Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

Yep, fecking war.

i think I’m becoming more emotional with age (does that happen!?)

i was lumping up in throat a bit seeing the kids walking across the borders with their little bears for comfort.

such a conflicting feeling. Half thinking I’d like to see our lot go in and help them then realising how precious the situation is. Then thinking should we not just do it as it’s right? Heads mashed
He also said the other day that removing Russia from SWIFT would be a declaration of war so he seems to have quite a low bar for what's considered attacking Russia.
I don't understand the mechanics of it, but if few countries want to deal with Russia, will being in SWIFT make any difference?
i think I’m becoming more emotional with age (does that happen!?)

i was lumping up in throat a bit seeing the kids walking across the borders with their little bears for comfort.

such a conflicting feeling. Half thinking I’d like to see our lot go in and help them then realising how precious the situation is. Then thinking should we not just do it as it’s right? Heads mashed
It might be right but it wouldn't help and would cause much greater loss of life.

The West needs to tread very carefully, and bide its time.

What's with all these countries letting it be known that they're sending in arms etc?
Fingers crossed.

Even if he takes Ukraine, then what.

He will be be unable to leave Russia pretty much and have no chance of doing anything else.

It's like his sole purpose for his own ego, was to control Ukraine for a few moments in time.

Even the Russian citizens will never celebrate him.

He is fighting a 2022 war using 1980s tactics.
I am wondering that myself. How do you control a population of over 40 million people where a huge part of it hates you (seriously hates)? Even if you put pro Russian people into most of government positions, I really think that Ukraine is gone far beyond the point to accept any right leaning presidential office. Not to mention the costs of having to rebuild the country while your own country is in a financial ruins. I just can't see what Putin gains even if he succeeds in occupying Ukraine, apart from boosting his own ego and eventually losing the control of Ukraine in a few years anyway.
It might be right but it wouldn't help and would cause much greater loss of life.

The West needs to tread very carefully, and bide its time.

What's with all these countries letting it be known that they're sending in arms etc?

I think things have escalated in the past 24hrs with his public address referring to nuclear weapons.

Every country now is being quite overt in not only their sanctions but how they will help with weapons and supplies.

It’s pretty much at a who blinks first moment with near enough the whole world v Putin
I am wondering that myself. How do you control a population of over 40 million people where a huge part of it hates you (seriously hates)? Even if you put pro Russian people into most of government positions, I really think that Ukraine is gone far beyond the point to accept any right leaning presidential office. Not to mention the costs of having to rebuild the country while your own country is in a financial ruins. I just can't see what Putin gains even if he succeeds in occupying Ukraine, apart from boosting his own ego and eventually losing the control of Ukraine in a few years anyway.

I don’t see his end goal either. He’s going to cripple his own country in every single way.
Is anyone else concerned about how much of what we've been hearing so far is contradicted by the Klitschko statement saying that they're surrounded?

Are we being fed information far more optimistic than the reality of the situation?
Watching videos like these has me just baffeled about the Russians. I did my 12 months of concript service almost 20 years ago and the most basic stuff they tought us when moving vehicles in a convoy is to keep at least 50m between each vehicle and always look for air cover if you need to stop. These guys have just stoped in the middle of the road next to each other like they are out for a Sunday drive.
i think I’m becoming more emotional with age (does that happen!?)

i was lumping up in throat a bit seeing the kids walking across the borders with their little bears for comfort.

such a conflicting feeling. Half thinking I’d like to see our lot go in and help them then realising how precious the situation is. Then thinking should we not just do it as it’s right? Heads mashed
Yeah it's a really shit choice, I have no idea what I would do.

The kids holding bears for comfort is what gets me too. Purely concentrated innocence in human form and they're stuck in the middle of this fecking war.
He also said the other day that removing Russia from SWIFT would be a declaration of war so he seems to have quite a low bar for what's considered attacking Russia.

Ok matey. Understood.
But I am not loosing any sleep (not that I sleep well anyway)...
Is anyone else concerned about how much of what we've been hearing so far is contradicted by the Klitschko statement saying that they're surrounded?

Are we being fed information far more optimistic than the reality of the situation?

Pretty much. Social media would have you believe that Russia don’t have a clue what they’re doing and have lost almost every battle - and don’t get wrong I hope that’s true but it’s probably not reality.
Watching videos like these has me just baffeled about the Russians. I did my 12 months of concript service almost 20 years ago and the most basic stuff they tought us when moving vehicles in a convoy is to keep at least 50m between each vehicle and always look for air cover if you need to stop. These guys have just stoped in the middle of the road next to each other like they are out for a Sunday drive.

Reddit comments:

Can someone explain why Russian AA are not detecting them? Bizzare
Because it's not a Malaysian airliner.
Pretty much. Social media would have you believe that Russia don’t have a clue what they’re doing and have lost almost every battle - and don’t get wrong I hope that’s true but it’s probably not reality.
If that head general is indeed just fired, it means it's basically true. And some things such as the lack of air superiority are undeniable.
Is anyone else concerned about how much of what we've been hearing so far is contradicted by the Klitschko statement saying that they're surrounded?

Are we being fed information far more optimistic than the reality of the situation?

same idea came to mind yesterday already. It's almost impossible that the 2nd greatest military power is so clueless at it currently seems. Then again...all media I know basically aligns with what we see so far
I am wondering that myself. How do you control a population of over 40 million people where a huge part of it hates you (seriously hates)?
Plus most of the surrounding countries will be funding and arming any resistance movement... and making concerted efforts to destroy your economy

I can't help but think the nuclear option is to get given an off ramp.... dunno what happens if potentially the last off ramp is missed though
Is anyone else concerned about how much of what we've been hearing so far is contradicted by the Klitschko statement saying that they're surrounded?

Are we being fed information far more optimistic than the reality of the situation?

Yeah we are probably all getting overexcited because we all want Ukraine to come out well but there is no denying Russia has not achieved anything of substance so far and their expectations will have been different.
Watching videos like these has me just baffeled about the Russians. I did my 12 months of concript service almost 20 years ago and the most basic stuff they tought us when moving vehicles in a convoy is to keep at least 50m between each vehicle and always look for air cover if you need to stop. These guys have just stoped in the middle of the road next to each other like they are out for a Sunday drive.

I don't know if this has been asked, but how do those TB2 strikes actually work? What are they?
Pretty much. Social media would have you believe that Russia don’t have a clue what they’re doing and have lost almost every battle - and don’t get wrong I hope that’s true but it’s probably not reality.
Yet they still have Kiev surrounded and look poised to have toppled the capital city of a 30m+ country in less than a week

So I guess it comes down to what the expectations were.... I would have thought 2 weeks to take the land east of the river and coastline would have sounded really optimistic if somebody said that a week ago

Certainly don't recall at the time people.saying he would take over Kiev in 48 hours

Hard to know the truth but overlaying the info I would say it can't have gone that bad if they have surrounded Kiev and have left a lot of units in reserve to date

Equally it's clearly not been a blitzkrieg of shock and awe that has terrified other countries
Is anyone else concerned about how much of what we've been hearing so far is contradicted by the Klitschko statement saying that they're surrounded?

Are we being fed information far more optimistic than the reality of the situation?

I think its exactly as it is. They are surrounded on the outskirts and the Russians are going in to raze everything. They are likely to capture Kyiv and many people are going to die. But what next? Thats the question.

The only thing that has failed is the timescale. He expected everything to end quick. They have also used up so much resources just to get to Kyiv, which is a city near the edge of the Belarus border where they started.
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Is anyone else concerned about how much of what we've been hearing so far is contradicted by the Klitschko statement saying that they're surrounded?

Are we being fed information far more optimistic than the reality of the situation?

I would recommend people think about the worst, however remote. Where is the best place you can get to with a couple of minutes' notice? Stairwells tend to be some of the strongest bits of any building, any rooms not exterior facing, any basements etc.

I don't support panic buying, but make sure you have some water in case supplies go off. Just fill some bottles from the tap.

Pull yourself together man…
Yeah it's a really shit choice, I have no idea what I would do.

The kids holding bears for comfort is what gets me too. Purely concentrated innocence in human form and they're stuck in the middle of this fecking war.
I saw a photo in a shelter/subway station in I guess Kyiv, of a person holding their dog in the middle of the crowd, the person has their back to the camera but you can see the dog’s face, the poor thing looked so terrified.

there is so much needless suffering caught up in the terrible decisions of such a small group of people. Horrible.
Pull yourself together man…

I swear half the people on here can't read.. Read back my 1st sentence.

I think it will be fine. But there is the potential of only a few minutes' notice in Europe of it not being fine anymore. And the panic makes rational thinking harder. It is much better to have a plan before shit hits the fan, this is fundamental shit.
Is anyone else concerned about how much of what we've been hearing so far is contradicted by the Klitschko statement saying that they're surrounded?

Are we being fed information far more optimistic than the reality of the situation?

Aren't we all pretty sure Kiev will fall shortly? It just took a lot of Russian resources and lives, much more than expected. And the entire world is rallying against Russia. That's the best possible outcome right now. Ukraine will still suffer losses, and cities will fall. The sheer amount of troops Russia are throwing at this makes it pretty much impossible for Ukraine to beat them. However, keeping control of it, with the economy tanking etc will be pretty much impossible at this point.