Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

With all the countries around the world which are condemning Russia, will China be seeing the potential and drop Vlad as they won't want to be associated?
As calm and balanced as I had been about it for the last few days, must say the nuclear threat and the way it has escalated has given me the levels of anxiety today that I may have never felt in my life before.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Right now, all Russian national teams should outright be disqualified from all competitions until further notice. That is the only way to go.
I think there's a more elegant solution here. Have the neutral country cancel their visas with little to no notice. Although if the venue is in Switzerland, they'll probably ask for a 50% cashback on the ticket sales.
Anyone legitimately concerned about the use of nuclear arms? ,
Absolutely. He’s insane
Well so far they’ve gone along with him, let’s hope someone comes to their senses and does something before we all find out how insane he’s become

Yeah, I feel the same. He’s always concerned me greatly - I have trouble imagining him just quietly going with a whimper.

He’s fecking ruthless and has a seething quality toward the West. He’s a fecking nutter, but a very purposeful one who I think has dreamt of being the person who starts WW3 for decades.

I just pray that some in Russian inner circle are more forward thinking than him and see the sane thing (and best thing for Russia) to do is remove him.

Yeah it's a really shit choice, I have no idea what I would do.

The kids holding bears for comfort is what gets me too. Purely concentrated innocence in human form and they're stuck in the middle of this fecking war.

I agree. These are human beings having their lives ruined, and for what? It’s fecking disgraceful (as with any war).

If Putin was left with two choices, either concede victory to Ukraine or nuclear armageddon, which would he choose? I tell you know, he'd go with the latter.

Agree. We must pray that the inner Russian circle take him out.
With all the countries around the world which are condemning Russia, will China be seeing the potential and drop Vlad as they won't want to be associated?
Maybe they'll see Russia as their "Saudi Arabia"-esque partner. Basically saying "yeah messed up but now they're our strategic ally so feck off".
Pretty much. Social media would have you believe that Russia don’t have a clue what they’re doing and have lost almost every battle - and don’t get wrong I hope that’s true but it’s probably not reality.
Yet they still have Kiev surrounded and look poised to have toppled the capital city of a 30m+ country in less than a week

So I guess it comes down to what the expectations were.... I would have thought 2 weeks to take the land east of the river and coastline would have sounded really optimistic if somebody said that a week ago

Certainly don't recall at the time people.saying he would take over Kiev in 48 hours

Hard to know the truth but overlaying the info I would say it can't have gone that bad if they have surrounded Kiev and have left a lot of units in reserve to date

Equally it's clearly not been a blitzkrieg of shock and awe that has terrified other countries

I think it’s undeniable at this stage this has become something Russia neither wanted or anticipated. The intelligence picture from the West is more balanced but still shows huge Russian losses and an inability to control the airspace above Ukraine.

It’s clear that they wanted, and expected, this to be quick and smooth. As it’s happened there’s allegedly 2/3s of its military engaged in this and the days and morale are both starting to drag.

When you add to this crippling economic sanctions you have to start accepting there’s no long term plan here that doesn’t end in Russia being pretty much paralysed.

It’s one thing surrounding the capital but taking it then exerting control over a country of 40+ million people?
The UK will send an additional £40m in humanitarian aid to Ukraine, Boris Johnson announced Sunday.

The funding will help aid agencies and provide access to medical supplies such as medicines, syringes, dressings and wound care packs, and other basic necessities.

“In the last days the world has witnessed awe-inspiring displays of bravery and heroism from the Ukrainian people in response to those who seek to obliterate their freedom by force,” the British prime minister said. “The UK will not turn our backs in Ukraine’s hour of need. We are providing all the economic and military support we can to help those Ukrainians risking everything to protect their country.”

The government has pledged £140m in aid to Ukraine this year, and offered to guarantee up to $500m of loans. The UK, along with multiple other European countries, has pledged to continue to supply arms to Ukraine’s military as it battles invading Russian forces.

Johnson, who met with Ukrainian community leaders at a London church on Sunday, said any Ukrainian person settled in the UK will be able to bring immediate family members from Ukraine.
As calm and balanced as I had been about it for the last few days, must say the nuclear threat and the way it has escalated has given me the levels of anxiety today that I may have never felt in my life before.
I remember watching Mad Men and how scared the US public appeared to be in the 60s from the threat of nuclear war.

When I watched that a few months ago, I thought they're clearly overreacting and was happy we had real-time (or near enough) information nowadays, so I'd never fall into the trap, it'd get to this crazy stage.

And now... here we are...
I swear half the people on here can't read.. Read back my 1st sentence.

I think it will be fine. But there is the potential of only a few minutes' notice in Europe of it not being fine anymore. And the panic makes rational thinking harder. It is much better to have a plan before shit hits the fan, this is fundamental shit.
If you seriously think that nukes might be flying around Europe in a 4 minute Notion, you need to get your head checked.
Now granted, we don’t know how this situation develops further. But there has to be an extreme amount of escalation before we reach the point where ‘nukes might be flying around europe in a 4 minute Notion’. Now in the extremely unlikely event that we reach that level of escalation, then will be the time to fill up some waterbottles or think about the safest place to hide near your house. Up until that point, you’re just being sensationalist and dramatic.
With all the countries around the world which are condemning Russia, will China be seeing the potential and drop Vlad as they won't want to be associated?
China need wheat and gas, so not a chance and they control their media, so it'll all be the fault of the West, so they can sell it to the masses.
With all the countries around the world which are condemning Russia, will China be seeing the potential and drop Vlad as they won't want to be associated?

I don't think not joining a club is going to affect them much. Russia attacked Ukraine, took Crimea, shot down a passanger plane among other things and everyone got along in a year or two. Everyone will forgive them in time.
The EU has agreed unanimously amongst all member countries to take in Ukrainian refugees for up to three years without asking them to first apply for asylum, the German interior minister says.
I’m so, so ashamed to be British right now. Our government has no intention of offering a welcoming asylum policy. They will only do it when their position has long been untenable:

With all the countries around the world which are condemning Russia, will China be seeing the potential and drop Vlad as they won't want to be associated?

There's a a good chance China will attempt to play both sides so as to not appear exclusively siding with Putin.
Russia is only going to send more body bags back home, this is no Georgia with only 20,000 - 30,000 soldiers. Russia's military is obviously far bigger than Ukraine's military but the actual part of the military being used in Ukraine is not the same size. So the numbers aren't looking that good for Russia.

What makes you say that with such certainty? He's backed down before. There have been a number of incidents throughout his premiership where he's rattled the nuclear sabre if he doesn't get his own way.
I've been told by Ukrainians long before the war that the Russian/Ukrainian mentality is one of stubbornness. And Putin seems to me to be the most obstinate person on the planet. I might be wrong of course :)

Victory how? Not like Ukraine are an invading army. At worst he'll take the supposed bits that want to be Russian, which the national media will spin as a huge victory and crushing concession by Ukraine. Then he'll spend his last years destabilising the country and stirring shit.
This sounds reasonable. But I can't imagine he'd settle for a bit of local spin. He wants the world to take Russia seriously and the outcome you describe here is not going to achieve that. As I said - this is just my opinion. Putin simply wouldn't stop until he's overthrown by Russians or until Ukraine concedes to his demands.
With all the countries around the world which are condemning Russia, will China be seeing the potential and drop Vlad as they won't want to be associated?
People seriously overlook the fact China and India are not on board to condemn. That's like 50% of the world's population and a significant part of the world economy.

The same way we in Europe might not care about something in the Arab world or middle Asia (I am being blunt here), this is similar for them.

Unless we approach humanity-ending levels of esclation, they'll just chill on the sidelines and maybe even stock up on some cheap oil, gas and wheat while increasing their influence over Russia.

That's why I was ranting earlier about Switzerland. They should not be allowed to play the neutrality card when we're talking about an enemy on Europe's doorstep. Go make your money from some other autocratic regime criminals, god knows there's plenty of those to go around in the current world.
Maybe I am ignorant but how are we going to take in refugees? Its a bloody long way to walk from Poland to UK...
Maybe I am ignorant but how are we going to take in refugees? Its a bloody long way to walk from Poland to UK...
There are such devices as planes trains and automobiles.
The UK will send an additional £40m in humanitarian aid to Ukraine, Boris Johnson announced Sunday.

The funding will help aid agencies and provide access to medical supplies such as medicines, syringes, dressings and wound care packs, and other basic necessities.

“In the last days the world has witnessed awe-inspiring displays of bravery and heroism from the Ukrainian people in response to those who seek to obliterate their freedom by force,” the British prime minister said. “The UK will not turn our backs in Ukraine’s hour of need. We are providing all the economic and military support we can to help those Ukrainians risking everything to protect their country.”

The government has pledged £140m in aid to Ukraine this year, and offered to guarantee up to $500m of loans. The UK, along with multiple other European countries, has pledged to continue to supply arms to Ukraine’s military as it battles invading Russian forces.

Johnson, who met with Ukrainian community leaders at a London church on Sunday, said any Ukrainian person settled in the UK will be able to bring immediate family members from Ukraine.

Also the UK have said they will take any Ukrainians that have family already here.
Seems the Russians are using the news of negotiations as subterfuge to slyly make advances around the rest of the country. There was apparently a massive amphibious landing outside Mariupol today and now this.
Exactly like Rubio said, if I recall his tweet correctly?
Seems the Russians are using the news of negotiations as subterfuge to slyly make advances around the rest of the country. There was apparently a massive amphibious landing outside Mariupol today and now this.
Surely if picked up on social media, it is known by the Ukrainian armed forces too??
Seems the Russians are using the news of negotiations as subterfuge to slyly make advances around the rest of the country. There was apparently a massive amphibious landing outside Mariupol today and now this.
At this point, Putin has proven himself so unreliable I'd put him below Boris Johnson in my truth rankings.
Russia is only going to send more body bags back home, this is no Georgia with only 20,000 - 30,000 soldiers. Russia's military is obviously far bigger than Ukraine's military but the actual part of the military being used in Ukraine is not the same size. So the numbers aren't looking that good for Russia.

They use mobile crematoriums don’t they? So no body bags go back to Russia as it could cause loss of support for the war.
I'm assuming you spent an hour and a half watching the video to arrive at that conclusion.

Would you need to sit through 1.5 hours of Carlson, Ingram, Hannity or Bannon to decide whether it will be balanced and worth watching?
There are such devices as planes trains and automobiles.

Thats a lot of effort considering most of them just have a bag and their teddy bear.

I mean there will be some who will come to relatives here, but I can't imagine it will be that many.