Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

To be clear - I have no idea what he's saying but just been following this guy on Twitter.
It was a huge relief that our government unequivocally and immediately sided with the EU position on this. I was really worried that Orbán and co. would end up on the wrong side of such a conflict but this shows they have no intention of turning away from the EU any time soon.
Putin was banking on EU division, at the end so far it has backfired and put him in more difficult spot that he envisioned. Till the end of next week I fully expect all Europe to close the air space to him.
Yup. Where do they think the money will come from? Welfare programs and public spending will suffer.

Well yes but right now Im pretty glad UK has nukes and is a member of nato ... And if the pre requisite for that safety is spending 2% of GDP on military that seems a decent trade off... Even increasing that to 3% would have a pretty small impact on the overall amount of money available for other government spending

Plus if the choice is raise taxes by half a percent... And get rid of say the triple lock on pensions then I would take that over being bombed

The historic underspend Vs the 2% commitment from several NATO members should also be addressed I think.... Give them say 5 years to catch up the shortfall or membership is suspended
As I have said previously, if you stick around until a country falls into war and you are a third-country national, don’t be surprised when officials from Ukraine and the EU prioritise their own citizens. There is a reason why Western countries told people to leave. It would be the same for UK citizens there.
Evacuation should have happened earlier, I agree with this.
I really hope this is real.

Please be true.
On a sidenote, why havent the corrupt FIFA executives banned Russia from the 2022 world cup in qatar? FIFA seem to be rather quiet. Maybe all those "corporate gifts" the executives get will dry up....
On a sidenote, why havent the corrupt FIFA executives banned Russia from the 2022 world cup in qatar? FIFA seem to be rather quiet. Maybe all those "corporate gifts" the executives get will dry up....

Because Infantino is best buddies with Putin.
The tweets about wanting peace talks with Ukraine and about Putin going nuclear because of sanctions seem a bit contradictory. Unless he's pulling out of Ukraine and going to war with the rest of the world.

To be clear - I have no idea what he's saying but just been following this guy on Twitter.

As said, he has one card and he is overplaying it. At this point, I dont think he even has the home support to successfully authorize nuclear strikes. Its just looking more and more like desperation on Putin's part.
Like I said yesterday, if he has gone completely insane he will use nukes over sanctions. I just pray his inner circle will have more sense than him because that could literally mean there is no life in Europe within 7 days. I really doubt anyone other than him in Russia would sanction this.
100k at rally in Berlin. Good work guys :)

The rally is on "Straße des 17 Juni", which commemorates the uprising of Eastern Berlin against Soviet rule on 17 June 1953. Symbolic.

Hopefully, Ukraine's defense will be more successful, though...
Both could be true. Strengthens his hand at negotiations.

If true, it's likely it's just for show. Putin won't back down that early, he might have crazy demands like "we stop the fight if the current governement government steps down and if they don't we'll hit harder, you asked for it we gave you a way out".
Ignorant question - how bad are nuclear weapons?

Do they wipe out cities, countries? What happens in the event of Russia launching one? Will there be time to react?