Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

I'm afraid it's going to be very hard to distinguish what's wartime propaganda or not, on both sides. Even if I deeply symphathise with Ukraine, it's in their best interest to make the west think it's escalading fast. Even if I do think Putin could use such bomb, it doesn't make that much sense for him to use that right now when massive reinforcements are on their way. If he wanted to go for nasty bombs that early, he could have done that from the comfort of his borders.

Having seen 2,000lbs bombs going off. From footage I've seen it's either thermobaric or a standard warhead that has hit an ammo depot or something similar.
There is a lot of propaganda going from both sides, and if you think Russia is lying more in this conflict then you're mistaken.

There's absolutely no question that Russia are lying more, simply because they have essentially no independent media. They're still claiming this isn't a war or an invasion, for crying out loud.
Haha, I’m absolutely not watching actual footage of it. I could stomach it but it’d really make me upset / angry even more at what’s happening. I’m not particularly seeking the information as such, I just thought it was an interesting observation.
With regards to your question about Ukrainian military scale, I don't know how accurately CNN researched it but here's an article:

About 160,000 active personnel and 900,000 reservists, and that's excluding the current mass mobilization.

Meanwhile, the actual Russian force that's employed towards Ukraine is about 200,000 roughly. So...the catch is this: Russia is obviously not sending in their whole military force to Ukraine, they're using part of it. But that does mean that any aspirations of occupying Ukraine seems...unrealistic.
There's absolutely no question that Russia are lying more, simply because they have essentially no independent media. They're still claiming this isn't a war or an invasion, for crying out loud.

Of course they are, no doubt a about that, but we can also expect that Ukraine could inflate certain things to make the west react faster. Can't blame them but it's frustrating to to be able to assess things properly.
He’s saying today. The one yesterday was an ammo depot. The video I posted earlier is all I can find on Twitter of one claiming to be one today.

Ah ok, so that was an ammo depot.

Yeah, considering the Twitter poster doesn't know what she's on about I am not sure. It's really hard to tell without seeing the initial blast. It certainly seems like a substantial explosion.
He’s saying today. The one yesterday was an ammo depot. The video I posted earlier is all I can find on Twitter of one claiming to be one today.

Doesn't appear to be any major media coverage of this, which would seem to suggest its unverified.
Of course they are, no doubt a about that, but we can also expect that Ukraine could inflate certain things to make the west react faster. Can't blame them but it's frustrating to to be able to assess things properly.
It's a tactic of war, a lot of the propaganda is also used to keep morale up.
There's absolutely no question that Russia are lying more, simply because they have essentially no independent media. They're still claiming this isn't a war or an invasion, for crying out loud.
I'm not talking about the broad terminology/politics, I'm talking about factual info/pictures/videos about the battle on the field. I have been following all sources in this conflict, and more of what I have heard from Ukraine's side turned out to be false. There are no independent media in this conflict, pretty much everybody is taking a side and consider itself as part of the war.
Just can't listen to this guy without hearing him in LvG's voice.

I'm glad I am not the only one. I want to take him seriously but I am half expecting a rendition of "Ukraine's army"

Seems like someone is sending planes at least. But who and how many. Maybe some deal has been made as has been mentioned.

It kind of wouldn't surprise me if there was some back-alley deal where NATO will offer a contribution towards replacing them with something newer. The MiG-29 is really starting to get rather old now, particularly the older variants. And so it could be something that would make all 3 parties happy.
Some of the stories coming out of Ukraine is really scary. Seems like the Russians might finally be starting to take off the gloves.

We've had some awful things already on display and it's just starting to get bad.

Speaking to some of my younger colleagues today, they seem a bit shocked. We have a couple of years difference in age but I always thought things could get worse but these 'kids' have grown up in a world where nothing bad happens.
Speaking to some of my younger colleagues today, they seem a bit shocked. We have a couple of years difference in age but I always thought things could get worse but these 'kids' have grown up in a world where nothing bad happens.
Really? They must have lived very sheltered lives, as terrible stuff like this and and times even worse has been happening regularly all over the world.
Seeing this, is it any wonder the Russians soldiers are just looking for any way out? Obviously not verified.

Edit: just realised there's no subs on this version. They're basically demonstrating that the army's rations are with a 2015 expiry date.

A mere 7 years out of date?


"Lets get this out on to a tray."
Really? They must have lived very sheltered lives, as terrible stuff like this and and times even worse has been happening regularly all over the world.
Well, as difficult as it is for some to get it through their heads, things hit differently when it's on your door step.

I've seen shouting of racism, discrimination and whatever else. But it's just human nature and survival instinct kicking in.
Can someone just help make sure I am not misunderstanding

Why are the EU so desperate for Ukraine to join the EU right now? Does that not cause a massive issue if Russia is still trying to invade because then it's a case of Russia vs the EU who then all need to get involved? And then NATO?

The EU is not a military alliance, technically it's a trading block but has become more of a federation in recent years. Either way, Ukraine joining would not make any other EU nation obligated to defend them.

Many EU nations are also NATO members though.

Ukraine may join the EU, but not NATO.
Well, as difficult as it is for some to get it through their heads, things hit differently when it's on your door step.

I've seen shouting of racism, discrimination and whatever else. But it's just human nature and survival instinct kicking in.
Where do you live?
The yanks used that MOAB a few years ago in Afghanistan, which I think is thermobaric? Either way was the largest non-nuke ever dropped. So there’s a precedent for it, regardless of any treaties and conventions that Putin clearly doesn’t give a feck about.
Ya I remember a lot of controversy around that in the US when Trump used it (against ISIS in 2017), those weapons should be outlawed.
The MoD confirmed that the British military also used thermobaric weapons in Afghanistan.
Where do you live?
Western Europe right now. However, unless you are a Brexiteer with a Farage portrait over your bed, you'd realise there's been a clear and distinct identity built up over the past 20 or so years and this all feels too close for comfort, wherever you are in Europe.

If those strikes happened it's not disinformation is it?

Agree about the points on Syria, Russia really did a number there, a total scorched earth approach which killed so many innocents.
Western Europe right now. However, unless you are a Brexiteer with a Farage portrait over your bed, you'd realise there's been a clear and distinct identity built up over the past 20 or so years and this all feels too close for comfort, wherever you are in Europe.
I don't agree with this, it's terrible wherever it happens, and I will always call it out no matter who the actors are.
ffs, Russian media telling lies about thing that happened in Iceland..

"Russian ambassador here in Iceland was complaining about harassment and sabotage of the embassy building, but Icelandic police said there was no damage done to the embassy."

Just send this clown away!
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If those strikes happened it's not disinformation is it?

Agree about the points on Syria, Russia really did a number there, a total scorched earth approach which killed so many innocents.

You can take the word “disinformation” out of it for all I care - it’s whataboutism-propaganda funded by Russia to divide opinion and shift focus. And by the state of some of the posts in here - they’re doing a pretty good job.
The EU is not a military alliance, technically it's a trading block but has become more of a federation in recent years. Either way, Ukraine joining would not make any other EU nation obligated to defend them.

Many EU nations are also NATO members though.

Ukraine may join the EU, but not NATO.

They could join both, except they aren't yet fully qualified to join NATO.
You can take the word “disinformation” out of it for all I care - it’s whataboutism-propaganda funded by Russia to divide opinion and shift focus. And by the state of some of the posts in here - they’re doing a pretty good job.
Agree it's not disinformation.

And agree propaganda is being used as tool, has been used even more extensively since social media came about. After following many conflicts during this age I know all about it.
The EU is not a military alliance, technically it's a trading block but has become more of a federation in recent years. Either way, Ukraine joining would not make any other EU nation obligated to defend them.

Many EU nations are also NATO members though.

Ukraine may join the EU, but not NATO.

Yes it would.

Article 42.7 obliges EU countries to aid a fellow member state that becomes “the victim of armed aggression on its territory” by “all the means in their power

NATO is, however, the real power since the EU doesn't have the UK in the treaty anymore, and of course it doesn't have access to the US military.

Sadly starting to see some of Russian propaganda in Polish social media today already. We already have posts claiming there’s no actual war in Ukraine and claims of people having relatives there saying there’s nothing happening. It will grow with each week similar to how we basically went from being one of the countries who dealt the best with the initial phase to the worst hit by the end of the pandemic.
It's only a matter of time before Kiev falls I fear. I hope to god I'm wrong but the numbers just don't add up. Putin has everything in his favour. Without intervention from the west I fear this is the end of the Ukraine at least for now. In the future who know it could be reborn as Putin fails to hold on to it
I don't agree with this, it's terrible wherever it happens, and I will always call it out no matter who the actors are.
You are just making up things I haven't said. I'm talking about how people feel, not what's good or bad. War is awful and the West has made errors which has led to many deaths. I am definitely not one to defend these actions.