Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

Western unity breaking down right before our eyes on planes, refugees and fuel.

Putin is laughing.

Just stop with this plane donation idea. Its not workable without them flying off from a NATO base. Since we don't want to poke the Russian bear under any circumstances, let's just quell this talk.
Can't remember the West being as united as it is right now in a long time
The majority of the PAF’s fighter squadrons are F16, and they’ve got about a dozen F16 as trainers. They’ve been transitioning away from the MiG as-is and moving to a fighter wing of F16 and F35 only, that’s why they’re willing to offer them to Ukraine.

Fair enough. So the ball is in the US court... :D
Ukraine are playing this wrong.

They Need to suddenly find oil and the Americans will be in there in seconds.

It's crazy how America are refusing to supply Ukraine with Jets.

I suspect America would be happy to let Putin have Ukraine at the end of the day.

America a) don't have enough money or resources for wasting on Ukraine.

B) America are probably prepping for a greater encounter in 10 years time and this war is perhaps very untimely to their future plans.

Barring an attack by Russia on a NATO country, the most important thing is to minimise the risk of a nuclear WWWII. Everything else is secondary.

This is why Americans would not be in Ukraine "in seconds" of oil was discovered in Ukraine. It would be a disaster to have NATO forces is direct combat with Russians.

I think many people are living in fantasy land, or else in denial. Unfortunately, we are closer to WWIII now than ever before IMO.
Nothing lasts forever, but it sure is weird timing to claim the western unity breaking before our eyes.

There's already early signs of it. This whole ridiculous 'we'll give them planes as long as it doesn't fly off our base' idea, UK and it's resistance to refugees, EU not joining in on the fuel embargo..

We need to have the same stamina as Putin to stop him. That will cost the average Western citizen loads of money. How long can we hold?
UN admits refugees have faced racism at Ukraine borders

Filippo Grandi, the organisation’s High Commissioner for Refugees, acknowledged this in a statement on Tuesday afternoon.

You have seen reports in the media that there are different treatments – with Ukrainians and non-Ukrainians. Now our observations, and we possibly cannot observe every single post yet – but our observations is that these are not state policies – but there are instances which it has happened,” he said.

“There has been a different treatment (...). There should be absolutely no discrimination between Ukrainians and non-Ukrainians, Europeans and non-Europeans. Everyone is fleeing from the same risks.”

Western unity breaking down right before our eyes on planes, refugees and fuel.
Before Ukraine, yes the west was splitting.

The one thing Putin has succeeded at is uniting the west under one common aim. Whatever rhetoric you are trying to spread is meaningless.
Bloody hell, I hope you're a pessimist.
Documentaries about these topics give very little optimism. Pretty much the whole world is in a very tense situation on all fronts. This particular conflict will be going on for quite some time I can't imagine Ukraine will ever give in to Putin demands and Putin won't budge one bit. He also cares far too much about self image to recall the troops.
Before Ukraine, yes the west was splitting.

The one thing Putin has succeeded at is uniting the west under one common aim. Whatever rhetoric you are trying to spread is meaningless.

Not trying to spread any kind of rhetoric. Just saying what I observe.

I've been in support of doing whatever is necessary to stop the madman as quickly as possible. But if we are going to do it non-militarily, we need to stop arguing over stupid things like who is going to take the responsibility for sending planes into Ukraine, and also accept that it will cost us a lot of money whether its through increased fuel prices or taking care of refugees.
Documentaries about these topics give very little optimism. Pretty much the whole world is in a very tense situation on all fronts. This particular conflict will be going on for quite some time I can't imagine Ukraine will ever give in to Putin demands and Putin won't budge one bit. He also cares far too much about self image to recall the troops.
It's all a matter of perception
Im just sht scared of the propaganda that comes out of these regimes. We all know the US elections were compromised and God knows what would have happened if Trump was still in charge but what about all the Covid misinformation, Brexit, the rise of fascism in Europe etc. How much of all these tensions are manipulated by these regimes. I know some people in the UK that are now saying this war is all staged and its not true. Idiots! The Russians will be trying everything they can to fk us up now. All they need is a puppet to get elected and we're fkd. And its not just the Russians that are at it. Im all for a free uncontrolled internet but someone needs to get hold of the troll factories and crazies.
Not sure it will happen, but I think it could actually be a smart move in a way. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but i believe Russia doesn't really have any troops west of Kyiv. Imposing a no fly zone over the whole of Ukraine would be fairly big escalation with potentially huge consequences. Simply starting in West Ukraine would be a much smaller escalation as it wouldn't necessarily lead to direct confrontation with Russian troops immediately, hence making it harder for Putin to escalate from there.

Proverbially it would be NATO dipping their toes in the water to test the Russian response, and free up some Ukrainian forces to concentrate on the active war areas. At the same time, if Russia don't have the balls to immediately retaliate, extending the no fly zone to more areas in the country, when half of the country is already one, would seem a smaller escalation than doing it all at once.

Of course it would still be a fairly big step, and Putin probably wouldn't respect the no fly zone over Kyiv for instance. But it probably would give him a headache as to how to react.

I don't know much about them other than they're usually as effective as a chocolate teapot, but why aren't UN Peacekeepers being discussed in the role to protect evacuation corridors.

Nato will not and should not get involved in this.
Russia have now said they have found evidence of Ukraine making Bio Weapons for America and have uncovered evidence due to their special operation.

Putin, the 2022 version of Bush and Blair.

This Russian ploy was exposed a few weeks ago wasn't it (although I think the predictions were that the Russians would uncover (invent) "evidence" that the Ukrainians were secretly developing nuclear weapons, rather than bio weapons).
The world should not believe a single word the Kremlin says because they are proven liars about everything to do with this war.

But unfortunately I believe China, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, N.Korea etc etc will be patting Putin on the back and proclaiming a job well done for ridding this planet of Neo-Nazis and nuclear terrorists.
BBC saying that serving British Troops are going missing and heading to Ukraine and if they were captured or found by Russia. Russia would use this as proof to escalate against the west.

Doesn’t really matter, they would just make it up anyway.
But unfortunately I believe China, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, N.Korea etc etc will be patting Putin on the back and proclaiming a job well done for ridding this planet of Neo-Nazis and nuclear terrorists.
America is negotiating with Venezuela as we speak, recognizing Maduro's legitimacy insofar as Maduro is willing to fill the production gap left by Russian sanctions. America is also negotiating with Iran as we speak, the goal being to bring Iran's capacity of 2 million barrels of oil per day back online via the nuclear deal. Iran has actually criticized Russia of late because Russia is trying to assert its position as guarantor of that nuclear negotiation process (thereby potentially threatening Iran's newfound entrance back into America's good graces and the world economy more broadly). North Korea is an irrelevancy, as is Cuba, and China is the biggest trading partner of both the EU and Iran (iirc). So I don't think it's as simple as you'd have it.
America is negotiating with Venezuela as we speak, recognizing Maduro's legitimacy insofar as Maduro is willing to fill the production gap left by Russian sanctions. America is also negotiating with Iran as we speak, the goal being to bring Iran's capacity of 2 million barrels of oil per day back online via the nuclear deal. Iran has actually criticized Russia of late because Russia is trying to assert its position as guarantor of that nuclear negotiation process (thereby potentially threatening Iran's newfound entrance back into America's good graces and the world economy more broadly). North Korea is an irrelevancy, as is Cuba, and China is the biggest trading partner of both the EU and Iran (iirc). So I don't think it's as simple as you'd have it.

Let's see about Venezuela and Iran. I am aware of the negotiations but I don't expect them to just jump into America's (or the West's) arms after years of having their economy repressed.
I’m somewhat surprised that the Ruble has not crashed past 200 per Pound Sterling yet.
Let's see about Venezuela and Iran. I am aware of the negotiations but I don't expect them to just jump into America's (or the West's) arms after years of having their economy repressed.

I think OPEC countries will hold the line, profiteer whilst negociations drag on. It's a win-win. Iran and Venezuala get more from the deals the longer it goes on and the Gulf Arab countries get to sell oil at stupid prices.

Meanwhile Russia feels the pinch, unless it sells oil on the cheap to China.
The Russian central bank still has half of their reserves to prop it up as long as they can.
Can someone explain it to me like I am five? Basically the Russians will continue to buy their own Ruble for less than it is possibly worth using Dollar reserves that they have?
Russia really think the rest of the world is as dumb as their army or some of their supporters back home.

A day after Putin said conscripts would never be used. :lol:

Regrettably, we've found a few such cases... the wording itself is insane. Oops, we did a baddie.

I wonder if they're going to held Putin accountable for spreading fakes about the military operation. They didn't approve that law for nothing, did they?
I don't know much about them other than they're usually as effective as a chocolate teapot, but why aren't UN Peacekeepers being discussed in the role to protect evacuation corridors.

Nato will not and should not get involved in this.
I agree NATO shouldn't get involved, I guess I was using the term as a stand in for Western countries, many of which are members.

I can't imagine UN peacekeepers working at this point though, as the conflict is still at its peaks (so far) and would likely mean the peacekeepers would become actively involved in a war, siding against Russian forces. Also peacekeeping missions are decided by the security council, where Russia has veto power. So far any proposed evacuation corridors have been attempts by Russia to pretend they're respecting human rights.
It is huge difference. If Polish jets go from Poland straight into Ukraine, and Russia retaliate, NATO will not have to protect Poland. If they go through US, and Poland gets attacked as retaliation, NATO will be obliged to protect us. It's a massive difference.
I guess I don't see the nuanced difference. If the planes are leaving Poland and Poland gets attacked why would nato not come to Polands aid. Sending jets to Ukraine isn't Poland attacking Russia. Literally most of the weapons given to Ukraine have entered Ukraine via Poland and Romania.
Regrettably, we've found a few such cases... the wording itself is insane. Oops, we did a baddie.

I wonder if they're going to held Putin accountable for spreading fakes about the military operation. They didn't approve that law for nothing, did they?

I guess it's hard to hide when your kid is a conscript and comes home in a body bag.