Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

I find it very interesting that Abramovich uses the word "war" to describe the conlifct in Ukraine when we know it's forbidden by Russian propaganda.
A lot of this is intentional propaganda with the purpose of encouraging more Russian soldiers to surrender. I'm not saying the Ukranians are treating them badly, far from it. But it's poor form and actually a breach of the Geneva Convention to be posting videos of POWs on SM.

Not necessarily. All the videos I've seen have been individuals filming them, it only counts if it was the government doing it. Also as they're not in distress its less likely to be a breach.

Those are the rules for TV coverage anyway because the Geneva Convention is hideously outdated.
Who had this on their "Russian Lies" bingo car?

Interesting. An appeal to Trump and his supporters?

get the feeling Le Pen, Farage, and Trump are all thinking very carefully about how they play this given no one knows what will happen
Guys, urgent one - which ways out of Kyiv seem to be blocked?

My mates fiancé is stuck there with her parents and they want to flee as soon as they can. I would advise them to go to Lviv but not sure if it’s still safe.
Not necessarily. All the videos I've seen have been individuals filming them, it only counts if it was the government doing it. Also as they're not in distress its less likely to be a breach.

Those are the rules for TV coverage anyway because the Geneva Convention is hideously outdated.

It is out of date. But it does extend beyond TV.
Interesting. NATO looking to do everything they can whilst still having plausible deniability:

They won't do it to help Russia per say. They will in a sense but use it as a tool to make them the worlds biggest and best economy, but it doesn't mean that Russia will be winners in this transaction. They will be hugely dependent on China for export/import/energy and essentially be their expensive hooker that bears the fruit of being able to access and operate in that market until they are cut off.

How do you say 'bitch' in mandarin? That's what Putin has made Russia to be in a few years time. Vassal state.
Interesting. An appeal to Trump and his supporters?

get the feeling Le Pen, Farage, and Trump are all thinking very carefully about how they play this given no one knows what will happen

There should be a serious criminal investigation into the likes of Farage, Le Pen, Salvini and, Mr Nordsteam himself, Schröder. All effectively advancing the interests of a hostile foreign state.
There should be a serious criminal investigation into the likes of Farage, Le Pen, Salvini and, Mr Nordsteam himself, Schröder. All effectively advancing the interests of a hostile foreign state.

Well Le Pen took a loan from Russia to finance her campaign so...
First of all, China are less than happy about the current situation and they want it solved, peacefully, just the consequences for the global energy market is of annoyance to China as it means increased costs. Secondly, prior to all of this Ukraine was a bigger trade partner to China than Russia, and China depend on a well functioning global market. Tanking the global market, sure as shit isn't something they're keen on and there's nothing at all right now that suggests Russia is even going to compensate for the increased costs in the energy market.
Plus china has $350B invested in Europe. They have skin in the game.
Guys, urgent one - which ways out of Kyiv seem to be blocked?

My mates fiancé is stuck there with her parents and they want to flee as soon as they can. I would advise them to go to Lviv but not sure if it’s still safe.
Lviv is relatively safe at the moment, but the city is a bit swamped and isn’t necessarily where you want to go if you want to leave.

They should probably call their embassy to get advice. Some embassies are publishing estimated wait times at some borders, but you need to have the transport to get to these places.

Disgusted but not surprised by us abstaining. Very dependant on Russia + we're now working with the Russia to evacuate the students via the Russia Ukraine border.
Guys, urgent one - which ways out of Kyiv seem to be blocked?

My mates fiancé is stuck there with her parents and they want to flee as soon as they can. I would advise them to go to Lviv but not sure if it’s still safe.
Hungarian journalists who got out yesterday were advised that trains are pretty much the only way out. They got on one that was supposedly going to Romania then transferred in another town to get to Lviv.
Hi everyone. Just been on the phone to my mum. She's appalled by what's going on, as we all are. She's wanting to take in a couple of refugees in as she has a spare room. What's the best way to go about this? We are in Northern UK by the way.

Many thanks in advance.
Hi everyone. Just been on the phone to my mum. She's appalled by what's going on, as we all are. She's wanting to take in a couple of refugees in as she has a spare room. What's the best way to go about this? We are in Northern UK by the way.

Many thanks in advance.

Not seen anything government organised but there is this:
Disgusted but not surprised by us abstaining. Very dependant on Russia + we're now working with the Russia to evacuate the students via the Russia Ukraine border.
This India? Would add fuel to the rumours of heavy attacks on Kharkiv tonight if so, as India was telling students to move to neighbouring towns by 18:00 tonight.
No doubt a PR move but hopefully this will be a success and they can get everyone out quickly.

Hi everyone. Just been on the phone to my mum. She's appalled by what's going on, as we all are. She's wanting to take in a couple of refugees in as she has a spare room. What's the best way to go about this? We are in Northern UK by the way.

Many thanks in advance.
The problem is Ukrainians can’t get into the UK unless they have a British or an otherwise-settled family member in the UK to sponsor their visa.
Guys, urgent one - which ways out of Kyiv seem to be blocked?

My mates fiancé is stuck there with her parents and they want to flee as soon as they can. I would advise them to go to Lviv but not sure if it’s still safe.

If you have a twitter account, look up Walter Lekh @walterlekh . He's pretty busy monitoring the situation in Ukraine and hosting a twitter 'spaces' discussion, but if you can get hold of him by DM he'll be able give some up to date advice or forward to you someone who can.

I am afraid that things for Ukraine are going to get a lot worse before it is under full occupation by the Russian Invaders.

I just hope that Russia will not decide to use the Thermobaric bombs. Because that is pretty much unthinkable.

The thing is that those of us watching this barbaric action by Russia are feeling somewhat helpless because we are not able to do anything meaningful.
And it is my firm view the at some point, NATO is going to have to get off the fence and do something more than it is now.

If Russia takes Ukraine/Kiev I definitely can see them beating the people to the submission by taking out all locals/community leaders over time and instilling brutality and fear in the rest once the have the full control of the country. The plan is to go down the Belarus route over next few years. It’s all or nothing for Ukrainians right now.
If Russia takes Ukraine/Kiev I definitely can see them beating the people to the submission by taking out all locals/community leaders over time and instilling brutality and fear in the rest once the have the full control of the country. The plan is to go down the Belarus route over next few years. It’s all or nothing for Ukrainians right now.
It's been reported that Western intel fears the Russians have prepared something like a kill list.

I find it very interesting that Abramovich uses the word "war" to describe the conlifct in Ukraine when we know it's forbidden by Russian propaganda.

This decision and BP‘s announcement that it is dumping its 25bn Russian interest are symbolically drawing to a close the period of engagement between Russia and the West. Abramovich bought Chelsea in 2003, the same year BP made its huge investment in TNK. Hopefully there are other parallels with the late 90s/early 00s as a war and a debt crisis leads to a change of regime in Moscow.
Seems to be breaking on Twitter that a bomb may have gone off near the central station in Kyiv. Will delete if not true.

If you read that link it's only a "suggestion" while they admit you can't do a hard rule. And I'm fairly certain that only applies to official sources and not just random people sharing videos like that. And generally the purpose of it is to not parade prisoners down the street and subject them to humiliation. That doesn't really apply here.

Videoing a POW upset on the phone to their parent I'm almost certain is not deemed as acceptable under it.

The problem with these videos is there is often no source or background. It's something that's very clearly in the Ukrainian tool kit as is seen by the petrified Russian soldiers being made to spout whatever they are requested to in some of these videos. So trying to figure out what is an oblivious civilian recording a legitimate moment and what is staged to encourage further Russian surrender by the state is very hard to tell. What concerns me about that specific one is why the other woman seems so keen to offer food when he's very clearly only halfway through what he's currently eating. You can also see Ukrainian military in the background.
Feck me Blinken is really bad at this.
What concerns me about that specific one is why the other woman seems so keen to offer food when he's very clearly only halfway through what he's currently eating.

Where I grew up there are loads of people of Ukrainian decent, they're just like that. Eat, eat, eat.