Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

The number of nuclear weapons

I feel like if Merkel is still a chancellor of Germany, the situations would be change into a bit different dimensions. Since I'm sure that Germany will take actions about Ukraine against Russia more.

Said so from the beginning - Merkel would have made a huge difference in this conflict, I'm sure.
Zelenskyy is an absolute modern hero, and goes to show that perhaps the best leaders arent the millionaire career politicans, but the everyday people who want the best for their countries, not just themselves.
I'm happy they finally seem to have a decent leader, as they don't exactly have the best track history.
Look, the best thing obviously is a world treaty to demilitarise all nations at once, but let's be honest. Is that EVER likely to happen?

Even in the unlikely event that it did happen, some nations would secretly reform its military which would then lead to all nations re-militarising.
There’s something very weird going on with the Russian army. It’s almost as if there’s been communication between a lot of them just to give in.
Yes and yes for me, Putin has respected Merkel a lot for several years. They've respected each other and they are in the same age( 2 years difference).

Exactly, they kind of had some weird mutual respect, although Putin tried to intimidate her, she had influence on him. They also share some common history, as they worked for quite some time in eastern Germany.
Zelenskyy is an absolute modern hero, and goes to show that perhaps the best leaders arent the millionaire career politicans, but the everyday people who want the best for their countries, not just themselves.
He's really stepped up when he was needed, the sign of a true leader.
BBC News have a South Asian editor sharing baseless conspiracies that Ukrainians are treating Indians attempting to cross borders poorly due to their UN vote. C’mon.
Orban has shown some warm relationships in the past with Putin and was one of those leaders who was thought to oppose any heavy sanctions. So far he has played along though which is nice to see.
It was a huge relief that our government unequivocally and immediately sided with the EU position on this. I was really worried that Orbán and co. would end up on the wrong side of such a conflict but this shows they have no intention of turning away from the EU any time soon.
You can argue that Merkel is at fault for German dependency on Russian gas...

You could definitely argue that, but considering our actual energy structure, it isn't really true, honestly. Only 8% (3rd quarter of 2021) of our energy comes from gas. It's the future plans that are a little worrying, but we are flexible enough to change. Obviously around 10% is quite a bit for a country of our size, but it's not like some make it out to be.
People aren’t having to wait the equivalent of 2-3 hours for checks though, they’re being turned away/continually returned to the back of the queue. In a time of war I’m unsure how you can explain this away with Schengen rules, if the result of such a rule is a group of people continually being denied exit then the rule is the issue. Threatening to shoot people doesn’t strike me as ‘safe’ but ‘uncomfortable’.

If during a time like this we don’t prioritise human life over passports then we truly have failed as a human race.
It is not as if the border staff have their feet up. Any processing of one person will mean the processing of others can’t happen. The capacity of the border staff is finite and there are ever more Ukrainians and EU citizens arriving at the borders too. My experience is that Shehyni-Medyka can process about four-six people on foot at once at both the Ukrainian border and Polish border heading into Poland. I imagine they have all the border staff they can there working.

Again, every sympathy with people trying to flee this now, but I have zero surprise that those that chose to stay, and are only attempting to leave now, will be having serious problems leaving. I would completely expect EU citizens and Ukrainian citizens to be given priority over me if I arrived at the border now.

People on the Ukrainian-Polish border are relatively safe though, even if in poor comfort. If they were in any immediate danger, I imagine policy would immediately change and the floodgates would open.
You can argue that Merkel is at fault for German dependency on Russian gas...

That was a group effort of both big parties, after all they shared power for most of the last decade and it was Schröder who sold out to Nordstream/Putin in the first place.
BBC News have a South Asian editor sharing baseless conspiracies that Ukrainians are treating Indians attempting to cross borders poorly due to their UN vote. C’mon.
Whether it is for UN vote or not, something like this is definitely happening. Seen a lot of report in Indian news sites. It mainly says that Poland has been extremely friendly and helpful for evacuation but the problem is from Ukraine side.
There is a minimum need to defend yourself. If Germany goes over the edge and starts building 6000 nukes, we can definitely worry. But until that time comes, a stronger Germany is a stronger Europe, a stronger NATO.

Germany isn’t a nuclear power of its own. It holds some nuclear capability as part of a sharing agreement with the US, effectively meaning they hold some warheads in the country if needed but it goes through them first.

There’s obvious historic reasons for this but I don’t see the country becoming a full blown nuclear power of its own any time soon.
Whether it is for UN vote or not, something like this is definitely happening. Seen a lot of report in Indian news sites. It mainly says that Poland has been extremely friendly and helpful for evacuation but the problem is from Ukraine side.
As I have said previously, if you stick around until a country falls into war and you are a third-country national, don’t be surprised when officials from Ukraine and the EU prioritise their own citizens. There is a reason why Western countries told people to leave. It would be the same for UK citizens there.
What is even the point of having 6,000+ nuclear warheads? They must be expensive to make and you could basically destroy anyone with 50.

I think the point is to be able to destroy all life on earth so that nobody thinks there is a plan B without you.

I'm only going to respond to this post now and will not take this further, because I feel it is going off-topic and right now, Ukraine is far more important.

You see, Bosnia is complicated state with two entities that are to some extent states themselves. Three constituents nations (Bosniaks, Serbs and Croats) all have their representatives and big decisions have to be made unanimously. For example, Bosnia has never recognized Kosovo, because Serbs won't allow it. Bosnia has not condemned Ukraine invasion, because Serbs won't allow it.

I can only speak about how people feel in Sarajevo and Bosniak dominated parts of state, but I'm sure the feeling is same among Croats. We are pro-western, having suffered a terrible war less than 30 years ago. USA is our biggest ally, and the only superpower generally trusted here. Serbs on the other hand align with Belgrade opinion, which is pro-Russian.

As for sentiments of ordinary people, we haven't forgotten war. Sarajevo was under siege for four years. We haven't had electricity, water, food. Scenes from Kyiv remind us of our war. People are stocking up on flour, salt, oil and sugar. Even if irrational, biggest chain of supermarkets has seen a surge in demand of these goods, publishing a response that people shouldn't panic.

This is as short as I could go, if you want something longer and in more detail, I could send you private message.
Cheers, mate. I’m aware of the Balkan situation, here there always has been division with pro and anti NATO and also a big big Russian influence due to historical presence especially in the elderly population. I understand it’s pretty hard to come up with a unified stance as there are a lot of nations and different interests.