Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

If you were to ask me to speculate about a situation which leads to the end of the world in a nuclear war, it would start out a lot like this.
They use mobile crematoriums don’t they? So no body bags go back to Russia as it could cause loss of support for the war.
My understanding as well is that the families are basically sworn to secrecy not to disclose information in order to receive compensation or pensions, and fear of risk of imprisonment or reprisals for disclosing the information. Also, they don't officially recognize the existence of mercenaries or volunteers, at all.
Today I spoke to two friends in Kherson. They said food supplies are running terribly low. One said her daughter and she now only have enough food to last about 6 days.

They are in their home. When they hear bombs they flee to the basement. Then when it's quiet outside they go back upstairs.
Russia is only going to send more body bags back home, this is no Georgia with only 20,000 - 30,000 soldiers. Russia's military is obviously far bigger than Ukraine's military but the actual part of the military being used in Ukraine is not the same size. So the numbers aren't looking that good for Russia.

A military expert on the TV said that as a rule of thumb the aggressor needs three times the numbers of the defender to succeed, and that this number grows significantly in urban combat.

They will need to commit much more to succeed. Right now Ukraines resolve is growing and all the extra hardware from NATO is on the way.

It’s great of course, but also worrying in the sense that Putin may grow impatient or desperate.
If you were to ask me to speculate about a situation which leads to the end of the world in a nuclear war, it would stay out a lot like this.
Was thinking the same earlier - Putin getting embarrassed (maybe) could be bitter sweet
Seems the Russians have been simply sending their forces into Ukraine to die or get captured with no evidence of any ability to feed or house them once in country. If a Russian armor vehicle were to leave Belarus or Russia to attack Ukraine, there's no where for them to stop, refuel, fix broken things, facilities to sleep, shower, be fed etc. A total disaster in planning by the Russian military so far.
A military expert on the TV said that as a rule of thumb the aggressor needs three times the numbers of the defender to succeed, and that this number grows significantly in urban combat.

They will need to commit much more to succeed. Right now Ukraines resolve is growing and all the extra hardware from NATO is on the way.

It’s great of course, but also worrying in the sense that Putin may grow impatient or desperate.

I've read an expert who said it was at least 5 times for urban combat so it would be consistent.
Seems the Russians have been simply sending their forces into Ukraine to die or get captured with no evidence of any ability to feed or house them once in country. If a Russian armor vehicle were to leave Belarus or Russia to attack Ukraine, there's no where for them to stop, refuel, fix broken things, facilities to sleep, shower, be fed etc. A total disaster in planning by the Russian military so far.

defiance from within would explain this.
Thats a lot of effort considering most of them just have a bag and their teddy bear.

I mean there will be some who will come to relatives here, but I can't imagine it will be that many.
Depends on the response by different countries.
So far we have seen Poland open their borders and other immense acts of kindness.
I only hope that follows suit with all.
People don't have to find the transport, the transport can find them.
If you seriously think that nukes might be flying around Europe in a 4 minute Notion, you need to get your head checked.
Now granted, we don’t know how this situation develops further. But there has to be an extreme amount of escalation before we reach the point where ‘nukes might be flying around europe in a 4 minute Notion’. Now in the extremely unlikely event that we reach that level of escalation, then will be the time to fill up some waterbottles or think about the safest place to hide near your house. Up until that point, you’re just being sensationalist and dramatic.

Oh feck off, I've been on here saying it's unlikely he's got no instinct for self-preservation, I said it was unlikely in the 1st sentence. It's a 2-minute exercise and you have no clue how things could escalate in the time it takes to have a night's sleep. And if it did, you'd wish you had.

Such a stupid thing where suggesting people take 2 minutes out of their day to think about where they can go and make sure they have some water could turn into a debate. I'm out of this thread.
Seems the Russians have been simply sending their forces into Ukraine to die or get captured with no evidence of any ability to feed or house them once in country. If a Russian armor vehicle were to leave Belarus or Russia to attack Ukraine, there's no where for them to stop, refuel, fix broken things, facilities to sleep, shower, be fed etc. A total disaster in planning by the Russian military so far.

Basically it's a one-way ticket to hell.
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Seems the Russians have been simply sending their forces into Ukraine to die or get captured with no evidence of any ability to feed or house them once in country. If a Russian armor vehicle were to leave Belarus or Russia to attack Ukraine, there's no where for them to stop, refuel, fix broken things, facilities to sleep, shower, be fed etc. A total disaster in planning by the Russian military so far.

Could it be a plot to rack up a lot of dead bodies to justify really going all in?
Seems the Russians have been simply sending their forces into Ukraine to die or get captured with no evidence of any ability to feed or house them once in country. If a Russian armor vehicle were to leave Belarus or Russia to attack Ukraine, there's no where for them to stop, refuel, fix broken things, facilities to sleep, shower, be fed etc. A total disaster in planning by the Russian military so far.
I just find it hard to believe Putin hasn’t factored all this into a plan. The man is supposed to be a great tactician, has he really lost his faculties that much?
how could fifa get it soooooo wrong, spent ages coming up with that shit just to be laughed out the room
I just find it hard to believe Putin hasn’t factored all this into a plan. The man is supposed to be a great tactician, has he really lost his faculties that much?
Arrogance is often laughed at as the thing that brings villains down but tropes are based on reality.
Can’t be real, surely. This invasion is being resisted with memes.

Zelenskyy was a comedian in another life wasn't he?

I love the thought of him in a bunker somewhere with a pen and paper coming up with new material to destroy enemy morale in the form of hilarious viral videos such as the above
Fifa announces measures against Russia - but no ban
Fifa, the world's football governing body, has announced a number of measures affecting Russia's participation in international games, but stopped short of imposing an outright ban.
It said that no international competition would be played on Russian territory, the country would compete under the name “Football Union of Russia (RFU)”, and that no Russian flag or anthem would be used in RFU matches.
It said any "home" matches would be played on neutral territory - without spectators, and that the measures would be "applicable until further notice".
Poland has reacted angrily, saying they will not play against Russia, "no matter what the name of the team is."
Fifa's statement also condemned Russia's use of force in Ukraine and said it would "continue its ongoing dialogue with the IOC, UEFA and other sport organisations to determine any additional measures or sanctions".
The organisation had come under pressure to act in recent days as football associations across Europe announced that their teams would refuse to play in any games against Russia.
In the UK, the FA also announced this evening that the England team wouldn't play any matches against Russia "for the foreseeable future".
Is anyone else concerned about how much of what we've been hearing so far is contradicted by the Klitschko statement saying that they're surrounded?

Are we being fed information far more optimistic than the reality of the situation?
Absolutely, I've been suspicious for a while, nearly all news reporting a clean sweep but this is not a reality of war. This is why I was asking for genuine journalists/people on the ground from both sides reporting. Not just relying on stuff like UK and US 'intelligence' updates.
I just find it hard to believe Putin hasn’t factored all this into a plan. The man is supposed to be a great tactician, has he really lost his faculties that much?
Could have been swayed by one or two generals, etc. to accept this type of invasion. It only takes one or two.
As calm and balanced as I had been about it for the last few days, must say the nuclear threat and the way it has escalated has given me the levels of anxiety today that I may have never felt in my life before.

Same. Trying to watch the football but find myself scrolling here every 2 minutes in hope of anything positive..
Fifa announces measures against Russia - but no ban
Fifa, the world's football governing body, has announced a number of measures affecting Russia's participation in international games, but stopped short of imposing an outright ban.
It said that no international competition would be played on Russian territory, the country would compete under the name “Football Union of Russia (RFU)”, and that no Russian flag or anthem would be used in RFU matches.
It said any "home" matches would be played on neutral territory - without spectators, and that the measures would be "applicable until further notice".
Poland has reacted angrily, saying they will not play against Russia, "no matter what the name of the team is."
Fifa's statement also condemned Russia's use of force in Ukraine and said it would "continue its ongoing dialogue with the IOC, UEFA and other sport organisations to determine any additional measures or sanctions".
The organisation had come under pressure to act in recent days as football associations across Europe announced that their teams would refuse to play in any games against Russia.
In the UK, the FA also announced this evening that the England team wouldn't play any matches against Russia "for the foreseeable future".
:lol: Football union of Russia

I just find it hard to believe Putin hasn’t factored all this into a plan. The man is supposed to be a great tactician, has he really lost his faculties that much?

I think a lot of people were bamboozled into believing Putin is a great tactician - likely after years of seeing shirtless memes of him on horses, to where they though he couldn't possibly be anything other than brilliant. Now that the rubber has actually met the road, we're seeing a completely different picture of who he truly is - which is a small, insecure man who is closer to being a shit version of Napoleon, than he is his idol Peter the Great.
I just find it hard to believe Putin hasn’t factored all this into a plan. The man is supposed to be a great tactician, has he really lost his faculties that much?

you know this movie scenes where the protagonist stands up to the bully, which the bully totally wasnt expecting? Then the bully drifts out of memory and the main guy kisses Kirsten dunst upside down? It’s like that. (Almost)
They use mobile crematoriums don’t they? So no body bags go back to Russia as it could cause loss of support for the war.
Allegedly they do indeed. Though the point somewhat remains the same: a lot of families ain't getting their boys back.
The staggering statistic is about 4,300 dead (or casualties overall) and counting.:eek:

And just to give everyone an idea, the US had 4,507 service members killed during the entire Iraq War.

That's why the US tomahawked Iraq into stone age before sending mass of troops on the ground. I'll never forget those images, it was mesmerizing and frightening at the same time.

Zelenskyy was a comedian in another life wasn't he?

I love the thought of him in a bunker somewhere with a pen and paper coming up with new material to destroy enemy morale in the form of hilarious viral videos such as the above

Allegedly they do indeed. Though the point somewhat remains the same: a lot of families ain't getting their boys back.
It's sad. Regardless of which side of a conflict we support, I strongly believe that all fallen soldiers deserve the right to a proper military burial.