Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

I don't disagree in principle. While you were typing I edited my post to add some nuance at the end. I've been yelled at before for editing my posts after the fact, but I regret nothing!

To be honest some of these 'memes' have been shared on this forum as well. :p

But I agree, this is definitely a better place to follow the conflict than reddit, facebook or twitter.
It has been confirmed by some Indian students that Ukraine guards are stopping them and some Africans from leaving the border and even asking for money while europeans are being allowed to pass without much trouble.
If any particular guards are extorting people for cash, or giving preferential treatment, they should face charges. I can believe that, but not that it's a government policy.
Perhaps Putin thinks the resources he gains by controlling Ukraine outweigh the sanctions and the deaths.

Hard to rationalise his thinking process.
Another half arsed attempt to take a big city ongoing (Kherson in the South), expect it to fail. They landed a small force in/near the Kherson airport to the West of the Dnieper river and they're trying to take the city using that force (like what they did on the first day near Kyiv). There are currently no other Russian forces stationed to the West of the river, which means support for the attack will be very limited.
Another half arsed attempt to take a big city ongoing (Kherson in the South), expect it to fail. They landed a small force in/near the Kherson airport to the West of the Dnieper river and they're trying to take the city using that force (like what they did on the first day near Kyiv). There are currently no other Russian forces stationed to the West of the river, which means support for the attack will be very limited.

I'm not so sure about that:

Another half arsed attempt to take a big city ongoing (Kherson in the South), expect it to fail. They landed a small force in/near the Kherson airport to the West of the Dnieper river and they're trying to take the city using that force (like what they did on the first day near Kyiv). There are currently no other Russian forces stationed to the West of the river, which means support for the attack will be very limited.

Based on the post below that it might be going wrong. I don't know if they perhaps need to be more dynamic in their thinking. It's easy for me to say here, but there's no point staying in a city being shelled to shit in large numbers.

If there is no Russian support near something like:
Burn all the food you can.
Give the city up and leave only pockets of resistance to annoy.
Wait it out.

The problem is the rest of the country might fall by the time they run out of food that they can find. And it's something that takes planning and organisation.
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I'm not so sure about that:

I don't look at the statements, I look at the map and the number of troops deployed. There is only a small force on the Western side of the river right now and is very vulnerable, definitely not in a position to stage an attack on a big city. I think the Ukrainians are exaggerating the attack, may be an attempt to raise the morale of the Ukrainian forces in the South by claiming a big victory tomorrow...
Are there any Czech people here? Can they confirm this?

Apparently you get 1-3 years in prison in the Czech republic if you make an online comment approving Russia's aggression in Ukraine.

Russia faces imprisonment for its support. Police are already investigating dozens of complaints

Czech police are already investigating dozens of complaints from people who reported that someone had publicly approved and supported the Russian invasion of Ukraine. On Saturday, Attorney General Igor Stříž warned that he could face up to three years in prison for supporting Russian aggression, for example on demonstrations or social networks.
It honestly pissed me off to no end that Russia is ruled by this absolutely sole stain.

By all accounts, they should be a nation to be marvelled at, given their resources, size and rich history. This arsehole is like the lowest of glass ceilings you will ever see on a nation.

Even despite Putin's cabal being in charge, they're still a superpower but there's so much more there...

"Superpower" that sends their soldiers to fight in a major war with food packs expired 7 years ago

Sure. "Super" power. They powers are at display by anyone. Can't even defeat a much smaller Ukrainian army and is now resorting to aimless shelling of civilians. Their only "power" is being bloody murderers and war criminals.
I don't look at the statements, I look at the map and the number of troops deployed. There is only a small force on the Western side of the river right now and is very vulnerable, definitely not in a position to stage an attack on a big city. I think the Ukrainians are exaggerating the attack, may be an attempt to raise the morale of the Ukrainian forces in the South by claiming a big victory tomorrow...

Hopefully you are right. If you do end up being right, then it is starting to become clear that UKR and the West may also be manipulating the media/social media.
Are there any Czech people here? Can they confirm this?

Apparently you get 1-3 years in prison in the Czech republic if you make an online comment approving Russia's aggression in Ukraine.

"If someone publicly (including demonstrations, the Internet or social networks) agreed (accepted or supported the Russian Federation's attacks on Ukraine) or expressed support or praised the leaders of the Russian Federation in this regard, they could, under certain conditions, face criminal liability for the criminal offense of approving a criminal offense pursuant to Section 365 of the Criminal Code, or for the criminal offense of denying, questioning, approving and justifying genocide pursuant to Section 405 of the Criminal Code, "Stříž said in a press release on the Supreme Public Prosecutor's Office.

It seems they have existing laws about expressing approval of criminal acts that could see people charged. Police have received complaints from people and are investigating them.

I guess that means the Czech state sees Russia's acts as criminal or even worse. The laws don't seem that much different from Germany in some respects.
Any updates from what happened in the meeting?

Nothing came out of it beyond an agreement to have a potential second meeting at a later date. Putin has simply used the lull to position his massive convoy towards Kyiv.
Does Russia have the ability to cyber attack the banking systems in the west? For the past 10 years we've heard of Russians prodding weaknesses in key networks and systems, is this something the west allows because they have it covered and are letting them play their games or is Russia threat to really cause damage to the banking world?

Basically is it a good idea for me to take some cash out juuuustt in case since I generally keep very little on me?

Short of fighting the Russians in Ukraine, NATO could allow Ukrainian pilots to use eastern NATO bases to stage Ukrainian fighter sorties, and provide mainland refueling between flights. This would be in a similar way as Putin is using Belarus as a staging point into Ukraine.
Does Russia have the ability to cyber attack the banking systems in the west? For the past 10 years we've heard of Russians prodding weaknesses in key networks and systems, is this something the west allows because they have it covered and are letting them play their games or is Russia threat to really cause damage to the banking world?

Basically is it a good idea for me to take some cash out juuuustt in case since I generally keep very little on me?

Its widely believed the Russians have placed malware on various US networks. How effective they would be is another story. I believe the FBI also arrested a couple of Russians a few years back after learning they were making inquiries on how to bring the stock market down.

I doubt anybody would want to trigger article 5 over a cyber attack, no matter how inconvenient. Probably just rhetoric to try and put Putin off attempting it.

Won't stop him though. He'll just deny it was them.
Does Russia have the ability to cyber attack the banking systems in the west? For the past 10 years we've heard of Russians prodding weaknesses in key networks and systems, is this something the west allows because they have it covered and are letting them play their games or is Russia threat to really cause damage to the banking world?

Basically is it a good idea for me to take some cash out juuuustt in case since I generally keep very little on me?

2017. NotPetya. The podcast darknet diaries have an episode on this. Originated from Russia to attack Ukraine, it spread around the world like a virus. Remember when card payments stopped working for hours... I was working in a supermarket and the whole system went down. So yes they can very much retaliate
Nothing came out of it beyond an agreement to have a potential second meeting at a later date. Putin has simply used the lull to position his massive convoy towards Kyiv.
Expected as much.
Some really ominous vibes coming from US intelligence w/r/t Kyiv falling to the Russians:

Stiffer than expected Ukrainian resistance and Russia's own logistical missteps have bogged down Russia's advance, US and Western officials say, sparking a fragile optimism. The US has also continued sharing downgraded intelligence with the Ukrainians, including about Russian military moves, in an attempt to help Ukraine on the battlefield, two of the sources told CNN.

But intelligence and defense officials closely tracking the Russian campaign say Putin still holds a number of moves in reserve that could devastate the Ukrainian resistance.

"From a purely military/tactical standpoint, Russia has the manpower and firepower to take Kyiv. No question," said an American source familiar with the intelligence. "And no matter how much resistance the Ukrainians put up."
Roughly a quarter of Russia's amassed troops have yet to enter Ukraine, a senior defense official told reporters on Monday — a potential "second wave," according to two sources familiar with the intelligence — and defense officials say Putin could yet order a far less restrained bombing campaign, including airstrikes, long-range missiles and artillery.

"They have been slowed and they have been frustrated by their lack of progress on Kyiv, and one of the things that could result is a reevaluation of their tactics and the potential for them to be more aggressive and more overt in both the size and the scale of their targeting of Kyiv," a senior defense official told reporters on Monday.

Even lil Marco is saying this:
After trickling attacks so far, looks like Russia are going to throw the kitchen sink at Kiev over the next couple of days. I don't want to imagine what happens next
Short of fighting the Russians in Ukraine, NATO could allow Ukrainian pilots to use eastern NATO bases to stage Ukrainian fighter sorties, and provide mainland refueling between flights. This would be in a similar way as Putin is using Belarus as a staging point into Ukraine.
Was thinking the same, plus Putin can't feasibly hit them while on NATO ground, unless he risks total escalation
Some really ominous vibes coming from US intelligence w/r/t Kyiv falling to the Russians:

Stiffer than expected Ukrainian resistance and Russia's own logistical missteps have bogged down Russia's advance, US and Western officials say, sparking a fragile optimism. The US has also continued sharing downgraded intelligence with the Ukrainians, including about Russian military moves, in an attempt to help Ukraine on the battlefield, two of the sources told CNN.

But intelligence and defense officials closely tracking the Russian campaign say Putin still holds a number of moves in reserve that could devastate the Ukrainian resistance.

Roughly a quarter of Russia's amassed troops have yet to enter Ukraine, a senior defense official told reporters on Monday — a potential "second wave," according to two sources familiar with the intelligence — and defense officials say Putin could yet order a far less restrained bombing campaign, including airstrikes, long-range missiles and artillery.

Even lil Marco is saying this:

It is very likely Kyiv will fall sooner or later. They will not be able to hold it for forever and the sheer number of Russian troops still coming towards Kyiv, they are very likely to break through. The biggest question here I think is, what's next after they take Kyiv? I think it's doubtful now that they can take over entire Ukraine, especially the western part of it, since they had much more time to prepare than the other parts, so does Russia just stop there?
Didn't know Czech had an authoritarian regime.
It seems they have existing laws about expressing approval of criminal acts that could see people charged. Police have received complaints from people and are investigating them.

I guess that means the Czech state sees Russia's acts as criminal or even worse. The laws don't seem that much different from Germany in some respects.

It's actually not only the Czech republic, Slovakia punishes online comments supporting Russia with 10-25 years in prison.

Long prison term for support of war propaganda

In connection with the Russian military invasion of Ukraine, the police warn that in some cases, imprisonment for 10 to 25 years to life may be threatened for the promotion of the war. The National Criminal Agency (NAKA) will adequately address the search for such crime on the Internet.
It is very likely Kyiv will fall sooner or later. They will not be able to hold it for forever and the sheer number of Russian troops still coming towards Kyiv, they are very likely to break through. The biggest question here I think is, what's next after they take Kyiv? I think it's doubtful now that they can take over entire Ukraine, especially the western part of it, since they had much more time to prepare than the other parts, so does Russia just stop there?
My sense is that they’ll come on the negotiating table after. Right now, with nothing to show for they’re not in a position to bargain. But with Kiev control, however temporary, they can quickly come and negotiate something that remotely feels like a win and get it done with.