Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

Ignorant question - how bad are nuclear weapons?

Do they wipe out cities, countries? What happens in the event of Russia launching one? Will there be time to react?
They wipe out cities not countries. The problem is once a nuclear weapon is used there is no going back then it will develope into a full nuclear war between Nato and Russia.
Ignorant question - how bad are nuclear weapons?

Do they wipe out cities, countries? What happens in the event of Russia launching one? Will there be time to react?
Let's hope nothing happens and this is just a negotiation tactics from putler.
Ignorant question - how bad are nuclear weapons?

Do they wipe out cities, countries? What happens in the event of Russia launching one? Will there be time to react?

Russia would likely launch many, not one. It would end the world. They take 4 minutes to reach the UK and Western Europe so we would only have time to respond with a retaliatory strike.

The UK's nuclear submarines would open the letter of last resort in their safe and carry out the PM's instructions.
Ignorant question - how bad are nuclear weapons?

Do they wipe out cities, countries? What happens in the event of Russia launching one? Will there be time to react?

They’ll wipe out entire Cities and way way more especially todays nukes which are considerably larger than the Nuke dropped on Hiroshima

which I believe wiped out 80,000 people instantly

catastrophic doesn’t come close to explaining the devastation of todays Nukes

Nuclear bombs today have the ability to smash windows that are 500 miles from the epicentre…..let that sink in
Ignorant question - how bad are nuclear weapons?

Do they wipe out cities, countries? What happens in the event of Russia launching one? Will there be time to react?

No-one will ever fire one. It would mean that everyone Is ok with the prospect of everyone they know and love probably dying.
Someone needs to put a bullet to his head and hang him for good measure. Senile cnut
Surely it isn’t going to get to the point where Nukes are used? Or am I being naive at this point?
Probably Putin raising the stakes to scare off the West. But then again, surely he himself knows the West isn't backing down on sanctions...
There is a minimum need to defend yourself. If Germany goes over the edge and starts building 6000 nukes, we can definitely worry. But until that time comes, a stronger Germany is a stronger Europe, a stronger NATO.

The only nuclear weapons Germany could use are US B61 tactical bombs that can only be delivered by their German Tornado bombers. This part of their NATO committment.
Zelenskyy just now on Telegram. Looks like talks between Ukraine and Russia are on this evening at the border.

The result of the conversation with Alexander Lukashenko.

We agreed that the Ukrainian delegation would meet with the Russian delegation without preconditions on the Ukrainian-Belarusian border, near the Pripyat River.

Alexander Lukashenko has taken responsibility for ensuring that all planes, helicopters and missiles stationed on Belarusian territory remain on the ground during the Ukrainian delegation's travel, talks and return.
Probably. The US defo start their fair share of wars. Geopolitics change all the time. NATO is a concept that is here now, but may not be there in 5 years time.

NATO is strong now, but may not be in 5 years time.

No. It will be far stronger because member nations now realise its importance.
Putin is going to get wacked by someone within his own circle, there's no way those around him will allow that order.
It is not as if the border staff have their feet up. Any processing of one person will mean the processing of others can’t happen. The capacity of the border staff is finite and there are ever more Ukrainians and EU citizens arriving at the borders too. My experience is that Shehyni-Medyka can process about four-six people on foot at once at both the Ukrainian border and Polish border heading into Poland. I imagine they have all the border staff they can there working.

Again, every sympathy with people trying to flee this now, but I have zero surprise that those that chose to stay, and are only attempting to leave now, will be having serious problems leaving. I would completely expect EU citizens and Ukrainian citizens to be given priority over me if I arrived at the border now.

People on the Ukrainian-Polish border are relatively safe though, even if in poor comfort. If they were in any immediate danger, I imagine policy would immediately change and the floodgates would open.
You’re not addressing the point made. I know, a) The border staff don’t have their feet up [a weird point to make when at no point have I questioned them, let’s not get disingenuous], b) resources aren’t infinite, c) you have first hand experience during peaceful times, d) prioritising home nationals is understandable. You’ve parroted your initial post which is nice & I accept these are unprecedented times in terms of workload but with all due respect I don’t see how your experience pre-attack is relevant when the experience of those that waited 2-3 hours previously aren’t relative to the experiences being reported.

The people you have ‘every sympathy’ with are being turned away entirely or repeatedly sent to the back of the queue and we also have video of people being threatened at gunpoint so at which point do they leave? So now we know we both accept EU Nationals/Ukrainians being prioritised can we progress the discussion. How do the people above ever get out? You previously mentioned your priority over Ukrainians at Polish borders & how they would regularly wait, so how do you think they’d feel if every 2-3 hours they were told that had to wait another 2-3 hours & so on, which is in effect what you have no problem with in this instance.

You’re choosing to ignore the human aspect of the situation to hide behind ‘the rules’ which given the examples above are failing certain members of the human race simply based on passports alone.
As I have said previously, if you stick around until a country falls into war and you are a third-country national, don’t be surprised when officials from Ukraine and the EU prioritise their own citizens. There is a reason why Western countries told people to leave. It would be the same for UK citizens there.
You keep saying ‘stick around’ as if all these people are upwardly mobile & able to just jet off whenever they feel like. Some are students, others workers etc. who will have contributed in whatever way to Ukrainian society but are now being clearly shown that means feck all.
Like I said yesterday, if he has gone completely insane he will use nukes over sanctions. I just pray his inner circle will have more sense than him because that could literally mean there is no life in Europe within 7 days. I really doubt anyone other than him in Russia would sanction this.

There won't be nukes. Even Russia has a chain of command and although Putin is a major cnut, he's not Hitler who can decide this by himself. We're at least not close to nukes at all.

Ignorant question - how bad are nuclear weapons?

Do they wipe out cities, countries? What happens in the event of Russia launching one? Will there be time to react?

Yes, maybe, time to fire your own ones, maybe destro some of the incoming ones but not enough time to not obliterate earth.

Surely it isn’t going to get to the point where Nukes are used? Or am I being naive at this point?

We're not even close yet, I believe. It's Putin flexing and his reaction on the sanctions and announcements of european countries to heavily increase military budget.
Putin is going to get wacked by someone within his own circle, there's no way those around him will allow that order.

Indeed because you’d like to think those around Putin would be thinking of their own families in a Nuclear war, if Putin has lost his head, you’d hope, we’d hope, the world would hope, those around him would grow some testies
Nuclear weapons will not be used. Those Russian generals have families, children, as do all the oligarchs. Not an iota of a chance it ever happens.
yea, I get that. But I don't think there's any need for worrying - this Germany is the counter draft from the Germany that terrorized Europe. This Germany can help secure Europe, not destroy it. Our army will be solely defensive oriented, but with that additional money and change of ideology, this could actually lead to something big. More emancipation from the US and more cooperation on all levels with our european partners.
Yep, I appreciate times have changed, but certainly some attitudes across Europe to the prospect haven't. There's a definite attraction to lessening the reliance on the US, but trying to get consensus on say military intervention in Europe will be immensely difficult in reality.