Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

Breached Kharkiv, not good. However it was expected. From now on it is partisan war. Some Russian citizens are already stuck abroad, their bank cards are blocked. The reat shit will hit the fan tomorrow. Let's see if the cnut can survive the sanctions.
Interesting story mate.

Trump was very outspoken against NATO wasn't he. Ok. Part of this was to do with the failure of a number of countries to commit to spending the 2% target. Germany in the main.
But in his America first narrative, he was demonstrating his dislike of NATO.
U can say what u want but noone can deny that Trump administration was very good at keeping world at peace not starting any war conflict, easing the ones in process and not a single major war broke out in that time.
Maybe if USA would have president who is still breathing this could be resolved before it started.

Are you deluded??

like seriously??

Putin had Trump in his pocket which itself is an utter embarrassment….a US President in the Kremlins pocket, disgraceful, peace selling out to a violent dictatorship.

And look what peace law and order Trumps organisation brought to Americans…’s utter carnage in America right now, they as a country haven’t been this divided for a long long time

Very peaceful and poetic sure
U can say what u want but noone can deny that Trump administration was very good at keeping world at peace not starting any war conflict, easing the ones in process and not a single major war broke out in that time.
Maybe if USA would have president who is still breathing this could be resolved before it started.
Congratulations, you have officially said the dumbest thing i've read in this thread so far.
It would be expected since Switzerland is historical neutral in any conflict and doing anything would went against their beliefs of neutrality.

You mean their beliefs of letting the worlds' evil do whatever they want as long as they get their cut. This is the country that happily financed the Nazis.
Let's keep Trump and others out of this thread. This is the Russian invasion of Ukraine thread.
U can say what u want but noone can deny that Trump administration was very good at keeping world at peace not starting any war conflict, easing the ones in process and not a single major war broke out in that time.
Maybe if USA would have president who is still breathing this could be resolved before it started.
:lol: you are really fcking stupid arent you.
Stop posting this nonsense please.

Is it nonsense? Fogs of war? The go feck yourself Russian ship sailors could be alive the Ukrainians say now.
What do we know about the latest military situation?
@::sonny:: I know you mean well but it seems like every CE thread, about 5% of the posts are you posting tweets that were already posted 17 pages ago
U can say what u want but noone can deny that Trump administration was very good at keeping world at peace not starting any war conflict, easing the ones in process and not a single major war broke out in that time.
Maybe if USA would have president who is still breathing this could be resolved before it started.

I concur with all the other replies you have thus far received.

Having lived in the States I have seen first hand how deluded American politics can be. The main issue seems to be totally subjective media. At best its simply warped like Fox & RT. At worst its downright dangerous like Alex Jones & Info wars.

When politics is put on such a pedestal yet the window to that statue is so blinded by extremism, then no wonder poorly educated comments/viewpoints from people like 'u' dominate the American landscape.

As for Trump, he could not start a fart without sounding like a moron, let alone an international war. You need credibility to get UN backing to start a war, Trump had none, just like Putin.
So whats the aim with the sanctions? To poverize Russians citizens so they will turn against Putin?

I am increasingly of them opinion that the best “soft power” way to win this war is to try to penetrate the fog of Russian censorship and propaganda, and show the Russian people (and troops) the truth.

The civilians have no idea what is going on, and even the front like troops thought they were going on training exercises when marching into Ukraine. Russia has become just like North Korea. We need to find ways of illuminating them to the truth of the matter. Hell, airdrop newspapers and printouts of tweets and condemnations over Russian positions in Ukraine. Get on Tinder and set your location to Moscow and flood it with photos of what’s happening.

This is Putins war and nobody else’s. The only reason for any semblance of support for it is because of the lies and propaganda being fed, to cover up the truth. We live in the Information Age with incredible ability to share news and communicate across borders - now we need to leverage that to show the Russian people what is being done in their name.

Cash machine go brrr brrrr*

*until it doesn’t.