tech can be against his disorganised invasion and decrepit hardware, much of which is Soviet era shite. There's no way he'd have any hope of invading a NATO country.

That just leaves the nuclear option, and, unless he's completely lost his mind, he knows that's not winnable either.

You’ve just got to hope he doesn’t think if he’s going down, he’s taking the world with him…

It wouldn’t be a case of winning, more not being the only side losing…
Do you really think this will stop at Ukraine, the mad man will continue until he is dead.
If implementing a no fly zone over a country which is not theres starts a nuclear war then anything will.

At this point I think NATO will let Sweden, Norway and Finland go down. Ok then as long as you don’t take Germany, UK or France.

Why would NATO, a defensive organisation step in to defend a non member. Then what is the purpose of membership.
This is giving Russia far too much benefit of the doubt. They've bombed and shelled civilians indiscriminately in Chechnya and Syria. They're doing it again in Ukraine on purpose because they think it's beneficial to their mission and have no qualms about murdering tens or hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian civilians.
Do you really think this will stop at Ukraine, the mad man will continue until he is dead.
If implementing a no fly zone over a country which is not theres starts a nuclear war then anything will.

At this point I think NATO will let Sweden, Norway and Finland go down. Ok then as long as you don’t take Germany, UK or France.

It's over an active war zone that would put them in direct confrontation whether it's there's or not is irrelevant. That should be obvious.

It's questionable if they can even hold Ukraine. This fantasy narrative some have of him rolling through Europe that lends itself to starting a world war just in case is childish but by all means go enlist i'm sure they'd have you.
Insulting another member
Every time Zelensky requests a no fly zone I just see an amateur playing war games. Nato was obviously never going to intervene in direct confrontation.
Amateur playing war games? What the feck are you on about you moron? He’s just desperate by all means as his country is being bombed by the cnut who actually plays war games here. He’s just trying to put pressure on the west, he might not get the noflyzone but instead it may result in getting more weapons or sanctions on Russia.
Every time Zelensky requests a no fly zone I just see an amateur playing war games. Nato was obviously never going to intervene in direct confrontation.
Why the feck would we?

Said it numerous times. Ukraine are not part of NATO. Nobody in Ukraine envisaged this. I mean to the point of barbarics.
Do you really think this will stop at Ukraine, the mad man will continue until he is dead.
If implementing a no fly zone over a country which is not theres starts a nuclear war then anything will.

At this point I think NATO will let Sweden, Norway and Finland go down. Ok then as long as you don’t take Germany, UK or France.
You're right. We should all just rip our shirts off, grab a mini gun and invade Moscow. It has the double benefit of starting a nuclear war right away instead of just waiting for it to happen, plus none of us will look like cowards.
Do you really think this will stop at Ukraine, the mad man will continue until he is dead.
If implementing a no fly zone over a country which is not theres starts a nuclear war then anything will.

At this point I think NATO will let Sweden, Norway and Finland go down. Ok then as long as you don’t take Germany, UK or France.

Norway is part of NATO what are you talking about? The current head of NATO is an ex-Norwegian prime minister for heavens sake :lol::lol:
Norway is part of NATO what are you talking about? The current head of NATO is an ex-Norwegian prime minister for heavens sake :lol::lol:
He knew that already apparently, which makes his statement make zero sense. The alternative is that he didn't know that, but that would require him to admit that he was wrong.
You're right. We should all just rip our shirts off, grab a mini gun and invade Moscow. It has the double benefit of starting a nuclear war right away instead of just waiting for it to happen, plus none of us will look like cowards.

I never said invade moscow.
Norway is part of NATO what are you talking about? The current head of NATO is an ex-Norwegian prime minister for heavens sake :lol::lol:

Erm you think that NATO would do
Something if Norway got

They would probably say ok take
Norway just don’t go further please :lol:.
Norway is part of NATO what are you talking about? The current head of NATO is an ex-Norwegian prime minister for heavens sake :lol::lol:

I believe that his point was more about NATO being useless unless you are one of the big countries.
I never said invade moscow.
Might as well get it out of the way though, right? Since we're going to enforce a no fly zone, fly aircraft directly into the warzone, and poke the bear - kicking off a nuclear war. We wouldn't want to be seen as cowards, after all.
Erm you think that NATO would do
Something if Norway got

They would probably say ok take
Norway just don’t go further please :lol:.
Of course they would. Do you know how NATO works?
The last few days seem to suggest Putin is desperately attempting to create something he sell as a win to domestic audiences - forcing Zelenskyy to give up Donbas plus the land bridge to Crimea via Mariupol would seem the leading candidates, along with ruining most Ukrainian cities in the process.
I never said invade moscow.

So you're proposing we don't even try to topple Putin? we just use Ukraine as the battle ground until one side say's they've had enough or fires a nuke? Cool
China are evil but Putin is literally happy to be firmly portrayed as a genocidal killer in front of the whole world.

People might say he's cold and calculating but this is pure evil to use people like that. I wonder what would happen if his daughter was kicked out from Western Europe to Ukraine. Maybe then he'll find humanity when his dearist is in danger.

Disgusting, just disgusting.
cnut. Not even funny

Im seriously not being funny, I’m deadly serious, Russia carries on until
It gets to Germany, Italy, France, Spain, UK.

Putin will push and push, NATO will roll back and back, they will test and test.
Im seriously not being funny, I’m deadly serious, Russia carries on until
It gets to Germany, Italy, France, Spain, UK.

Putin will push and push, NATO will roll back and back, they will test and test.
Literally nothing of that will happen
Some of the photographs coming out of Mariupol are so powerful. No, the woman on the stretcher unbelievably is not dead.

Erm you think that NATO would do
Something if Norway got

They would probably say ok take
Norway just don’t go further please :lol:.

You may be right if it was a country like Germany but a country like the US suffers from a ton of war optimism (much of the time misguided IMO) and bloodlust. Much of the population likes to shoot first and ask questions later as you have seen over the years. Even if NATO doesn't show up, the US probably would (especially if any American soldiers posted in eastern Europe die in a first strike) and UK would tag along. Those are the key elements of a NATO military force anyways so the effect would be the same.