Because Trump wants to negotiate that his best buddy Putin gets to keep the land he has conquered then somehow take the credit if they stop fighting. Hopefully Zelensky tells them to feck off.
Exactly that.
Because Trump wants to negotiate that his best buddy Putin gets to keep the land he has conquered then somehow take the credit if they stop fighting. Hopefully Zelensky tells them to feck off.
Because without US support Ukraine is fecked. If Trump says Ukraine needs to negotiate, thats it.
Just because the US is supporting Ukraine doesn't mean they have a right to decide on Ukraine behalf. Any decision on the future is 100% down to the people of Ukraine. Any by the way, the US is not the only country supporting Ukraine.
Just because the US is supporting Ukraine doesn't mean they have a right to decide on Ukraine behalf. Any decision on the future is 100% down to the people of Ukraine. Any by the way, the US is not the only country supporting Ukraine.
Yes... Still do... Unless Russia receives some serious financial aide fast, they are f*cked, well and truly (sorry harms, hope you are preparing somewhat). When Ukraine takes its land back, it takes it all at once. No-one looking at the numbers thinks Russia will last another 2 years. The problem of course is that Trump cannot afford to lose his main ally, I'm just hoping its already too late.I mean, of course both of them were practically off the table?
Did anyone realistically we'd get Crimea back?
I mean, it is the EXACT same position as the Biden administration:
Asked about his vision for peace in Ukraine after the end of the Russia-Ukraine war, Biden said: "Peace looks like making sure Russia never, never, never, never occupies Ukraine. That's what peace looks like. And it doesn't mean that they are part of NATO".
"It means we have a relationship with them like we do with other countries, where we supply weapons so they can defend themselves in the future. But [...] I am not prepared to support the NATOization of Ukraine", he added.
In an interview with CNN a year ago, Biden said it’s more important to keep NATO unified and that he has told Zelensky that a more realistic prospect would be for Ukraine to have a relationship with the U.S. akin to the support the U.S. provides Israel.
“Here's the deal,” Biden told CNN’s Fareed Zakaria. “I spent, as you know, a great deal of time trying to hold NATO together because I believe Putin has had an overwhelming objective … and that was to break NATO.”
“So holding NATO together is really critical. I don't think there is unanimity in NATO about whether or not to bring Ukraine into the NATO family now, at this moment, in the middle of a war,” Biden said, noting it would require NATO to defend “every inch” of Ukraine’s territory.
“I've spoken with Zelensky at length about this, and one of the things I indicated is what the United States would be ready to provide while the process was going on and that it's going to take a while,” Biden said. “While that process was going on to provide security a la the security we provide for Israel, providing the weaponry and the needs, capacity to defend themselves if there is an agreement, if there is a ceasefire, if there is a peace agreement.”
"Ukraine will have to make a deal, they can't face the Russian army without US help".
The Russian army:
Zero chance Ukraine will be force into a deal, none. Equal chance Europe is letting this opportunity slip to end the threat of Putin's Russia once of for all, its in sight.
I think you are a little too optimistic there. Trump will start lifting the sanctions and even make some deals to help them. Hopefully Europe continues supplying UKR though, even ramps up. Increasing the production capacity would only be helpful in the long run.
Just can't help himself can he. Regime change in Ukraine is evidently what he's been talking about with Putin. Well, aside from progress report on implementing Putin's blueprint in America.
For the record, Europe has contributed twice as much as the USA to Ukraine.
“First of all, he’s fighting a much bigger entity, okay, much bigger. When he was, you know, talking so brave... Zelensky was fighting a much bigger entity, much bigger, much more powerful. He shouldn’t have done that, because we could have made a deal, and it would have been a deal that would have been, it would have been a nothing deal,” Trump claimed.
Just can't help himself can he. Regime change in Ukraine is evidently what he's been talking about with Putin. Well, aside from progress report on implementing Putin's blueprint in America.
For the record, Europe has contributed twice as much as the USA to Ukraine.
That opportunity has been around for three years now...Equal chance Europe is letting this opportunity slip to end the threat of Putin's Russia once of for all, its in sight.
Source on this please
This states otherwise:
European Military aid to Ukraine has been very frustrating because there's just no strategic impetus or cohesion in what they're giving.
A battalions worth of French Light Tanks here, another battery worth of French SpGs there, German's send another battery worth of SPGs, a collection of 122mm, 120mm, 155mm, 152mm artillery from various countries, a mix of different ATGM's and anti air platforms etc etc etc.
How can you create an organic military structure with this kind of equipment? All with different supply chains, spare part trains, ammo types.
Europe needs to talk to each other and agree on a cohesive plan of how to actually arm Ukraine.
Depending on sources.
This source says double in aid by europe. But still allocation
But is 100% true what you said. Europe could donate 10 time more but would not achieve the same results than with the US military help.
Depending on sources.
This source says double in aid by europe. But still allocation
But is 100% true what you said. Europe could donate 10 time more but would not achieve the same results than with the US military help.
Depends on the point of view. It suits large military contractors as well as the option to test weaponry. It suits the corporations whilst of course not the regular citizen. With this grinding war not many of the USA people care these days especially considering they are very far from the conflict.Unless there is a satisfactory outcome of any ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine which is not a complete sellout for Ukraine, then all that money and equipment donated to Ukraine by the US as well as all of the other countries will have been wasted.
I don't believe that's entirely true, he sees the world through a business lense, how often he talks about sensitive geopolitical matters like a transaction of material gains and losses.I posted this in the Trump thread, but he's said it numerous times now. He is very much a believer in imperialism. He said that Russia being the larger more powerful state has an inherent right to territory and Ukraine fighting back was the real issue,
I don't believe that's entirely true, he sees the world through a business lense, how often he talks about sensitive geopolitical matters like a transaction of material gains and losses.
His right wing base have for years been targeting aid being given to Ukraine as a waste of money (along with all other foreign aid). They don't care about the war or how it impacts people all they are about is there 'tax dollars being given abroad'.
Therefore, he's just doing what he's been mandated to do and it's not coming as a surprise. The EU and US under Biden had an opportunity to fund/arm Ukraine properly but they failed to do so. Now Ukraine will be forced to the negotiation table and will get a terrible deal out of it. The only positive is that people will stop dying.
I don't believe that's entirely true, he sees the world through a business lense, how often he talks about sensitive geopolitical matters like a transaction of material gains and losses.
His right wing base have for years been targeting aid being given to Ukraine as a waste of money (along with all other foreign aid). They don't care about the war or how it impacts people all they are about is there 'tax dollars being given abroad'.
Therefore, he's just doing what he's been mandated to do and it's not coming as a surprise. The EU and US under Biden had an opportunity to fund/arm Ukraine properly but they failed to do so. Now Ukraine will be forced to the negotiation table and will get a terrible deal out of it. The only positive is that people will stop dying.
But that's not what I said, he's mandated to stop sending money to Ukraine, which he's doing, I doubt his voter base cares how it's done. Yes the EU and Biden have given millions but most analysts have said it's been just about enough to keep them in the fight and not enough to tip the balance in their favour.He didn't mandate to give Russa what it wants. He's a fascist and approves of the Dictator approach. I wouldn't be surprised if the Russians have something on him. To somehow blame Biden and the EU is quite something when they have been sending millions of fund and arms throughout the war. The only person at fault here is Trump who is being Putin's bitch.
Surprisingly level-headed and not overly dramatic post, I'm happy to read it. I think many greatly underrate how economically ravaged Russia currently is and how the war economy has already affected (negatively in 99% cases) almost the entire country. Their numbers are terrible and the info I'd be getting from people who left friends and families in Russia is even worse. Things already went very south and there's little to no hope on improving this.Yes... Still do... Unless Russia receives some serious financial aide fast, they are f*cked, well and truly (sorry harms, hope you are preparing somewhat). When Ukraine takes its land back, it takes it all at once. No-one looking at the numbers thinks Russia will last another 2 years. The problem of course is that Trump cannot afford to lose his main ally, I'm just hoping its already too late.
Not EXACTly the same I don't think. Biden's stance was one of pragmatism and one I suspect you might the logic with, even as a Ukrainian?
Ukraine's ascension to NATO is inevitable, just not any time soon. For the time being the only security guarantees will be their own military strength, the support and funding of its allies (those that still have their sanity) and the continued destruction of Russia's ability to wage war, however long it takes.
It's as level-headed and not overly dramatic as your take. Both completely out of touch with the reality.Surprisingly level-headed and not overly dramatic post, I'm happy to read it. I think many greatly underrate how economically ravaged Russia currently is and how the war economy has already affected (negatively in 99% cases) almost the entire country. Their numbers are terrible and the info I'd be getting from people who left friends and families in Russia is even worse. Things already went very south and there's little to no hope on improving this.
Now US out of the war and stopping their support for Ukraine is obviously a bad news for Kyiv, but they're still being supported by militaries much stronger and much more capable than the Russian one - sure they'll lack the US intelligence and plenty of support like communications, but two main issues for Ukraine were ammo (supplied mainly by the EU) and manpower (no one really helping Ukraine with this). Trump is the strongest player in this game no doubt, but the times where the US president would singlehandedly decide on the outcome of a distant war are long gone.
Let's see how all this will be taken by Ukrainians, who are in fact the only people relevant in discussing the future of the conflict - the war exhaustion is certainly very high, more and more people are willing to accept concessions and give the land in order to stop fighting, if the Russian propaganda continues hitting the right notes - 'you've lost already, your allies left you' - the fatigue will only increase. So there might be internal pressure on finding any kind of truce/peace offer, but then again Ukrainians are really well aware that if they give up now and allow Putin to pull off what Hitler did with Czechoslovakia, there's even less hope for them in the future.
I honestly expect Ukraine to keep defending themselves and I don't think their self-defence should or will stop anytime soon. Waiting for Russia to implode is obviously not a grand strategy, especially as we all know how high are the levels of despair and devastation needed for Russians to find courage to revolt, but as the war goes on it's both sides that are getting weaker and fatigued. Only one side is fighting in the self-defence and to save their culture and identity from invaders, which still gives them a huge morale boost and it really won't be easy to convince Ukrainians they should just fold.
I don't believe that's entirely true, he sees the world through a business lense, how often he talks about sensitive geopolitical matters like a transaction of material gains and losses.
His right wing base have for years been targeting aid being given to Ukraine as a waste of money (along with all other foreign aid). They don't care about the war or how it impacts people all they are about is their 'tax dollars being given abroad'.
Therefore, he's just doing what he's been mandated to do and it's not coming as a surprise. The EU and US under Biden had an opportunity to fund/arm Ukraine properly but they failed to do so. Now Ukraine will be forced to the negotiation table and will get a terrible deal out of it. The only positive is that people will stop dying.
Care to elaborate on what makes you think that?It's as level-headed and not overly dramatic as your take. Both completely out of touch with the reality.
As bad as the situation in Russia is, and it is bad, you're living in la-la-land if you think that "waiting it out" and a war of attrition would favour Ukraine, let alone without US support.
I mean, if you read my post you would notice that in the last paragraph I specifically mentioned that 'waiting it out' is no strategy for Ukraine. Nonetheless, what strikes me as living in la-la-land and being out of touch with the reality is buying the Russian propaganda and thinking they're getting closer to their goals (constantly changing btw) with each passing day.It's as level-headed and not overly dramatic as your take. Both completely out of touch with the reality.
As bad as the situation in Russia is, and it is bad, you're living in la-la-land if you think that "waiting it out" and a war of attrition would favour Ukraine, let alone without US support.
Exactly what happened in 2014, it was just a prelude to the existing war just like the deal now will be just the postponement of future war and dying.In the event that Ukraine is forced to accept a terrible deal which involves concerning territory to Russia, the dying won't stop.
Ukrainian forces will keep trying to regain that territory. And Russia will probably try to gain more of Ukraine in the future.
The only way that the dying will stop is if there is somehow a truly mutually acceptable deal, which is extremely remote.
The best way is for Ukraine to be admitted to NATO and Russia has to accept that it can not invade another country with the risk of NATO retaliation. Unlikely.
No.Care to elaborate on what makes you think that?
I read it. You wrote "no grand strategy" which is not the same. Your analogy with Hitler also awards you one Godwin Point.I mean, if you read my post you would notice that in the last paragraph I specifically mentioned that 'waiting it out' is no strategy for Ukraine. Nonetheless, what strikes me as living in la-la-land and being out of touch with the reality is buying the Russian propaganda and thinking they're getting closer to their goals (constantly changing btw) with each passing day.
Thank you.DT13
Your analogy with Hitler also awards you one Godwin Point.
Keep them spinning, you might win something.Help, my eyes are rolling out of my head and I can't stop them.
At want point this idiotic "law" will stop being a thing? Do we have to wait for an actual world war to call it "plausible"? Or the rate at which a certain nationality of people is being killed is not yet on the industrial scale that a proper comparison mandates...Help, my eyes are rolling out of my head and I can't stop them.
Don't hold your breath. It's basically a Pavlovian response, there was never any understanding about it.At want point this idiotic "law" will stop being a thing? Do we have to wait for an actual world war to call it "plausible"? Or the rate at which a certain nationality of people is being killed is not yet on the industrial scale that a proper comparison mandates...
I'm not entirely sure if referring to Munich conference gets me Godwin points but smarter people than me believe there are some lessons to be had from history - being afraid of talking about anyhow comparable situations in the 1930s and pretending that Nazis were one-off bad guys never to be likened to any other regime does seem childish to me.Your analogy with Hitler also awards you one Godwin Point.
and that's just factually wrong, unless you have a very loose definition of "a few light-years"being Ukraine's biggest financial and military support by a few light-years.
No one is really denying that.Trump's arrival to the WH is a catastrophe, not only for Ukraine but the whole world. It's going to be quite the new landscape in four years.
The way Godwin's law was used was always broadly stupid (and Godwin agrees), but it's particularly stupid to invoke it when discussions about the first major war of conquest in Europe since World War 2 turn to the guy who started World War 2.At want point this idiotic "law" will stop being a thing? Do we have to wait for an actual world war to call it "plausible"? Or the rate at which a certain nationality of people is being killed is not yet on the industrial scale that a proper comparison mandates...
Exactly what happened in 2014, it was just a prelude to the existing war just like the deal now will be just the postponement of future war and dying.
Because it's a cheap and lazy analogy, used to shock rather than explain. OMG, iT's MUnIcH aLL oVer aGain!I'm not entirely sure if referring to Munich conference gets me Godwin points but smarter people than me believe there are some lessons to be had from history - being afraid of talking about anyhow comparable situations in the 1930s and pretending that Nazis were one-off bad guys never to be likened to any other regime does seem childish to me.
It is not. No amount of emojis will deny the fact that the US is the big daddy in this ocean of shit, and the main actor in how this war will be decided. But you and the charitable mob that's trying to gang up on me, do you and keep laughing.and that's just factually wrong, unless you have a very loose definition of "a few light-years"![]()
Glad we agree on something.No one is really denying that.
Source on this please
This states otherwise:
European Military aid to Ukraine has been very frustrating because there's just no strategic impetus or cohesion in what they're giving.
A battalions worth of French Light Tanks here, another battery worth of French SpGs there, German's send another battery worth of SPGs, a collection of 122mm, 120mm, 155mm, 152mm artillery from various countries, a mix of different ATGM's and anti air platforms etc etc etc.
How can you create an organic military structure with this kind of equipment? All with different supply chains, spare part trains, ammo types.
Europe needs to talk to each other and agree on a cohesive plan of how to actually arm Ukraine.