Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

Blinken looks like he's taking an eye test.

More importantly, he's dropping more sanctions on Putin now, including Belarus as well.
Disgusted but not surprised by us abstaining. Very dependant on Russia + we're now working with the Russia to evacuate the students via the Russia Ukraine border.
Voting against Russia is not in our interest. Most of the countries vote according to their interest and with China and Pakistan already aligned, we wouldn’t want one country which actually supports us and is a member of UNSC to join them. We cant just lift our geography location and put it next to Canada.

Most of the NATO ( would argue all) power are not reliable partner and thats the truth. Engage them all and avoid voting against any is best way forward.

I find it very interesting that Abramovich uses the word "war" to describe the conlifct in Ukraine when we know it's forbidden by Russian propaganda.

I mean, we have to talk about the numbers numbers in this play by Abramovich.

Moreover, I have instructed my team to set up a charitable foundation where all net proceeds from the sale will be donated be donated. The foundation will be for the benefit of all victims of the war in Ukraine

That's what - 3,5 billion pounds or so? What did he pay for Chelsea when he bought them?

Also, all debts, loans etc. will be erased, personally financed by him. What's the total for him here? 10 billion?!
The end of an era in world football. So far the unprecedented king of "big enough personal wallet = trophies". He started this. Good fecking riddance! ..

This is sale is many things:

1) Absolutely the right thing to do
2) A man desperate to get the feck out as clean as possible
3) A man washing the blood off his hands with money
4) A man who smells sanctions in the near distance

I hope Bojo sanctions his ass and freeze all his accounts, assets, property in the UK. Still donating the net proceeds (after due process not involving Roman) to a multi billion pound, legit charity. For the victims of the moneys origin and history in the first place.

Edit: Also, the "war" part. This is a man who's not moving back to Russia after this is over. He's desperate to not cut all ties with the west.
Voting against Russia is not in our interest. Most of the countries vote according to their interest and with China and Pakistan already aligned, we wouldn’t want one country which actually supports us and is a member of UNSC to join them. We cant just lift our geography location and put it next to Canada.

Most of the NATO ( would argue all) power are not reliable partner and thats the truth. Engage them all and avoid voting against any is best way forward.
Yes, which is why I said not surprised. It's understandable why we've abstained.
Feck me Blinken is really bad at this.
Sometimes, I wonder if Biden would have been better off employing Susan Rice for the job. Blinken looks way too stiff regardless to be the United States' chief diplomat. Gotta remember that Rice was once tipped to replace Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State too.
Egypt is on the wrong side of Russia in Libya I think?

Actually surprised at Iran abstaining. One of the big ironies is that they may see their own sanctions lifted in return for a shit load of their oil and gas flooding the market. Now would be the time to push a deal through with them in the US (who knows though).
Incorrect, Egypt and the Gulf states are on the right side of Russia in the Libyan conflict.

To make things even more confusing Algeria is on side of the West in the Libyan conflict and against the Russians/Gulf/Egypt yet voted to abstain although tbf they abstain from everything except when it comes to Israel.
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Bolsonaro aside, Brazil has fairly consistent foreign policy positions that go back decades. It is not neutrality in the Swiss sense, but very pro multilateral organizations and international law.
It’s election year too. I guess there will be some political moves. I haven’t followed their foreign policy that closely, but usually they have consistent economy so not surprising.
They must have gotten sick of getting absolutely battered by Ukrainian warriors, so are going after children and civilians.

Its part of their ROE to pound civilian areas into submission, then swoop in with troops and light armor to take the city.
Sigh. I've kind of run out of words.
Foreign countries may accept Ukrainian deaths as part of war. It will be hard for countries to not intervene further when their own civilians get killed.
Foreign countries may accept Ukrainian deaths as part of war. It will be hard for countries to not intervene further when their own civilians get killed.

Yeah, this is a big feck up by them. I just don't know what else there is left outside of some form of military intervention? More sanctions?
Only saving grace is that there’s a curfew right now, so there shouldn’t be too many in the station. But damaging the station will obviously be catastrophic for supplies and evacuation.
Sometimes, I wonder if Biden would have been better off employing Susan Rice for the job. Blinken looks way too stiff regardless to be the United States' chief diplomat. Gotta remember that Rice was once tipped to replace Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State too.
I would consider that doubly positive as it would also get her away from her domestic advisor role, where I don't think she's been helpful. I think the challenge with her is that she became a bit of a political figure when she was National Security Advisor iirc, and was sent to do the sunday morning TV shows after the Benghazi incident, and was pushing the government narrative. I'm not remembering the details right now but the republicans hate her, so her confirmation might have been contested and it seems Biden preferred to keep her in a job that didn't need senate confirmation.

Also funny that Blinken is stiff, isn't he in a rock or jazz band?
It's been reported that Western intel fears the Russians have prepared something like a kill list.
The only real positivity I can take from all this if that happens is that I’m 100% sure that Ukraine will get back on track very quickly once Putin’s era is over. They have breathed the real freedom for three decades now as opposed to someone like Belarus maybe, where people don’t really know this feeling, and it will be impossible to shake this off from younger population and the right moment will come again to get it back.
This India? Would add fuel to the rumours of heavy attacks on Kharkiv tonight if so, as India was telling students to move to neighbouring towns by 18:00 tonight.
The embassy has asked the students to move at any cost even by foot if no vehicle can be arranged. So, probably some heavy attack expected.
Been reading that on Reddit too. Interesting development to say the least...could be Ukrainian anti-air weapons thinking they were Russian?

What subreddit(S) do you follow in regards to getting updates?
I’ve mainly used this thread as updates and just scroll on until I see tweets.
What subreddit(S) do you follow in regards to getting updates?
I’ve mainly used this thread as updates and just scroll on until I see tweets.

Mine are:
/Europe - has a mega thread
/CombatFootage - if you're interested in that side of it
A lot of this is intentional propaganda with the purpose of encouraging more Russian soldiers to surrender. I'm not saying the Ukranians are treating them badly, far from it. But it's poor form and actually a breach of the Geneva Convention to be posting videos of POWs on SM.
Oh, if you think that's a breach of the Geneva Convention, then read this official statement on their official account...

Where is the cnut at this stage.

This is fecking tragic that the world is just standing by as this happens totally helpless
Oh, if you think that's a breach of the Geneva Convention, then read this official statement on their official account...


Fair play, after the Russians are targeting hospitals, subways and other civilian buildings.
Disgusted but not surprised by us abstaining. Very dependant on Russia + we're now working with the Russia to evacuate the students via the Russia Ukraine border.

You shouldn't be. India has a long history of not taking sides, it didn't take sides in the cold war either. India has deep seated military ties with Russia too. These countries jumping to condemn Russia have nothing to lose economically or politically from it. India does. How many of them jumped to condemn their Western allies when they wage illegal wars? Ultimately nations look out for their own best interests - India's best interest is in remaining neutral. The world is changing, all the wealth is not all horded in Europe and America. In 20-30 years time there will be as much wealth in Asian and African markets as the Western world. Countries like India can now afford to walk an independent path without repercussions.