Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

The first bit about Zelensky should be that he's still alive. I doubt he has much knowledge of how to run a war, but the fact that he is still not dead is a big boost for the morale and enthusiasm of those actually doing the fighting.
I would rather say the thing is that the command structure is still existing and working. While he might not know much about war, the fact that he still has the means to reach his troops is key.
SA, India, China, Brazil, Russia = BRICS

No surprise at all
Brazil voted in favor. It is not an alliance in the traditional sense. Remember that is has its origins because Jim O'Neill, the same one that tried to lead the Red Knights group to take over Man Utd, created the denomination when he was an economist at Goldman Sachs. Ever since then there have been summits, agreements and cooperation between the countries, but a true alliance it is not.

A lot of this is intentional propaganda with the purpose of encouraging more Russian soldiers to surrender. I'm not saying the Ukranians are treating them badly, far from it. But it's poor form and actually a breach of the Geneva Convention to be posting videos of POWs on SM.
Brazil voted in favor. It is not an alliance in the traditional sense. Remember that is has its origins because Jim O'Neill, the same one that tried to lead the Red Knights group to take over Man Utd, created the denomination when he was an economist at Goldman Sachs. Ever since then there have been summits, agreements and cooperation between the countries, but a true alliance it is not.
Wow, Brazil voted in favour?! That's surprising! I thought their prez is a Putin fan?
A lot of this is intentional propaganda with the purpose of encouraging more Russian soldiers to surrender. I'm not saying the Ukranians are treating them badly, far from it. But it's poor form and actually a breach of the Geneva Convention to be posting videos of POWs on SM.

Its no more intentional than showing videos of Russians getting rejected by doors. Its all part in parcel of a war that is transpiring on social media.
Wow, Brazil voted in favour?! That's surprising! I thought their prez is a Putin fan?
Yes, but the foreign ministry is seemingly ignoring him. They even voted in favor in the arguably more important Security Council vote last week when Russia vetoed.
Its no more intentional than showing videos of Russians getting rejected by doors. Its all part in parcel of a war that is transpiring on social media.

Completely different, the Geneva Convention makes specific references to the treatment of POWs. Filming soldiers being soldiers is fine.
A lot of this is intentional propaganda with the purpose of encouraging more Russian soldiers to surrender. I'm not saying the Ukranians are treating them badly, far from it. But it's poor form and actually a breach of the Geneva Convention to be posting videos of POWs on SM.

They're just prisoners of military operation though aren't they?
Yes, but the foreign ministry is seemingly ignoring him. They even voted in favor in the arguably more important Security Council vote last week when Russia vetoed.
The exact opposite happened in SA, only the prez had more clout. First SA condemned Putin, only for the prez to freak out. SA's been trying to put the fire out ever since at the RUS embassy. What a joke.
Egypt is on the wrong side of Russia in Libya I think?

Actually surprised at Iran abstaining. One of the big ironies is that they may see their own sanctions lifted in return for a shit load of their oil and gas flooding the market. Now would be the time to push a deal through with them in the US (who knows though).
Egypt and Russia are on the same side in Libya. And they have an important trade partnership. Egypt relies massively on Russia's wheat.

Nothing surprising in Iran vote. They can't vote for the resolution, they'd be supporting the US. And they can't vote against it, it would be support for Russia's actions in Ukraine. It makes no sense for the Iranian regime to be constantly denouncing KSA and Israel's war crimes and occupation in Yemen & Palestine only to turn around and support the exact same thing when Russia is the perpetrator. These regimes have to make some sense to keep their propaganda alive.
A lot of this is intentional propaganda with the purpose of encouraging more Russian soldiers to surrender. I'm not saying the Ukranians are treating them badly, far from it. But it's poor form and actually a breach of the Geneva Convention to be posting videos of POWs on SM.

I've seen this mentioned a few times, but is it actually a breach of the Geneva Convention? I read through it and couldn't find anything clearly stating that.

The only one I can see that could potentially matter is Article 13:

Likewise, prisoners of war must at all times be protected, particularly against acts of violence or intimidation and against insults and public curiosity.
expected India to be the one voting yes from that pact. Brazil is surprising indeed.
Bolsonaro aside, Brazil has fairly consistent foreign policy positions that go back decades. It is not neutrality in the Swiss sense, but very pro multilateral organizations and international law.
I've seen this mentioned a few times, but is it actually a breach of the Geneva Convention? I read through it and couldn't find anything clearly stating that.

The only one I can see that could potentially matter is Article 13:

Likewise, prisoners of war must at all times be protected, particularly against acts of violence or intimidation and against insults and public curiosity.

  1. Any image of Prisoners of War (POWs) as identifiable individuals should normally be regarded as subjecting such individuals to public curiosity and should not be transmitted, published or broadcast. Where the specific circumstances of a case make it necessary in the public interest to reveal the identity of a POW (e.g. because of the person’s seniority, or because the person is a fugitive from international justice) great care should be taken to protect the person’s human dignity.