Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

That’s the farmer who stole the tractor - so 100% staged. As if you Molotov an armoured vehicle and then drive in a straight line at about 30mph in front of it as well

Her logic is amazing; if you dont protest against a dictator who will 100% send you in jail, you are a coward. Almost same logic used against Afghans, Syrians and Ukraines; if you dont stay and fight, you are a coward.
Her logic is amazing; if you dont protest against a dictator who will 100% send you in jail, you are a coward. Almost same logic used against Afghans, Syrians and Ukraines; if you dont stay and fight, you are a coward.

Honestly, any sentence that attributes anything to an entire nation does not belong in this day an age.

Putin is a cnut is acceptable. (And correct)
Russians are cnuts is absolutely not.
Russia has used a thermobaric bomb, according to Ukrainian ambassador to the US.
I think one way to diffuse this may be through back channel negotiations between NATO and Putin, using someone like Macron as an intermediary, where they negotiate some sort of inducement for Putin to pull back in exchange for certain sanctions being lifted. In order for that to work, Putin would have to already be feeling incredible pain back home to where he feels not doing something may jeopardize his grip on power. Only then, would he be incentivized to pull back a bit. But it would only work if the pain and instability in Moscow scare him enough to act.

This of course presupposes that Putin is mentally stable and a rational actor. If he isn't, then I think he doubles down on violence and the chances of NATO/EU military involvement inside Ukraine go up significantly.

I think he is, still, a rational actor. He just values things differently than what most in the West might expect him to value - for instance in a war of attrition he doesn't care about his own losses. The real question is if/when the internal pressure can reach the threshold which forces him to alter his internal priorities.
Her logic is amazing; if you dont protest against a dictator who will 100% send you in jail, you are a coward. Almost same logic used against Afghans, Syrians and Ukraines; if you dont stay and fight, you are a coward.
The one thing Ukranian’s are not is coward’s. Giving it a bloody good go - and giving Putin a bloody red nose.
That’s the farmer who stole the tractor - so 100% staged. As if you Molotov an armoured vehicle and then drive in a straight line at about 30mph in front of it as well

There is a Z painted on this tractor. But it has the same color yes. But angles of cameras are different too. Could perhaps both be propaganda.

And a towed and disabled tank is not so dangerous. It would have to shoot the tractor first too as it would be in front.
When my parents moved house a couple of years ago my mum found some old army rations my dad had brought home from various places around the world in the very back of a cupboard.
Some of them 30 years old.
Dad being dad had to show they were fine so opened and ate a 30 year old tin of ham.
Was fine apparently! Although I did not partake.
Heard stories about bean cans from WWI being edible. I guess the worst case scenario is you shit yourself, which won’t be the case with old military equipment :D
I think he is, still, a rational actor. He just values things differently than what most in the West might expect him to value - for instance in a war of attrition he doesn't care about his own losses. The real question is if/when the internal pressure can reach the threshold which forces him to alter his internal priorities.

I think he will found out where he stands domestically once the Russian stock market reopens, at which point pandemonium could break out once Russians discover their financial predicaments.
What i've seen and gathered during this invasion and information at hand, Russia have champions league level nukes or bombs and League 2 level soldiers.
I think he will found out where he stands domestically once the Russian stock market reopens, at which point pandemonium could break out once Russians discover their financial predicaments.
Was it not open today?
Can someone just help make sure I am not misunderstanding

Why are the EU so desperate for Ukraine to join the EU right now? Does that not cause a massive issue if Russia is still trying to invade because then it's a case of Russia vs the EU who then all need to get involved? And then NATO?

Just rhetoric to put even more pressure on Russia I suspect. At least for now.
I think he is, still, a rational actor. He just values things differently than what most in the West might expect him to value - for instance in a war of attrition he doesn't care about his own losses. The real question is if/when the internal pressure can reach the threshold which forces him to alter his internal priorities.
About that internal pressure...article from Slate suggests the "Putin regime" has become just "Vladimir Putin" by now.

The article explains that Putin has consolidated personal power to an extent that foreign policy experts simply didn't see happening.

But the world is now realizing that the Putin regime is really just Vladimir Putin. And he is apparently no longer worried about what war will mean for Russia’s rich, much less its masses.
Thank God for that. We have no job there supporting any if the sides in this conflict even though we are members of NATO and EU.
Well I wouldn't mind if we actually had 100 operational MiGs to give 20, but the situation with the aviation is incredibly dire, so much so that we need Spanish and Dutch f-35 for air policing.
I dont think these countries can afford to send so many Migs surely? They're not cheap.
Highly unlikely, unless there is a deal with US/UK/Germany/Italy/France that in return those countries will get F15/F16/Eurofighter/Rafale. Obviously, Western countries wouldn’t be able to send their own fighters cause the Ukrainians wouldn’t know how to use them not having have any of them before.
Think People were making that comment before realizing He's negotiating on behalf of Putin. I was on the same boat but based on what I've read he seems to be the only Russian Oligarch to respond to Ukraine's plea to assist them in the negotiations so, he's definitely a good guy in all this.

Or one desperate to keep his ill-gotten spoils?
The 17 mile long russian convoy of artilery, tanks and logistics vehicles looks ominous for ukraine and kyiv as shown on BBC news.

Hope kyiv can hold out.
Well I wouldn't mind if we actually had 100 operational MiGs to give 20, but the situation with the aviation is incredibly dire, so much so that we need Spanish and Dutch f-35 for air policing.

Apologies for the misleading information. I thought it was in line with what the EU stated yesterday. Had to check out for some sources before posting.
People need to brake a little bit with this giving jets talk. It's not like you lend your car even if it is something the Ukrainians can fly, it needs to be the right modification or some training will be required, also I believe there is some localisation for language on the avionics.