Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

They said they could still play, but it had to be at a neutral venue without the country's flag or anthem. Real strong stuff from FIFA...

Everytime I think that this clusterfeck of an organisation can not sink deeper in terms of reputation, they find a shovel to dig even deeper...
I think a lot of people were bamboozled into believing Putin is a great tactician - likely after years of seeing shirtless memes of him on horses, to where they though he couldn't possibly be anything other than brilliant. Now that the rubber has actually met the road, we're seeing a completely different picture of who he truly is - which is a small, insecure man who is closer to being a shit version of Napoleon, than he is his idol Peter the Great.
One of those who was deceived was Putin himself
I swear half the people on here can't read.. Read back my 1st sentence.

I think it will be fine. But there is the potential of only a few minutes' notice in Europe of it not being fine anymore. And the panic makes rational thinking harder. It is much better to have a plan before shit hits the fan, this is fundamental shit.
I've written your tips down so I don't forget. In event of nuclear war hide under stairs. In event of total failure of public services have bottle of water handy. I am prepared now.
Putin really needs to get taken out. Hopefully someone in his inner circle gets tired of his antics and finishes him off.

Absolute lunatic to start talking about nuclear bombs. The guy has children and grandchildren. What kind of person thinks like that?
Would you need to sit through 1.5 hours of Carlson, Ingram, Hannity or Bannon to decide whether it will be balanced and worth watching?
Greenwald is a genuine journalist, regardless of your opinion. Check his history and various publications. But in answer to your point, if someone showed me a video and asked me to consider if it was nuanced and objective (or close to it), yeah, I think I would probably watch it to find out (even if it involved one of the "villains" above). There have been people here saying Trump was right on certain issues. In other words, people you do not agree with or like can actually be right on any given issue.

That is the Putins cashier machine where he keeps his reserves I think.

Russia to play at neutral venue with no flags, no anthems and no fans (I think).
Too bad Putin didn't study the optics and read the tea leaves and decide to invade Switzerland and take out FIFA instead. We'd all be cheering him on.

It's a joke, by the way, to be absolutely clear!
I've written your tips down so I don't forget. In event of nuclear war hide under stairs. In event of total failure of public services have bottle of water handy. I am prepared now.

I'm not cleaning out the area under the stairs, nuclear threat or not.
Same. Trying to watch the football but find myself scrolling here every 2 minutes in hope of anything positive..
Part of me thinks NATO intel must be confident they won’t be used if the reaction to that threat is sending even more weapons to Ukraine today, and more serious ones at that… hopefully.
Could the EU really going full tilt with weapons and general funding support be just another thing Putin underestimated?

It's like the parent that's never there but buys you all kinds of expensive gifts. In this case, the gifts can deal a lot of damage as well.
Whoa. That’s huge!

How would this even work? Not worth much without extra pilots, and wouldn’t they need to be trained in the specific fighter as well?
Well, I guess we can always find volunteer pilots from abroad since we officially have formed "international legion".
Could the EU really going full tilt with weapons and general funding support be just another thing Putin underestimated?

It's like the parent that's never there but buys you all kinds of expensive gifts. In this case, the gifts can deal a lot of damage as well.
At some point in pretty sure the weapons are useless without trained people to operate them

Sure you can give people a machine gun... But training them to use a eurofighter is totally different

At some point there has to be people to operate coordinate and maintain what they are sending
Could the EU really going full tilt with weapons and general funding support be just another thing Putin underestimated?

It's like the parent that's never there but buys you all kinds of expensive gifts. In this case, the gifts can deal a lot of damage as well.
It's actually quite funny. It's like Putin didn't read the small print, so he has no grounds for complaints.
Whoa. That’s huge!

How would this even work? Not worth much without extra pilots, and wouldn’t they need to be trained in the specific fighter as well?
If I had to take a guess maybe some EU countries have old models that Ukrainian pilots already have experience with. But I can't find a more detailed article on this development. News is moving fast and such developments are probably first mentioned on Twitter.
Could the EU really going full tilt with weapons and general funding support be just another thing Putin underestimated?

It's like the parent that's never there but buys you all kinds of expensive gifts. In this case, the gifts can deal a lot of damage as well.

Undererstimating arms sellers to sell arms would be quite something. If you are Dassault or Airbus you have to lobby for it.
If I had to take a guess maybe some EU countries have old models that Ukrainian pilots already have experience with. But I can't find a more detailed article on this development. News is moving fast and such developments are probably first mentioned on Twitter.

Yeah that's more likely. They won't be building and selling new planes but selling planes from their inventory that had been retired by their air forces.
Whatever was holding Europe back from cutting its dependence on Russia, those doubts or complacency are probably all gone now.

I'm starting to think the western world saw a chance to get rid of Putin once and for all, when the invasion stalled so quickly. Now they are doing everything they can to end his reign.