See, this is where biases really bloody kick in: that list is so so so misrepresentative
I can break this down incident by incident
This is what I mean by the way, given the huge intrinsic biases that label every US military intervention, despite some being fully UN backed as somehow the US being the aggressor.
Afghanistan 1998, 2001- Somewhat justified, given 9/11
Bosnia 1994, 1995 - Humanitarian mission sanctioned by UN after UN missions were attacked
Cambodia 1969-70 - Horrible - unjustified
China 1945-46 - Seriously? A US Marine Corps was sent to China to pacify and force surrender on the Japanese. They were greeted in the streets as heroes and given a liberators reception.
Congo 1964 - Seriously? The democratically elected government of the Congo was couped by Soviet supported rebels. The government asked for Western support and received it.
Cuba 1959-1961 - Unjustified - although feck Castro.
El Salvador 1980s - Murky - authoritarian government of El Salvador requested support after Soviet backed coup.
Korea 1950-53 - The fact that this is in here shows how ridiculous this is. North Korea invades South korea - US is the bad guy?
Guatemala 1954, 1960, 1967-69 - Some of them are really unjustified, some of them were justified.
Indonesia 1958 - Murky - Attempted coup attempt on a dictator who was committing atrocities.
Laos 1964-73 - Unjustified.
Grenada 1983 - Murky - All of Grenada's neighbours solicited US help after breakdown in government and stability.
Iraq 1991-2000s, 2015- 1991-2000's was very justified. 2003-2009 was not. 2014+ was very justified and requested by the Iraqi government.
Iran 1987 - Seriously? The Iranians blew up a US warship for no reason and triggered a response.
Kuwait 1991 - Someone tried to say the 91 liberation of Kuwait was US aggression? They were seen as the saviours.
Lebanon 1983, 1984 - Very Murky, borderline unjustifiable.
Libya 1986, 2011- 1986 was justifiable. 2011+ was, on paper, justifiable, but the resulting incompetency made any action not worth it and increased suffering.
Nicaragua 1980s - Mostly not justifiable.
Pakistan 2003, 2006- These were requested at the behest of the Pakistani government against Pashtun Taliban.
Palestine 2010 - I do not know what this is referring to.
Panama 1989 - you might want to read up what actually happened here. But the president of Panama was basically helping smuggle boatloads of cocaine to USA and got indited for it.
Peru 1965 - I have no idea what this refers to.
Somalia 1993, 2007-08, 2010- They're referring to USN anti-piracy patrols as bombing/invasion now? 1993 was BHD, which is murky at best, probably unjustifiable.
Sudan 1998 - They literally bombed an Al-Qaeda cell which had killed 226 Americans in Embassy attacks.
Syria 2014- They bombed Chemical weapons factories...
Vietnam 1961-73 - Unjustified.
Yemen 2002, 2009- Unjustified- but feck the Houthi's.
Yugoslavia 1999 - Stopping a genocide is now a bad thing?