Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

Well as a Pole I’ll happily admit our policy towards refugees from the Middle East and other non-European countries has not been good and the approach from large part of society (not majority) has also been less than impressive. There has been significant government led anti-refugee agenda.

What happened at Belarusian border was however Putin’s and Lukashenka’s attempt to de-stabilize our country and EU. Very hard to manage for all sides.

This has absolutely nothing to do with the situation on hand though, and should not led to conclusions I’ve seen on the previous page. There’s a huge number of Polish people helping Ukrainians who had also been helping Syrian/Afghan refugees previously.
More like reality. It tells you about human nature. People tend to sympathise more with the same race, sect or ethnicity. The crimes Russia is doing now in Ukraine, is not that different from the crimes in Yemen, children are being bombed and are starving to death. But yes its just whataboutism.

It really doesn't
Excellent from Germany. You need enough strength to be able to defend yourself from madmen

Exactly. It's great for the whole country and Europe - people are starting to realize and appreciate, what we have on this continent and that it's worth fighting for. Europe will stand together even more and this might actually help solving international problems, thanks to Putin.

It’s a bad thing really. Germany had previously banked on the stability of Europe and the strength and unity of NATO as a reason to not spend on its military. This move hints at at real geopolitical paradigm shift and a period of existential crisis in the coming years for Europe and the world. We move into a more uncertain future.

It's not a bad thing - it's a great thing and a great opportunity for our continent and the EU to get their shit together. Putin's attack on a country on european soil is an attack on Europe and our way of living and people might grasp now that it's something worth defending and fighting for. We might actually start seeing reforms in the EU as well due to this conflict, as we understand that in order to overcome Putin and prevent war, we need to work together more closely than we did so far.
Yes, we are moving into an uncertain future, but one of a more united Europe. NATO will still be important.

I don't know the current situation in Poland on this but I have seen this first hand in Bulgaria, Sofia airport. On a cancelled flight, all white passengers were given hotel accomodations and all non white passengers had to stay in a very cold airport without heating in middle of the winter. An African American with a US military ID was also refused entry. ( He had a non American passport but had a green card too).
I am not surprised at that in Eastern Europe.
Exactly. It's great for the whole country and Europe - people are starting to realize and appreciate, what we have on this continent and that it's worth fighting for. Europe will stand together even more and this might actually help solving international problems, thanks to Putin.

It's not a bad thing - it's a great thing and a great opportunity for our continent and the EU to get their shit together. Putin's attack on a country on european soil is an attack on Europe and our way of living and people might grasp now that it's something worth defending and fighting for. We might actually start seeing reforms in the EU as well due to this conflict, as we understand that in order to overcome Putin and prevent war, we need to work together more closely than we did so far.
Yes, we are moving into an uncertain future, but one of a more united Europe. NATO will still be important.

It’s necessary I agree but I take it as an ominous sign. I expect the UK to reverse recent military cuts too.

Not sure how valid that is when we have all our far right wing politicians now outraged that we are letting African and Arab people in. Our border guard have also informed they are letting everyone in. But as I say, don’t know which one is true. If we are indeed not letting them in it’s appalling and I hope consequences happen. They are more than welcome here by millions upon millions of Polish people.
Good speech from Scholz, actually. Not his style, but what he's saying: Germany is completely changing its course in terms of and is more than doubling its spending for the army this year - an additional 100 billion €. We will invest more than 2% of our GDP every year now!

This is good.

Some of us suspected this might happen earlier in the thread. Putin has not fully considered the wider ramifications of this invasion and how it will remind everybody that Russia is still a danger to Europe. I'd expect a big increase in military spending for many countries in the next few years.
Yeap great news. More money spend on weapons to defend against Russia because apparently Russia wants to invade Paris! Russia can't even win against Ukraine it seems, but suddenly all Europe should barricade and start an arm race.
Well as a Pole I’ll happily admit our policy towards refugees from the Middle East and other non-European countries has not been good and the approach from large part of society (not majority) has also been less than impressive. There has been significant government led anti-refugee agenda.

What happened at Belarusian border was however Putin’s and Lukashenka’s attempt to de-stabilize our country and EU. Very hard to manage for all sides.

This has absolutely nothing to do with the situation on hand though, and should not led to conclusions I’ve seen on the previous page. There’s a huge number of Polish people helping Ukrainians who had also been helping Syrian/Afghan refugees previously.

Yeah there are all kinds of people in the world and I'm sure there are many Polish helping out probably the majority. But that doesn't change the fact many Africans and Non- Europeans are facing problems at the Polish border. And it kinda fecking sucks that everyone on this thread dismissed it as Russian propaganda or asked people to post it in a different thread.
Yeap great news. More money spend on weapons to defend against Russia because apparently Russia wants to invade Paris! Russia can't even win against Ukraine it seems, but suddenly all Europe should barricade and start an arm race.
Pulling your weight is hardly starting an arms race.
Yeap great news. More money spend on weapons to defend against Russia because apparently Russia wants to invade Paris! Russia can't even win against Ukraine it seems, but suddenly all Europe should barricade and start an arm race.

Take away the nuke discussion and the narrative of Putin having this great unstoppable army is nonsense, it's completely overstated.
Not sure how valid that is when we have all our far right wing politicians now outraged that we are letting African and Arab people in. Our border guard have also informed they are letting everyone in. But as I say, don’t know which one is true. If we are indeed not letting them in it’s appalling and I hope consequences happen. They are more than welcome here by millions upon millions of Polish people.
I have seen similar reports for Indian students. Nobody is blaming Poland, but it seems Ukraine army is not allowing them to leave.
What is good is that all these battles are taking place in daylight, as though the Russians don't have night fighting capability.

Also feels like a lot of their soldiers are under trained and aren't up for the fight like the Ukrainians defending their land. Maybe that is his plan, send in the elite forces later.
Haven't heard anything about Russian protests lately. I was hoping for more although I understand how it's not an easy thing to do in Russia.
What's the point of this tweet? Chinese are people too, it's 100% normal to want peace, not everyone is a paid troll farm.

It's like saying look, Russian people pro Ukraine... weird... we're all human with emotions.

It's interesting because it's via CGTN
While spending money on weapons because of a madman is a waste, I would think China would be quite pissed off about these developments.

The way things stood previously, only the US could realistically oppose China. But if Europe starts spending on defence, it gives China a bit more food for thought.

This is on top of the disruption to the world economy and I can see China running out of patience quickly with Putler.
What's the point of this tweet? Chinese are people too, it's 100% normal to want peace, not everyone is a paid troll farm.

It's like saying look, Russian people pro Ukraine... weird... we're all human with emotions.
This post to me shows a real naivity.

Chinese and Japanese are not direct like Western nations. Implied opposition like this is not to be underestimated. If China came out and said they condemn this invasion, that would mean Putler was really on his own.
What's the point of this tweet? Chinese are people too, it's 100% normal to want peace, not everyone is a paid troll farm.

It's like saying look, Russian people pro Ukraine... weird... we're all human with emotions.
Of course it's normal that students want peace.

What is interesting is that a state-owned network, one based in Beijing, actually broadcast such a video.