Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

Yeah there are all kinds of people in the world and I'm sure there are many Polish helping out probably the majority. But that doesn't change the fact many Africans and Non- Europeans are facing problems at the Polish border. And it kinda fecking sucks that everyone on this thread dismissed it as Russian propaganda or asked people to post it in a different thread.

What's going on at Ukrainian borders is completely fair play for this thread imo. As for the other topics, there are countless other threads in the CE already discussing them, so its probably best to use one of those threads instead of one dedicated to Russia/Ukraine.
That’s a good point. We saw what happened to guns, equipment and machinery when the States retreated from Afghanistan.
The USA is a good example actually. We've seen how war hungry they are, how they bring in various countries together and cause chaos and then dip out of a situation. We've seen how much they love destruction, and leaving chaos behind when they retreat/lose wars (see aghhanistan).

It will be very ugly I'm afraid the Ukraine we knew won't be anymore.
The real goal of sanctions should be to force Russia into such a mess that Putin is ousted from within. Until that happens ramp the sanctions up, regardless of Russian troop movement.

100%. Russia should remain a total international pariah until Putin is no longer in power. It's unfortunate for the Russian people who want no part of this, but it's how it must be. Otherwise, he will just find another target 3-4 years down the line.
At this stage, it is clear that the underlying reason for this war is the resentment towards democracy and the Western way of living, which also motivates a number of whataboutist posts over this forum and here.

Russia (and maybe China) final aim is to annihilate Europe and the US in order to destroy individualist societies and control their own populations, towards they know better what communal goal, if any and if one they have to sell (nope, really not, they are just oligarchs and burecrauts, that’s why people prefer democracy wherever they can). This is not solved easily with talks, especially if or when China starts doing their Taiwan job, at different level of equipment, attitude and threat.

I bet Putin (and maybe Xi) are still evaluating selectively nuking Western Europe and the US. What kind of world would remain, after they wipe 1/5 of the inhabited planet out? Can they survive the environmental clusterfeck, in case? That’s the point, imho, with Ukraine just being a dummy, a test case for the resilience of the West.
War is so filthy and hypocritical. Citizens of corrupt country A claim they're innocent and corrupt free, whilst country B is the corrupt country. Country B claims the same about country C, and we go round in circles until many of us are dead and our leaders remain.

I guess in war, the only country that's right and has the right to defend itself is the one you live in or your ally
Took his time to form a pretty disgusting opinion.
As wrong as he is and as horrible as what he’s saying is, that’s probably a big factor for some people. There’s a large proportion of people who simply don’t care about anything outside their bubble, Ukraine is close enough to make a lot of Western people take notice and Russia are obviously known across the globe. More so, it’s the first time I can remember where it hasn’t just been a US, Russia or China attacking some small country/province - Ukraine is a massive country, it’d be like the US attacking Canada or China attacking Japan.
The USA is a good example actually. We've seen how war hungry they are, how they bring in various countries together and cause chaos and then dip out of a situation. We've seen how much they love destruction, and leaving chaos behind when they retreat/lose wars (see aghhanistan).

It will be very ugly I'm afraid the Ukraine we knew won't be anymore.
Yep. The propaganda in Ukraine is also big factor and you never know where the next government will direct to. It will be literally divided into west and east. It has been a process of 8 years which Putin was instilling separatists in various regions.

The only positive thing coming of this situation is that he pretty much severed all ties to the west and the Ukrainian population as a whole.

Can’t see it turning into a satellite like Belarus, like he probably thought. It will be a civil war before the majority of the population accepts a pro-Russian government.

He most likely will still try to pull it off as he gone too far and hope NATO doesn’t end up subsidising his next military operations with the weapons sent to Ukraine..
@harms Russians on here please spread this video of former VDV soldier in your circles so that as many army men could see it:

Putin: Accept all our demands Ukraine, or we will drop an H-bomb on your territory.
World: If you drop a bomb, we will bomb Russia.
Putin: If you bomb Russia, we will bomb you.
Putin drops the bomb, because he knows the world don't want total annihilation. Ukraine surrenders.

Please tell me we're not heading this way.
Bud, I don’t think the end of civilization is the time to be splitting hairs about that

what you need is a single ice cube, mate. Just cause it might be the end of the world doesn’t mean you have to ruin a perfectly good whisky.
At this stage, it is clear that the underlying reason for this war is the resentment towards democracy and the Western way of living, which also motivates a number of whataboutist posts over this forum and here.

Russia (and maybe China) final aim is to annihilate Europe and the US in order to destroy individualist societies and control their own populations, towards they know better what communal goal, if any and if one they have to sell (nope, really not, they are just oligarchs and burecrauts, that’s why people prefer democracy wherever they can). This is not solved easily with talks, especially if or when China starts doing their Taiwan job, at different level of equipment, attitude and threat.

I bet Putin (and maybe Xi) are still evaluating selectively nuking Western Europe and the US. What kind of world would remain, after they wipe 1/5 of the inhabited planet out? Can they survive the environmental clusterfeck, in case? That’s the point, imho, with Ukraine just being a dummy, a test case for the resilience of the West.
You are working under the assumption Russia would not be nuked back. They would.
Putin: Accept all our demands Ukraine, or we will drop an H-bomb on your territory.
World: If you drop a bomb, we will bomb Russia.
Putin: If you bomb Russia, we will bomb you.
Putin drops the bomb, because he knows the world don't want total annihilation. Ukraine surrenders.

Please tell me we're not heading this way.

I don't see that happening. Not least because China won't let it, and they are pretty much all Putin has at the moment.
It’s all looking very half arsed so far. Can’t imagine that’s going down well in Moscow.
At this stage, it is clear that the underlying reason for this war is the resentment towards democracy and the Western way of living, which also motivates a number of whataboutist posts over this forum and here.

Russia (and maybe China) final aim is to annihilate Europe and the US in order to destroy individualist societies and control their own populations, towards they know better what communal goal, if any and if one they have to sell (nope, really not, they are just oligarchs and burecrauts, that’s why people prefer democracy wherever they can). This is not solved easily with talks, especially if or when China starts doing their Taiwan job, at different level of equipment, attitude and threat.

I bet Putin (and maybe Xi) are still evaluating selectively nuking Western Europe and the US. What kind of world would remain, after they wipe 1/5 of the inhabited planet out? Can they survive the environmental clusterfeck, in case? That’s the point, imho, with Ukraine just being a dummy, a test case for the resilience of the West.
How does Russia (and maybe China) nukes Europe and the US without being nuked back to oblivion?
At this stage, it is clear that the underlying reason for this war is the resentment towards democracy and the Western way of living, which also motivates a number of whataboutist posts over this forum and here.

Russia (and maybe China) final aim is to annihilate Europe and the US in order to destroy individualist societies and control their own populations, towards they know better what communal goal, if any and if one they have to sell (nope, really not, they are just oligarchs and burecrauts, that’s why people prefer democracy wherever they can). This is not solved easily with talks, especially if or when China starts doing their Taiwan job, at different level of equipment, attitude and threat.

I bet Putin (and maybe Xi) are still evaluating selectively nuking Western Europe and the US. What kind of world would remain, after they wipe 1/5 of the inhabited planet out? Can they survive the environmental clusterfeck, in case? That’s the point, imho, with Ukraine just being a dummy, a test case for the resilience of the West.

There is absolutely no chance that China is discussing using nuclear weapons on the west.

Without western trade and exports, China dies as a nation.
Western governments openly saying they'll send lethal equipment is astonishing. Nobody's even hiding it anymore. Incredible days.

There is absolutely no chance that China is discussing using nuclear weapons on the west.

Without western trade and exports, China dies as a nation.
There is also no possibility of a nuclear war between the US and Russia which will end without hundreds if not more nukes hitting China.
Yeah, China is still in restraint / neutral mode… once they get the evidence they need for their own use, Xi will maybe call Putin’s bluff (?) and end this farce without further escalating the conflict. I really hope you are right, folks.
Russia could crush the UK so easily if they desired.
Russia have the 5th largest army in the world. Look at the size of the place ffs. They could destroy near enough anyone, easily an island like the UK.
Do you honestly believe the UK would stand a chance against Russia in a war? :lol:
Troop size does though? 850,000 against 82,000? I know who I’d be taking.
Russia could destroy it or take it easily if they wanted to. They haven’t sent in anything like their full force.
Still feel like Russia has committed way less than half of their firepower/men to this conflict.
Russia will have 100% factored all of these sanctions into play. There’s no way they wouldn’t have.
Agree with this. People are assuming a hell of a lot without any evidence to back it up. Russia also haven’t taken the kiddie gloves off yet either.
Exactly. That will be the absolute resort. They aren’t going with anything like the full force and this is the only reason Ukraine isn’t part of Russia right now.
It’s all looking very half arsed so far. Can’t imagine that’s going down well in Moscow.
It really seems like you want Russia to prevail here.