Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

I dont know if you are referring to my post, but Harsha Walia is a Canadian immigration/refugee activist, hardly a russian Troll.

You are right, she's probably not on 50 kopeks per post paid by putin. Still, doesn't change the fact that she spreads harmful BS.
Even if you don't know the full context of lukashenko and putin attempts to destabilize PL/EU using poor misinformed people on the border, you clearly have to acknowledge that posting shit like this serves noone.
Yeah the border thing at Poland is definitely happening. Non-Europeans are being treated differently. I dont know why its being dismissed as Russian propaganda in this thread?

Here's the Nigerian Embassy tweeting about it.
Yeah the border thing at Poland is definitely happening. Non-Europeans are being treated differently. I dont know why its being dismissed as Russian propaganda in this thread?

Here's the Nigerian Embassy tweeting about it.

I'm not saying it is not happening but nothing in that tweet is indicating it is. It just say that they have people from the embassy at the border.
Interesting the people screaming white Europe is racist and what about this etc, aren't talking about the actual issue in Ukraine and how an orphanage was bombed by Russia, how families are separated because of Russia. Just screams sjw agendas.

Everything they're saying isn't wrong, but Yemen for example is a whole different thread and not for here.
Yeah the border thing at Poland is definitely happening. Non-Europeans are being treated differently. I dont know why its being dismissed as Russian propaganda in this thread?

Here's the Nigerian Embassy tweeting about it.

That tweet doesn't mention anything about people being treated differently at the border.
Yeah the border thing at Poland is definitely happening. Non-Europeans are being treated differently. I dont know why its being dismissed as Russian propaganda in this thread?

Here's the Nigerian Embassy tweeting about it.

did you link the wrong tweet?
Who is she? I see a lot of controversial tweets coming from her and not sure about her agenda..
BBC. God forbid she reports on a serious issue that is actually affecting people right now.

Stop killing my war memes buzz man. Fecking children.
Imagine Scholz doing those speeches ( from the Nerherlands or Belgium ) half of the Germans would fall asleep the other half would surrender immediately

That really is the most likely outcome - decades of brainwashing and prosperity have left us completely toothless. We're so pampered, we wouldn't even fight for the fortune, historically speaking, we got. Unfortunately, in this german republic, there won't be any change possible in that regard.
That tweet doesn't mention anything about people being treated differently at the border.

This was tweeted by the embassy after loads were complaining about having problems at the Poland border. Go through the replies.
I think anyone with a child or over a certain age should be allowed through first at any border during conflict.
Yeah the border thing at Poland is definitely happening. Non-Europeans are being treated differently. I dont know why its being dismissed as Russian propaganda in this thread?

Here's the Nigerian Embassy tweeting about it.

With the increasing number of Ukrainian people trying to flee the war, they themselves are becoming a potential target.
Therefore, there is an increased need for a Humanitarian No Fly zone in the west of the country.
I can see no real reason why the UN cannot set this up.
This no fly zone should be policed by the UN and not NATO therefore reducing the risk of a NATO v Russian air force clash.
However, if I understand it, Russia would be able to veto this?
This was tweeted by the embassy after loads were complaining about having problems at the Poland border. Go through the replies.

I'm not saying this isn't happening but you claimed the Nigerian embassy tweeted about it and posted a tweet which made no mention of it.

That just serves to undermine your point.
Look, if the girl is already at the border to Poland, she's safe and that is the most important thing.
With the increasing number of Ukrainian people trying to flee the war, they themselves are becoming a potential target.
Therefore, there is an increased need for a Humanitarian No Fly zone in the west of the country.
I can see no real reason why the UN cannot set this up.
This no fly zone should be policed by the UN and not NATO therefore reducing the risk of a NATO v Russian air force clash.
However, if I understand it, Russia would be able to veto this?
A certain country with veto powers would certainly oppose this
Cheers for linking Wikipedia for both the city and the region. That's very kind of you.

She's doing what russian trolls do and there is A LOT of them working 24.7 spreading exactly this sort of propaganda. E.g. Polish internet is flooded with Volhynia Massacre references aimed at dividing the Poles re. Ukrainians.

Hmm have you seen what Poland has voted for? Or Hungary? Both governments have been 100% anti-immigration and anti-refugees. It's not a secret or Russian propaganda.

Just because Russia is invading and almost everyone (rightly imo) is against said invasion, let's not just brand anyone who is critical of governments around the world or who expose hypocrisy as Russian trolls.
More like reality. It tells you about human nature. People tend to sympathise more with the same race, sect or ethnicity. The crimes Russia is doing now in Ukraine, is not that different from the crimes in Yemen, children are being bombed and are starving to death. But yes its just whataboutism.

It's more than that. It's the pontifications by the countries who have also illegally invaded other countries and bombed them to stone age is what's riling up some people.
Even now the Americans are occupying parts of Syria and selling Syrian oil.
Russian invasion of Ukraine must be condemned in the strongest terms and they should face punishment for that. So should the Americans, The British and others who invaded Iraq, and Syria and bombed the hell out of Libya.
More like reality. It tells you about human nature. People tend to sympathise more with the same race, sect or ethnicity. The crimes Russia is doing now in Ukraine, is not that different from the crimes in Yemen, children are being bombed and are starving to death. But yes its just whataboutism.
Sad reality.
A certain country with veto powers would certainly oppose this

That is what I thought.
But I was wondering whether the UN could still go ahead on the basis of a Humanitarian Crisis as opposed to any armed conflict or anything that would directly affect Russia, which this would surely not.
Good speech from Scholz, actually. Not his style, but what he's saying: Germany is completely changing its course in terms of and is more than doubling its spending for the army this year - an additional 100 billion €. We will invest more than 2% of our GDP every year now!

This is good.
Scholz just announced 100 billion € extra for the Bundeswehr.

Source is a live stream of his speech.
Good speech from Scholz, actually. Not his style, but what he's saying: Germany is completely changing its course in terms of and is DOUBLING its spending for the army. We will invest more than 2% of our GDP every year now!

This is good.
More than 2%? That's interesting.
That really is the most likely outcome - decades of brainwashing and prosperity have left us completely toothless. We're so pampered, we wouldn't even fight for the fortune, historically speaking, we got. Unfortunately, in this german republic, there won't be any change possible in that regard.

You guys are tired and need 4 working days.
Hmm have you seen what Poland has voted for? Or Hungary? Both governments have been 100% anti-immigration and anti-refugees. It's not a secret or Russian propaganda.

Just because Russia is invading and almost everyone (rightly imo) is against said invasion, let's not just brand anyone who is critical of governments around the world or who expose hypocrisy as Russian trolls.

As much as I hate the PL government, this is not true. Not a topic to discuss it at length, though. I'd suggest you look into migration data.
What are good journalists to follow on the ground? Sources on both sides too. Don't believe anything official state organisations are saying on both sides.

Big part of war is misinformation and propaganda, it's actaully difficult to really know what is going on.
Excellent from Germany. You need enough strength to be able to defend yourself from madmen
Good speech from Scholz, actually. Not his style, but what he's saying: Germany is completely changing its course in terms of and is more than doubling its spending for the army this year - an additional 100 billion €. We will invest more than 2% of our GDP every year now!

This is good.

It’s a bad thing really. Germany had previously banked on the stability of Europe and the strength and unity of NATO as a reason to not spend on its military. This move hints at at real geopolitical paradigm shift and a period of existential crisis in the coming years for Europe and the world. We move into a more uncertain future.