Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

Re: Crimea.

I swear if Brexit Britain were to stage a coup in the Republic of Ireland and were then to claim possession of the territory pointing to A) the result of a sham referendum, B) mother tongue demographics of the population, and C) historical ownership of the territory, some would go along with it.

That is exactly what happened in Crimea.

And plenty would be against it and want the US to take action… despite what it’s done previously
This is a bit of a strange example.

Of course he wouldn't be wrong.

What people might consider a little strange though is if that guy also spends his time talking about how he's a huge advocate for women's rights and portrays himself as an advocate for women at risk of DV, when it turns out he has in the past (and continues to) consistently hit women himself.

I don't think generally this thread is the right one to continually bring this up (and I myself have responded to others who've constantly brought up the Iraq war on here etc) as I don't think its particularly all that relevant.

What is relatively clear though is that most people (and most media outlets) do have a relatively blinkered view of certain conflicts vs others. The reasons for that are, for me anyway, quite clear, though I imagine some on here would come up with excuse after excuse for it, but its perhaps not the best thread to continually bring it up.

All of the above does not mean that you don't want Putin to be sent back packing with his tail between his legs though.

The bolded part is what counts at this moment.
I agree with the rest of what you say completely. My point was simply that regarding this conflict, the completely unrelated wrongdoings of the US and the UK especially are irrelevant.

You still aren't getting the point are you ?

You're not getting mine either, but let's just leave it at that.
It seems Macron has been talking to Putin directly.

"To prevent the situation from worsening, I suggested to President Putin that we stay in touch in the coming days. We will resume discussions."
Christ sake man, I've made my point couple of times now - Crimea is Ukrainian. Elections were rigged. And lets just pretend they weren't rigged and western media propaganda yada yada - Crimea is still ukrainian. You don't like Ukraine? Leave. You want Russia? Go to Russia then. Crimea is Ukraine, was Ukraine and will be Ukraine. Would you support Serbia taking Kossovo if Serbia sent civilians to populate Kosovo and they would call for a coup within couple of years? Would you acknowledge Russian invasion if they had Russians living in Kiev wanted Russia to come and "peacekeep"? Are you not asking yourself, why the hell are the population in Ukraine, if they don't want to be in Ukraine? Russian border ain't that far away.

Crimea was transfered to Ukraine in 1954 and the vast majority of the population the last 150 years is Russian, which you can confirm by just looking the Ukrainian census of 2001 and 2011. Historically speaking Greeks, scythians and then more recently tatars have more claims to the land than Ukrainians. Crimeans also voted for sovereign in 1991. Or was that rigged too?
Also, what kind of argument is that last one? Why should people have to give up their homes?
Russia will need a ceasefire before they lose... It's not exactly going well is it
I don't think Russia can lose this in a pure military sense, the balance of forces is just too much in their favor. For the Ukrainians to repel them out of their territory they would need to go on the offensive, and that just requires several times the forces. I think a good analogy is the Winter War vs Finland, where the USSR took heavy casualties but the peace treaty there still granted them Finnish territory.
I don't think either of what you've said is true. The language was quite clear - other posters had no issues understanding context. And I made it abundantly clear in my first post itself that the Ukranian citizens were the undeserving victims who should not have been forced into fighting for survival.

They're not fighting for survival. They're fighting against a former colonial oppressor from reasserting its dominance over them, for their own nationhood and political self-determination. This is where I thought your first post fell into a irresolvable contradiction because you said Indians had to fight for for those things from its own colonial oppressor but that Ukraine shouldn't.
Not as accurate as it sounds unfortunately.

Patel just got scolded by the speaker for the way she delivered the news.
It shows how far our current government is to the right that they are going to be dragged kicking and screaming into doing the obviously right thing on this issue.
It seems Macron has been talking to Putin directly.

"To prevent the situation from worsening, I suggested to President Putin that we stay in touch in the coming days. We will resume discussions."

Poutine? Really? Chips, cheese and gravy?
I respect you as a poster, so I'll clarify.

I'm fairly certain the context of the post makes it clear that the 'criminals' there are NATO+allies and Russia. That the former is fighting a proxy war against the latter via Ukraine, whose citizens are the victims of this situation. Ukranian housewives and senior citizens are unfortunately bearing the arms and being shelled out of their homes, but they didn't start the war - Russians did. In response to the former's diplomatic and geo-political aggression over decades. This was definitely the wrong means of retaliation when diplomatic measures could have done the trick, and that's what makes Putin a war criminal who needs to be countered. But the retaliation was inevitable due to actions the former took, and this military aggression was long coming and long ignored by NATO and co - when elections are being rigged in your favour and Russians are funding your campaigns and buying you influence, no one cares.

I am happy to be pointed towards reliable resources that point otherwise since I'm not learned on this topic. But I have not once blamed the citizens of a country fighting for survival, would not even dream of it.

The Central and Eastern European countries wanted to join NATO, because they feared Russian aggression. They had already been under the thump of the Soviets. And wanted to avoid coming under Russia's thump again. It is no coincidence that their desire to join NATO accelerated after the wars in Moldova (Transnistria) and Georgia (Abkhazia). NATO expansion was not an aggressive act against Russia, it was a defensive act against an aggressive Russia by countries who had sufficient experience what it is like to be under the Russian thumb. The treatment and now invasion of Ukraine has proven again that these countries are better off under NATO and the EU than under Russia.

There is no threat against Russia. Nobody is going to invade a country with thousands of nukes. In contrast, everyone would welcome a peaceful, stable (and ideally free and democratic) Russia that is committed to peaceful and respectful trade and cooperation with the rest of Europe. Unfortunately, their elites seem to be backward looking and mourning the loss of Soviet power instead.

None of this "forced" Russia into a certain position, or "wounded" them, or "cornered" them or "humiliated" them.They are like an abusive boyfriend whose girlfriend left them after years of abuse. But instead of reflecting, why their girlfriend left them, they blame the girlfriend for betraying them and are on their way to the women's shelter to beat her up for it.
Can you elaborate? Apologies if it's misleading, will edit if necessary.

Unless they've changed tact in the last hour or so Patel had defined family as basically husband or wife or children with parents but not if both were parents. They're rightly getting backlash because of it.
And plenty would be against it and want the US to take action… despite what it’s done previously
Re: Crimea.

I swear if Brexit Britain were to stage a coup in the Republic of Ireland and were then to claim possession of the territory pointing to A) the result of a sham referendum, B) mother tongue demographics of the population, and C) historical ownership of the territory, some would go along with it.

That is exactly what happened in Crimea.

Ireland really isn’t a good example to use here.
Are you Canadian?

French people spell it that way. Because Putin in french sounds exactly like "putain", which means "a wh*re"...
I am not, but I have never seen his name spelt that way. Putain is more apt frankly. Time to drop the chip dish.
Isn't that like saying the Ukranians who didn't want to be under Russian control would have left Crimea to go to Ukraine already?

I disagree with your idea of territory personally, it's problematic. The current people of any region should be able to decide their rulers, if what's left in Crimea want to be ruled by Russia then they should have that freedom. The issue is we'll never know as no way will Russia put up with independent monitoring to ensure a fair election.

Those who could already did, others were subject to reprecussions.

Is it though? Territorial lines and integrity is staple of any countries constitution. It's not just people's hearts desire, but also strategic, cultural, economical etc. importance to the said country. Do you honestly belive 97% wanted to join Russia? there was a rough 50/50 vote that sparked euromaidan, but apparantely a whole region doesn't want to be in Ukraine, but not even a whiff comes out of it until russians point it out?
Wherever you're from, would you be OK with part of your country joining your most aggressive neighbour, when your countrymen are getting shot trying to stabilize it? And then another part in couple of years? And maybe another one in couple? Who do you think seized control of Crimea in 2014? Peasants with pitchforks? Held back these ukrainians, who now are shitting on russian advancing army?
Did anyone just see the speech by the Ukranian representative at the United Nations? Was a mic drop moment. :lol: (on sky news currently)
NATO is fighting a proxy war against Russia? That's a delusion. That's Russian propaganda, nothing more.

NATO was founded to counter Soviet expansion in Europe - that's the primary motivation for their existence. At some point, the word 'counter' became 'mimic', unfortunately.

Do you mean the interference that's been called out by numerous Western intelligence agencies?

Unpunished, not unnoticed. Don't have to remind you of Trump's love affair for Putin when he should have been cut down to size.

Enough about NATO, though, I knew I would be derailing this thread the moment blinkered outrage began. I didn't want to leave my opinion undefended, but back to the point of this thread.
It seems Macron has been talking to Putin directly.

"To prevent the situation from worsening, I suggested to President Putin that we stay in touch in the coming days. We will resume discussions."

Tbh this guy has in this whole process come off as a puppet clown that is being used by Putin who is laughing as soon as he hangs up. I do not take anything he says serious anymore after he released a statement saying he had come to terms with Putin over a diplomatic solution meanwhile 24 hours later there was a fullscale invasion.
Did anyone just see the speech by the Ukranian representative at the United Nations? Was a mic drop moment. :lol: (on sky news currently)
Yes, great speech until he kind of invited Putler to eat his gun in the basement. Not sure that was necessary.
Unless they've changed tact in the last hour or so Patel had defined family as basically husband or wife or children with parents but not if both were parents. They're rightly getting backlash because of it.

Thank you.
at this point why would ukraine ever want to demilitarize or go even further from NATO? Russia already took crimea, now back again for more/the rest.

What's Ukraine supposed to do about the 2nd bullet? Give up its military? What would denazification even be? Putin is talking nonsense and will frame this as "Ukraine refused diplomatic solutions".
You still aren't getting the point are you ?

Unfortunately it's going to be innocent Ukranians that are going to die for this. Not the US, the UK or the EU. Ukraine is yet another nation caught between the power struggle of the 2.

Anyway back to topic:

Let's hope there's an end in sight.

It isn't 'A power struggle between the two' that has caused this though. Ukraine is an example of a recently Russian controlled area building itself up into a fully functioning democracy. This is an affront to Putin, a madman who's life and power relies on him holding control of his country, predominantly through the means of fear. Ukraines continued success is a direc threat to this.

We (Being the West) back Ukraine because its the right thing to do, despite being far from perfect ourselves.

It's a tragedy that innocent Ukrainians are dying fighting this madman but tell me, what is the alternative? Roll over and allow him to take whatever he wants? Do you think he would stop at Kyiv? Perhaps Ukraine in totality? Or perhaps Moldova would take his fancy next?
NATO was founded to counter Soviet expansion in Europe - that's the primary motivation for their existence. At some point, the word 'counter' became 'mimic', unfortunately.

But what you said is that NATO is fighting Russia using Ukraine. That's a lie. That's not what happened in Ukraine.
Just seen this on LinkedIn. Pretty compelling reasons for wanting to control it.

Ukraine ranks:
  • 1st in Europe in proven recoverable reserves of uranium ores;
  • 2nd place in Europe and 10th place in the world in terms of titanium ore reserves;
  • 2nd place in the world in terms of explored reserves of manganese ores (2.3 billion tons, or 12% of the world's reserves);
  • 2nd largest iron ore reserves in the world (30 billion tons);
  • 2nd place in Europe in terms of mercury ore reserves;
  • 3rd place in Europe (13th place in the world) in shale gas reserves (22 trillion cubic meters) 4th in the world by the total value of natural resources;
  • 7th place in the world in coal reserves (33.9 billion tons) Ukraine is an important agricultural country:
  • 1st in Europe in terms of arable land area;
  • 3rd place in the world by the area of black soil (25% of world's volume);
  • 1st place in the world in exports of sunflower and sunflower oil;
  • 2nd place in the world in barley production and 4th place in barley exports;
  • 3rd largest producer and 4th largest exporter of corn in the world;
  • 4th largest producer of potatoes in the world; 5th largest rye producer in the world;
  • 5th place in the world in bee production (75,000 tons);
  • 8th place in the world in wheat exports;
  • 9th place in the world in the production of chicken eggs;
  • 16th place in the world in cheese exports. Ukraine can meet the food needs of 600 million people. Ukraine is an important industrialised country: 1st in Europe in ammonia production; Europe's 2nd’s and the world’s 4th largest natural gas pipeline system;
  • 3rd largest in Europe and 8th largest in the world in terms of installed capacity of nuclear power plants;
  • 3rd place in Europe and 11th in the world in terms of rail network length (21,700 km);
  • 3rd place in the world (after the U.S. and France) in production of locators and locating equipment;
  • 3rd largest iron exporter in the world 4th largest exporter of turbines for nuclear power plants in the world; 4th world's largest manufacturer of rocket launchers;
  • 4th place in the world in clay exports 4th place in the world in titanium exports 8th place in the world in exports of ores and concentrates;
  • 9th place in the world in exports of defence industry products;
  • 10th largest steel producer in the world (32.4 million tons).
What's Ukraine supposed to do about the 2nd bullet? Give up its military? What would denazification even be? Putin is talking nonsense and will frame this as "Ukraine refused diplomatic solutions".

This thread will give you an idea of putin's plans.

As far as i understand, "denazification" would imply installing a pro-Russian government.