Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

Negates the point of the convention if it's ok to violate it in certain circumstances.
It's a grey area because Ukraine have to do something to respond to the propaganda and fake news being spewed in the Russian media. If they do nothing, then the propaganda will only grow stronger. They can't show photos of dead soldiers because that could do more harm as Russians who are on the fence about what to believe will see those photos and want retribution. Whereas doing what they're doing is showing they want peace by showing they won't kill if they don't have to and allowing these kids to ring home. Yes it breaks rules but they're in a very delicate situation and their country is at stake so i don't think they care about the rules right now.
It’s necessary I agree but I take it as an ominous sign. I expect the UK to reverse recent military cuts too.

I also hope that will be the case.
We seem to be relying too much on UAV type equipment. There is still a need for significant conventional forces.
It's all very strange.

Obviously not to play down the ferocity of the fighting that has taken place so far, but it feels like Russia are kind of half-in / half-out in their commitment to this.

Try telling that to the people and buildings, but i see what you're saying. I thought Putin and his army would be looking way more formidable at the moment. Probably says it all they wanted the Chechens in, seems like he did underestimate the Ukrainians and their defenses and fight.
You can surely understand why a lot of Europe are cheering the prospect of a resurgence in German military power though.

As long as the majority of that increased military power is defensive, which I am sure most of it will be.
Sounds like a political move following the backlash. If the UK can cut a few billion in response and divert to better causes then great.

You think someone would spend ONE HUNDRED BILLION as a political move? This is a clear shift in German policy.
You think someone would spend ONE HUNDRED BILLION as a political move? This is a clear shift in German policy.
You may need to explain what CGTN is to some people.

Apparently so. It's Chinese state owned TV, government propaganda. If they start broadcasting things from the perspective of Chinese on the receiving end in Ukraine, asking for peace, it's because that's what the Chinese wants to happen. I could easily be wrong, but for me it seems like the Chinese are hardly happy about Putins decision to invade.
Ukrainians are though as nails. Fair play to them. Let's hope the ammo and weapon shipments can keep them going.
You think someone would spend ONE HUNDRED BILLION as a political move? This is a clear shift in German policy.
Yeah, this is a big call and it's going to be a game changer in European and NATO terms.
It's all very strange.

Obviously not to play down the ferocity of the fighting that has taken place so far, but it feels like Russia are kind of half-in / half-out in their commitment to this.
I think Putin (and the rest of the world) overestimated the quality of the Russian army. They're living on past glories and their reputation from the Soviet era. Basically it's Ronaldo at United.
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As long as the majority of that increased military power is defensive, which I am sure most of it will be.

it sure will be!

You think someone would spend ONE HUNDRED BILLION as a political move? This is a clear shift in German policy.

it definitely is. 100 billion EXTRA this year is nothing short of a miracle, to be honest. So is the announcement of spending more than 2% of the GDP in the upcoming years. It's a gigantic political shift which will result in a massive social shift as well, in my opinion. I expect a lot will change - not on a level something like corona had, but maybe the second biggest impact something in the 21st century has for Germany as a country. We were always a sleeping giant and it seems like we needed a crisis to see that we need change. Because not only did Scholz talk about defense budget, but about technology - which is why I think we might actually set this country up for our modern times.
How are people in Bosnia feeling about all this? There might be some Serbian propaganda at some places and I’m not sure there is an official statement from the country so far.

I'm only going to respond to this post now and will not take this further, because I feel it is going off-topic and right now, Ukraine is far more important.

You see, Bosnia is complicated state with two entities that are to some extent states themselves. Three constituents nations (Bosniaks, Serbs and Croats) all have their representatives and big decisions have to be made unanimously. For example, Bosnia has never recognized Kosovo, because Serbs won't allow it. Bosnia has not condemned Ukraine invasion, because Serbs won't allow it.

I can only speak about how people feel in Sarajevo and Bosniak dominated parts of state, but I'm sure the feeling is same among Croats. We are pro-western, having suffered a terrible war less than 30 years ago. USA is our biggest ally, and the only superpower generally trusted here. Serbs on the other hand align with Belgrade opinion, which is pro-Russian.

As for sentiments of ordinary people, we haven't forgotten war. Sarajevo was under siege for four years. We haven't had electricity, water, food. Scenes from Kyiv remind us of our war. People are stocking up on flour, salt, oil and sugar. Even if irrational, biggest chain of supermarkets has seen a surge in demand of these goods, publishing a response that people shouldn't panic.

This is as short as I could go, if you want something longer and in more detail, I could send you private message.
You think someone would spend ONE HUNDRED BILLION as a political move? This is a clear shift in German policy.

Yes it is. But remember, this is only to get Germany up to the 2% NATO target.
I need to do more research, i never realised this. Any other Slavic or Baltic countries Pro putin/Russia.
I don’t think so. Orban sees Russia as an ally against “Islamisation of Europe”. As do most of the far-right in Europe. And most of the far left sees Russia as the lesser evil compared to the US. Thankfully most of EU countries are under normal governments.

But still, Hungary is a member of the EU, and a member of NATO, and Orban knows where his interests are. So he will play along, no matter what he thinks.

In some of the Baltic countries, there is surely parts of the population that are more inclined to support Russia (for ethnic and religious reasons), at least support Russia as a Power, but they are in the minority. And I think this war will end up eating up whatever good reputation Putin had among them.
Aww bless, big bad Russia need help.
One has to wonder how motivated they could be when even the Russians themeselves seem to have no clue what they are fighting for. Maybe the west should grant anyone political asylum who instantly drops weapons and turns themeselves in.
It’s a bad thing really. Germany had previously banked on the stability of Europe and the strength and unity of NATO as a reason to not spend on its military. This move hints at at real geopolitical paradigm shift and a period of existential crisis in the coming years for Europe and the world. We move into a more uncertain future.
Actually I think it's the opposite. NATO has been in an existential crisis for decades. Now europes most economically and politically powerful NATO member has decided it is time to draw a line under that.
it sure will be!

it definitely is. 100 billion EXTRA this year is nothing short of a miracle, to be honest. So is the announcement of spending more than 2% of the GDP in the upcoming years. It's a gigantic political shift which will result in a massive social shift as well, in my opinion. I expect a lot will change - not on a level something like corona had, but maybe the second biggest impact something in the 21st century has for Germany as a country. We were always a sleeping giant and it seems like we needed a crisis to see that we need change. Because not only did Scholz talk about defense budget, but about technology - which is why I think we might actually set this country up for our modern times.

No offense, but with all your pro military posts, you do sound like someone from 1913-1914.
Apparently so. It's Chinese state owned TV, government propaganda. If they start broadcasting things from the perspective of Chinese on the receiving end in Ukraine, asking for peace, it's because that's what the Chinese wants to happen. I could easily be wrong, but for me it seems like the Chinese are hardly happy about Putins decision to invade.

Not if their economy is export-driven and needs an upturn in the global economy to grow in order to create the 10-11 mil jobs required annually.
Seeing people celebrate increases in military funding while commenting on a on going war/invasion is pure peak monkey brain.
Seeing people celebrate increases in military funding while commenting on a on going war/invasion is pure peak monkey brain.

There is a minimum need to defend yourself. If Germany goes over the edge and starts building 6000 nukes, we can definitely worry. But until that time comes, a stronger Germany is a stronger Europe, a stronger NATO.
That is the worst possible news and outcome. Arm race doesn't lead into anything good.
It leads to a broken Russia. For the rest of us, it means we get to go about our lives freely.