Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

Well as a Pole I’ll happily admit our policy towards refugees from the Middle East and other non-European countries has not been good and the approach from large part of society (not majority) has also been less than impressive. There has been significant government led anti-refugee agenda.

What happened at Belarusian border was however Putin’s and Lukashenka’s attempt to de-stabilize our country and EU. Very hard to manage for all sides.

This has absolutely nothing to do with the situation on hand though, and should not led to conclusions I’ve seen on the previous page. There’s a huge number of Polish people helping Ukrainians who had also been helping Syrian/Afghan refugees previously.

The refugee situation is complex, especially when it comes to the actions of Erdogan and Lukashenka. It was hardly considered that it would involve the numbers of refugees that we're seeing, especially with how they're moving within Europe, countries are simply not capable of handling those amounts of people.
Some of us suspected this might happen earlier in the thread. Putin has not fully considered the wider ramifications of this invasion and how it will remind everybody that Russia is still a danger to Europe. I'd expect a big increase in military spending for many countries in the next few years.

The scale and the swiftness with which this is now happening is what's surprising me, especially from this left-leaning german government. There'll be big increases in military spending and a lot more cooperation between european countries. This might actually become a huge opportunity for the EU and Europe in general to get closer together again and see what unites us. That's at least what I hope for.
From the bbc, I do agree with it however this is very similar to sending in troops.

Posted at 10:3210:32
UK foreign secretary - we will support Brits heading to fight
Chris Mason
Political Correspondent
Earlier, we heard Ukraine's President Zelensky urge fighters from overseas to join a newly-formed "foreign legion" (see 07:15 GMT and 07:59 posts)
And this morning, UK Foriegn Secretary Liz Truss said if British people chose individually to head to Ukraine to join the fight, she would support them "absolutely if that is what they want to do".
Previously the UK has prosecuted people who travelled to the Middle East to fight for or against IS.
The scale and the swiftness with which this is now happening is what's surprising me, especially from this left-leaning german government. There'll be big increases in military spending and a lot more cooperation between european countries. This might actually become a huge opportunity for the EU and Europe in general to get closer together again and see what unites us. That's at least what I hope for.
Nothing unites like a common enemy
Sounds like a political move following the backlash. If the UK can cut a few billion in response and divert to better causes then great.

No, these numbers aren't just backlash. It's a serious change imo. Additional 100 billion this year plus more than 2% GDP spending in the upcoming years is absolutely major. It's a great shift happening.
From the bbc, I do agree with it however this is very similar to sending in troops.

Posted at 10:3210:32
UK foreign secretary - we will support Brits heading to fight
Chris Mason
Political Correspondent
Earlier, we heard Ukraine's President Zelensky urge fighters from overseas to join a newly-formed "foreign legion" (see 07:15 GMT and 07:59 posts)
And this morning, UK Foriegn Secretary Liz Truss said if British people chose individually to head to Ukraine to join the fight, she would support them "absolutely if that is what they want to do".
Previously the UK has prosecuted people who travelled to the Middle East to fight for or against IS.

I can see quite a sizeable number of brit lads going over.
That's really sad, obviously just kids sent to the front line.

Also, I'm pretty sure it's against the Geneva convention to release any footage of prisoners of war to protect them?
It might be against the Geneva convention but i understand why they're doing it.
That is the worst possible news and outcome. Arm race doesn't lead into anything good.

It really isn't. Out military was heavily underfunded and absolutely useless. As the biggest economical nation in Europe, we're finally stepping up and take responsibility military wise. I find it absolutely necessary and it's a gigantic opportunity for whole Europe and especially the EU to stand together more than ever before and realise that we need to prepare for war to keep our peace and way of living. And that it's worth protecting it together.
Not sure how to post a link here, but there was a pro-Russian rally in Belgrade last night. One of the rare countries that supports the invasion.

Hopefully this doesn't spill over to Bosnia, but I'm pretty sure in the next few years situation will have to be sorted over here too.
It might be against the Geneva convention but i understand why they're doing it.

Yeah, absolutely. Ukraine have handled social media well. It also shows families back in Russia that their kids are safe and it seems obvious they will be decently looked after.
It really isn't. Out military was heavily underfunded and absolutely useless. As the biggest economical nation in Europe, we're finally stepping up and take responsibility military wise. I find it absolutely necessary and it's a gigantic opportunity for whole Europe and especially the EU to stand together more than ever before and realise that we need to prepare for war to keep our peace and way of living. And that it's worth protecting it together.
You can surely understand why a lot of Europe are cheering the prospect of a resurgence in German military power though.
Not sure how to post a link here, but there was a pro-Russian rally in Belgrade last night. One of the rare countries that supports the invasion.

Hopefully this doesn't spill over to Bosnia, but I'm pretty sure in the next few years situation will have to be sorted over here too.

Wait, Serbia are pro-Russia?
The Russians should be financially crippled for as long as it takes to force them to give up their nuclear weapons and facilities.

Russia should no longer have the status of a world power. No first world country should be able to take the actions Russia have without the ramifications being so excessively adverse that no other country will ever consider such action again.

We haven't seen an attack like this since the Second World War and we don't want to see it again. Nuclear threats should not be used to enable abuse of power.

The big change since World War Two is that world trade is absolutely essential to success and there are always alternative trading routes and options.

All should stand against Russia.
You can surely understand why a lot of Europe are cheering the prospect of a resurgence in German military power though.

yea, I get that. But I don't think there's any need for worrying - this Germany is the counter draft from the Germany that terrorized Europe. This Germany can help secure Europe, not destroy it. Our army will be solely defensive oriented, but with that additional money and change of ideology, this could actually lead to something big. More emancipation from the US and more cooperation on all levels with our european partners.
Not sure how to post a link here, but there was a pro-Russian rally in Belgrade last night. One of the rare countries that supports the invasion.

Hopefully this doesn't spill over to Bosnia, but I'm pretty sure in the next few years situation will have to be sorted over here too.
How are people in Bosnia feeling about all this? There might be some Serbian propaganda at some places and I’m not sure there is an official statement from the country so far.
I need to do more research, i never realised this. Any other Slavic or Baltic countries Pro putin/Russia.
Orban has shown some warm relationships in the past with Putin and was one of those leaders who was thought to oppose any heavy sanctions. So far he has played along though which is nice to see.
That's really sad, obviously just kids sent to the front line.

Also, I'm pretty sure it's against the Geneva convention to release any footage of prisoners of war to protect them?

You are correct I think.

Article 13

Prisoners of war must at all times be humanely treated. Any unlawful act or omission by the Detaining Power causing death or seriously endangering the health of a prisoner of war in its custody is prohibited, and will be regarded as a serious breach of the present Convention. In particular, no prisoner of war may be subjected to physical mutilation or to medical or scientific experiments of any kind which are not justified by the medical, dental or hospital treatment of the prisoner concerned and carried out in his interest.

Likewise, prisoners of war must at all times be protected, particularly against acts of violence or intimidation and against insults and public curiosity.

Measures of reprisal against prisoners of war are prohibited.
Why don't countries send their prisoners over? They could win their freedom. I know it's an absurd question, but I might as well hear the retorts.
Can't be sure, but ireckon you then end up with a lot a criminals who are now trained to kill returning home with battle fatigue and PTSD.
Or not, I dunno.
Wait, Serbia are pro-Russia?
Serbia and Bosnian Serbs who effectively control half of Bosnia are completely pro-Russian and have been forever.

All the major decisions they make are in consultations with Putin and protect his interests.

Serbia is arming up recently while RS (Republic of Srpska in Bosnia) has started making steps towards dissolving the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina in two states. Milorad Dodik, leader of Bosnian Serbs, while spewing shit about neutrality, is completely anti-NATO, while many politicians (most recently, Dušanka Majkić) have threatened with Russian involvement should Bosnia take further steps towards NATO pact.

The tensions have always been present but have gone couple notches up on scale after Bosniak and to some extent Croat leaders woved their preference to NATO.

Outgoing High Representative Valentin Inzko then passed a law which forbids Srebrenica genocide denial, which is proven through International courts, and that has really not gone well with Serbs, who are making their own version of law, in which they threaten to persecute people for "misuse of term genocide" which in practice means the denial of it.

Sorry for lecture on current situation in Bosnia, but I feel it's all quite interconnected and that sooner or later, situation in Bosnia will have to be resolved. Hopefully not in the same way as in Ukraine.
Nothing unites like a common enemy

It really does and I'm very pleased. Unfortunately such a horrible incident as an attack on a european country was necessary for our country to wake up again and understand that our wealth and prosperity is nothing naturally given. I also expect a huge shift in society on all levels.
Really hope for true renewal and honestly, this time, I can see the possibility.
While spending money on weapons because of a madman is a waste, I would think China would be quite pissed off about these developments.

The way things stood previously, only the US could realistically oppose China. But if Europe starts spending on defence, it gives China a bit more food for thought.

This is on top of the disruption to the world economy and I can see China running out of patience quickly with Putler.

I'm not entirely sure I understand the concept here, realistically oppose China. I doubt they care all that much about military power, the world economy and general trade is a much greater concern. A large scale war isn't in the interest of anyone as the fallout would be a disaster for pretty much everyone, what purpose would it serve? Chinas main concern here is always going to be the consequences on world trade and the amount of money and goods they could potentially lose out on.

If Russia suddenly poses a global threat, China won't increase the odds of a major conflict but they'll do what they can to limit it.
I need to do more research, i never realised this. Any other Slavic or Baltic countries Pro putin/Russia.
There is a big difference in being pro-Russia before and now.
Slovenia had a good relationship with Russia but as soon as the war started our premier gave out a lot of anti Russia messages while we send some weapons to Ukraine and closed our air space for Russian planes.
On the other hand Croatia was always more close to USA than to Russia while Serbia was always extremely pro Russia but I'm sure that will change.
It's all very strange.

Obviously not to play down the ferocity of the fighting that has taken place so far, but it feels like Russia are kind of half-in / half-out in their commitment to this.