Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

You can take the word “disinformation” out of it for all I care - it’s whataboutism-propaganda funded by Russia to divide opinion and shift focus. And by the state of some of the posts in here - they’re doing a pretty good job.

Shifting focus is a nonsense, that clearly isn't an outcome. People don't have an alloted slot for one bad guy discussion per day, none of this is blocking any focus on Ukraine.
Sadly starting to see some of Russian propaganda in Polish social media today already. We already have posts claiming there’s no actual war in Ukraine and claims of people having relatives there saying there’s nothing happening. It will grow with each week similar to how we basically went from being one of the countries who dealt the best with the initial phase to the worst hit by the end of the pandemic.

In fairness, someone having relatives in Ukraine where nothing is happening is highly likely, considering the size of the country and how far Russia has got. I'd be more concerned if every single Ukrainian was claiming they had tanks down their street.
Yes it would.

Article 42.7 obliges EU countries to aid a fellow member state that becomes “the victim of armed aggression on its territory” by “all the means in their power

NATO is, however, the real power since the EU doesn't have the UK in the treaty anymore, and of course it doesn't have access to the US military.

I thought that in real terms, article 42.7 involves nothing more than holding bilateral talks with other member states to see what help they may offer - it's not really the same as NATO's article 5, where there's a solid military obligation.

42.7 specifically says "This shall not prejudice the specific character of the security and defence policy of certain member states.”
Shifting focus is a nonsense, that clearly isn't an outcome. People don't have an alloted slot for one bad guy discussion per day, none of this is blocking any focus on Ukraine.

I disagree. Shifting focus is clearly an outcome.
This convoy is going to be a fecking problem:

Yeah we have seen the end of Ukraine for now guys. They can't win this battle.

They just have to hope they can win the war (the long game) and Putin fails to hold it like we have failed to hold the middle East after troops came home.

The Ukrainians will never forgive him for this. He can't hold them forever
In fairness, someone having relatives in Ukraine where nothing is happening is highly likely, considering the size of the country and how far Russia has got. I'd be more concerned if every single Ukrainian was claiming they had tanks down their street.
No, there are literally people saying Kharkiv and Kyiv are fine and people are living their life as usual.
Yeah we have seen the end of Ukraine for now guys. They can't win this battle.

They just have to hope they can win the war (the long game) and Putin fails to hold it like we have failed to hold the middle East after troops came home.

The Ukrainians will never forgive him for this. He can't hold them forever
He will 100% fail to hold it.
I've already seen military subreddits making memes about these Russian convoys. Salivating almost.

I still think there are things they can do. To not go into military tactics 101 - But you destroy the first few vehicles, block the road and you bring the whole thing to a halt. You launch sporadic ambushes along it from ditches, treelines, whatever there is... you make them scared to go to sleep in their vehicles. Get your rocket off and get the hell out of dodge.

It's impossible to bring the firepower of all the vehicles (A lot will be logistics etc also) in one go. They really need to mess with it while it's still in a nice convoy.
Seems like the sun is Ukraine's best ally at the moment. Russian seem to have no nighttime tech but they do have rockets which they don't mind firing at civilians.
The EU is not a military alliance, technically it's a trading block but has become more of a federation in recent years. Either way, Ukraine joining would not make any other EU nation obligated to defend them.

Many EU nations are also NATO members though.

Ukraine may join the EU, but not NATO.
I'll tell you something, the people in the EU will not be happy with Ukraine joining the EU. I know now there is a war and nobody can say anything, but adding Ukraine to the EU has been suggested before by different politicians in different countries and the people have reacted negatively to it, which is why it was changed to a mere 'economic deal' instead of membership. If Ukraine is added to the EU in an emotional moment now (like the moment when Merkel allowed thousands of Syrian refugees in) it might have dangerous consequences for the EU in the coming years when the war is long forgotten and the EU has to start writing all those checks to Ukraine. And with the added economic pressure (because of the conflict) and knowing they're still secure by being in the NATO I could easily see other EU countries thinking about following on UK's steps. And if trump wins in 2024 then it will be even worse, because Trump hates the EU and sees it as a competitor for the US.
That convoy could be the end of the current resistance from the Ukrainians, they're going to need some serious help, firepower and nasty urban warfare.
I've already seen military subreddits making memes about these Russian convoys. Salivating almost.
You said it
They should be droning the hell out of that if they had enough drones and ammo that is.
Reminds me of the German convoys that formed up prepping to invade France. If they’d have only known about them…

My god, you gotta think that Ukraine has to see an opportunity there. If ever a time to make a gamble. Throw all you’ve got at it
Reminds me of the German convoys that formed up prepping to invade France. If they’d have only known about them…

My god, you gotta think that Ukraine has to see an opportunity there. If ever a time to make a gamble. Throw all you’ve got at it
They will have good aerial protection.

It’s not as straightforward in urban combat that more soldiers = easy win either. They may hold. Unfortunately for many of those heroic Ukrainians this will be the last night of their lives, and for many more tomorrow will be the last day of their lives.
They will have good aerial protection.

It’s not as straightforward in urban combat that more soldiers = easy win either. They may hold. Unfortunately for many of those heroic Ukrainians this will be the last night of their lives, and for many more tomorrow will be the last day of their lives.

Yeah, there's no point binning your remaining drones on a suicide mission when they could potentially take out more when used in areas without the same level of anti-air. It's a tough balance to strike.
Yes. My wife and son are Ukrainian. We can not bring anyone over. Usually we could at least apply for a tourist visa for family or friends. They have closed that route off now too. I cannot emphasise at how performative our Government is being at making grand gestures and then not following it up on a humanitarian front. But these are the people responsible for Windrush, so nobody can be surprised.
Ireland has dropped all visa restrictions for Ukrainians. Once they are here they can go over to the UK under the cta.
Reminds me of the German convoys that formed up prepping to invade France. If they’d have only known about them…

My god, you gotta think that Ukraine has to see an opportunity there. If ever a time to make a gamble. Throw all you’ve got at it
I don’t know the geography or how close they are to Kyiv or whether it’s possible, but… can they avoid a direct firefight completely and focus on destroying the roads/approach (like destroying bridges in WWII but on a larger scale)?
About that thermobaric weapon by the way, my local mainstream media outlet is also reporting it. Ukrainian ambassador told US Congress about it.
Yes it would.

Article 42.7 obliges EU countries to aid a fellow member state that becomes “the victim of armed aggression on its territory” by “all the means in their power

NATO is, however, the real power since the EU doesn't have the UK in the treaty anymore, and of course it doesn't have access to the US military.

EU, if cooperating well would have this at disposition (approximate numbers):

€223.4 billion mil. budget
1,3 million active military personell
8400 battle tanks
25000 armoured vehicles
290 Nukes:
5 Fleet carriers
4 Amphibious assault ships
24 Amphibious assault ships
34 destroyers
73 frigates
38 corvettes
156 patrol vessels
146 anti-mine ships
4 missile subs
46 attack subs
11000 Artillery
800 attack helicopters
1677 ground- and attack fighters
384 transport and refueling planes

Not insignificant. Add EDA states, Finland etc in a cooperation and the numbers would increase even more. However, Nato would be involved anyways, since most nations in EU are members.
I don’t know the geography or how close they are to Kyiv or whether it’s possible, but… can they avoid a direct firefight completely and focus on destroying the roads/approach (like destroying bridges in WWII but on a larger scale)?

Blow all the bridges along the Irpin river to Kyiv's West would help to an extent, although I think some of that territory is now Russia's. I can't really see a way of doing it for the North tbh. Just destroying the roads ain't a lot of help because that's very quick for a military to rectify/go over/tracked vehicles go around. Really you want something that they can't drive through at a position where they also can't go around the sides easily. Tank hulls without the tracks are pretty good obstacles, they weight a shit tonne and need specialised equipment to move.

It will only slow them, but when it's stationary is when you give them hell from the sides.
Blow all the bridges along the Irpin river to Kyiv's West would help to an extent, although I think some of that territory is now Russia's. I can't really see a way of doing it for the North tbh. Just destroying the roads ain't a lot of help because that's very quick for a military to rectify/go over/tracked vehicles go around. Really you want something that they can't drive through at a position where they also can't go around the sides. Tank hulls are pretty good, they weight a shit tonne and need specialised equipment to move.
I was thinking literally blow the road and surrounding ground up… seen stories that convoy trying to avoid going off road due to weather/ground conditions.

Desperately sad, feel like I’m suggesting some kid throws stones at a school bully who’s got a gun. Feels inevitable :(
Interesting point here. I think a lot of people expected major cyber operations by Russia. Could still be coming though, don't tempt them.

I was thinking literally blow the road and surrounding ground up… seen stories that convoy trying to avoid going off road due to weather/ground conditions.

Desperately sad, feel like I’m suggesting some kid throws stones at a school bully who’s got a gun. Feels inevitable :(

They'll get it filled in quickly enough with earth. Will work for pretty much anything that isn't a tank though initially.

I don't think even my tank idea works very well now I think about it more, they'll have armoured recovery vehicles in the column because they'll need to pull ones that break down out the way.

The way to make it a problem for them is to fire at them while they attempt to un-feck it to make the whole process take 10x longer, even random shots fired into the air can have the effect. But sooner or later they will figure out where they are taking fire from.
I was thinking literally blow the road and surrounding ground up… seen stories that convoy trying to avoid going off road due to weather/ground conditions.

Desperately sad, feel like I’m suggesting some kid throws stones at a school bully who’s got a gun. Feels inevitable :(
I don’t think it is that hopeless. There are like 400k people fighting for Ukraine right now. Some of them know the city very well which is huge advantage.

This doesn’t change the fact a large number of them will soon die. It’s tragic.
They'll get it filled in quickly enough with earth. Will work for pretty much anything that isn't a tank though initially.

I don't think even my tank idea works very well now I think about it more, they'll have armoured recovery vehicles in the column because they'll need to pull ones that break down out the way.

The way to make it a problem for them is to be able to fire at them while they attempt to un-feck it to make the whole process take 10x longer. But sooner or later they will figure out where they are taking fire from.
And they’ll have air support?

Shitload of mines? In this age though, probably be seen by satellite, nothings a secret nowadays.